How To Succeed as a Dual-Career Couple in Singapore

It comes as no surprise that the relationship between life partners has an enormous impact on their professional lives. Sharing a life with someone entails that you are each other’s support system. Moreover, you must take your partner’s ambitions, needs, and wants to account when making decisions.

Career decisions affect how you manage your household. In Singapore, dual-career couples are becoming more of a norm. The Department of Statistics released a population census last 2021, which highlighted the current labor trends in Singapore.

The last decade has seen an increase in the proportion of resident married-couple households with working wives and an increase in households with spouses who hold equal qualifications. The proportion of resident married-couple households with spouses holding equal qualifications elevated from 44.3% to 46.6%.

Let us put our focus on dual-career couples. Dual-career couples were the largest group among married couples, increasing from 47.1% in 2010 to 52.5% in 2020. This significant increase was observed across all age groups. It is understood that resident married-couple households with both the husband and wife employed earned more. In fact, they earned a median monthly combined income of $11,101 in 2020. This is higher than the median monthly income of households with only the husbands were employed ($5,070) and those with only the wives were employed ($3,213).

As more households adopt the lifestyle of a dual-career couple, here are some helpful tips that can guide you through the journey.


One of the main ingredients of a successful partnership is communication. Communication may take different forms for every couple, but it ought to be personal and practical. For day-to-day activities, you need to talk about the actions that will make your household run smoothly. Who will take charge of the household chores? Who will pick up the kids from school? Discuss feelings, ambitions, and challenges in a respectful and intimate manner. This will allow you to know what is going well and what is not.


When you make decisions, it is important to look at the bigger picture. For instance, a mother decided to quit her job to take care of her kids due to the excessive costs of childcare. However, this decision can decrease the net earnings of the household and affect their overall financial status. On the other hand, taking a short-term financial hit to pay for childcare may increase the earning power potential of the couple in the long run. Think about your current situation and examine the best options for your future.


A partnership incorporates two people’s needs and concerns on the table. Moreover, you must include the needs of your family as a unit. Listen carefully to your partner and reach a shared understanding of each other’s goals. Doing this will help you strike a balance in your life as a spouse, a parent, and an employee/employer.


Let us face it! Communication does not come naturally to every couple, and that is okay. It is essential to acknowledge this and find other ways to communicate formally. For starters, a counselor can help you work as a couple to ensure that you are being equally heard and that you are developing your goals with consideration for one another.

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If your issue is finding time to communicate, you may ask a trusted family member to help lessen your workload at home. Seek part-time help while still meeting the needs of your household and your children. Seeking help can give you the physical and mental space to re-connect to your partner.

Sources: 1 & 2


How to conserve iPhone battery life

charging an iPhone

If you have owned an iPhone for a while now, it’s safe to say that you like both the design and the functionality of your gadget, which is suitable for work and play. Nonetheless, you are sure to have encountered drawbacks such as restricted battery performance.

The average battery capacity after a single charge varies greatly based on the iPhone model and how you use your smartphone. That is why we’ve written on the following strategies that can help you reduce iPhone battery drain on a routine basis while maintaining the majority of its functionality.

If you don’t want to modify any of the settings, we suggest you get a power bank, upgrade your battery, or buy a new iPhone. Otherwise, read on for ways on how to conserve iPhone battery life.


One of the most significant battery drainers is screen brightness, hence, reduce the brightness of your screen to conserve energy. Swipe down from the top-right edge of the screen to launch the control center and slide your finger down the brightness bar to reduce it. You may also enable auto-brightness, which automatically adjusts the intensity based on the amount of environmental light available.

Airplane mode

When you’re in a location with a weak signal or no cellular service at all, your iPhone uses up battery power searching for a signal or attempting to reconnect. If your cellular service is poor, turn on airplane mode because you won’t be able to accomplish anything with a weak signal regardless. Airplane mode will keep your iPhone from hunting for a signal indefinitely, preserving battery life until you can get to a stronger connection.

