Affordable Hair Removal Salons that Offer IPL

Confidently display your smooth skin with the help of hair removal salons. While you can always shave and wax by yourself, there are other permanent methods to reduce or eliminate unwanted hair. Consider treatments such as Intense Pulsed Light.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) has been marketed as the holy grail of hair removal in Singapore. IPL works by using light pulses to destroy hair follicles and reduce the production of hair on the treated area. Compared to waxing, IPL is more painless and quicker to perform. Its efficacy largely depends on factors like hair color and size. Generally, coarse and dark hair absorbs more energy and responds better to IPL than light and fine hair.

If you are interested in starting your IPL journey, you may check these 5 Hair Removal Salons.


Take your spouse with you on your next hair removal treatment as Supersmooth offers waxing treatments and OLED laser hair removal for men and women.

Supersmooth incorporates OLED laser technology that diminishes the risk of any unwanted effects on your skin. Unlike its competitors, Supersmooth offers laser hair removal treatments for people with richer skin tones. People with richer skin tones are sensitive to certain cosmetic services, which makes them wary of getting hair removal treatments.

Price starts at S$50. Visit for more information on its services!


As one of the most popular hair removal salon chains in Singapore, Musee Platinum Tokyo specializes in IPL hair removal treatments. Musee calls its IPL hair treatments SSC or Smooth Skin Control. Its SSC uses a special formulated gel that is activated when exposed to beams of filtered light. This treatment is said to be gentler on your skin and leaves you with very minimal discomfort. Its price starts at S$20 (for 6 Sessions for Underarm or Bikini Line).

Because SSC may not be suitable for all skin types, you can book a free consultation to get expert advice. Luckily for you, there are several branches across Singapore. Choose the nearest branch or visit to know more.


Wink Wax offers a variety of hair removal treatments including IPL, DPL, and OPT. Moreover, all the treatments done by Wink Wax are applicable to both men and women. This wide treatment selection helps build a loyal customer base, which continues to grow.

Their treatments are done by experienced professionals and are performed to be as painless as possible. Visit to keep an eye on its latest promotions. Price starts at S$38!


Since its emergence in 2005, Pink Parlour has expanded its services to include IPL treatments and other waxing services. Start at S$34, you can book your next IPL session from its website.

This hair salon performs hair removal services on any part of the body from the lip to a full-body treatment. IPL sessions can be booked through its packages. For instance, you can purchase a 10-session IPL treatment or a one-year unlimited IPL treatment package. Go to to book a session today!


With more than 50 outlets globally, Datsumo Labo is a Japanese salon that specializes in hair removal services. This salon uses SHR laser technology for its hair removal services to avoid the risk of skin trauma, burns, and irritation.

Their laser hair removal sessions are also accompanied by their Princess gel, which helps keep your skin moisturized throughout the treatment.

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As a new client, you are entitled to their trial sessions starting at S$29. The trial sessions will give you an idea of how their service works. For loyal customers, Datsumo Labo offers exclusive discounts and even free sessions with its rewards program. Get more information on its trial sessions by visiting

Sources: 1 & 2


How to cope when your parenting style is at odds with your in-laws’

a young man settling conflict between mother and wife

You’re a new parent, and you’re struggling. You’re doing your best to raise your child the way you want to, but your in-laws keep butting in and offering their “help”.

You may feel like you’re constantly walking on eggshells, trying not to offend them. This can be incredibly frustrating and stressful. So what can you do?

In this post, we will offer some tips on how to cope when your parenting style is at odds with your in-laws’. We will attempt to help you find a way to stand up for yourself without sacrificing your relationship with your family.

See things from their POV

It can be tough when your parenting style is different from your in-laws’. You might feel like you’re constantly being judged, or like you’re not doing things the right way.

The first thing you need to do is try to see things from their perspective. Remember, they want what’s best for their grandchild, and they might have a different idea of what that means. Try not to take their comments too personally.

Next, talk to them about your beliefs. This can help them understand your point of view, and it might even lead to some productive discussion. Ultimately, try to be understanding. They’re just attempting to help, after all. If you can compromise, it will go a long way in easing any tension between you and your in-laws.

