4 Common Financial Problems In Long-Term Partnerships

Arguments about finances hamper many marriages and professional partnerships. It is no wonder that financial problems are the leading cause of divorce.

A committed couple who suffers from serious monetary problems typically face loads of stress and tension, which often translates to heated quarrels. Prevent a fueled fight by fully disclosing your financial circumstance to your partner. From time to time, check if your financial goals are still in sync.


From school loans to gambling addiction, many people come to the altar bearing their financial baggage. If a partner has an outstanding pile of debt and the other does not, this situation can ignite a conflict.

In such situations, people often take solace in knowing that debts are not carried over through the marriage. However, it is understandable to share the responsibilities over childcare and housing debts.

Acknowledging what you are getting yourself into can help you employ various strategies to pay off debt. Both partners must be non-judgmental and honest when discussing about their financial habits and debts. Use several tools and strategies soon after. Seek professional help when necessary.


Tension brought by money can be due to the opposing personalities and beliefs of two people. Personality towards money plays an important role in a couple’s marital bliss or lack thereof.

Imagine living in a home with a hoarder when you are a spender yourself. Or, living with someone who is risk-avoidant while you are a risk-taker. These opposing personalities can be mediated by empathy and compassion. Walk in the other person’s shoes to understand where he or she is coming from. Paying attention to your partner’s financial habits before and during matrimony can be beneficial too. Discuss about your financial views and habits to reach a level of understanding.


Whether the spotlight is on a romantic or a professional partnership, the commitment levels of each individual can be an issue. You need to clearly discuss what each partner is looking for. Let us take a business partnership as an example. Partner A wants to keep his full-time job and invest some funds to the business, while Partner B wants to fully dedicate his time and resources towards the business. Can you see the gap between these two?

When it comes to romantic relationships, two people may not be on the same page when it comes to commitment. Partner A wants to start a family, while Partner B is not yet ready. It is important to discuss the commitment levels before it is too late.


The nature of partnership is a struggle that many partnerships face. After all, not every partnership is split 50/50. The differences in financial contributions can yield many questions such as how the profits will be divided (i.e., professional partnership) or how clear these financial responsibilities are (i.e., romantic partnership).

These questions must be addressed at the end of the courting period. Thus, both parties will aim to eliminate lingering tensions as they move forward.

Sources: 1 & 2


5 Creative Ways To Teach Your Child How To Count

Educators usually begin teaching counting and basic numerical concepts to children in Kindergarten. However, you can begin to teach your child these concepts earlier on. The skills you teach your child can search as a foundation that your little one can draw upon when teachers introduce numerical concepts in Kindergarten. Moreover, counting is the foundation of money management.

Teaching children to count can be easy and fun! Use these simple strategies to develop your child’s fondness for numbers.


Sorting, the application of logical thinking, is a natural part of counting objects. Sorting, classifying, comparing, and organizing information are the pillars of complex mathematical decision-making and thinking skills.

Keep things engaging by asking your child to recognize his or her set of blocks. The process of sorting is the process of grouping objects that share the same attributes. Ask your child to arrange the blocks by shape or color. Then, count each category.


For children aged 3 to 4, you can practice counting by using common toys. Stuffed animals and stacking rings can be useful for your role-play. Let your child play with your while you are counting the objects together. Sneak the learning in playtime rather than focusing on academics. You can also teach the color names as you count these types of toys.


If your child is motivated by snacks, you can use this technique to work on his or her counting skills. Use your child’s favorite snacks and have them count how many you are giving them. You can let your child eat the snacks with every correct answer.


Use your child’s artistic side to your advantage by having your toddler place stamps on a piece of paper. State the number you want them to show and let them stamp the corresponding object. Make sure they are using their index finger to point to each stamp as they assign it a number.


Dotted cards are made with paper and colored dot stickers. You can print this template for your convenience. Children can count aloud as they place each numerical counter on the dots. Alternatively, you can count and match the number of dots on the dominoes.

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Sources: 1 & 2


What to do when your toddler just won’t nap

a toddler refusing to nap

Mums with babies, we feel you. Parenting is a consistent rush, and these kids grow up really fast!

