Disagreeing with your new manager? Here’s what to do

man raising eyebrows in a conversation with his coworker

You’ve been through a few interviews and finally landed the job of your dreams.

The only problem? You don’t see eye to eye with your new manager. Maybe you think he’s too demanding, or she’s not giving you the guidance you need. So what do you do?

In any new job, there will be times when you don’t see eye to eye with your boss. Disagreeing with a new manager is a lot more common than you might think, and there are ways to deal with it that won’t damage your relationship or career prospects.

In this post, we will discuss some tips on how to deal with a disagreement with your new manager, and how to maintain a positive relationship despite any differences of opinion.

Define the problem

You’ve just accepted a position you’re excited about, only to find out that your new boss is a nightmare. So what do you do?

Well, the first step is to define the problem. What’s specifically making you upset? Once you know that, you can start looking for a solution.

Maybe your boss expects you to work overtime, but you have a family and need to be home promptly in the evenings. Maybe they’re always changing their mind and it’s hard to keep up with them.

Seeing things from their perspective

Whatever the problem is, try and put yourself in your boss’s shoes.

What might be making them act the way they are? Once you have a better understanding of their perspective, it will be easier to get talking.

Remember, they may have a different way of doing things, and that’s okay. You don’t have to agree with them on everything, but try to listen to their point of view and understand where they’re coming from.

Talk to your manager or seek help from HR
talking to the boss

Image Credits: dailyamazingthings.com

Talking to your manager might sound scary, but it’s important to express how you’re feeling and to try and work things out. You might be surprised at how open some might be to a discussion.

If talking to your manager doesn’t seem to be getting anywhere, or if you’re just not comfortable doing that, then you can seek help from your HR manager. They’re there to help resolve any people issues and most will be more than happy to set up a meeting to assist.

Get a second opinion and decide whether or not to stay

Talk to your coworkers—see if they’re experiencing the same thing. Perhaps you’re not the only one who’s feeling this way.

Once you’ve gathered some information, it’s time to make a decision. Do you want to stay and try to make things work, or is it time to move on? Only you can answer that question. But whatever you do, don’t make any rash decisions without giving it some serious thought.

It can be tough when you don’t see eye to eye with your new manager. But, stay collected. Talk to your manager about your concerns. They may not be aware that there’s a problem, and they may be able to work together to find a middle ground. If things get too tough, take a break from work until you feel in control. This is not a long-term solution, but it can help you get through a rough patch. Finally, if you feel like you’re not getting anywhere with your manager, or if the situation is just too difficult, seek assistance from HR and consider your next steps.


From passion projects to full-time hustles: Why it’s worth it

a painting process

You’ve probably heard the saying, “do what you love and you will never work a day in your life.”

While that might be a little bit of an exaggeration for some, following your passion can indeed lead to a lot of happiness and fulfillment. And if you’re lucky, it might even lead to a full-time hustle.

But starting and running a passion project is no easy task. It takes time and energy, not to mention dedication and commitment. That’s why you should only consider embarking on a passion project if you’re truly ready to commit.

Why you should have a passion project

You should have a passion project for various reasons.

Maybe you’re looking for a way to express yourself creatively, or maybe you want to learn a new skill.

But the best reason of all is that having a passion project can help you turn your dreams into a reality. It gives you something to aim for, and it can be the starting point for something much bigger.

Think about it—most successful people don’t become successful overnight. They started small, with a passion project that eventually turned into a full-time hustle. And you can do the same thing. All it takes is dedication and hard work.

How to find the time to commit to a passion project

It can be tough to find the time to commit to a passion project when you’re already balancing a full-time job. But it’s worth it.

Here are a few tips for finding the time to make your passion project a reality:

  • Make a schedule and stick to it.
  • Dedicate specific days or hours of the week to working on your project.
  • Tell your friends and family about your project so they can help keep you accountable.
  • Set some rules for yourself—like no checking social media when you’re supposed to be working on your project.
The benefits of turning your passion project into a hustle
smiling woman working on her laptop

Image Credits: unsplash.com

You know that feeling when you’re so obsessed with something that you can’t stop thinking about it? That’s the feeling you want to aim for when it comes to your passion projects.

