Cut the clutter: The real newborn essentials you need

newborn essentials

You are about to welcome your little one into the world and you’re probably feeling overwhelmed with all the new baby items you need to buy. A crib, stroller, a car seat, and no-scratch mittens – the list goes on and on.

But what if we told you that you only need a few essential items to take care of your newborn? In this post, we will share some of the most necessary newborn items you need to have. So before you go on a spending frenzy, take a look at our list.


Trust us, you’re going to need a lot of diapers. Like, a lot. Newborns go through them at an alarming rate, so be prepared to stock up. Baby wipes are also a must-have—you can never have too many.

Boppy pillows

Boppy pillows are great for nursing and bottle feeding, and they can also be used as a support when your baby is learning to sit up. They’re versatile, and they’re worth every penny. So don’t go out and buy a bunch of newborn gear that you don’t need. Stick to the essentials, and you will be just fine.

Newborn clothes
baby clothes

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Think about it—your baby is going to grow out of those clothes fast, so why spend a lot of money on them? Instead, invest in a few high-quality pieces that will last.

Cotton is an excellent choice for baby clothes because it’s soft and breathable. And if you want the best for your baby, look for clothes that are made of organic cotton. Save your money and use it for other things—like wipes and diapers!

Swaddle blankets

When it comes to newborn items, one of the most essential ones is a good set of swaddle blankets. These help you soothe your little one and keep them cozy and comfortable. But not just any swaddle blanket will do.

You need something soft, breathable, and lightweight. We recommend looking for a set made of muslin or bamboo, which is gentle on your baby’s skin. As a bonus, swaddle blankets can also be used as burp cloths, nursing covers, and more! So they’re worth investing in.

Bottles and nipples

For newborns, bottles and nipples usually come in various sizes. And as your baby grows, you will want to transition them to the next size slowly. But it’s not just about the size of the nipple. You also need to consider the type of nipple.

There are two main types: latex and silicone. Latex nipples are the most flexible and mimic the feel of a human breast. Silicone nipples are firmer and stay in shape longer. So what’s the most suitable nipple for your baby? That’s really up to you and your little one to decide. Just try out a couple of brands and see what works best.

You don’t need to go out and buy all the newborn items that are marketed to you. Many of those items are just added clutter and could be skipped altogether. In this article, we’ve looked at the essentials that you need as a new parent: diapers, boppy pillows, newborn clothes, swaddle blankets, and bottles and nipples. Everything else can wait until later.


Signs that your child may be struggling with their mental health

a sad boy leaning against the sofa

As a parent, it’s important to be aware of the signs that your child may be struggling with their mental health.

If you’re seeing any of the following symptoms in your child, it’s worth reaching out to them first and seeking professional help after. In this post, we will outline some of the most common warning signs that your child may need help with. Stay on this page!

Signs of self-harm

If your child is harming themselves, it’s a clear indication that they’re feeling desperate and hopeless. If you notice any signs of self-harm, talk to your family doctor or contact a mental health professional right away. The sooner you get help, the faster your child can get back on track.

Changes in their eating habits

Do they seem to be eating more or less than usual? Are they picking at their food or gobbling it down? Are they eating the same things every day, or are they trying new foods? All of these things can be signs that something is going on. So if you’re seeing any changes in your child’s eating habits, see if they want to talk about what’s going on.

Having trouble sleeping and staying asleep
a child having issues sleeping

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Are your children having issues getting shuteye at night? Because if they are, that’s often a sign that something’s going on. Kids who are struggling with their mental health may find it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep. If you’re noticing this kind of pattern, it’s worth bringing it up with your doctor.

Sudden and dramatic changes in mood or behavior

For example, if your child usually loves being around people, but they’ve suddenly become antisocial, this could be a sign that they’re struggling with their mental health. Or if your child is usually a happy, carefree person, but they’ve been presenting signs of withdrawal, this could be cause for concern.

If you’ve been noticing that your kid is retreating from activities they used to enjoy, this could be a signal that they’re having issues with their mental health too. Maybe they’re not as chatty as they used to be or they’ve been canceling plans a lot.

It’s not always easy to tell when your child is floundering with their innermost thoughts, but there are some indications you can look out for. If your child is having trouble eating, sleeping, or socializing, or if they’re exhibiting potentially harmful behaviors, it’s time to get them checked out by a professional. Mental health is just as significant as physical health, and we must never downplay any possible depressive symptoms that appear minor at first glance.


