5 Ways to Stretch Your Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is a life skill. Similar to other life skills, financial literacy takes time to learn. Starting your journey can be intimidating and daunting for some Singaporeans.

As personal finance is not typically taught in schools, you need to take conscious decisions to improve your own skills. Whether you are an expert or a novice at financial literacy, keeping your knowledge base growing matters!


Retail CEO Sandra Campos believes that financial literacy is a skill that you should never stop acquiring. She encourages people to read trusted publications to stay informed about understanding how to manage your finances better. If you opt to listen to financial podcasts, you may do so.

Financial podcasts can be a wonderful way to absorb financial news while you are fulfilling your other tasks. You can listen to these podcasts as you run errands, travel to work, complete your housework, walk your dog, or exercise in the park.


Learning about money does not have to be a two-hour long lecture. One of the most effective ways to connect with your children is to introduce play-based learning. It provides them with a friendly environment to test new skills and gain confidence with challenging topics. Make learning fun by playing financial literacy games with your kids!

Ignite a family competition by playing money board games or trying out activities that are suitable for your child’s age. You will not only help your child start a healthy relationship with financial education, but also improve your quality time.


Embrace the frugal mindset to improve your budget. Take your monthly expenses under a microscope and inspect if there are unnecessary costs that you can eliminate. For instance, you may purchase second-hand children’s clothes instead of new ones. Eliminating unnecessary costs can move you closer to your financial goals.

Despite being frugal, there are some expenses that you cannot skip! Prioritize groceries, household supplies, and other non-negotiables. For these expenses, make sure that you are getting the best price.


A well-developed budget can operate itself if you stick to it.

It can help you identify where your money is going. So, start tracking your spending using a simple spreadsheet or mobile budgeting apps. Saving an accumulation of lesser amounts can go a long way.


If you need additional assistance from a financial professional, you can research credible local organizations. A financial professional can answer your money questions ranging from day-to-day money issues to more complex long-term situations.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

This professional will begin by assessing your current situation to help you plan for all your financial needs to move forward. Remember that your financial is a lot like your physical health. You need regular exercise and check-ups to sharpen your financial muscles!


Expand your financial literacy by educating yourself through virtual methods. You can soak up financial news through podcasts and newsletters or follow your favorite social media channels. There is a wealth of financial podcasts available on Apple and Spotify including The Ramsey Show, Yield Hunters, BT Money Hacks, and Money for the Rest of Us.

What’s more? You can follow Money Digest on Facebook to consume free financial news and latest deals in Singapore.

Sources: 1 & 2


The many benefits of practicing gratitude in your life

a person holding a white grateful plate

You’ve probably heard the saying before: “Gratitude makes you happy.”

And it’s true! Being appreciative in your life can have several benefits, both mental and physical.

Let’s explore some of the benefits of practicing gratitude, as well as some tips on how to get started.


Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible. It is often directed toward someone who has helped improve an individual’s life in some way, such as a friend, stranger, or family member.

When you practice gratitude, you focus on the good things in your life instead of the negative. This can lead to many blessings, including but not limited to: feeling happier, being more positive, improving your relationships, and having a marvelous sense of well-being.

Benefits of embracing gratitude

Thank yous can go a long way. But what exactly are the benefits of practicing gratitude in your life?

Gratefulness has been shown to have several positive effects on both your mental and physical health. For starters, gratitude makes you cheerfuller. It’s been shown to increase levels of serotonin, which is often called the “happy hormone.”

So if you’re looking for a way to boost your bliss, health, and general well-being, try embracing thankfulness in your life. It’s a free practice worth investing in!

The link between gratitude, sleep, mental, and physical health
stretching in bed

Image Credits: unsplash.com

It’s no secret that practicing gratitude can have a positive impact on your life as we’ve mentioned earlier. But did you know that it can also improve your sleep, mental, and physical health?

Here are a few ways thankfulness can benefit your overall well-being:

Gratitude helps you sleep better. One study found that people who practiced gratitude slept longer and felt more refreshed after waking up than those who didn’t. Gratefulness also helps to reduce stress, which is known to interfere with sleep.

It also improves mental health. Thankful people are more positive, optimistic, and resilient in the face of stress and adversity. They’re also less likely to experience depression and nervousness.

