Why you should think twice before responding to hate comments online

man typing on his laptop

You’re scrolling through your Facebook feed when you see a post from a friend and the comments are already full of hate.

You decide to read them, and suddenly you’re in the thick of things. Someone has said something about your friend that’s downright rude, and you feel the need to reply.

Before you do, stop and think for a moment. Is responding to this hateful comment going to make things better? More likely than not, it won’t. It could make things worse by inciting more anger and hatred. You never know who might see your response, and it could end up causing more harm than good.

There’s no need to put yourself through that kind of stress when there are better ways to deal with hate comments. In this post, we will explore some of those ways and talk about why you should stop responding to hate comments online.

Be the bigger person

When somebody hurls an insult your way (or a loved one’s), it’s natural to want to fire back. But before you do, take a step back and think about the consequences.

Are you going to stoop down to their level and engage in a pointless back-and-forth? Are you going to make the situation worse? Are you going to give them the satisfaction of knowing that they got under your skin? There’s no need to waste your time and energy on somebody who’s not worth it. Just ignore them and move on.

The psychology of hate comments

Here’s the thing: responding to hate comments only fuels the fire. It can be hard to walk away from an online argument, but trust us—it’s worth it. Not only will you be sparing yourself from hours of stress, but you will also be sending a message that hate doesn’t win.

Studies have shown that ignoring hate comments works better than replying to them. When someone doesn’t get a reaction, they tend to give up and move on. So next time you’re faced with some negativity, just take a deep breath and walk away.

Responding to them only makes it worse
woman with a MacBook on a sofa

Image Credits: unsplash.com

By responding to negativity, you’re saying, “Yes, this is something worth getting worked up about.” And that’s not what you want. You want to ignore the hate message, or better yet, delete it. That way, you’re not giving it any power.

If you decide to respond to a hate comment, what should you say?

If you do decide to respond to a hate comment, you should never attack the person. That will only escalate the situation and could end up with you getting into a heated argument.

Instead, try to stay calm and constructive. Address the issue that the person has brought up and offer a solution. Most importantly, try to stay positive. No one wants to read a long rant about how terrible someone is. Keep your response short and sweet, and end on a graceful note.

No one deserves to be attacked online, especially not for something as innocent as posting a photo or opinion. At the same time, just because someone leaves a hateful comment doesn’t mean you have to respond in kind. Think about the consequences of your response before you post. Will it lead to an online argument that will just get messy? If the answer is yes, then it’s best to walk away. It can be hard not to react when you’re faced with hate but remember that responding won’t change anything, and it might just make matters worse.


Surviving your office days when the person next to you is a slacker

slacker at work

It has happened to most of us.

You’re working hard, cranking out project after project, when the person next to you decides to take a day off, and another day off after a few weeks. Suddenly, the whole office seems to be going at a snail’s pace.

It can be frustrating when someone else in the office is slacking off but don’t worry, you can survive. Stay on this page for a few tips for coping when your office becomes a breeding ground for laziness.

What is a slacker?

A slacker, simply put, is somebody who’s not pulling their weight in the office. They’re the person who is always coming in late, taking long lunches, and never seems to be doing any work. And while they might not be causing much harm, they can certainly be a thorn in your side.

The different types of office slackers

There are various types of office slackers, and it’s vital to know how to deal with them. For example, there’s the can’t-be-bothered slacker, who is disengaged and doesn’t care about their job. Then there’s the overwhelmed slacker, who is overworked, stressed out, and refuses to do anything anymore.

Both of these types of slackers can be a challenge to work with, but they can also be managed if you know how to approach them correctly. Try appealing to their sense of logic or reasoning, or assist them if you can. If all else fails, have a conversation with your boss about the situation.

The benefits of working with a slacker

satisfied at work

Image Credits: unsplash.com

You may think that working with a slacker is a waste of your time, but you would be surprised at the benefits.

For starters, they can be a great motivator. Slackers usually don’t care about their work, which means they’re not going to be as competitive as you are. This can be a good thing because it means they’re not going to take over your projects or try to take credit for them.

Working with a slacker can also force you to step up your game. If you’re used to coasting along and doing the bare minimum, you’re going to have to step up your game when you’re working with someone who’s not going to do anything on their own. So instead of seeing them as a hindrance, try to see them as an opportunity to improve your skills and work harder than you ever have before.