When you’re truly passionate about something, the work doesn’t feel like work. You will be so excited to start working on it each day and you will be determined to see it through to the end.

When you commit to your passion project and turn it into a hustle, here’s what you can expect:

  • You will be more productive because you’re working on something you love
  • You will be motivated to keep going, even when things get tough
  • You will learn new skills and hone your talent
  • You will be more fulfilled in your work
Things to consider before turning your passion project into a full-time hustle

Here are a few things to consider before making the leap to turning your passion project into a full-time hustle:

  • What are the risks and rewards associated with this project? Weighing the pros and cons is a crucial part of any decision-making process.
  • What are your goals for this project? Are you looking to make a little extra money on the side, or do you eventually want to turn it into your full-time job?
  • Do you have the time and energy to commit to this project? Running a business takes a lot of work, and it’s wise to be realistic about how much time you can dedicate to it.
  • How much money do you need to make this project sustainable? This is an essential question to ask yourself because it will help you determine the investment you need in the long run.

So you’ve got a passion project—something you’re excited about, but you’re not sure if it’s worth it to turn it into a full-blown hustle. Maybe you’re worried about the time commitment, or whether people will take you seriously if you’re doing this “for a living.” Here’s the thing: go with what feels sound for you. If you’re excited and passionate about your project, then it’s worth your time and effort to pursue it. Think about what steps you need to take to make your passion project a reality. There may be some things you need to learn more about or some people you need to connect with. Whatever it is, don’t be afraid to take the plunge and start turning your dream into a reality.


Walking meetings: The new way to get down to business

colleagues talking while walking

You might be thinking, “walking meetings? Are you kidding me?”

But before you write them off, let us explain why you should at least give them a try.

We’re not saying that walking meetings are the right solution for every business, but there are various good reasons to consider incorporating them into your routine.

If you’re not fully sold, check out this post for more information on the benefits of walking meetings, as well as some tips on how to make them work for your business.

What are walking meetings?

You may be wondering what walking meetings are.

Well, they’re just what they sound like—meetings that are conducted while walking.

Now, we know what you’re thinking: Isn’t that a bit too informal? Won’t we get sidetracked if we’re walking and talking? Well, we can tell you from personal experience that walking meetings are a wonderful way to stay on track and focused.

The benefits of walking meetings

There are countless benefits to walking meetings.

For one, they’re amazing for your health. When you walk, you get your blood flowing, which is awesome for your brainpower. And when you combine walking with talking, you’re getting the best of both worlds.

Not only that, but walking meetings are great for brainstorming. When you’re walking, your mind is free to wander and come up with new ideas. You’re also more likely to be active and vocal in a walking meeting, which can lead to better collaboration and more creative solutions.

How to hold a successful walking meeting
female coworkers walking and talking

Image Credits: jotform.com

So you’re thinking about giving walking meetings a try? Fantastic decision! Here are a few tips to help make sure your meeting is a success:

  • Make sure everyone knows the agenda ahead of time. This way, everyone can come prepared.
  • Choose an appropriate location. You don’t want to be walking through a busy street or in an area that’s difficult to navigate.
  • End on time. Just like with any other meeting, it’s necessary to end at the predetermined time so that everyone can move on with their day.
Tips for making the most of walking meetings

Now that we’ve talked about the benefits of walking meetings, let’s talk about how you can make the most of them. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Make sure you have a clear goal for the meeting.
  • Dress comfortably and be mindful of your body language.
  • Keep your meetings short and sweet, preferably not longer than 45 minutes.

You may be skeptical, but walking meetings have a lot of benefits—both for you and your small team. If you’re looking for a way to jumpstart creativity, increase productivity, and promote better health, walking meetings may be the answer. Try them out and see for yourself how they can help you and your team stay focused and fruitful.


Discussing salary: The pros and cons of disclosing your earnings to coworkers

three men talking among themselves

You’ve just been hired for a new job.

You’re out for drinks with coworkers one day and the topic of salary comes up. You’re not sure how to approach the topic.

Sounds familiar?

In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of disclosing your salary among your colleagues. We will also provide some tips on how to handle the situation if you do choose to divulge this information.

The pros of disclosing your salary

First off, it can help break the ice and create a more open and candid working environment. It can also help build trust among colleagues, as they will know that you’ve nothing to hide.

