How to radiate confidence at work even when you don’t feel it

a lady presenting confidently in front of her colleagues

You’ve been working hard at your job for years, but you still don’t feel like you’re good enough. 

You compare yourself to your colleagues and feel like you always come up short. You’re always worried that you’re going to be fired or that you’re not doing a good job.

It’s time to stop this destructive way of thinking. You can be a more confident person at work, even if you don’t feel it right now. It starts with believing in yourself and accepting that you are worthy of success.

Allows us to share some tips on how to become more confident at work, so you can start shining brightly and be the most promising employee you can be.

Evaluate your body language

Are you slouching? Are your eyes wandering? If so, you’re sending the wrong message.

Your body language is a huge part of how you come across to others, and if you’re not confident, it will show. So take a few minutes to evaluate your body language and make some adjustments.

Stand up straight, fix your gaze, and smile. Projecting positive energy is key to radiating confidence. And remember, it’s okay to be a little nervous—just don’t give it all away via your body language.

Be aware of your tone of voice

When you’re feeling confident, it shows in your tone of voice. You sound like you know what you’re talking about, and people are more likely to take you seriously.

But when you’re not feeling so confident, it’s easy to let your voice give you away. You might sound hesitant or uncertain, and that’s going to make people think you don’t know what you’re doing.

So how can you make sure your tone of voice is confident? It’s all about practice. Start by rehearsing what you’re going to say in your head. Picture yourself giving a presentation or having a conversation with a coworker if you’re not in a good situation to verbalize it.

Then, when the time comes, try to match the tone of voice in your head. It might take a little bit of practice, but eventually, it will come naturally.

Give yourself a pre-game pep talk
a man looking into the mirror

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So you’re heading into a meeting with your boss, and you’re feeling a little bit intimidated. You know he’s going to ask you about that project you’re working on, and you’re not sure you have the answers.

What do you do? First, give yourself a pep talk. Remind yourself that you know what you’re doing and that you have prepared well enough to handle this meeting. And then, take a few deep breaths.

When you walk into that meeting, tread with purpose. Make eye contact with your boss, and smile. Project confidence, even if you don’t feel it inside. Remember, it’s all in your head. If you conduct yourself like a confident person, someday you will start to feel that way too.

Surround yourself with people who make you feel good

You need to start surrounding yourself with people who make you feel good. People who make you feel inspired, motivated, and optimistic. When you’re around these types of people, you will start to feel more confident in yourself.

And it’s not just about being around people who are always positive and bubbly. It’s about being around people who will challenge you and help you grow. People who make you want to be a better person.

So start paying attention to the people you spend your time with. Are they helping you become the best version of yourself? If not, it might be time to make some new connections.

In addition to the points mentioned above, you can start to feel more confident at work by implementing some simple changes to your routine. Dress for success by wearing clothes that make you feel good and comfy. Try to stay upbeat, even when things get tough. Remember that a positive attitude is infectious and can help to boost the morale of not just yourself but of your entire team. You can do it!


How to use everyday activities to boost your toddler’s development

a toddler painting

As a first-time parent, it’s only natural to worry about your toddler’s development. Will they be able to walk? Talk? Hold a crayon correctly?

It can be tough to know which milestones are normal and which ones warrant a trip to the pediatrician. But don’t worry. In this post, we will go over some everyday activities that you can do with your toddler to help boost their development.

We will also touch on the essence of play, and how you can use it to encourage your toddler’s growth. So read on for some tips and tricks that will help you rest easy and let your little one explore and learn at their own pace.

What are the different areas of toddler development?

Let’s face it, as a first-time parent, you’re probably feeling anxious about your toddler’s development. Will they be behind their peers? Will they catch up? Will they ever learn to speak? It’s natural for parents to feel a little overwhelmed when it comes to their child’s development.

There are diverse areas of toddler development, and it can be hard to know where to start. The first thing you need to know is that toddler development is divided into three main areas: physical, cognitive, and social-emotional. Each of these areas is important for your child’s overall development.

Physical development includes things like gross and fine motor skills, movement, and balance. Cognitive development involves learning new skills and understanding the world around them. Social-emotional development is all about how your child interacts with others and manages their feelings.

Each area of toddler development progresses at its own pace, so don’t worry if your child isn’t hitting all the milestones at the same time as other kids their age. As long as they are making progress in each area, they are doing just fine!