Warning signs during an interview that your potential boss may be a bully

a mean boss asking an employee to go out

You’re interviewing for your dream job, and things seem to be progressing okay…

But then the interviewer suddenly drops a question that throws you for a loop. Such questions from your potential boss can reveal a lot about their management style and how they might treat you if you were to work for them.

Thus, let’s discuss how to spot a potential bully boss during an interview, and what to do if you encounter one.

Gives you the silent treatment

If your potential boss ignores your questions, that could be a major red flag. A bully boss will often give you the silent treatment to intimidate you and see how you will react. So if this happens during your interview, be sure to stay calm and professional. Don’t let them rattle you.

Talks over and interrupts you

A bully boss will steamroll over anyone to show their authority. And if you’re not able to stand up for yourself, you’re going to have a tough time working for that person.

Remember that you have the right to be treated with respect, and you don’t need to put up with a potential boss who doesn’t respect your boundaries. So if you encounter a bully boss during your interview, it’s best to move on and find another company that will appreciate you as an individual.

Tries to dominate the conversation
an interviewee with an unhappy face

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If your potential boss tries to dominate the conversation, this person is probably used to having things their way and won’t hesitate to trample over anyone who gets in their way.

You need to be prepared for this type of behavior and know how to handle it. Keep your cool and recognize that you’re interviewing them as much as they’re interviewing you. If this person can’t handle a two-way conversation, then they’re not the right fit for you.

Plays favorites among other candidates

For example, if they seem to be friendly with one candidate for a particular reason but act cold or dismissive towards you, it could be a warning sign that they will be just as unfair to you once you’re hired. This can be unsettling and make you question whether or not you want to work for that company.

If you do see any of these warning signs during your interview, trust your gut and don’t take the job. There are plenty of other companies out there that will value your skills and won’t put you through the emotional toll that comes with working for a bully boss.

Puts you on the spot with controversial questions

During the interview, a bully boss will put you on the spot with controversial questions that are meant to test your response. These questions are designed to see how you will answer under pressure.

So if you’re not prepared for them, you will likely end up sounding like a deer in headlights. And that’s exactly what the bully boss is looking for. The best way to deal with this type of question is to take a few seconds to gather your thoughts and then give a response that’s confident and respectful. Stay calm and collected, even if you’re feeling overwhelmed. And whatever you do, don’t get defensive.

When interviewing for a new job, it’s crucial to be aware of the signs that your potential boss may be a bully. This will help you avoid working for someone who may make your work life miserable. Some warning signs to look out for include if your potential boss is overly domineering and demanding. If you see any of the abovementioned warning signs during your interview, it may be wise to look for a new job elsewhere.


How to train yourself to be more innovative

a lady presenting in front of a whiteboard

You feel like you’ve been stuck in a rut lately.

You’re not sure what’s going on, but you’re just not as creative as you used to be. Ideas don’t come to you as easily and your work is starting to suffer because of it.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. A lot of people go through periods like this, but thankfully, there are ways to get yourself out of it. In this post, we will talk about how to train yourself to be more innovative so that you can start generating new ideas again.

Break the rules
creativity doesn't need limits

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You’ve heard it before: break the rules. But what does that mean?

It means not being afraid to think outside the box, experiment, and innovate. It means not being terrified to try something new, even if it doesn’t work the first time. It means being okay with failure.

Just as Thomas A. Edison once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” And that’s the key to innovation—trial and error, experimentation.

You need to be willing to take risks. You need to be able to think on your feet and come up with new solutions when the going gets tough. It takes practice, but if you’re committed to becoming more innovative, you can do it. It starts with breaking the rules and thinking outside the box.

Be open to new ideas

When you’re open to new ideas, you’re more likely to come up with fresh solutions to problems. It’s all about being receptive to new possibilities and keeping an unrestricted mind.

Too often, people are resistant to change and they stick to what they know. But the truth is, the world is constantly changing and if you want to stay ahead of the curve, you need to be open to new notions.

The best way to train yourself to be more innovative is to expose yourself to fresh views. Read books, watch documentaries, attend talks and workshops—anything that will help you learn about unexplored subjects.

