Be your own boss of a 7-Eleven store with ZERO franchise fees to get you started

We get it; life is hard.

Upon graduating, you spend the bulk of your time at work, have meals with entertainments in between, sleep, and the routine basically repeats itself. Sounds like your typical 9 to 5 routine you are in now? What about venturing to start your own business through partnering with a reputable international brand? If it’s the latter, we might just have a solution for you.

Before embarking on a new business, there are many things to consider, including your initial capital, products, and staffing. What if we tell you that 7-Eleven is presenting us with a superb opportunity to begin a business with minimal funds? By that, we mean lessening your load with a franchise fee waiver of at least $30,000. Thus, all you need is $20,000 to be your own boss of a 7-Eleven franchise store.

Sounds like something you can do? Read on.

Franchisepreneur Management Trainee Programme (FMTP)

Through the Franchisepreneur Management Trainee Programme (FMTP), as long as you have a tertiary education and less than six years of combined working experience, you will qualify to apply through the FMTP.

The FMTP route promises a waiver of the franchise fee, and you just have to fork out $20,000 (usually $40,000 under standard franchise scheme) as your capital to get started. This amount is also refundable at the end of your contract. You will also be taking over a ready store, fully renovated and stocked with past Sales Track Record to further lower your business risk. Very reasonable, right?

On top of that, you don’t even have to worry about having minimal experience managing a store. That’s because you will be employed by 7-Eleven for up to 6 months while training to become a top-notch franchisee. The contract term will be for 2 years and can be renewed for another 2 years.

Okay, so what if you don’t happen to meet the FMTP criteria of educational qualifications and working experience? Not to worry, as you can still apply to be a franchisee under the standard franchise scheme.

A comparison table for your consideration

Scheme 7-Eleven Franchisepreneur Management Trainee Programme (FMTP) 7-Eleven Standard Franchise Scheme Starting your own business elsewhere
Eligibility 21 Years, Tertiary Education with less than 6 years of working experience Open to all above 25 years of age N.A.
Initial Setup Cost: Renovation, Stocks, Equipment $0 $0 $200,000
Franchise Fee $0 From $30,000 $0
Initial Deposit – Cashflow (Refundable) $20,000 $40,000 $100,000
Franchise Contract 2 Years 5 Years N.A.

Reach out and apply now!

With all that said, please refer to or download the PDF brochure for more details.

Need to connect with someone from the team? Email them at [email protected]. Once you’ve understood the full terms and conditions and ready to sack your boss, download the franchise application form and be well on your way to establish your own business!

Here’s wishing you all the best with the process.


These are the local firms adopting flexible time-off policies

a woman on a staycation

More so recently, you must have heard of overseas firms adopting flexible work weeks and unlimited annual leave. It seems like the trend is moving over to Singapore, with some firms implementing these time-off policies.

Want to know the names? Stay on this page.

#1: Mambu

Mambu is a Berlin-based startup with offices across the globe, including Singapore.

The fintech firm has a summer four-day workweek policy in place for all of its offices worldwide. Specifically, from June to August, its employees in Singapore get to enjoy an additional day off a week.

To senior application consultant Heemank Verma who works in Mambu’s Singapore office, this is something exciting. He mentioned that employees are always looking forward to the three months early on at the start of the year.

“Our company does not (condone) micromanagement, people take ownership of their work. I feel like that is a fundamental basis of the four-day work week,” he added.

To that, Mambu’s APAC managing director Myles Bertrand noted that the company focuses on productivity, output and results instead of the quantity of time spent working. With policies like that in place, people are likely to be more motivated when reporting for work.

#2: Deloitte

Deloitte is a professional services firm that has jumped on Netflix’s famous “no vacation policy”.

Instead of keeping track of the number of leave days an employee has, individuals have the freedom to decide for themselves. To be exact, different leave types like compassionate leave, marriage leave, and public holidays in-lieu are combined into a flexi-leave arrangement.