How can I use everyday activities to boost my toddler’s development?

You can use everyday activities to boost your toddler’s development in different ways.

For example, when you’re reading stories together, ask your toddler questions about the characters and the plot. Even if they aren’t able to verbalize, the process will still help develop their thinking skills. And when you’re playing together, get down on the floor and join in. This will help your toddler learn how to interact with others of similar age.

Or when you’re playing in the park, encourage your toddler to climb, jump, swing, and explore. This will help them expand their physical skills. And since you’re out and about with your little one, point out things that you see and name them. This will help your toddler learn new words and understand what the world is made up of.

Everyday activities are a great way to help your toddler learn and grow, so make sure you take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.

What are some other specific activities to boost toddler development?
reading to a toddler

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When it comes to boosting your toddler’s development, there are plenty of things you can do. But what are some specific activities that work well?

Well, as mentioned earlier, you can try reading to your toddler. This is a great way to help them learn new words and develop their vocabulary. You can also play counting games with them, or get them involved in simple arts and crafts.

Physical activities are important, too. You can take your toddler for walks or hikes, or play easy games like catch or hopscotch. And don’t forget about tummy time—independent meal times are a great way to help your toddler develop their muscles and coordination skills.

The key is to be creative and have fun with it. There’s no need to stress out over it—just relax and enjoy spending time with your little one. They’re sure to pick up some new skills along the way.

When should I be concerned about my toddler’s development?

You may be asking yourself, “When should I start to be concerned about my toddler’s development?” The answer, as with most things, is “it depends.” Every child is different and will progress at their own pace.

However, if you’re starting to notice that your toddler isn’t reaching certain developmental milestones, or if there are areas that you’re concerned about, then it’s time to speak to your doctor. They will be able to give you a better idea of what’s going on and recommend some activities or therapies that can help boost your child’s development.

Parenting is hard work. There are various things to worry about as a parent. But amidst everything, one of the most crucial things to remember, though, is to take care of yourself. Make sure you get enough sleep, exercise, and take in plenty of healthy foods. Taking care of yourself now will go a long way to help you take care of your children as you watch them take baby steps towards adulthood.


Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness

colleagues at work

When it comes to asking for help at work, many people feel like they’re putting themselves on the line. They worry that they will appear incompetent if they admit they need help.

But in reality, asking for help is a sign of strength. It shows that you’re willing to put yourself out there and admit that you don’t have all the answers. It demonstrates your commitment to doing whatever it takes to get the job done.

So don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. You will be surprised at how much easier your job will be when you have someone to lean on.

The benefits of asking for help

When you’re struggling at work, it can be tough to muster up the courage to ask for help. You might be worried that you will be seen as someone who can’t handle the problem on their own.

But when you ask for help, you’re opening yourself up to new ideas and perspectives. You never know what someone else might bring to the table, and that could be the difference between solving the problem and scratching your head repeatedly in frustration.

How, who, and when to ask for help
woman having discussion with her colleagues

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Let’s say you’re working on a project and you’re stuck. You’ve tried everything, but you just can’t seem to get over the hump. It’s at this point that you should ask for help. Now, who should you ask for help?

Ideally, you should ask someone who has more experience than you do in the area where you need help. And when should you ask for help? As soon as you realize that you need it. It can be tough to ask for help, but remember that it’s okay to be vulnerable and see the request as part of the learning process.

Asking for help can make you an efficient worker

It can be tempting to try to force your way through your struggles on your own. But more often than not, this is a sign of pride. It reveals that you’re hesitant to appear weak in front of others, and it’s likely to end up costing you more time and energy in the long run.

The wisest thing to do in this situation is to ask for advice. There are plenty of people who are more than glad to offer their assistance, and by doing so, you’re allowing yourself to be a more efficient worker. You’re also building relationships with your colleagues, which can lead to better connections in the future.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed at work and don’t know where to turn, it can be tough to summon the courage to ask for help. You may feel like you’re putting your career in jeopardy by acknowledging that you need assistance. But honestly, asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. It demonstrates that you’re ready to do what it takes to finish your work tasks and that you’re willing to recognize your flaws. It’s a sign that you’re a team player and a go-getter, and those are qualities that any boss will appreciate.


