Top reasons to sign your child up for swimming classes

kids having their swimming lesson

Are you considering signing your child up for swimming classes? Great decision!

But for those who are not 100% convinced yet, allow us to share with you reasons why swimming classes make a superb idea for your child.

Help your kids socialize

In a swimming class, your child will be around kids of similar age, which will allow them to make friends. It can also help your child feel comfortable around other children if they are generally quite shy around strangers.

Great workout for children

Secondly, swimming is a wonderful way for kids to get in shape. It’s a total-body workout that helps improve their strength, endurance, and flexibility. Plus, it’s low-impact, so it’s gentle on their joints. And because swimming is a sport that can be enjoyed for a lifetime, it’s an investment in their health that will pay off for years to come. They will have fun and stay healthy simultaneously!

A wonderful way for the little ones to have fun
kids learning swimming together

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When it comes to signing up your child for swimming lessons, you’re probably wondering if it’s worth it. After all, your child can just go swimming at the pool whenever they want, right?

Well, there are many fantastic reasons to sign your child up for swimming classes. For one, swimming is an excellent way for children to destress! It’s an activity that they can enjoy with their newfound friends, and it’s something that they can continue doing going into adulthood and retirement.

A good sport to teach children about water safety

Learning how to swim is one of the best ways to navigate waters, and it can also save your child’s life one day. Swimming lessons not only teach children how to swim, but they also teach them how to stay safe in case of an emergency.

Children learn how to tread through water, float on their backs, and signal for help. And these skills can come in handy not just in the pool, but also at the beach. So if you’re on the fence about signing your child up for swimming classes, don’t be. It could be one of the best investments you can make in your parenting journey.

As we close, swimming is a beneficial exercise that can help improve your child’s overall mobility and flexibility. In addition to being a splendid sport, being able to swim is also a valuable life skill to have. Swimming classes can help your child to feel more comfortable and confident in the waters, which could come in handy in the event of a crisis. It’s also a fun and social way for your child to spend their leisure time meeting their peers from other schools and learning practical skills away from the classroom.


How to avoid picking a job you might regret later

a woman stressed at work

You’ve just received two job offers and you’re not sure which one to choose.

Both positions have their pros and cons, but you’re worried you might lament your decision if you choose the wrong one.

How can you make a correct decision? In this article, we will give you some tips for how to avoid picking a job you might regret later.

Trust your gut

If one offer feels more right than the other, go with that one. Picking a job you might regret later is not worth it, no matter how good the pay might be. Take a week or two, weigh your options, and make the decision that’s soundest for you.

Get a second opinion

Talk to your friends, family, or trusted colleagues and ask them for their honest opinion. Sometimes it can be helpful to see things from a dissimilar perspective. It’s not a must to choose the first offer that comes your way.

Consider your long-term goals
a woman happily knocking off from work

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What do you want to be doing in five or ten years? If the job you’re considering doesn’t align with those goals, then it might not be the most satisfactory choice for you.

Another thing to think about is your work-life balance. Will this job allow you to have the flexibility you need? Or will it require you to work long hours? You don’t want to end up regretting your decision later because you didn’t take these things into account.

Research the company’s culture

You want to get a sense of what the company is like, what the values are, and how the employees interact with one another. Do they seem content? Are they stressed out? This information is crucial because it can help you decide if the company is a good fit for you.

If you have any acquaintances who work at the company, reach out to them and ask for their candid thoughts. They might be able to tell you what it’s like to work there, and if they regretted their decision to sign the contract. The more info you have, the better equipped you will be to make a conclusion that’s right for you.

Weigh the pros and cons of each job

What are the things you like about each position? What are the things you’re not so sure about? Make a list of the pros and cons of each job, and then compare and contrast them.

This will help you see which job is a better fit for you. And remember, there’s no right or wrong answer—whatever choice you make, it’s going to be the most well-thought-out one for you.

You’re at a crossroads. You have two job offers, and you can’t decide which one to take. Both have their pros and cons, but you’re worried you might regret your decision later if you pick the wrong one. Well, don’t rush into anything. Give yourself some time to think about each option and talk to your friends and family about your dilemma. They might be able to give you some insight that you haven’t yet considered. Also, use your gut instinct. If you have a feeling that one offer is amiss, trust your intuition and go with your other option.