Disclosing your salary can also help you learn more about what others are making, and whether or not you’re getting a fair deal. And finally, it can give you some leverage when it comes time to ask for a raise.

The cons of disclosing your salary

Let’s be honest—sharing your salary with your colleagues can be a little bit dangerous. You never know who might use that information against you.

For example, if you’re asking for a raise and your colleague knows how much you’re making, they might use that information to try and undercut you in salary negotiations.

You also run the risk of creating tension among your colleagues if you’re earning more than others. It can be demoralizing for your teammates to know that you’re making more, more so if it’s for similar positions.

What to do if you’re asked about your salary by a colleague
workplace gossip

Image Credits: shrm.org

Well, first of all, understand why they’re asking.

There could be a few reasons: they might be curious, they might want to get a sense of how much they could make if they switch jobs, or they might just be nosy.

No matter the reason, it’s not always easy to disclose your salary. You might feel like the company is undervaluing you since you’re not being paid enough. Or on the flip side, you could be satisfied with your salary and not want to divulge that information.

Ultimately, it’s up to you whether or not you want to share your salary with your colleagues. If you do decide to disclose your earnings, be prepared for possible backlash.

How to deal with feeling underpaid or disconnected from colleagues financially

Consider how you feel about your salary.

If you’re feeling underpaid or disconnected from your colleagues financially, then disclosing your salary could make you feel better.

It can be empowering to know that you’re earning more than someone else in the same role as you. But also mind the opposite if it’s true.

There are pros and cons to disclosing your salary to your co-workers. On the one hand, you may feel more comfortable knowing that everyone is on the same page. On the other hand, you may worry that others will judge you—or even try to take advantage of you—if they know how much money you make. Before disclosing your salary, weigh the pros and cons and decide if it’s right for you. If you do decide to disclose your salary, be sure to stay strong in the face of possible criticisms or judgments.


When to avoid getting a loan

a loan pouch

There are times when it’s best to avoid getting a loan.

For example, if you know you won’t be able to make your monthly payments or you have poor credit, you might want to consider alternatives to getting a loan.

In this article, we will go over the situations when it’s best to avoid getting a loan. Stay on this page.

You are already in debt

You should avoid getting a loan if you’re already in debt. When you’re already in over your head, taking on more debt is only going to make things worse.

You need to get your finances in order so that you can start paying down your current debt. Once you’ve done that, then you can think about taking out a loan.

But don’t forget—loans come with interest rates that can add up over time. Make sure you’re aware of what you’re signing up for before you commit to anything.

You do not understand the terms
terms and conditions page

Image Credits: acquisition-international.com

You probably shouldn’t get a loan if you don’t understand the terms. Yeah, it’s that simple.

When you’re taking out a loan, you’re signing a contract with the lender. And if you don’t completely understand what you’re agreeing to, then you’re putting yourself at risk.

There are a lot of things to consider when you’re borrowing money, like the interest rate, the length of the loan, and the fees. And if you’re not sure what any of that means, then you need to ask for clarification.

It’s also a good idea to get a loan from a reputable lender, someone who has a satisfactory reputation and will be honest with you about your options. So before you sign anything, make sure you do your research and understand what you’re getting into.

You do not need the money that urgently

You might be tempted to get a loan when you’re short on cash, but you should avoid doing that unless you have to. If the truth is, you don’t need the money that urgently.

There are other ways to get out of a financial bind without having to take on more debt. You can sell some of your stuff, or maybe you can run a side hustle to bring in some extra cash.

There are plenty of options available to you, so you should explore all of them before you decide to take on more debt. Debt is a slippery slope, and it can be tough to get out of it once interest rakes up.

Getting a loan to help with a financial emergency is a responsible thing to do, but only if you meet all the requirements. There are a few cases where getting a loan is not the best idea. For instance, if you just left your job or if you have a low credit score, you’re going to have a hard time qualifying for a loan. As mentioned above, you may also want to avoid taking out a loan if you’re already in debt, you do not understand the terms, or you don’t need the money that urgently. If you meet the requirements and can afford the payments, getting a loan makes sense. Just make sure you shop around for the best interest rate and terms.