Tips to mind your body language for that upcoming interview

a job interview session

Most of us would probably agree that first impressions matter. What we may not know is that the opinion we get from someone we’ve just met is often thanks to the concept of body language.

Muse’s career coach Eloise Eonnet shares that humans read each other’s body language and vocal delivery to make fast conclusions about whether we like, trust, or respect a person. Similarly, these snap judgments significantly affect the hiring decision of an interviewer.

Thus, while what you’ve prepared verbally plays an important part, what you do not say but reveal is equally weighty. In fact, studies have shown that facial behaviours like smiles and eye contact are considerable factors for employers.

“Facial expressions can be the most misunderstood nonverbal cue. Our faces tell more of the story than any words we use. Being mindful of how you express emotion when speaking (or when not) is important when interviewing,” says Monique Sample, a Virginia Commonwealth University Career Services representative.

With so much at stake, here are some tips to mind your body language for that upcoming interview.

#1: Enter strong

If you believe you’re being watched the moment you step into the company building, be sure to enter strong. Your communication with the secretary, receptionist, or HR assistant is as crucial as meeting with the hiring manager.

Be polite, confident, and maintain eye contact as you speak or introduce yourself. Nod or smile at your potential future colleagues should you meet them by the hallway to your waiting or interview room.

#2: Watch your wandering eyes

How would you feel if you’re conversing with someone, but the other party’s eyes are just wandering all over the place? Would you want to continue the conversation? Or would you attempt to end the conversation quickly?

As Eonnet rightly points out, your listener will only feel genuinely engaged with you if you are looking at them. Even if they do not respond verbally to your output, an internal response is sufficient to feel a connection.

#3: Pay attention to your arms & posture

Peeps who tend to slouch can try resting their arms on the table or desk. This will also prevent excessive gesturing, which can be a distraction. It also allows your body to lean a little forward, showing that you’re listening attentively to the hiring manager as they speak.

While paying attention to too many hand motions is essential, don’t let that bother you too much. You don’t want to appear too stiff in front of your interviewers, or worse still, develop fidgeting in other areas because your natural hand movements are forcefully curbed.

Final thoughts
a woman recording herself

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The wise old saying still stands – practice makes perfect. But to practise, you will need to find out how you behave in a mock interview.

Record yourself as you speak to an imaginary person or ask a close friend to observe you as you answer some sample interview questions. Get sufficient rest before your interview day, and don’t bash yourself up even if you didn’t get to show all that you’ve prepared.

Do your best and let fate handle the rest! Good luck.


Use the SQ3R method to read more effectively

a person reading a book

Have you heard of the SQ3R method? It’s an acronym for this five-step process: survey, question, read, recite, and review.

There are many learning methods out there, and you’ve probably heard of a few during your school days. But live long enough, and you will realise learning doesn’t stop even as we graduate.

In fact, there are multiple situations at work where we have to speed read documents and reports to draw up presentations. For folks who often have to research and comprehend, the SQ3R method will come in handy to help you read more effectively.

#1: Survey

The SQ3R method was first mentioned more than 70 years ago in a book by education psychologist Francis P. Robinson. If you want to study any written content the intelligent way, start by surveying the text.

In short, do a quick scan before you jump right into chapter one. Whether it’s a physical book or an e-publication, check out the table of contents to get an idea of the outlines, chapters, and layouts. Then run through the pages to note any imagery or words emphasised in bold and italics.

#2: Question

Once the foundation is laid, it’s time to ask yourself some questions. It would be wise if you have your goal written down somewhere visible. In other words, the reason behind you reading a particular research paper.

When you have your purpose all set, return to the contents table and take a good look at the chapter titles. Grab a pen or pencil and turn those titles into questions. Examine your knowledge of the stated topics by jotting down what you already know.

This step will allow you to understand the author’s intent. When you have a good idea of what the book wants to convey, you can choose the sections you need to read to gain relevant information for your tasks ahead.