Low power mode
low power mode

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When you need to stretch your battery power, use the low power mode. With a single toggle, the function suspends mail retrieval, auto-downloads, background app update, and more. Your iPhone will stay longer in low battery mode before needing to be charged, but just note that some functions may take longer to load or perform; they may not run until you switch off low battery mode or charge your iPhone to 80% and above.

High-power apps

Apps that require greater processing capacity from your phones, such as HD video editors or high-resolution games, can drain your phone battery. Keep to applications that don’t require a lot of data to launch or are mostly text-based while attempting to preserve power.

This includes the camera on your iPhone. While not as draining as other apps, repeatedly snapping photos or videos may deplete your battery faster. FaceTime is considerably worse because it must load both your video stream and the live video of someone else. Explore the battery section for more details if you’re unsure which applications are the culprits.

Is there anything more frustrating than seeing your iPhone’s battery bar turn red? Annually, the battery capacity of iPhones advances; this means that the iPhone 12 lasts longer than the iPhone 11, while the iPhone 13 series last even longer. Every new iPhone model, however, brings with it a host of new methods to deplete the battery. Consider the suggestions in this article if you want to help your iPhone’s battery survive as long as feasible when you’re out without a charger or power bank.


Why you should not add your colleagues on social media

social media apps

Without a question, social media is a fantastic way to remain in touch with friends and family.

When workmates are thrown into our digital lives, regrettably, the distinctions between our work and social lives disappear. Before adding your coworkers on social media, consider if you’re okay to allow this individual to see your posts.

Our coworkers are frequently also our buddies. We spend the entire day with them, so they’re certain to learn something about us over the months. Adding a coworker will give you a better idea of how they are outside of the workplace and might help you form a tight-knit team and provide you with topics to discuss. It isn’t always a bed of roses, though.

Read for reasons why you should not add your colleagues on social media.


Although more information is empowerment, it may also lead to discomfort, especially if you know what a coworker has been up to in their spare time. They may have skipped work for the day owing to health conditions, but if they’ve been tagged in images getting wasted at a bar in the wee hours of the morning, that can be accessed on your social media feed. Knowing how they act outside of the office may blur the perception of borders between personal and professional behavior over time.

No 100% control
gossiping about a colleague

Image Credits: Business Insider

Even if you’re familiar with your social media sites’ privacy options, they are constantly changing, and you may not have the degree of control over the content you believe you have. Yes, while you can maintain your profiles carefully, being mentioned in an embarrassing status posted by a friend is out of your control. Giving your employees a front-row ticket to a potentially damaging post on social media might harm your good name at the workplace and make you wish you could turn back time.

Saying the wrong things

You never know when the impulse to say anything nasty about your job is so powerful that you mistakenly talk badly about the company or a teammate, whether it’s because you’re extremely upset or drunk, or just because you’ve forgotten they are one of your “friends”. Even if the individual you’re criticizing doesn’t have access to your profile, another colleague may, and if they’re very close to them, might reveal your negative remark. We all have slip-ups at times but these mistakes can cost us big time.

Coworkers frequently request that you follow them on social media; this is particularly true if you work in the creative field. It’s quickly becoming the preferred method of keeping in touch. But it’s undeniable that social media blurs the divide between business and personal life. While this might help you better connect with your colleagues, it also puts a strain because any uncomfortable or insensitive occasion could impact your job or office interactions. Before you add your coworkers on social media, stop and think twice.


How to parent a rebellious teenager

a teenager smoking

Have you noticed that your teenager has started becoming defiant as they struggle to discover who they are and where they fit in society?

Yes, your lovely, affectionate child may seem alien to you now but that’s just part of the growing process. Prepare yourself as you may have to cope with further mood swings, rule-breaking, and other signs of a rebellious youth toward whatever authority figures present.

While coping with a rebellion may be draining, stressful, and plain challenging, there are methods to make it easier for all parties involved. You won’t be able to transform your kid with a snap of your fingers, but there are steps you can take to aid your teenager and yourself through this shift.

Here’s how to parent a rebellious teenager.


It may be quite irritating when children act rudely and disrespectfully toward their parents, teachers, or other people in authority. Regrettably, many people respond with rudeness and hostility, which is not the right way to approach the matter. You must mirror the conduct you wish to see as a grownup. Irrespective of what you teach, if your kid witnesses you behaving in a demeaning manner toward them, they will use it against you to justify their actions.