Establish boundaries with your in-laws

It can be tricky to establish boundaries with your in-laws, especially if they’re used to being more involved in your child’s life than you’re comfortable with.

But it’s noteworthy to remember that you’re the parent, and you get to make the decisions about how your child is raised. Try not to get defensive or argue with them—that’s only going to further strain the relationship. Instead, calmly explain why you’ve chosen to parent your child in a certain way and ask them to respect your decision.

If they continue to push their agenda, it might be helpful to have a family meeting so everyone can discuss the situation and come up with a common ground that works. Just remember, it’s okay to disagree politely with your in-laws—you’re not obligated to settle with everything they say!

Have a heart-to-heart talk with your spouse
a couple having a conversation

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Before you do anything extreme, have a heart-to-heart talk with your spouse. You must be on the same page when it comes to dealing with your in-laws. Having a firm relationship with your spouse is key when it comes to dealing with tricky family dynamics.

Acknowledge that you have contrasting parenting styles

You’re going to have to come to terms with the fact that you and your in-laws have contrasting parenting styles. It’s not going to be easy, but remember that you’re all trying your best.

Your in-laws might be more hands-on, while you prefer to be more flexible in your child’s life. Or they could be more forgiving than you are, which can cause a lot of tension when you’re teaching your kids about values. But the bottom line is that you need to find a way to peacefully coexist.

Try not to criticize your in-laws’ parenting style, and instead, focus on the things that you do agree on. And when things get heated, take a step back and remind yourself that this is just a phase—it won’t last forever.

It can be tough when your parenting style clashes with your in-laws’, but you’re not alone. Many parents have gone through this, and there are ways to cope. Consider seeking advice from other parents who have been in your position. Chances are, they will be more than happy to share. And finally, keep an open mind. There’s a good chance that your in-laws have something valuable to offer, even if their parenting style is distinct from yours. Try to learn from them, rather than judging them outright.


How to get on your boss’ good side without being seen as a sickening bootlicker

boss and employee at work

When it comes to pleasing your boss, you want to make sure you don’t cross the line into the overpraise territory.

Here are a few tips on how to get on your boss’ good side without being seen as a sickening bootlicker.

Be a team player

Don’t be afraid to share credit for successes. When things go well, make sure your boss knows who to thank. Your colleagues will appreciate the recognition, and it will help you build a good relationship with your boss and your coworkers.

Suggest new ideas

First, try to find a time when your boss is open to new ideas. Maybe they’re venturing into an unexplored collaboration or finding fresh inspirations for business development. If you can, try and catch them when they’re in a good mood.

Next, make sure your idea is feasible. Don’t suggest something impossible or that’s going to take too much time and resources. Your boss will probably appreciate your effort, but it would be useless if they can’t follow through.

Finally, be clear and concise. Get to the point and explain why your idea is a good solution to the problem at hand. Remember, your boss is busy, so they don’t have time to listen to long-winded proposals.

Don’t be a brown-noser
boss and employee having a discussion

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You want to be seen as someone willing to go the extra mile, but you don’t want to cross the line into sycophancy. Always sucking up to the boss is a surefire way to make enemies among your colleagues. So how can you get on your boss’ good side without being seen as a sickening bootlicker? Be genuine, be yourself.

Avoid being a know-it-all

You might be tempted to try and show your boss how much you’ve learned by acting like a know-it-all. But this is one of the quickest ways to get on their bad side.

Your boss is probably smart enough, and they don’t need you to lecture them on the finer points of the job. In fact, they will probably see through your act and think you’re just trying to show off.

Instead, try being humble and respectful. Admitting that you don’t know everything and asking for help when you need it will make you seem much more amicable than trying to act like a know-it-all.

Take on extra assignments

If there are tasks that nobody else wants to do, volunteer for them if you think it’s a good learning opportunity for you. This will show your boss that you’re seeking growth and willing to try new things.