According to Melvin Wong, senior account manager at Deloitte Singapore, he meets with his supervisors to plan the calendar of events at the start of each financial year. This, in turn, allows him to plan his annual leave around major client activities.

In addition to the flexi-leave arrangement, Deloitte has also introduced a flexi-work scheme as part of its work-life integration programme. Employees will have the privilege to choose to work from home or alter office hours if they have to attend to other personal commitments.

#3: Facebook

Last on our list, we have a familiar name – Facebook.

Apart from the 20 days of annual leave employees have, Facebook also awards two Choice Days. Choice Days are times where individuals can take days off to volunteer, celebrate a special event, or simply do something they enjoy.

In the past year, the multinational conglomerate also came up with special leave days to support its workers amid the ongoing pandemic. This year, its Singapore office will give its employees three additional company-wide days off, all in the name of rest and recharge.

Final thoughts
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Jealous? Don’t be. Ms Deanna Lim, a representative from recruitment agency Robert Walters Singapore, said that more companies are expected to welcome such flexible leave policies.

“This allows them to stay competitive within their industry. Increasingly, we also see more firms adopting different initiatives and revising their existing employee benefits so they can support the formation of family units,” she added.


Basic tips for writing the best sales emails that are enticing enough to click

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There are several methods for marketing a product or service, and emails are one option.

But stick around for long enough, and you will realise that the statistics aren’t that pretty all the time. Some marketers make the mistake of focusing on what the company wants to convey rather than what customers are interested in reading. As such, there’s a low clicking-through and reading rate.

If that is you, it is not too late. Read on for some basic tips on writing the best sales emails that are enticing enough to click.

#1: Spend some time crafting the subject line

No, we’re not talking about clickbait email subjects as that might backfire. You don’t want to be losing email subscribers because your subject lines do not match the content shown.

But what you want to do is to spend some time crafting an email title that is catchy enough to allow a reader to click in. It doesn’t have to be flashy or gimmicky. It just has to be straightforward and corresponds with the disseminated information.

For example, if you want your customers to ask questions and let them know the company is ready to listen, a subject line that writes “Any questions?” can be good enough.

#2: Get to the point and cut the fluff

Folks nowadays are exposed to tremendous amounts of online content, and everything on the internet is fast-paced.

To capture your readers’ attention, get to the point and cut the fluff. Now that your subject line has led a reader to click through, deliver what was marketed via the title. Structure your content neatly, so it’s easy to scan and pick out the relevant information. Remember also to include links to the respective web pages to avoid your email ending up too lengthy.

#3: Treat your customers like friends

While a creatively written email can demonstrate your artistic skills as an employee, it should not be too profound and offputting for your clients.

An excellent way to avoid sales jargon or snazzy catchphrases is to treat your customers as fellow friends or colleagues. Reread your email and ask if it’s phrased the way you would speak to someone you know. If it sounds odd, you know it’s time to tweak.

Two-way communication is key
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Ultimately, you can follow the above tips but still fail to achieve the conversion rate your company seeks. Then, maybe a final step would be to ensure that there is two-way communication in place.

While your primary goal may be to release new products or service information, make sure that your customers have an outlet where they can provide feedback or ask questions. At the end of every sales email sent, include an easy way for recipients to call, text, or write back.

Boring sales pitches can only go so far. If you want to get the word out, offer value.


5 Valuable Tips To Help You Succeed As A Freelancer

Due to the effects of the recent pandemic, companies began to hire more contract workers over full-time employees. The “freelance economy” became a viable option for many Singaporeans. However, with many freelancers in the market, it is harder to stand out.

Much of the freelancer’s income depends on his or her reputation and capability to fulfill the customer’s request. Here are some valuable tips to get an online job if you want to stay in the game for a long time.


Knowing yourself means recognizing different parts of your personality such as your strengths and weaknesses. The goal is not to criticize yourself, but to acknowledge where you need to improve and where you can excel. Be honest about your capacity to commit time, your home situation, and your attitude towards deadlines.

Some people look for a 9-to-5 job while others need more freedom. Some people prefer working with a team while others prefer working on their own. Find out who you really are to know who to work with.