See the good
happy mother and daughter

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Positive feedback is a technique that may be used not only when your child is a preschooler, but also when he or she is a teenager. Make it a point to compliment your teenager on proper behavior. Showing your child that you are pleased, even if it is the tiniest action, can drive good conduct in the future.

Negative attention is sometimes the quickest form of attention for a headstrong teen to obtain. Your odds of your kid doing something right are limited if you just pay attention when he or she does something improper. Instead, focus on the positives, and the negative issues may go away.

Listen more than advice

The most effective technique to break past the barrier of teen disengagement is to listen more than you speak. When you provide counsel instead of listening more than 75% of the time, you’re interfering with a teen’s ability to take responsibility for their life.

Not to mention your body language. You’re not signaling that you’re aware of and sensitive if you’re preoccupied with anything or constantly scrolling on your smartphone. Put everything aside and focus on your child when conversing. However, some kids may be uneasy over eye contact and prefer to converse while looking away. If that’s the case, walking in the park or going for a short drive that does not involve direct eye contact may help.

Handling a rebellious teenager might feel like an absolute nightmare, but there is hope. Keep in mind that your teen’s early adulthood years are only a passing phase of his or her life. Communicating tenderly with your child now can pay off later in life by assisting him or her in developing appropriate coping skills and a better bond with you. Try the abovementioned tips and see if it works for you.


7 Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health at Work

The pandemic and its aftereffects have taken a toll on people’s mental health. Singaporeans from all walks of life have experienced stress throughout the pandemic – from frontline workers to family members who were separated from each other. Those who were infected by virus or those who grieved the loss of their loved one face difficulties in their physical and mental health.

The workplace has restructured. Whichever industry you work for, you have the power to look after your mental health and overall well-being. Start with these tips.


Whether you find comfort in sharing your situation to a co-worker, a friend, or a family member, talking to someone you trust can help. You may feel better if you are able to openly talk about what you are going through at work. Someone who cares about you can provide you with a fresh perspective or help you arrive at a solution. If you feel more comfortable in meeting your confidant in person, please follow the safety precautions. Nonetheless, you can always stay connected with your trusted confidant through video calls or messaging apps.


Focus and concentration at work can be achieved when you take care of your physical health. Moreover, eating a healthy diet and strengthening your physical health can improve your mental well-being. Experts suggest exercising at least 30 minutes daily. Try dancing, running, cycling, practicing yoga, skating, and so on.

Looking for affordable dumbbells? Search no further than Decathlon Singapore. They store dumbbells for as low as S$8/pair.


If you are overwhelmed with the stack of deadlines and the long demands of irate clients, you may opt for taking substances such as alcohol or nicotine. For a short while, these substances may help you feel better. However, depending on these substances to cope with stress can harm you eventually. These substances can put you or those around you at risk of diseases or injuries.


Stop a whirlwind of thoughts by reconnecting yourself to the present moment. Follow along the video below and take slow (relaxing) deep breaths. Give yourself these two minutes of peace as you put your feet on the ground and sit comfortably in your chair. May this video help you to tackle the day ahead!


Take care of yourself! It is important to know how much work you can take on so that you do not exhaust yourself. Of course, it is natural to have the desire to impress your boss or co-workers by performing well. Sometimes, you can only be at your best when you do not divide your attention to many tasks.

Only you will know when “possible” turns into “impossible”. A key skill you need to learn in the workplace is learning to say “no”.


I must admit! It is hard to ignore the popping work notifications. With the advancement of technology, we became reachable 24/7. To protect yourself from exhaustion, you can set boundaries early on. Leave your work on time and maximize your tasks in the workplace. Try to resist checking or responding to work emails and messages after your work hours or before going to sleep.


For many people, work can have a positive impact on our health and overall well-being. Businesses simply operate better when the employees are physically and mentally healthy. So, it is worth asking your manager how he or she can help you perform well in the team. See if you can work together to adjust your working conditions to make sure everyone feels comfortable at work.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3