In addition, it strengthens your immune system. Grateful people have been shown to have more powerful immune systems than those who don’t practice gratitude. This is likely because appreciation reduces anxiety, which can rapidly weaken the immune system.

Real-life everyday situations where you can express thankfulness

There are so many real-life everyday situations where you can express your gratitude. Here are a couple of scenarios to get you started:

  • Thank your partner for cooking a meal for you
  • Thank your friend for listening to your complaints
  • Thank your colleague for helping you with a project
  • Thank your family members for always being there for you

Saying thank you is a simple way to let the people in your life know that you value them. When you practice gratefulness, it shines through in your relationships.

When saying thank you ultimately becomes a routine, it becomes easier to see the good in others. And the best part? It feels great! When you make it a practice to regularly express gratitude, you will start to feel more upbeat, and your relationships will become more robust and meaningful.

When it comes to the benefits of practicing thankfulness, the list is pretty endless. From improving your physical health to helping you sleep better at night, from making you more optimistic to strengthening your relationships, being grateful is something worth adopting in your life. Why not try out a gratitude journal for a month and see how you feel? Or maybe start each day by saying thank you for three things that happened the previous day? There are lots of ways to count gratitude in your life, and once you start seeing all the good it brings, you will be extremely thankful you did.


Become a better reader by following these easy steps

reading a book on a couch

As a reader, you’re always looking for ways to improve your skills.

Whether you want to read faster or retain more information, there are plenty of techniques you can use.

In this post, we will share some simple steps that will help you become a better reader. After reading this article, you will probably be able to start applying these strategies to your current reading habits.

Find your reason

So you want to become a better reader? That’s great! But before you can start improving your reading skills, it’s important to first ask yourself why you want to become a better reader. Knowing why you want to become a better reader is key because it will help you focus your efforts and stay motivated along the way.

Set a goal for yourself

Now that you understand your motivation behind reading, it’s time to set a goal for yourself. Do you want to read more books? Improve your comprehension skills? Be able to read faster? Whatever it is, make sure it’s something you want and that you’re willing to work for.

Then, come up with a plan of action. Maybe you will want to read one book every week, or perhaps you will need to set aside time each day to practice your reading skills. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as you stick to it.

Find books that interest you
assorted books

Image Credits: unsplash.com

If you want to become a better reader, it’s important to find books that appeal to you. This will make it easier to concentrate and stay immersed in the story. It’s also a great way to improve your comprehension skills and vocabulary.

There are tons of different genres and styles to choose from, so take the time to find books that speak to you. If you’re not sure where to start, ask your friends or family for recommendations, or check out some of the bestseller lists online.

Get rid of unnecessary distractions

It can be tough to focus on reading when there are so many distractions around us. But if you want to become a better reader, it’s necessary to find ways to eliminate distractions and focus on the task at hand.

Here are a few tips for getting rid of distractions and improving your reading skills:

  • Remove any objects that might distract you
  • Close any doors that might allow outdoor noise in
  • Silent your phone, turn off your laptop, and other electronic devices
  • Make sure you’re seated in a comfortable position where you can focus
  • Prepare a glass of water and place it right beside you so you don’t have to get up while reading to take your sips
Be an active reader and take notes

When you’re reading, it’s important to take the time to actively process the information. This means asking yourself questions, making connections, and taking notes. Not only will this help you retain the information, but it will also make it easier to review later.

If you’re studying for an exam, try making a chart or diagram that outlines the main points of the text. This will help you see the big picture and understand how all of the individual pieces fit together. Alternatively, you can use sticky notes to mark important passages or underline keywords and phrases. This will allow you to revisit materials more quickly and effortlessly.

Taking time to read each day can be a challenge, but it’s worth it. So once you’ve put in the hard work, celebrate your progress. Reward yourself with something you enjoy, like a movie, a dinner out, or even just a few hours of guilt-free relaxation. The most essential thing is to keep moving forward and never give up. With a little dedication and perseverance, you will be on your way to becoming a better reader in no time!


How to see things from your kid’s point of view

a little girl looking through a toy camera

As parents, there are a lot of things that we take for granted, and it’s often difficult to step back and see the world the way our kids do.

But it’s worth it – not just because we can gain a better understanding of our children, but also because it can help us become more patient with them.

In this post, we will give you some directions on how to see things from your kid’s point of view.

What is your kid’s point of view?