Freelancers are project-based workers. This means that they can work anytime, as long as they finish their tasks. The downside is, they do not earn money when they do not have projects. The influx of projects is influenced by the season. For instance, you can feel an abundance of work during special events or holidays.

It is essential that you save money to cover the periods when you do not have a pipeline of projects coming your way. This way, you will be able to cover your bills and other expenses.


Entering the freelancing world is not easy. The competition is high! Making a name for yourself can be challenging. Thus, you must use social media or other websites to market yourself.

The key to success is being active in these platforms and having an attractive profile where your information as a freelancer can be retrieved. Samples, testimonies, and feedbacks from your past clients will make a big difference.


There are three main channels where you can get clients. These channels are inbound, outbound, and referrals. Inbound refers to using methods such as content marketing or search engine optimization (SEO) to attract potential clients. Outbound refers to reaching out to potential clients by sending emails, responding to job advertisements, and so on. Lastly, referrals refer to having clients recommend you by word-of-mouth.

Many freelancers focus on networking with prospective clients only. However, you can establish referral partnerships with businesses, entrepreneurs, and other freelancers. Having a wide referral network will help you gain more access to different clients.


Spend some time researching the market to discover online portfolios and to see what others are doing. Find out the supplementary skills that they have to improve yourself and your career (e.g., photography, video editing, or podcast creation).

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Grasp a bigger picture of what your competitors are doing and how much they are charging. This is vital in evaluating how much your service is worth. Set a reasonable price list afterwards.


Do these things after you’ve sacked your boss

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So you’ve finally dropped the resignation letter in your boss’ face after months of contemplating? We’re glad for you.

Now that you’re exiting hell, it’s time to slack your way through that one-month notice, not. Yes, you’ve read that right. Rather than wasting your time reporting for the last month at work doing nothing, there are tasks you need to tick off your checklist before you bid goodbye.

Here are the things to do after you’ve sacked your boss.

#1: Schedule meet-ups with colleagues

When a person chooses to leave the workplace, brains and mouths will start speculating the reasons why. Rather than allowing gossips to prosper, take this opportunity to schedule meet-ups with colleagues and explain your stance for leaving.

Other than your department colleagues you’ve worked with, you may also request to meet with other team members who’ve crossed paths and offered help. While you don’t need to speak to everyone, choose those that you would be glad to remain in contact with.

#2: Do a proper handover

If you’ve had gone through picking up a pile of mess from someone who has left the company before, be sure not to do the same when you leave.

What you can do is to draw up an instructional handover document detailing the ongoing projects under your watch. This will aid your manager and successor to pick up from where you’ve left and enable as few disruptions as possible from your exit. At the same time, you get to demonstrate your professionalism.

#3: Request for recommendations
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Rather than waiting months after you’ve left to seek a recommendation, request for one before you leave for good. It’s an apt time because your supervisors and colleagues still remember the excellent work you’ve put in during your time in the company.

It would be advisable that you approach them directly to ask for a recommendation. Sending an email might work too, but it’s not that personable. Don’t be afraid to have them comment on the specific skills you would like to be endorsed for.

#4: Back up your accomplishments

Certain documents won’t be accessible upon your exit from the company. Hence, don’t forget to do the necessary screenshots or capture evidence of your accomplishments. This is especially so for those who’ve been with the company for years and cannot readily recall the works you’ve executed when you’ve held various positions.

Depending on your contributions to the company, it may take more than a day or two to back up the important stuff. The last thing you want to do is leave it to the last day to do so and realise there’s not enough time.

#5: Mass send or customise farewell emails
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So we suppose who’ve done the things listed above and ready to leave the company on a positive note. On your last day, it’s good to send a mass email to everyone who’ve journeyed with you through the months and years.

Should you have the time to do so, customise farewell emails to show your sincerity towards the people you want to keep in your work and social connections. Say your thank-yous, share a big picture of your next venture, and let them know how to stay connected with you.

Here’s us wishing you all the best in your next endeavour!