In a blink of an eye, they start crawling, and before you know it, they are taking their first steps. As your little ones transit from their baby moments to toddlerhood, you might find that it’s not easy to put them down for a short sleep.

Here’s what to do when your toddler just won’t nap.

Adapt according to their physical needs

When your baby is a few months old, maybe you found it easier for them to sleep for two hours straight after their milk routine. As they grow a year old, their nap time might be reduced to an hour instead. If so, go with the flow and adapt according to their physical needs. Forcing a child to sleep more when they don’t want to can backfire and make them resist even more.

Stick to the same nap time
a toddler napping

Image Credits: ovuline.com

Humans are habitual creatures, and so is your toddler. Once you’ve adapted to your child’s physical needs and found a pattern for their sleep, stick to it.

While you don’t want to force a kid to take a nap, waiting till they are overly exhausted and start crying is not ideal. Remember, the more regular their sleep pattern is, the less they will resist since their bodies are used to the same daily schedule.

Create a peaceful environment

As adults, we are often told not to look at our phones, laptops, or watch television programmes right before bedtime. Similarly, your toddler needs to stay away from stimulating activities before they can calm their mind and body.

You can create that peaceful environment for them by allowing them to engage in relaxing activities. It could be playing soothing instrumental music in the background or reading them a bedtime story. Do this at least 10 minutes before their usual daytime nap period.

Make sure they stay in bed

Image Credits: healthline.com

Perhaps you’ve tried all the above, but your toddler just won’t nap. Worse still, they start wailing, and you begin panicking. If that happens, do not be too quick to remove them from their bed. Pat gently and comfort them using a reassuring voice.

What most parents fail to do is to make sure they stay in bed. The rationale behind not giving in is so that they understand that a nap is inevitable. When you start breaking the routine and bring them out of bed when they cry, you will have a hard time putting them down for a nap the next day and in the future.

As we come to a close, be well aware that there is no one correct parenting method since every child is unique in their ways. Try the abovementioned methods to see if they work and if they don’t, make tweaks accordingly! No one knows your child better than you do.


A family therapist shares with us signs signalling a marriage has reached its endpoint

a woman removing her wedding ring

When two lives come together to build a new family, there’s bound to be friction. While some people try to work around it and eventually see success through prolonged counselling sessions, not everyone manages to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Sometimes, the risks of staying together may even outweigh the benefits. So how does one realise that it’s meaningless to hold on any further? A family therapist shares with us signs signalling a marriage has reached its endpoint.

#1: Varying values and personalities

While there’s some truth in the belief on how “opposites attract”, couples with varying values and personalities may not be able to stay together for long.

Dr Stephanie Azri, a family therapist with two decades in clinical settings, asks us to picture these scenarios:

  • A partner who hates physical activities but married to one who loves hiking every weekend.
  • An introverted person with an extroverted spouse who needs to invite friends over every night.

These are fundamental differences we’re talking about, and if negotiations cannot get a couple anywhere, it could be a telltale sign to let go.

#2: Prey to domestic violence

Do you know that domestic violence may include physical violence, sexual violence, psychological violence, and emotional abuse?

No one is deserving of domestic violence because it hurts, and the experience tends to stick through one’s adult years. If you’ve been prey to aggressive partners for some time now, don’t keep mum about it.

Call the 24-hour National Anti-Violence Helpline at 1800 777 0000 if you need to speak with trained social workers regarding abuse and violence. Even if you’re not a direct victim but know of someone who may be undergoing domestic violence, reach out.

#3: Communication and compromise breakdowns
asian couple disagreement

Image Credits: bestlifeonline.com

Communication is vital in any relationship. An obvious result of a communication breakdown is that you can’t seem to get on the same page anymore.

“I found that when one or both partners stop using manners, talk with a tone that speaks volume, or a body language that serves to intimidate, it can be a sign that the marriage got to a point where it is time to get some serious relationship coaching, or move on,” says Dr Azri.

Let’s not forget to mention that communication and compromise go hand in hand. When communication is through, at least one party attempts to give in for the greater good. But if there’s a crack in both areas, then maybe your marriage has reached its final stages.