#3: Read
A woman taking notes on a book

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Now’s the time to get started. A standard method for many is to take a highlighter and ink the important parts as they go. But a more ingenious plan is to read actively by penning down additional questions by the margin. Then, diligently find those answers to your questions.

When you keep up with active reading, your brain goes through a systematic cycle of processing information. This will help your mind to segregate the chunks of content into Q&As. You will then find it easier to recall information at a later stage.

#4: Recite

Let your voice be heard at this phase, even if you’re alone. The idea here is to return to step two’s questions and try your best to answer them. Instead of regurgitating from the text, use your own words to explain.

Another way to check your understanding is to try explaining it to someone or an imaginary person. For those who find it awkward to talk to themselves and have the time to spare, you can attempt to write a summary of what you’ve read instead.

#5: Review

We’ve finally arrived at the last step of the SQ3R method. It is recommended that you revise a day after you’re done completing the first four steps. Give your brain some time to let the information sink in before you review it.

You may also think of this step as a memory challenge. Unless you’re a genius, no average person can retain information forever by just reading any content once. Keep referring back to the Q&As you’ve built in step 3 or the summary you’ve written in step 4.

Final thoughts

Beginnings are always tricky. But with consistent practice, you will quickly master the SQ3R method and be well on your way to read more effectively in the future! Time is precious, so be sure to optimise it whenever you can.


Effective ways to overcome retrenchment in Singapore

Retrenchment is a process where companies let their employees go because of redundancy or the company’s inability to keep their staff because of financial challenges. Retrenchment happens every day in the modern world, and it has increased its rates recently due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Retrenchment does not only happen to people around you; it might happen to you too. It would be great to sit down and think about what would happen to your loved ones if you lost your job or source of income. Retrenchment is different from being fired from your job; it occurs due to factors beyond our control. Such factors include job functions like moving overseas, the decision by the management, economic climate, among others.

The Singapore Counselling Centre says it has a 40% increase in people seeking counselling due to retrenchment. Most clients have mixed emotions after losing a job mainly because they have lost;

  • A daily routine and lifestyle
  • A social connection with their workmates
  • A sense of identity and purpose
  • Financial security

Most of these clients lose hope and see that life has no meaning after these events occur, but our team of experts makes sure they brush off any evil thoughts away from them. So, you will know how to deal with all these negative issues if you face retrenchment in Singapore.

How to deal with retrenchment

1. Keep looking for a job.

It would help to look for a job if you still want to put your past days behind you. Avoid the thought that you might end up losing that job, too, like most people. It would be best to remain positive and know that it is not your capabilities that got you retrenched but the market demands.

2. Work on your brand

You might feel like your skills and knowledge are not relevant after retrenchment, but you should avoid those thoughts. Instead, it would be great to trust your talent and check to see if it is still helpful in the market.

Suppose you see any gaps and have financial freedom, then you can take up a course to get more enlightened. This enables you to meet the market demands and go all out when looking for a new employer.

3. Have strong networks

Retrenchment knocks your confidence significantly, and it is at such a time when it gets essential to keep open-minded people close to motivate you. It would also be great to keep your networks at heart, including people with job opportunities or well-connected people. So please keep inquiring from your friends about new job openings and look out for jobs yourself


Retrenchment is the last thing you would want to happen to you; it is a process whereby a corporation or administration decides to cut off its employees to avoid financial strains. However, with the proper guidance, you will go back to your everyday life.

The above article is armed with tips to help you see through this challenging period and bounce back to the working world like you never left. Such include having strong networks, rebranding yourself, among others.



The Benefits Of Choosing A Diploma In Hospitality Management Course

If you think what degree will be beneficial in the future, a diploma in hospitality management course is the way to go. It is so broad that you will not only learn about the hotel setting but also about travel and tourism. Once this program is completed, you will have a chance to take it to the next level by taking your Master’s degree in the said field.

