Stocks Are Plummeting Due To The Global COVID-19 Scare

There is a scarcity of resources wherever you look. Toilet papers are flying off the shelves like the migratory Great snipe. People are typically seen hoarding cleaning supplies such as disinfectant sprays, antibacterial wipes, hand sanitizers, and so on. It is difficult to source out masks too!

With the scarcity of supplies, travel restrictions, and the limited capacity to work, the global COVID-19 pandemic has affected the economy in more ways than one. Last week, Wall Street plunged with Dow Jones confirming a bear market for the first time since the 2008 financial crisis. The escalating health fears sent the stock market into a nosedive, which is its worst state since the 1987 market crash.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1,464.63 points, bringing it 20% below its record set last month. This is what Wall Street calls a “bear market”. A bear market is a condition in which securities’ prices go 20% down or more from its recent highs. It is usually due to the widespread pessimism and negative investor sentiment. S&P 500 lost 140.84 points, which is just 1% point away from falling into the bear territory. While, Nasdaq Composite dropped 392.20 points.

Stocks dove even lower after the World Health Organization declared the virus outbreak as a pandemic. Stock prices reflect expectations of future profits and investors heavily perceive that the virus can reduce profits. Thus, a huge number of investors sought for the coordination of governments and central banks around the world to help control the economical threat of this virus. Until the extent of the decline is clearer, the natural reaction of many is to sell stocks.

The economic trajectory that seemed reasonable a few months a go is not going to be the same for a few months or a year. The wave of corporate conference cancellations, music festival cancellations, directives to work from home, and travel bans will exact a cost on businesses. Airlines, industrial companies, small businesses, educational establishments, service industries, and tech companies are all affected. We are all affected because the spending habits of consumers drive much of our economic activity.

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How long will this economic disruptions last and how deep will the economic market go?

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


4 Money Moves To Take On Your 20s

On your 20s, you will encounter a myriad of firsts. From earning your first full-time job to surviving your first failure, your early experiences shape who you become in the future. Your major accomplishments and significant failures are your best teachers.

You will become more independent and responsible as time passed. You will begin to live on your own, to solve your own problems, and to budget your own finances. Hence, it is important to take the following money moves as early as now.


Living in the modern generation where everything is handed with significant convenience, you can buy anything you want with a few taps or clicks. It is tempting to bite into every online promotions or group deals available. However, you need to survive these temptations to make good decisions.

Identify your financial goals and work towards it. You may succumb to your wants from time to time, but you are the only one who can recognize what is important. Invest on things that have a greater value in the future.


As a young adult, it may be your first time to dissociate yourself financially from your parents. Your independence comes with the responsibility to understand what comes in and what comes out from your pockets. You can either go the old-school route through journalling or the digital route through Excel or budgeting tools. Do whichever feels more comfortable to you. Leave some money for your unexpected and recreational expenses.

What if you are romantically involved with someone? With love and care comes the acts of service. You may choose to spend money for your beloved and that will open another expense category. It is up to you to allocate how much you want for your dating budget.


Time is of the essence. There is no perfect time to save and invest than right now. Let your budget direct you to how much you can save each month. It is recommended to save at least one-third of your income. This way, you can cushion unexpected expenses brought by sudden life changes. Do not get me started about layoffs and home repairs!

As for investing, you may consider maximizing your contributions to your CPF account. You will reap what you sow.


As a responsible young adult, you may open two bank accounts. One account can handle your operations and the other can handle your reserves. By operations, I am referring to the money you will spend for your everyday needs. Money from your operational account can be used to pay for your bills and daily purchases.

While, the reserve account can be used to secure your savings. It is the account that can help you reach your financial goals.

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When everything is said and done, you want to take advantage of the time you have now. Make smart choices as you will reap its benefits later in life. However, do not forget to live a little. You work for a reason – to a live a pleasant life. Do not forget to reward yourself for all the hard-work you have been

Sources: 1 & 2


How To Make Money While You Sleep

What is your idea about passive income? For most people, passive income provides an opportunity for freedom and independence. It gives an escape from our 9-5 jobs that occupy most of our week.

There are different ways to generate income while you are “sleeping”, here are just some of them:


If playing with words comes naturally to you, you may find passion in writing. Establishing your own blog is quick and easy to do. Simply purchase your own domain or create your own website at no-cost thru website builders such as Wix.

Equipped with your glistening blog, you can either sell your stuff or share your expertise to earn some legitimate cash on the side.


Let’s face it! Banks do not lend money out of sheer kindness. They do it because it is profitable. Get a taste of the action by joining P2P websites, which allow companies from around the world to loan money from private people.

P2P Lending is highly attractive to both the borrowers and the lenders. Firstly, P2P Lending loan qualifications are more relaxed than that of given by the banks. On the flip-side, lenders can reap the benefits of up to 20% per annum.


If you have money to spare, consider investing your funds to grow your nest. Let the company work for you as you receive dividends from them. Directly owning a stock in a company or through a fund enables you to receive dividends. A dividend is a cut of a portion from a company’s profits.

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The amount of money you receive depends on how much stock you own and how much profit there is to divide. Ultimately, the rewards that you will receive are decided by the board of directors. Do prior research before committing to a company.