Kids have a unique understanding of the world that we may not be able to easily replicate as adults. So once you’ve started gaining a better look into how your children view their surroundings, let’s move on to the next step.

How to understand your kid’s point of view

Assuming that you’ve found out about your kid’s point of view, how do you go about understanding it? Well, put yourself in their shoes by asking them questions. Ask them how they’re feeling, what they desire, and what their thoughts are. Not only will this help you to better understand them, but it will also enable them to communicate better with you.

Bonus tips for seeing things from your kid’s point of view
a child washing broccoli

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Here are a few bonus tips for seeing things from your kid’s point of view:

  • Respect their opinion. Even if you don’t agree with them, remember that they have the right to certain actions.
  • Ask them about their day. When you show any interest in what they did, they are more likely to share with you voluntarily next time.
  • Be patient. It takes time for kids to discover and understand the world around them. Just give them the span and space they need to figure things out.
The benefits of seeing things from your kid’s point of view

There are plenty of benefits to seeing things from your kid’s point of view. For starters, it can help you to better understand their world and how they comprehend tricky, seemingly “childish” situations. It can also help you to empathize with them and build a stronger relationship. But perhaps most significantly, trying to see things from your kid’s perspective can help you to become a more compassionate person. And that’s something we could all use more of in the parenting arena.

When it comes to understanding our kids, sometimes the most favorable way to do it is to see things from their standpoint. Kids have a dissimilar view of the world than we do, and it’s crucial to take the time to understand what that is. By trying to see things from their stance, we can learn more about them, and about “kiddy thoughts” in general. No doubt, it can be challenging to put ourselves in our kids’ shoes, but with a little effort, we can get there. And once we do, we will be able to ably comprehend and connect with our little ones.


Strategies to counter procrastination and get things done

procrastinating in front of the laptop

We’ve all been there: staring at a daunting project, the deadline creeping closer, and all we want to do is put it off for another day.

Procrastination can be a real struggle, but it doesn’t have to control your life.

Allow us to share some strategies to help you counter procrastinate and get things done. So read on, and let’s put an end to procrastination once and for all!

Get rid of distractions

One of the best ways to counter procrastination is to get rid of distractions. If you can’t focus on your work because you’re constantly checking your phone or scrolling through social media, then it’s time to change your environment.

Try working in a quiet room where you won’t be disturbed, or put your phone on airplane mode so you can’t access it. If you’re struggling, you might even want to request working from home or somewhere you can tune in to “work mode” quickly.

Find an accountability partner

If you want to get things done, finding an accountability partner can be a terrific way to help you stay on track. This is someone who you can rely on to push you to reach your goals.

Ideally, your accountability partner should be more motivated than you are and who is willing to put in the extra work. They don’t have to be a friend or family member—in fact, it may be better if they’re not—but they do need to be someone that you trust and feel comfortable toiling with.

Set small and achievable goals
setting goals

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Have you ever considered setting small and achievable goals? When you’re trying to do an immense task, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and feel like you can’t do it. But if you break the task down into smaller goals, it becomes a lot more manageable.

For example, if you have to write a report, don’t try to write the entire thing in one sitting. Instead, break it down into steps like writing the introduction, drafting the body, and penning the conclusion. And give yourself a specific deadline for each objective. This will help keep you accountable and make sure you don’t procrastinate on completing the task.

Understand your procrastination triggers

The first step in overcoming procrastination is understanding why you do it in the first place. What are the specific tasks, emotions, or situations that trigger your tendency to put things off? Once you know your catalysts, you can start to develop strategies to deal with them.

Some common triggers include boredom, perfectionism, and fear of failure. Once you’re aware of what sets you off, you can start to put into place some coping mechanisms to help you get past them. For example, if the fear of failure is your stimulus, try setting more miniature goals instead of aiming for perfection. Or if feeling a sudden load of pressure is your problem, break down large tasks into smaller chunks that are more manageable.

No one strategy will work for everyone when it comes to overcoming procrastination, but some general tips can help get you started. As mentioned earlier, you can try to identify the root of your procrastination. Is it perfectionism, a fear of defeat, or a lack of interest in the task at hand? Or you could set more undersized goals for yourself instead of trying to tackle the entire project all at once. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for assistance. Whether you reach out to a friend or colleague for advice or use a productivity app to keep yourself on track, there are plenty of resources available to help you get things done.