Alternative to Surrendering Your Insurance Policy

Insurance Policy

Imagine buying a brand new car and the sales contract has a repurchase clause which states that the car dealer has sole exclusive rights to buy back the car if ever the owner wanted to sell it. Since the owner is unable to consider any competing offers, it is unlikely the car dealer will offer a competitive price for the car.

Thankfully, such anti-competitive practices in this hypothetical scenario are not true – no such clause can exists that prevents the owner from selling his car for a better price to other buyers. The rights to sell the car to a wider pool of buyers will ensure that the owner will always get a price that is equal to or better than that offered by the dealer.

Now imagine that car was a life insurance policy. Like cars, it is a financial asset owned by most people, and yet few consider comparing prices when they feel the need to sell it.

Insurance companies are always willing to buy back and then terminate a policy. The amount the insurance company is willing to offer is called the policy surrender value. However this surrender value may not reflect the true worth of the policy. Similar to the used car example, the policy owners may be able to get a higher price for their policies in the resale insurance market.

The resale insurance market is where the policy owner can choose to sell (the technical term is assign) their policy to a third party. Unlike surrendering to the insurance company, the assigned policy will continue to exist under the new owner. The rights of a policy owner to assign their policy are enshrined in the policy documents and it is permissible under Singapore laws.

While this concept may be new in Singapore, the resale insurance industry has been part of the United Kingdom financial landscape for many decades and it has proliferated in the last twenty years in United States, Australia, and Germany. In Singapore, the resale insurance industry started in the last few years and awareness of the service has not been firmly established. Regrettably the general public and even most financial practitioners are still not aware that insurance policies can be bought and sold like any financial asset.

Giving up one’s insurance policy is a serious decision as it may mean that the person would be under protected against adverse life situations. Surrendering should only be taken as a last resort when the owner has sufficient insurance protection or has no other means to sustain the policy.

If giving up one’s policy is unavoidable, then the owner’s best alternative is to get an independent offer and then make an informed decision on whether to sell the policy in the resale insurance market or surrender it to the original insurance company.

Obviously some people might feel queasy about the resale market. The strongest objection about selling their policy to an unrelated person is that someone else would benefit from the insured’s death. While it is certainly true that the new owner would receive the death benefits, the primary investment consideration is actually the policy maturity value. The new owner will tend to hold the policy to maturity and collect the maturity payment.

While the decision to sell a policy in the resale market is highly personal, it is important to have this option available to the life policy owners who will ultimately have to decide for themselves. After all, it is always beneficial to have all options laid out so as to make an informed financial decision.

According to the 2014 MAS Insurance Statistic, there are more than 13 million policies in force at the end of 2014 and the average value of all surrendered life policies from 2010 to 2014 exceeded S$900 million per annum. Given the enormous sum of the surrendered policies, policy owners are unknowingly missing out of millions dollars of potential financial gains.

Given that most readers of this article are financial practitioners whose unbiased advice is crucial to your clients’ financial success, it is important to include the resale insurance option when it comes to reviewing your clients’ insurance needs.


Useful Financial Tips For Bread-winning Wives

Over the past few decades, the workplace culture has shifted towards equality of genders. Gone are the days when every woman stay back to take care of their children and the entire household.

Based on a study by Prudential Company in 2012, approximately 53% of the sample were women breadwinners while only 22% were married or living with a partner who made more than them. Aside from these numbers dual-career bearer households have increased globally. The fact that women are working more nowadays is something that society is beginning to accept – regardless of gender stereotypes.

When women earn more than their husbands or when they solely provide for their families, there can be an unwanted tension between the household and the finances. Here are some useful tips to handle it:


Psychotherapist Olivia Mellan shares that many new-age women are not raised with the expectation that they need another person who earns more than they do. This empowered attitude may be difficult to adopt especially if the people whom you interact with (e.g., your peers) are opposed to this idea.

They might not be ready for a modern-aged Superwoman but here you are! Accept and embrace the reality that you are an accomplished breadwinner. All your hard work and ambitions led you to this moment and there is nothing to be ashamed. Your capabilities allow you to provide a comfortable life not just for yourself but for your children.


To help secure the financial security of your family, get a proper insurance coverage for both you and your beneficiaries (i.e., your spouse and children). You may consider purchasing a life insurance policy to secure your dependents’ future after you die. However, you must consider your current financial situation as well as your standard of living in order to maintain the lifestyle of your dependents.

If you are single, purchase a life insurance policy and designate a close family member as your beneficiary. He or she will pay off your expenses and other issues should something happen to you.


It is always a good idea to save some money for the rainy days. No matter how long you work or how many jobs you have, you are limited by the uncontrollable factors. These factors include age, time, economy, and incentives. Since you are the primary provider for the household, it is important to save in case these said factors are negatively affected.

Experts suggest to have an emergency savings amounting to least 6 times your monthly salary. This will help ease abrupt unemployment.


Working your body to its limits will eventually bring more harm than good. Understand that it is acceptable if you cannot do it all. Enlist your husband’s help as much as possible. It will not only give you breathing room but it will also make him feel that he is not dispensable.

Couples shall work together and communicated openly on financial decisions in order to share the responsibilities and keep the balance in order.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5


How To Create And Follow Your Financial Goals

Reaching for something you really want to have takes hard work, determination, realistic expectations, and savings. All these are vital to achieving your financial goals. The first step that you must take is to organize not just your financial documents but also your time. Commit at least 30 to 60 minutes per week to financial planning including your goals.