Teen-Friendly Books About Investments

Whether you like it or not, you are expected to know what you want to do for the rest of your life the minute you graduate from secondary school. It is understandable to strive for the highest paying field or job possible. However, that is not always the case.

If you were to invest money at a young age, you can build a nest that is enough to sustain a comfortable lifestyle in your adult years. This may lessen the pressure you feel when choosing a career path. To begin your investment journey, you must read books aimed at young investors.


Cary Siegel put an interesting twist to money management with the book entitled: “Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School? 99 Personal Money Management Principles to Live By”. To Siegel, proper money management in accordance to the economy is an important lesson that the youth shall know. He imparts this knowledge by dividing his lessons into 99 principles. Said principles include investing, housing, spending, debit, credit, and budgeting. I, for one, am curious why these practical life skills are not taught in today’s curriculum.

You will get a sense of how to handle the financial aspects of your life as you read along. By combining solid advice on money and adulthood, your curiosity will be widened.


Looking for the perfect investment book for young adults? Search no further as John Bogle’s “The Little Book of Common Sense Investing” details the fundamentals of investing! It describes a plain approach that anyone can implement to achieve above average returns.

For people who are risk-takers, his methods may seem too simple. Consider studying further. After all, Warren Buffett included this book on his recommended reading list.


There is a reason why Warren Buffett’s name cannot be erased in the list of legendary investors. You see, he adapted his own investing style that lasted throughout the years.
It goes without saying, his results have been extraordinary!

His strategy was encapsulated in a book entitled “The Warren Buffett Way”. This books highlights how he invested in the past and in the present. For the young adult who wants to invest in businesses, the insight into Buffett’s thought process is of tremendous value.


Before Christmastime, a financial book from The Motley Fool entertainment was released to serve as the perfect Christmas gift for young adults. First and foremost, The Motley Fool is a “multimedia financial services company that has made investing fun and easy for millions of people since it was founded in 1993”. It aims to share information on how to efficiently manage your money.

David Gardner’s “The Motley Fool Investment Guide for Teens: 8 Steps to Having More Money Than Your Parents Ever Dreamed Of” is not as funny as it sounds. It is a piece of literature that gives you a guide to outperform your parents’ current professional success. It provides teens with a road map for sketching a financial journey from investing to saving or from budgeting to spending. Ultimately, it reminds the youth that every money spent is an investment. You have to make it count!

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The books listed above offer practical and understandable suggestions, solutions, and hacks about finance. I hope that these books may serve as an inspiration when you start your investment journey. Good luck!

Sources: 1 & 2


What On Earth Is Goal-Based Investing?

First and foremost, we must define what traditional investing is. Traditional asset allocation optimizes the structure of a portfolio based on a generalized approach. Although it typically suits the needs of the institutional investors, it is not necessarily adapted to suit the needs of a private investor. A private investor, such as yourself, tends to create different portfolios corresponding to different needs.

On the other hand, goal-based investing is a relatively new approach in investing where the end justifies the means. Investing is directed to attain specific financial goals throughout an investor’s life.

“Goal-based investing involves a wealth manager or investment firm’s clients measuring their progress towards the specific life goals, such as saving for children’s education or building a retirement nest-egg, rather than focusing on generating the highest possible portfolio return or beating the market.” – Investopedia

Simply put, it re-frames success based on an investor’s needs and goals. Say that an investor’s primary goals are to save for the golden years and to save for the educational fund of his grandchildren. Goal-based investment plan would be more conservative for the former and more aggressive for the latter. As you can see, this approach will help you to withstand most market conditions and volatility.

Apply goal-based investing to your wealth management by following these steps:

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Before anything else, you must identify your financial goals depending on your current life stage. Let us dive into some practical examples. As a young working adult, you may be eyeing on the latest gadgets (e.g., smart glasses, laptops, or smartphones). As a devoted parent, you may be considering the different educational options for your child. As a Singaporean reaching 62, you may be thinking about building your retirement fund. Having multiple goals in mind throughout the course of your life is perfectly fine!


As you list down all your financial goals at the moment, you must keep prioritization in mind. Prioritize your goals by examining which ones you need and which ones you want to have. Afterwards, you must create a timeline for your final set of financial goals.

Do you aim to travel next month? Or, do you need to purchase a flat in the next 10 years? Measure the amount of time needed to realistically reach your short-term and long-term goals.


How can you plan ahead, if you do not know where to start? Pinning your starting point is important in helping you achieve your financial goals. Administer a simple financial assessment by asking yourself a few questions. Firstly, how much money have you saved up? Secondly, do you have an emergency fund? Lastly, how much are your net worth and cash flow?


You are done with determining your final set of goals, setting a realistic timeline, and drafting your starting point. What is next for you? Well, you must put all of the above information together to create an Investment Plan. Create this by looking at four factors namely: risk profile, investment options, target amount, and asset allocation.


Investing for your financial goals does not stop with opening a savings account. You do not need to accumulate a massive amount of money to start investing neither. Instead, you must invest in a consistently as early as possible. As you invest religiously throughout your life, you need to review whether there are on the right path. Are you doing these things to achieve your financial goals? If so, continue on.

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Goal-based investing is a relatively new approach in investing where the end justifies the means. It may seem like an obvious or an oversimplified concept, but it represents a departure from the typical risk-tolerance framework. Will this investment strategy work well with your wealth management practices?

Sources: 1 & 2