#4: Missing common goals

Are you and your spouse heading in the same direction? Different individuals have different marriage goals, and it’s not possible to be 100% in sync all the time.

However, there should be at least a few common goals that both of you share. Think of it as a compass guiding you two on the same path. It could be a dream trip somewhere, buying a new condominium, or starting a new family journey with little ones.

If you find yourself missing common goals, this could indicate that it’s time to get back on track and walk together or take steps to move on mutually.

#5: Running the show alone
a stressed out mum

Image Credits: thejournal.ie

Some people don’t mind running the show alone, but flying solo isn’t all that great a balance in a marriage. 

It’s impossible to reach a 50-50 contribution for the family since everyone has their fair share of routine and responsibilities. What we’re suggesting is that you shouldn’t be doing everything alone and feeling bitter and lonely about it.

“It is not normal to find yourself in a relationship where you don’t feel like you can share, discuss and/or negotiate roles, jobs, and responsibilities with your partner. If you are in this situation, I’d advise seriously talking about it,” noted Dr Azri.

#6: Zero or unfulfilling sexual intercourse

Dr Azri is also an accredited sexologist, and she feedbacks that there are many married couples with zero or unfulfilling sexual intercourse routines.

“Sex is an important part of a relationship and if a couple is disconnected, not attracted to their partner, unable to sexually relax, or simply not interested in having sex together, it may be safe to say that this relationship is more of a friendship (at best) rather than an intimate one,” she explains.

While couples may seek sexual therapy to find out the underlying issues, the absence of sex in any relationship is a big red flag that your marriage has reached its endpoint.

#7: Forgiveness is out of the question
a couple in distress

Image Credits: thelist.com

As we come to a close, know that in every relationship, there’s bound to be some lies told. But when these lies get bigger, they can lead to mistrust, betrayal, and even relationship trauma.

If you can’t seem to move on, this indicates that forgiveness is out of the question. When there’s no forgiveness, grudges will slowly build-up, and this may lead to hatred over the long term. This is especially so if your partner continues to cheat on you or does hurtful things without considering your feelings.

“A healthy separation is better than a bad marriage. Accept that divorce isn’t a failure, but rather, the maturity to acknowledge that our needs have evolved and we are strong enough to step outside the present to look ahead to the future,” highlights Dr Azri.


Budgeting 101: How to Be Financially Ready for Your Parents’ Care Needs

old asian couple

Budgeting is not that easy, especially for those who are low-income earners. It can be frustrating when most of your salary goes to your bills. This is why it’s important to know how to be financially responsible. Managing your money is the best way for you to survive and even gain the opportunity to invest in things that will improve your overall quality of life.

This includes investing in our parents’ care options. Indeed, aging can be a complicated process. There are seniors who live with or suffer from medical conditions that require special attention, support, and assistance from equipped facilities. In that case, being the children or the family members that look after them, it’s crucial for us to be financially prepared to help them live more comfortably and happily.

In this blog post, we’ll be giving you tips on how to be financially ready for your elderly parents’ care needs.

Why do you need to invest in senior care? 

Saving up for your parents’ care options is important due to many reasons.

For instance, you don’t have enough time to care for them. Maybe you have a family of your own who needs looking after or you have a full-time job to tend to. Or, let’s say you can take care of them personally. However, you do not have the right care facilities in your home or your living environment is not the place for them to get better.

All these factors and so much more are to be considered for investing in senior care services.

There are plenty of senior care options made available such as Nursing Homes, Assisted Living, Independent Living, Memory Care, Respite Care, and In-Home Care. All these are developments made to provide seniors with access to professional nursing care, assistance, and medical care.

How much does senior care cost? 

Choosing the right care option for your aging parents can be overwhelming at the beginning. But the best thing you can do is to have them assessed to determine their level of need. Knowing which senior care is best for them will also help you figure out how much budget you will be needing.

To know how much, you need money you need to save up, you first need to know how much you are saving for. It’s important to be familiar with the costs of the various senior care options even when the possibility of availing them for your parents is still far away.

