Work Efficiency Tips for People with ADHD

People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can experience different challenges at work. These challenges include struggling to finish tasks, difficulty in prioritizing assignments, and feelings of boredom.

Pinpointing effective strategies to help you cope with these challenges can greatly impact your work success and overall happiness.


Use a timer to adjust the schedule of each work task. Be realistic about the time you need to accomplish something. Plan for urgent tasks and prioritize as some things take longer than you think. For some people, thirty minutes of work followed by a 10-minute break is beneficial. For others, a shorter work or break period may work better.


Prepare your workstation to stimulate concentration. A conducive working station looks different for everyone. Personally, I prefer working in a quiet area with a comfortable and a table. Do you prefer to work with the blinds half open or closed? Do you prefer to be sitting on a pillow or a hard bench? Prepare your environment for focus.


Do the interesting tasks first. Once you get the fun stuff done and have your dopamine high, your body would want more things to be accomplished. This will lead you to finishing the rest of the uninteresting tasks.


Give yourself a transition time between tasks. For mentally challenging projects, you can set a 10-minute break to take a walk or to sip a cup of joe. Use this time to psych yourself up for the next task on your to-do list.


Multitasking hurts productivity and causes people to lose time switching between tasks. This statement pertains to employees with or without ADHD. Staying focused on a task is necessary to get it done. If you frequently multitask, you will have a tougher time completing the necessary tasks. Do things one at a time.


Adults with ADHD tend to have difficulty with long, multi-step tasks. For complicated tasks, you can split it into manageable chunks. Break the large tasks into smaller steps that are not as intimidating. This will help you keep up your momentum as you focus on the next doable step.


While you are at work, try to limit the distractions. Request a private space in the office and shut the door to block out distractions. If this is not possible, you can politely ask for your spot to be placed away from the main work area. Of course, these options are not always available.


A supportive co-worker or an understanding manager can help you stay on task and be your source of support. Some people have found it helpful to share information about ADHD to their employers. Sharing your condition and seeking help can make work more successful.

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Boosting your focus at work often involves a bit of experimenting. Keep track of which strategies you are using and monitor your progress. Should things get increasingly difficult you can seek the help of a mental health professional to manage your symptoms.

Sources: 1 & 2



Why you should care less about how others think of you

a lady having anxiety attack

So you’re worried about what other people think of you?

We get it – it’s tough to put yourself out there and risk being judged. But the thing is, if you care too much about what others think, you will never take the necessary steps forward to achieve your goals. You will be too busy worrying about what everyone else is saying instead of focusing on what you want to achieve.

That is why in this post, we are going to talk about why you should care less about what others think of you and how to go about doing so. After all, it’s your life, and you should live it according to your own rules.

You cannot please everyone

You will never be able to please everyone. It’s just not possible. So don’t even try. When you’re always worried about what others think of you, you’re probably going to be miserable.

You will be so bogged down by the fear of not living up to other people’s expectations that you will barely be able to function. Instead, focus on what makes you happy. Do the things that make you feel alive. Don’t worry about what others will say—they’re not living your life, so they really can’t judge it.

Other people’s opinions are not worth your energy
a woman facing the sea

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Here’s the thing: other people’s opinions are not worth your energy. What matters is what you think of yourself. If you spend your time constantly worrying about what others think of you, you’re going to drive yourself crazy.

The truth is, most people are too wrapped up in their own lives to even notice what you’re doing. And the ones who do have an opinion about you? Well, they probably can’t even remember who they criticized before you. So focus on being the best version of yourself and forget about what everyone else thinks.

What others think of you is not a reflection of your worth

When you care too much about what others think of you, you become trapped in a mental prison. You let other people dictate your actions, your thoughts, and your emotions. You become a puppet, dancing to the tune of everyone else’s opinions.

And what’s worse is that you start to believe that their opinion of you is a reflection of your worth as a person. You forget that you are in control of your own life. You forget that you are the one who decides what is significant to you.

So the next time somebody tries to make you feel small, remember that their opinion is just that—an assertion. It’s not the bible, and it’s certainly not a reflection of who you are as a person.

When you care too much about what other people think of you, you’re living in fear. You’re not living your life according to your standards and beliefs; instead, you’re living according to the expectations of other people. And that’s a limiting way to live. Life is short and you owe it to yourself to be freer and not worry so much about what everyone else thinks. It’s time to start caring less about what other people think and focus on being true to yourself. You got this!


7 Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health at Work

The pandemic and its aftereffects have taken a toll on people’s mental health. Singaporeans from all walks of life have experienced stress throughout the pandemic – from frontline workers to family members who were separated from each other. Those who were infected by virus or those who grieved the loss of their loved one face difficulties in their physical and mental health.

The workplace has restructured. Whichever industry you work for, you have the power to look after your mental health and overall well-being. Start with these tips.


Whether you find comfort in sharing your situation to a co-worker, a friend, or a family member, talking to someone you trust can help. You may feel better if you are able to openly talk about what you are going through at work. Someone who cares about you can provide you with a fresh perspective or help you arrive at a solution. If you feel more comfortable in meeting your confidant in person, please follow the safety precautions. Nonetheless, you can always stay connected with your trusted confidant through video calls or messaging apps.


Focus and concentration at work can be achieved when you take care of your physical health. Moreover, eating a healthy diet and strengthening your physical health can improve your mental well-being. Experts suggest exercising at least 30 minutes daily. Try dancing, running, cycling, practicing yoga, skating, and so on.

Looking for affordable dumbbells? Search no further than Decathlon Singapore. They store dumbbells for as low as S$8/pair.