Trust Bank, the latest digital bank in town, is giving out $35 NTUC e-Vouchers

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated


Have you heard of Trust, the latest digital bank to take the digital banking scene by storm? Trust Bank offers up to 1.4% interest rate for its savings account, 21% rebate on its credit card, $35 NTUC e-Vouchers as well as free rice and Kopitiam breakfast set. Here is how to save and score these freebies!

What is Trust Bank?

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

Trust Bank (known as Trust) is a new digital bank set up by Standard Chartered Bank and NTUC. This means that customers of Trust conduct all their banking activities online since Trust Bank does not have any physical bank branch. Here are the products available under Trust.

1. Trust Bank Savings Account

Trust offers a base interest rate of 1% for the 1st $50,000 deposits. If the customer makes 5 eligible card transactions, this can be increased to 1.2% and 1.4% for non-union and union members respectively. No minimum amount is required to start earning the base interest rate. Best of all, there is no fees or lock-in period required.

2. Trust Bank Credit Card

Trust credit card provides up to a mind-boggling 21% savings rate on card spend. This is issued in the form of Linkpoints which can be offset against purchases at NTUC, Unity stores etc. If a NTUC union member spends at least S$350 per month on expenditure outside of FairPrice Group every month, he or she will be entitled to 21% savings rate on spending made at FairPrice Group. Simply put, if you are already spending within the NTUC ecosystem- i.e. shop at NTUC and Unity, dine at Kopitiam, now is the perfect time to save on your spending with Trust card.

Other amazing perks are the absence of annual fee, foreign transaction fee, cash advance fee as well as card replacement fee. Finally, those who sign up for the Trust credit card will enjoy complimentary coverage of the Family Personal Accident Insurance for the first 2 months

Amazing Promotion

Another eye-catching aspect is the generous freebies thrown in to mark its launch. These freebies add up to a total of $42:

  1. $10 FairPrice e-Voucher upon signing up with a referral code (DFFZV6CZ)
  2. Free Signature Breakfast Set to be redeemed at Kopitiam (worth $3.10)
  3. Free 1KG Superior Fragrant Rice (worth $3.55)
  4. S$25 FairPrice e-Voucher on your first card spend (no minimum amount required)

Besides these one-off freebies, Trust also pushes out regular discounts from popular merchants such as KFC, Burger King, Starbucks, Gong Cha etc. Remember to browse the app regularly and grab these vouchers!

Sign Up For Trust

From downloading of the app to approval of application takes less than 20 minutes if you sign up via MyInfo. With such a smooth onboarding process and the amazing freebies, what are you waiting for?

Download Trust app to collect your freebies- remember that the $10 FairPrice voucher is only valid if you sign up with a referral code. (DFFZV6CZ)



The hidden job market: What it is and how to access it

networking in the evening

You may have heard of the term “hidden job market” before, but what does it mean? And more importantly, how can you tap into it to find your dream job?

The hidden job market is made up of unpublished job opportunities. These are jobs that are not openly advertised, which means that you won’t find them through a standard job search. So how can you access this secret section? Well, networking is one of the best ways.

In this article, we will show you how to network effectively and use it to tap into the hidden job market.

What is the hidden job market?

As mentioned earlier, the hidden job market is a pool of job opportunities that aren’t advertised publicly. They’re usually filled by word-of-mouth or through networking. This means that if you want to tap into this market, you need to be proactive and strategic in your job search.

So how do you access the hidden job market? One way is by following hiring managers and keeping an eye out for opportunities that match your skills and experience. You can also reach out to your network of contacts and see if they know of any openings in a particular industry.

Why is networking crucial to access the hidden job market?

Here’s the thing: networking allows you to make connections with people who might be in a position to help you find a job. They could be people you know already, or they could be acquaintances who could introduce you to someone who’s hiring.

But it’s not just about finding a job. It’s also about building relationships and creating prospects. When you network, you never know what might happen. You could meet your next boss or business partner, or you could find out about an amazing opportunity that’s not even been advertised yet.