Hidden Costs of Using Credit Cards in Singapore

You may not be able to pay for items in full cash, but you can certainly swipe your card! Credit cards offer convenience to afford larger purchases anytime. It can also help you establish a good credit history.

However, it is important to understand the actual cost of credit cards when fees and interest are factored in. The actual cost of using a credit card can add up!


There are consequences to only paying the minimum fee. Firstly, it will take longer to eliminate your balance. Secondly, your interest continues to accrue steadily in what you owe. Your minimum payment may not be enough to cover the interest charges for the month.


If the payment is passing your due date, the late payment charges vary by bank. This charge is usually between S$60 to S$80. A late payment may cause you to forfeit some of your credit card rewards or cause your interest rate to spike significantly higher than your regular purchase.


Did you know that you can use your credit card to withdraw cash through a cash advance? Cash advance on credit cards can be awfully expensive, with interest rates going as high as 30%. You can be charged about 6% of the amount withdrawn per transaction or a minimum of S$15.

Apart from that, you will also receive an interest rate charge of around 28% per annum, subject to compounding if the charges are not repaid in full on the amount withdrawn.


These days, more and more people are shopping online using their credit cards. When shopping from an overseas website, it is important to know that there are fees. Two types of fees that can be charged are foreign transaction fee and dynamic currency conversion fee.


While some annual fees can be waived, others cannot. The next time you receive your credit card statement with the annual fees charged, try calling your bank to ask for a waiver. Doing this may save you more than a hundred dollars!

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Sources: 1 & 2




How disagreeing more can benefit your career

in a discussion

You may not feel comfortable disagreeing with your boss or colleagues, but there are some real benefits to doing so.

When you hold back from expressing your opinion, you can quickly become seen as someone who’s not invested in the company or its success. In contrast, when you disagree respectfully, you demonstrate that you care about the company’s future. Your team will also more likely come up with better ideas when there are different perspectives.

Whenever you feel like you should keep your mouth shut, think again. Disagreeing more can benefit your career.

Get ahead

To move up the ladder, you need to be vocal and express your ideas—even if they’re not similar to everyone else’s. That’s how you can prove you’re capable of thinking and making decisions of your own. Of course, there’s a right and wrong way to disagree.

You want to be polite, but you also need to make sure your point is heard. So be assertive, but not aggressive. And above all, stay calm. If you can master the art of disagreeing more, you will be well on your way to advancing your career.

You will learn more

You see, when you have a dialogue that includes disagreements, you’re forced to listen to what the other person is saying. You’re not just trying to formulate a response; you’re taking in their point of view and trying to understand it.

And that’s a good thing because when you comprehend where the other person is coming from, you can find common ground. And from there, you can work together to come up with a solution that’s better for everyone involved.

Disagreeing shows you’re engaged
meeting in an open-plan office

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The next time you feel like you want to disagree with someone at work, go ahead and do it. But be prepared for the consequences. It can be a scary thing to put yourself out there, but it shows that you’re active and interested in the back-and-forth.

Disagreeing also shows that you’re not afraid to stand up for your beliefs, and that can be a very powerful thing. It can also help you build relationships with your coworkers, as they will see that you’re willing to engage in healthy debates.

Disagreeing can make you look good

Have you heard of the saying, “there’s safety in numbers”? Well, that’s true when it comes to agreeing with everyone at work. But what if you disagree? What if you offer a dissimilar perspective because you’re different from the rest?

Well, it sets you apart from your other yes-man colleagues. You’re seen as someone willing to think for yourself, and that’s a valuable trait in the workplace. Plus, it shows that you’re not afraid to stand up for your convictions, even if they’re distinct from the norm.

So next time you feel like disagreeing with someone at work, go for it! You might be surprised at how well it can work in your favor. Just make sure that you disagree respectfully. No one likes a know-it-all, so be open to other people’s points of view, even if you don’t agree with them immediately.

When it comes to our careers, we’re often told that to get ahead, we need to be accommodating and agreeable. While this may be true to a certain extent, it’s also important to be able to disagree constructively and confidently. Disagreeing more can benefit your career. It can help you stand out from the competition and showcase your unique skills and abilities. Whenever you feel like you shouldn’t speak up or offer your opinion, remember that disagreeing can be a good thing when done wisely.