How to get the most out of working with a slacker

But still, we know it’s tough when you’re stuck working with a slacker. This person is dragging down the rest of the team, and it’s up to you to figure out how to get the most out of this situation.

Here are a few tips for making the most of your time with a slacker:

  • Give them space. Let them work at their own pace, within a reasonable timeline.
  • Communicate often. Check-in with them regularly to make sure they’re staying on track.
  • Set clear expectations. Make sure this person understands what’s expected of them and what the deadlines are.
  • Be patient. It may take a while for this person to get their act together, but eventually, they will (or risk getting fired).

It’s tough enough having to work every day with a slacker coworker who makes your job harder than it already is, but it’s even tougher when you have to find ways to motivate that person. For a start, set realistic goals. Don’t expect your coworker to suddenly turn into a workhorse overnight, but try to set practical objectives that they can accomplish without too much effort. Then, lead by example. If you want your coworker to start taking their job more seriously, you need to show them how to. Work hard and stay focused, even when things get tough. Hopefully, they will start following your lead someday.


Overcoming postpartum depression as a couple

postpartum depression

You just gave birth—congratulations!

But what if, instead of feeling the delight and excitement that are supposed to come with this new stage in your life, you find yourself feeling weary? This is often what postpartum depression feels like.

If your spouse is dealing with postpartum depression, it can be tough to know how to best support them. You may feel helpless and unsure of what to do. The good news is that there are things you can do to help your partner through this challenging time.


Postpartum depression is a type of mood disorder that can affect both men and women after childbirth. Symptoms can include but are not limited to: feeling overwhelmed, not wanting to look at your newborn, and losing interest in activities you once enjoyed.

Why is it hard to overcome?

Postpartum depression is hard to overcome because it can make you feel like you’re all alone in the world. You may feel like you’re not good enough, that you’re a terrible mom or dad, that you’re not cut out for this.

All of those negative thoughts can be hard to shake off. But remember that you’re not alone. There are other parents out there who are going through the same thing. You can get better, and you can overcome this.

Warning signs that your partner may be struggling
dad with newborn

Image Credits: baby-chick.com

So, what are some warning signs that your partner may be struggling with postpartum depression? Well, here are a few things to watch out for:

  • Excessive crying
  • Trouble sleeping or eating
  • Changes in mood or personality
  • Withdrawing from friends and family
  • Lack of interest in activities once enjoyed
  • Feelings of guilt, hopelessness, or worthlessness

If you notice any of these signs, talk to your partner and seek help. Postpartum depression can be treated, and early diagnosis is key to a successful recovery.

How you can support your partner through postpartum depression

You want to do everything you can to support your partner through postpartum depression. Here are a few ideas:

  • Don’t judge them. Postpartum depression is a real condition, and it’s not something your partner is choosing or doing on purpose. They need your support, not your judgment.
  • Talk to them about how they’re feeling. This can be tough, but they must know they’re not unaided. Let them know that you’re willing to listen to anything they want to talk about.
  • Offer to help with anything they need. If they’re feeling overwhelmed, offer to take care of the baby while they take a weekend trip away, or make them a meal. Anything you can do to lighten their load will certainly be appreciated.

Postpartum depression is a tricky experience for both the individual and their partner. However, with patience, support and understanding, it can be overcome. Here are a few ways you can help your partner through postpartum depression symptoms: offer emotional support, avoid criticizing or shaming them, and seek professional help if needed. The road to recovery can be difficult, but as a couple, it can be done.


The struggle of working remotely: How to cope with isolation

man looking out of the window

Working remotely can be great.

You can take work with you anywhere, you have more flexibility in your hours, and you can manage your workload. But there are also some drawbacks. One of the biggest disadvantages is the sense of isolation that can come with working alone.

If you’re feeling lonesome, there are a few things you can do to battle those feelings. Read on for more tips.

Warning signs that you’re struggling

Are you feeling a bit lonely lately? Are you struggling to stay focused and motivated? If so, you might be toiling with remote work isolation. This is a real danger for anyone who works from home for the long term, and it’s something that can affect your productivity and your overall well-being.

The effects of isolation on your overall health

When you work remotely, it can be really easy to feel secluded from the rest of the world. You’re not in an office with your coworkers, and you’re not interacting with people face-to-face daily.