How can you use networking to your advantage?
two man shaking hands

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Start by building relationships with people who work at your target companies. Attend industry events and connect with people on LinkedIn. And don’t be afraid to ask for help. People are usually more than happy to give advice and initiate introductions. The bottom line is that networking is a powerful tool, and if you use it correctly, it can help you find job possibilities that you would never have otherwise known about.

Should you continue to network after you’ve found a job?

What if you’ve already found a job? Should you stop networking? The answer is a resounding no. Networking is one of the smartest ways to stay connected to people in your industry, and you never know who might have access to unpublished opportunities.

Think about it this way: networking is all about building relationships. And those relationships can come in handy down the road, whether you’re looking for a new position or not. So keep those connections alive, and stay active on LinkedIn and Twitter. You never know who you might meet.

As we close, the hidden job market is a term used to describe jobs that are not actively advertised. There are several ways to access the hidden job market and we highly recommend networking. Networking can help you connect with people who may have information about lesser-known job opportunities. So brush up your social skills, it’s time to get to work.


Simple ways to show your employees you appreciate them

praising an employee publicly

Thanking your employees is an essential part of any good employer strategy, but sometimes it can be hard to know how to show your appreciation in a way that feels genuine.

Here are a few suggestions for simple ways to say “thank you” that will make your employees feel appreciated.

Thank them publicly

Thank your employees publicly for a job well done. It helps to build morale and shows them that you’re paying attention.

You could do something as simple as posting on LinkedIn or sending out a company-wide email. Or, if you want to go all out, you could even throw a luncheon or award gift cards. No matter what you choose, make sure it’s something heartfelt and personal.

Get to know your employees

When it comes to showing your employees that you appreciate them, it’s not about just saying the words. It’s about taking the time to get to know them as individuals.

What are their hobbies? What are their life goals and aspirations? When you know more about them as people, not just workers, you can start to see how you might be able to help them achieve their dreams.

And that’s really what appreciation is all about—helping your employees feel like they’re not just hired to clock the hours, fulfill tasks, and leave. When they feel like you care, they’re likely to be more pumped for work.

Show appreciation in small ways

We understand it can be tough to show your employees that you appreciate them. You might not be used to thanking them, or you might not know how to show your gratitude in a meaningful way.

How about small gestures like sending a handwritten note, taking them out for coffee, or leaving a little something special on their desk? These little things can mean a lot to some employees and can go a long way in making them feel appreciated.

Encourage a positive work-life balance
happy colleagues at work

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It can be tough to find a good work-life balance these days with mental health issues at their peak. Most people dread the thought of working all day and then going home to have to reply to work emails or messages. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can encourage a positive work-life balance by implementing some no-frills policies. For example, you can allow your employees to work from home occasionally or give them some flexible hours on Fridays. This will help them better manage their time and make them feel valued.

Acknowledge their good work when you see it

Most bosses aren’t used to thanking their employees for a job well done. But it’s necessary to do so, especially if you want them to stay with you for the long haul. One way to show your appreciation is to acknowledge their good work when you see it.

If an employee does something that goes above and beyond, take a moment to thank them for it. A simple comment like “thank you for going the extra mile” right on the spot can make a big difference.

Another way to show your appreciation is by giving them a mid-year bonus or year-end raise. Of course, this isn’t always feasible, but it’s something to keep in mind if your budget allows it. Whatever way you choose, show your employees that you respect their hard work. It goes a long way towards keeping them satisfied.

Give employees the resources they need to succeed

This could mean providing them with the tools and equipment they need to do their work well, or making sure they have the training and support opportunities they need to be industry-competitive. It could also mean giving them the freedom to do their tasks in a way that works best for them.

If you want your employees to feel appreciated, you need to make sure they feel like you trust them and that you’re willing to invest in them. Being content is a huge motivator, so make sure your employees know that you’re grateful for their contributions.

Thanking your employees may seem like a superficial thing, but it can mean a lot to some individuals. It makes them feel treasured, and it can motivate them to put in 101%. If you do not want to forget how to show your employees that you appreciate them, bookmark this article so you can refer to it again in the near future.