If you are overwhelmed with the stack of deadlines and the long demands of irate clients, you may opt for taking substances such as alcohol or nicotine. For a short while, these substances may help you feel better. However, depending on these substances to cope with stress can harm you eventually. These substances can put you or those around you at risk of diseases or injuries.


Stop a whirlwind of thoughts by reconnecting yourself to the present moment. Follow along the video below and take slow (relaxing) deep breaths. Give yourself these two minutes of peace as you put your feet on the ground and sit comfortably in your chair. May this video help you to tackle the day ahead!


Take care of yourself! It is important to know how much work you can take on so that you do not exhaust yourself. Of course, it is natural to have the desire to impress your boss or co-workers by performing well. Sometimes, you can only be at your best when you do not divide your attention to many tasks.

Only you will know when “possible” turns into “impossible”. A key skill you need to learn in the workplace is learning to say “no”.


I must admit! It is hard to ignore the popping work notifications. With the advancement of technology, we became reachable 24/7. To protect yourself from exhaustion, you can set boundaries early on. Leave your work on time and maximize your tasks in the workplace. Try to resist checking or responding to work emails and messages after your work hours or before going to sleep.


For many people, work can have a positive impact on our health and overall well-being. Businesses simply operate better when the employees are physically and mentally healthy. So, it is worth asking your manager how he or she can help you perform well in the team. See if you can work together to adjust your working conditions to make sure everyone feels comfortable at work.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3



7 Tips for Achieving Mind-Body Balance

Health is not merely the absence of diseases; it is a state of optimal well-being and wholeness. This includes the food you eat, the relationships you build, the jobs you fulfill, and your life experiences.

Aiming for balance in your mind, body, and soul is a good place to start. Below are seven ways to help you begin the process.


Given our current situation, many Singaporeans are working from home. Try to stand or walk around while you work. Take a few minutes to refresh your mind and body. Sitting for extended periods of time was linked to diabetes and heart diseases.


Learning does not stop once you get out of school. Open your mind to new possibilities by taking online classes, reading books, watching documentaries, and attending workshops. Cultivate a heart that yearns for lifelong learning.


Meditation improves concentration, memory, mood, sleep, and creativity. All it takes is a few minutes per day to start reaping its benefits. You may even ask your friends to partake in a 30-Day Meditation Challenge with you.


Apart from meditation, regular exercise offers benefits for both your mind and body. A complete fitness plan includes exercises to develop cardiovascular conditioning, strength training, and flexibility. Get at least 15 to 30 minutes of moderate to fast-paced exercises each day.


Our society heavily depends on technology such as laptops and smartphones. Our busy lifestyles glued to our devices can cause detrimental effects on our overall health. Which is why people are tapping into the concept of mindfulness. Try unplugging for the weekend. Start by giving yourself an hour of mindfulness (i.e., no devices allowed).


Restful sleep is vital to having energy and optimal well-being. Take a restful sleep of about 7 hours per night. When you are well-rested, you can approach stressful situations in a calmer manner.


Research showed that a good social network has numerous physical and mental health benefits. Social support can keep you from feeling isolated, inadequate, or lonely. Your friends and family can give you advice on how to manage your problems.

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Sources: 1 & 2



5 Affordable Counselling Options In Singapore

Counselling is the professional guidance given to an individual. The professional uses psychological methods in collecting case history data, personal interview, and testing interests or aptitudes.

Counselling is a form of talk therapy whereby an individual, a couple, or a family talk about their problems with a trained professional counsellor. Remember that your mental wellbeing is as important as your physical health. Whether you are struggling with addiction or facing the pressures at work, here are five affordable counselling options in Singapore.


Family Life Society or Catholic Family Life (CFL) is a registered charity and a member of the National Council of Social Services. Their patron is the Catholic Archbishop of Singapore. CFL aims to provide pro-bono counselling services to anyone who requires support.

While CFL focuses on parenting and pregnancy issues, they also provide a listening ear to people who are dealing with personal and family issues.

Visit their website for more information.


Singapore Counselling Centre (SCC) offers professional counselling in different languages and dialects such as English, Mandarin, Malay, Tamil, Cantonese, and Hokkien. Its services are available from Monday to Sunday. The flexibility allows people who work on the weekdays to get necessary help on the weekends.

The rates vary for adults, children, youth, couples, and families. For instance, one-session is priced at S$160.60 for adults, S$160.50 for children and youth, $235.40 for couples, and S$363.80 for families. You can purchase a 10-session package to save up to 20%.

Visit their website for more information.


Do not worry about the hefty bills that come with counselling services because the Silver Ribbon Singapore offer free counselling services through video calls.

As a strong advocate for mental health, the people behind Silver Ribbon Singapore organize mental health workshops and awareness seminars. They help students, migrant workers, and psychiatric inmates to better cope with their personal struggles.

Visit their website for more information.

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If you are uncomfortable with communicating with an actual professional counsellor through an in-person session, you may opt for a phone call or an online helpline instead. Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH) has a helpline for all mental health-related issues.

SAMH has an in-person donation-based counselling session and a helpline. Counselling sessions are free to people whose finances are tight. Call 1800-283-7019 for more details.


In Singapore, Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE) aids females who have been victims of sexual assault or harassment. AWARE’s female-centric programs and services are designed to help females to deal with issues such as sexuality and violence.

Services are exclusively available for women above 21, but they also accept referrals from the Sexual Assault Care Centre. These sessions can only be done on an appointment basis. Adults are charged at 1% of their monthly salary (i.e., capped at S$150). While students or people with no income are required to pay a minimum fee of S$20. Call 1800 777 5555 for more details.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3