And don’t just do it when there’s something big at stake. Offer to help out with smaller tasks too, like creating agendas for meetings or drafting weekly newsletters. The more helpful you are, the better your relationship with your boss will likely be.

There’s no need to grovel and lick your boss’ boots to get ahead. If you resort to such tactics, you will likely just end up alienating your colleagues and torpedoing your career prospects. Instead, try employing some of the tips in this article to get on your boss’ good side without being seen as a sickening bootlicker. With a bit of finesse and strategy, you can have a positive relationship with your boss without compromising the respect of your coworkers.


How Can Women Focus on Their Retirement?

Women face greater financial long-term risks than men due to several factors. These factors include having a longer lifespan, needing to pay for medical expenses, loss of spouse, and gender pay gap.

Senior Wealth Advisor Sandy Higgins highlighted: “There are varied reasons for this gap, but what holds true are the statistics and cumulative impact of this on retirement savings.”

While the difference between the wages of men and women do not seem large to many, the results can be substantial over time. Thus, it is important for women to focus on their retirement plan. Consider the following tips.


Despite having a tendency of being more responsible with money, women were not allowed to open a bank account in their name before the 60s. Today, men are still regarded as the primary financial providers for their families.

Dance with the times by being educated on your finances. Brush up your knowledge on personal finance to get more confident as time passes.


To grow your golden nest in the future, you must become aware of your shopping habits. Tracking your spending allows you to identify where your unnecessary and unplanned purchases happen. This way, you can modify it to achieve your retirement saving goals.


Always budget the expenses before signing a lease or making a major financial decision. It is important to recognize the full cost of your choices, including your rent or mortgage payment.

Experts say that the most common rule of thumb in housing is that your total housing costs should be no more than 30% of your gross monthly income. Stay as close to this amount as possible.


A woman’s marital situation can affect her retirement plan. For instance, a woman may outlive her husband by several years depending on their age difference. Second marriages and stepchildren can also affect retirement planning.

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Structure a realistic and attainable retirement plan. Do not forget about your husband’s assets! Know which assets will be divided among you and your children once your spouse dies.

Sources: 1 & 2



The top reasons you shouldn’t hire an intern

a female candidate in an interview

You might be considering hiring an intern to help you out in your business, but before you do, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

While interns can be a great asset to your team, they’re not always the best hiring solution for every company. Here are the top reasons you should think twice before hiring an intern.

Short-term help

You might be thinking that getting an intern onboard would be a smart way to get affordable help, but that’s true only to a certain extent.

Interns are looking for a short-term learning experience that matches their academic schedule and most will leave after three to six months. If you’re looking for long-term help, you would be better off hiring an associate or executive.

Lack of time to train

Think about it—interns usually need a lot of training, especially if they’re very new to the workforce. They need to learn about the way you do things and how to complete their tasks properly. That’s a lot of time and energy that you don’t have to spare.

It’s much better to hire a full-time employee who is already familiar with the industry and knows what they’re doing. This way, they can hit the ground running and start contributing to your team immediately.

You need someone with more experience
guiding interns at work

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You may be thinking, “I don’t have enough work for someone full-time, but I could use some help.” And that’s where an intern can be a suitable option.

But before you decide to hire an intern, you need to be sure that the work you’re asking them to do is appropriate for their level of experience. For instance, if you’re looking for someone to do basic content writing, an intern can be a great option.

But if you need someone with more experience in SEO and who can help you rank your website on Google or other search engines, you might want to consider hiring a full-time employee instead.

You’re looking for an individual to fill a specific role

Are you looking for someone to fill a particular role in your company? If so, an intern might not be a good fit. Full-time employees have specific job descriptions and are usually trained to do those tasks well.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for someone to help out with a range of tasks and you don’t have the bandwidth to train them yourself, then an intern could be an okay option. They are more likely to be eager to learn and will be willing to try a hand in various areas.

There are many justifications as to why you should be hiring an intern, but there are also grounds for reconsideration. For example, interns may not be as qualified and can lack the experience they need to get things done well. Since they may not stay with you for very long, you might have to start from scratch again when a new hire comes in. Do you have the time and energy to spare?