Remember, proper anticipation will lead to less frustration.

Here are the estimated costs of each senior care option:

  • Nursing homes: Nursing homes are clinic-like senior care facilities that provide professional nursing care 24/7. A higher level of assistance is needed by its care recipients. The rates of Nursing Homes may vary depending on whether your loved one needs only short-term or long-term care and if they’ll be staying in a shared room or private room.

General cost ranges from $1,200 to $3500 per month (if it’s a shared bedroom) and $4,000 to $6,500 per month (if it’s a private single-bedroom)

  • Assisted Living: Assisted Living facilities offer a wide range of services for the elderly who require less demanding care services. This includes assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs), transportation, daily meals, planned activities, and many more.

General cost ranges from $2,300 to $4,500 depending on the services and facilities availed by the care recipient. 

  • Independent Living: This is the optimal choice for seniors who want to make the most out of their retirement years and require only assistance with more complex day-to-day tasks such as housekeeping, laundry, and others.

General cost ranges from $1,900 to $4,100 depending on the services and facilities availed by the care recipient. 

  • Memory Care: This facility focuses on providing care, treatment, and support to seniors that are living with dementia or other forms of memory impairment. There are various programs instituted to help reduce the progression of their diseases such as therapy and planned activities.

General cost ranges from $2,500 to $5,000 depending on the needs and facilities availed by the care recipient. 

  • Respite Care: This care service is provided to the elderly whose own caregivers decide to take a much-needed break. This was established to help caregivers give importance to their physical and mental health as well.

General cost ranges from $100 to $150 per day.

  • In-home Care: This is personal care and assistance provided to seniors who desire to remain in their respective homes. Although this sets a more comfortable and familiar environment for them, it does not have the complete set of senior care amenities and features that you would commonly find in actual facilities.

The nationwide cost for this is around $22 per hour. 

How to budget finances for senior care costs? 

Senior care services may seem to be heavy on the pocket. However, that is the reality. Besides, these care services are a worthy investment (still depending on the care service provider of course) because they will help your aging parents enjoy a more comfortable, secure, and happy life—the kind of life that doesn’t end in suffering or experience further problems.

Here are valuable tips that you can follow to be financially ready for your parents’ care needs:

  1. Discuss budgeting with your parents

Some aging adults refuse to believe that they’ll be needing long-term care, even the ones living with chronic illnesses. Some of them may be skeptical or just do not like the idea of moving into a facility surrounded by strangers. However, you have to make them understand how important this is to them and to you.

Team up with them in terms of budgeting. Surely, some of their budgets will also go into their care needs so it’s extremely essential for all of you to be in the know. This is to discipline them as well and prevent any overspending on unnecessary things.

  1. Be organized. Create a monthly expense sheet. 

List your expenses every month. Knowing where your money is going will help you track down every penny better. You wouldn’t end up scratching your head and wondering where a huge amount of your salary flew off to. This will also help you see your budget from a larger viewpoint, making it easier for you to control yourself and the way you spend. Also, teach this to your parents.

  1. Choose insurance policies and plans wisely

Having life and health insurance is very important for every individual. This ensures that you don’t have to worry about expenses if you accidentally pass away or get severely ill. The insurance companies and the money you have invested in them will help you pay for the costs. However, it’s important to choose the right plan that will not be too costly for you. Insurance premiums can be paid for through various installment plans such as monthly, quarterly, or even semi-annually. Assess your cash flow and choose the plan which resonates most with you.

  1. Turn to government subsidies, financial assistance, and schemes

The great thing about this is you and your family alone. The government extends a reaching hand towards the senior community and has implemented various subsidies and financial support towards low-income earners. Furthermore, senior care facilities also have in-house financial assistance that can help lessen the load of your spending. Keep yourself familiar with these programs so that you can apply on behalf of your aging parents.

  1. Set a financial system

Again, learn how to be organized. Manage the inflow and outflow of your funds. As you receive your salary, properly disseminate them in the various bills you have to pay and set aside some of it for your savings and other investments, including your parents’ care needs. This will help you save up a huge budget that you can use to pay for the best kind of care for your parents.