Career flexibility

You may choose to work in different establishments like beaches or swimming pools, airlines, and cafes. You may explore a lot of fields if you have a diploma in hospitality management course. Also, when it comes to going abroad after graduation, you don’t have to become so picky about which country to go to because the demand for this industry is high everywhere. The world would not run without hospitality-related establishments, so rest assured that many companies would run after you.

Unexpected career switch

Anyone can go through a confusing stage at some point in life. You are not an exemption; especially, you are only yet to take the next journey in your life. Now, you may want a career in the Engineering field, not that the industry is not good, but what if, years later, you wake up wanting a change of pace?

In the hospitality course, that will never be a problem for you for obvious reasons. Once you take this course, you will learn mainly about leadership or managerial skills. Isn’t it that all businesses need a manager?

On the other hand, you will also go through marketing strategies in this profession. A business will never make it to the limelight if not because of those who came up with practical marketing approaches. You will never waste your years of study to decide to aim for the diploma in hospitality management course.

The cost of the study is justifiable

It is estimated to cost roughly $29,350 yearly if you choose to have a diploma in hospitality. It is still not much compared to other expensive courses. You get the best of both worlds in schools like this. Aside from you not having to worry too much about the cost throughout the years you will spend studying, you are at peace knowing that the money you will devote for this will not be wasted as many companies in the future await you. Even if money is not a problem for you, it is still comforting to know that the cost is justifiable.

Wrapping up

There is no point second-guessing if choosing this diploma is worth the effort and the penny. There are various aspects that the course covers, so aside from having a bright future here, your growth as a person is inevitable here. You can also learn skills here which you can use in real-life situations. You see, you will not only be molded in the professional aspect of life but also in your personal life. It is a win-win situation, so give it a go.


Reasons to study for a hospitality management degree

Hospitality and tourism have the largest share of jobs among all industries. Getting a degree in these sectors gives you enormous career prospects and the possibility to visit new places. While you may be still undecided which diploma course to follow, here are 5 reasons to choose hospitality management.

1. Diverse career choice

The hospitality sector is divided into many branches. From hotel management, to running an overseas exotic resort, to organizing luxury events, to planning memorable weddings, it’s your choice in which direction to thrive. Just find what you like and choose the specialization in which you have the most chances to shine. If you are fond of design, you can focus on planning marriage proposals and wedding parties. However, if you are full of energy and love socializing, you can opt for a career in hosting events. No matter which specialization you choose, be sure that searching for a job will not be a problem.

2. Travel

A hospitality job is often related to travelling. Of course, if you become homesick fast, this career is not for you. However, if you are hungry to visit new places and start a new life overseas, a hospitality degree may be your best choice. Top universities offer internship programs in other countries for students who crave travelling around the world and develop their hospitality skills in posh hotels and luxury beach resorts.

3. Huge network

Hospitality management features the highest number of jobs among all industries, and new jobs continue to be created at a fast pace despite the hard times for tourism today. By following a hospitality course, you are going to join a huge network of alumni that are ready to share their rich experience via events organized on the university platform. You get the chance to contact alumni around the world, listen to their success stories and get inspired. In addition, you are going to interact with lots of students who have also chosen to follow a hospitality management degree, exchanging ideas and supporting each other.

4. Develop valuable skills

The course provides students with a variety of skills, including leadership traits, management and soft skills. Leadership and management abilities are paramount for a successful manager career. Whether you manage a small fashion boutique or a luxury hotel, you have to know how to manage human, financial and technology resources efficiently. Besides operational competences, though, managers also have to possess soft skills, which allow them to interact with customers, satisfy their needs, and motivate workers to perform at their best. A hospitality management course aims at building professionals with a perfect balance of hard skills and soft skills.

5. Highly paid

Hospitality manager is one of the highest paid jobs, along with other tourism-related positions. The high salaries are explained by the big revenues in the tourism industry and the strong demand for hospitality staff. So if you want a job that will bring a generous amount of money to your bank account every month, a hospitality career may be exactly what you look for.