And this can take a toll on your mental and physical health. You may feel friendless, and this can pave the way to depression or anxiety. You may also start to feel crushed and stressed out, which can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure or heart disease.

The importance of taking good care of yourself
a group of people exercising together

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Make sure you’re getting enough exercise and eating right. This might seem like common sense, but it’s easy to forgo yourself when you’re working remotely. And that’s when the isolation can take hold.

So make a point of staying fit, both physically and mentally. And if you find yourself struggling, don’t be afraid to reach out for assistance. There are plenty of people who understand what you’re going through, and they’re more than pleased to offer support.

How to combat work isolation through online communities

There are online communities out there that can help you combat work isolation too. These communities are a great way to connect with other remote workers, exchange tips and tricks, and just have a bit of interaction. The best part is that most of these communities are free to join. So jump in and start bonding with other remote workers today!

Tips for staying connected to others while working remotely

Here are a few tips for staying connected:

  • Make time for personal interactions. Whether it’s talking on the phone or video-calling with friends and family, make time for personal interactions each day.
  • Stay social. Try to stay as social as possible, even if that means just hanging out on social media. Follow your favorite brands and bloggers, and keep up with the latest trends.
  • Get involved. There are likely lots of hobby groups out there that revolve around your interests. Find one that you can join and get involved. This is a lovely way to meet new people and stay connected with others who share your interests.

It can be tough to work remotely. You can feel isolated from the rest of the world. But there are things you can do to cope with this. First, try to make time for social activities. Second, make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Third, stay connected with your colleagues. Use chat programs or video conferencing to stay in touch. This will help you feel like part of a team and not alone in your remote work venture. Working remotely can be tough, but it’s manageable if you take the right steps. Try out the abovementioned tips and see if they make a difference for you.


How to be an intern in a new industry and not feel embarrassed because of your age

colleagues working in the office

You’re interested in interning in a new industry, but you’re not sure if you should because of your age. You don’t want to feel embarrassed being an older person in the room.

Here’s the thing: there’s no shame in being an intern later in life. In fact, it can be a great way to learn new skills and gain experience in an unexplored field.

Let’s talk about what to expect and how to make the most of your internship in a new industry. We will also dispel any myths about interning later in life and show you that it can be a fantastic opportunity for growth.

The perks of being an older intern

There are plenty of perks to being an older intern in a new industry. For starters, you have a lot of life experience and knowledge under your belt, which can be a huge asset.

You’re also more likely to be taken seriously, and people will respect your opinion more because you’re not just some greenhorn trying to learn the ropes. Plus, you’re more likely to have the drive and motivation to succeed, since you’re not as worried about making mistakes having work experience.

Of course, there will be times when you feel like you’re the most senior person in the workplace, but that’s okay. Just embrace your experience and use it to your advantage. And most importantly, enjoy the process!

Why you shouldn’t feel embarrassed

Don’t feel sorry because you’re not as young anymore. Plenty of people have gone through similar experiences you’re going through now, and they’ve managed to make a name for themselves in their chosen industry.

There are a few things you can do to make the experience a little less daunting. First, focus on your strengths, and don’t be afraid to show them off. Next, build a network of people who can help you out and offer advice. And finally, stay humble and be willing to accept feedback.

How to make the most of your internship experience
two female coworkers looking at a laptop in a cafe

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Everyone starting in any new field feels a little out of their depth. You’re not alone! And everyone has to start somewhere. Make the most of your internship experience by asking lots of questions and being open to learning as much as you can.

Take advantage of the opportunity to network with people in your new industry, and learn from their experiences. Finally, have fun and enjoy yourself. Internships are a great way to gain experience and learn new things, and you should never feel apologetic about that.

How to network and build relationships with other younger interns

Here’s a pro tip for you: don’t be afraid to network with other interns.

They’re in the same boat as you, and they can be a great resource for advice, support, and friendship. Plus, they’re likely to have fresh connections within the industry that can help you out down the road.

The best way to network with other interns is to attend company events or even just go for coffee or lunch together. It’s a wonderful way to get to know them better and form relationships that could last long beyond your internship.

No one is too old to intern in a new industry. If you’re passionate about learning and want to gain experience in a fresh field, don’t let your age stop you from pursuing your goals. There are many ways to make the interning experience work for you, regardless of your age. With a positive attitude and a willingness to learn, you can make the most of this opportunity and gain the skills and experience you need to build a successful career.