Planning for your goals start by making them specific. Identify what you really want and how much will it cost. Do you want a flat at an expensive condominium or at an affordable HDB? The more transparent your financial goal is, the more realistically you can save.

When making a financial plan as a married couple, it is paramount that you share the same financial goals. Discuss it together and make sure that you each contribute to achieving them.

Once your financial goals are all set, categorize each one in terms of the length of time you will spend to accomplish them. The categorization includes short-term, mid-term, and long-term financial goals. Short-term financial goals (SFG), such as purchasing a microwave, are achievable in less than a year. Mid-term financial goals (MFG), such as an expensive family vacation to Europe, can take up to 5 years. Lastly, long-term financial goals (LFG) are achievable in more than 5 years. This includes your retirement plan.

After you categorized your financial goals in terms of time, it is time to prioritize each one of them so you can concentrate better. For instance, if you prioritize on saving for your children’s tertiary education (LFG) and a new microwave (SFG) rather than spending for a new car (LFG) and a new phone (SFG) then, save for it first.

The last step you must take is to figure out how much you will need to achieve each one. Do not be discouraged if the total amount seems overwhelming. What is important is the fact that you have realistic and tangible financial goals to work toward to. Revisit these goals every month and continue to refine your financial plan. If there is a difficulty in keeping your goals, analyze your budget and see if there are any areas that you can reduce or eliminate. This will increase your savings.

Image Credits: (CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: (CC0 Public Domain)

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


Effective Ways To Teach Teens About Investing

Money gives people, of all ages, the decision-making opportunities they need. Educating your teens to make wise money decisions earlier on will affect their finances in the long run. One of the most important things you must do is to expose your daughter or son to the basics of investing. In hindsight, I wished my parents did so.


Embedded in our Asian culture, most Singaporean parents keep their financial issues away from their children. However, the teenage years is the perfect time for you to enlighten them about the “real world” and its problems. Keeping your teens in the dark will make them think that managing money is easy and life is perfect.

Help your teenage child to transition from being a clueless kid to an informed young adult by teaching how important it is to set up future goals and a working budget. Take the effort to share your financial experiences including the ones that are related to investing. Be ready to answer countless amount of questions too!


Explaining the importance of money is easier said than done. With the idealistic minds of most teens, you must level it down to reality by giving relatable examples. Put worth or value to the currency by telling them that the money they saved and invested can be used to buy concert tickets of their favorite bands. It can also be used to buy the latest gadget that they have been eyeing on.

Make them realize that when money is invested in the right place and in the right way, they can purchase not just one but probably a couple of the things that they need and want.


Similar to learning how to ride a bicycle, begin by attaching the training wheels. In this case the training wheels are your investing fundamentals. Explain your own investment philosophy and the way you invest. Then talk about the basics of how the stock market operates as well as the different investment options available (e.g., mutual funds and REITs). Differentiate each option by describing its rewards and risks.

Start with these simple concepts first before jumping on the other concepts such as P/E ratios and diversification. This way, you can keep your child’s interest as everything seems understandable.


Shake things up and make learning fun by introducing free investment and trading apps such as Kapitall and CASHFLOW. Kapitall allows you to assemble a portfolio worth $100,000 and track its progress easily. While CASHFLOW, patterned to a popular board-game, allows you to work at a variety of professions until you implement a successful investment strategy to become the next business mogul. These games help teens to grasp the investment concepts that they need later in life.

Image Credits: (CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: (CC0 Public Domain)

As teens can become careless, continue to guide them throughout the process and never leave them “investing” on their own.

Sources: 1 & 2


Why You’re Still In Debt After All This Time


Reason: Credit card is a highly convenient tool for payment; however, it can also be a very costly method for loaning money. If your paycheck is insufficient and you are using cards to cover your necessities such as weekly groceries or electricity bills, you will be put in debt for a long time.

Solution: You must think of ways to raise your income and savings including getting a part-time job, renting a cheaper room, and reducing your daily expenses.


Reason: If you are spending lavishly in order to keep up with your ideal self, you can be quickly put in bankruptcy if you are not careful. In the outside you are seen as someone very successful because of your flashy BMW ride and your new huge flat. But little do others know that you have leased your BMW and rented some rooms of your flat.

Solution: Vanity and boastfulness is only for rich people. Live within your means.


Reason: Studies have shown that debt is associated with various mental illnesses including depression. When you are depressed, you have a difficulty with paying the bills and you are more likely to feel down because of your inability to manage it. The reality of the situation is also clear to you.

Solution: Your harsh realistic view of the world can lead you astray. So divide your total debt into smaller pieces and set several goals to pay them off.


Reason: Banks love it when clients only pay for the minimum balance. Making the lowest possible payment leads to more interest and time spent in debt. It can become more unmanageable if your balance continues to grow while your income stays the same.

Solution: Pay more than the minimum requirement each month to cut your payoff time and interest.


Reason: Many people rely on credit to cover the overwhelming costs of the holidays especially the Christmas-New Year season. This leads to starting the upcoming year off with a mount of debt. You better hide your plastic cards during those tempting seasons!

Solution: What you need during the holidays is support. You can either stay away from people who have a tendency to overspend or seek help from the credit experts at Credit Counselling Singapore.

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Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4