When you’re exposed to new ideas, it’s easier for your brain to come up with fresh solutions. So make it a habit to always be learning and expanding your horizons. You never know when a unique thought will strike, so it’s always best to be prepared.

Take moments to daydream
a woman looking out of the window from her desk

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Let your mind wander and explore new possibilities. When you’re stuck, it can be tough to come up with new ideas. But if you’re willing to put in a little extra effort, you can train yourself to be more innovative.

Start by taking some time to daydream. When you come across something that catches your interest, write it down or sketch it out. Then, try to take that sentiment and run with it. See if you can come up with a plan to make it a reality. The more you practice, the easier it will be to come up with ingenious resolutions to problems.

Set aside time for brainstorming

If you’re feeling stagnant at work, it might be because you’re not taking the time to come up with unexplored conceptions. And the best way to do that is by setting aside some time for brainstorming.

During this time, you should allow yourself to be completely creative and come up with as many possibilities as possible. Don’t worry about whether they’re good or bad—just let your mind run wild. And then, once you’ve got a bunch of ideas, start sorting through them and see which ones might work.

Tip: It is simpler to identify suitable strategies when a summary of a brainstorming session’s creative contributions and team recommendations is visually created. Information should be graphically mapped out to help you and your coworkers see the connections between outputs and determine what to do next.

Wake up your brain with a 20-minute walk
two coworkers walking and talking

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You may think that you need to be born with a natural gift for creativity to be inventive. But that’s not the case. Anyone can train themselves to be more innovative if they know how.

One way to do this is by waking up your brain with a 20-minute walk. This gets your blood flowing and helps you start thinking more creatively. The fresh air is also a great way to clear your head and come up with untried concepts.

As you tread through the gardens or buildings outdoors, pen down any ideas that come to mind on your phone, no matter how crazy they seem. And don’t be afraid to share these opinions with others—the more input you get, the better it is.

You can do many things to start training yourself to be more creative. First, start by being open to new ideas and change. Next, try to come up with fresh ways of doing things, even if they may seem a little absurd at first. Finally, get out and explore the latest happenings in your industry and beyond. With a little endeavor, you can start training yourself to be more innovative and open up new prospects for yourself and your career.


Here’s why you should not hire without asking for job references

a lady having a job interview

You’re about to make your next big hire, and you’re feeling confident about the process.

You’ve reviewed resumes, conducted interviews, and made your decision. But are you done? Not yet. One final step in the hiring process is to ask for job references.

References can provide additional insight into a candidate’s skills and qualifications, and they can give you a sense of how the candidate interacted with former employers. It can also help you verify the information on a resume.

So, don’t skip this final step in the hiring process. Ask for references from your top candidates, and then follow up with those references to get the most accurate picture of who these individuals are.

Provide valuable information

Not only do references give you an idea of how potential employees performed in their past roles, but they can also provide practical discernment into the individual’s character and personality. References can tell you a lot about a potential employee.

For example, if one of your candidate’s references says that they were always late for work, that might be something you want to take into consideration. Or if another contact says that the candidate was always willing to go above and beyond, that’s something you will want to know about too.

Learn about a candidate’s work ethic
two colleagues in an unhappy discussion

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References are a great way to find out what a person is really like when they’re at work. Are they the type of person who delivers on time and gives more than 100%? Or do they always leave work early and take long lunches?

References can also tell you how well a person works with others. Do they always take credit for their work? Or do they give credit to their team members? Do they cooperate and collaborate or do they butt heads with everyone?

References give you an idea of how a potential employee will fit into your company culture, and they can help you avoid making a bad hire. So don’t skip this step in the hiring process—ask for job references!

Asking for job references is a professional approach

When you’re hiring, it’s necessary to err on the side of caution and ask for job references. This will give you a sense of who the candidate is as a professional and if they’re someone you can trust.

It also shows that you’re approaching this seriously and that you’re not just winging it. By asking for job references, you’re signaling to potential candidates that you’re a boss who means business. And that’s something they will appreciate—especially if they’re looking for a long-term career opportunity.

As we close, employers should never hire a candidate without first checking their job references. That’s because references provide insights that are difficult to derive from resumes or interviews. They can attest to the candidate’s skills and abilities and deliver understanding into past performance reviews. If you’re an employer, be sure to always ask for job references from prospects. If you’re a job seeker, make sure you have a list of references ready for your interview.