Cosmic Ways To Save Money Like A Jedi

Sometimes, useful financial advice can come from the unlikeliest places. Take Star Wars, for example. It is not only an epic Science fiction film series but also a good place for frugal inspiration.

Learn to save money like a Jedi with these five universal ways:


Luke Skywalker, one of the greatest Jedi in the galaxy, spend no expense by making his own lightsaber (laser sword). Like Luke, do not be afraid to Do-It-Yourself!

Start from simple crafts such as making your own shower cleaner or personalized key-chain. After which, turn the difficulty up a notch by making all the crafts for your dream wedding. This can help you save loads of cash.


In “Star Wars:The Empire Strikes Back” movie, Luke was tasked to raise his X-wing (aircraft) from the swap and he complains that it is too big. This frustrates Yoda, a wise Jedi Master. Yoda then explains that size does not matter and excuses are not welcome.

In life, obstacles to saving money can seem unbearable at the moment but, it shall not stop you from pushing through. Furthermore, you must understand that the size of your salary does not matter. What matters most is how you spend and manage it.


A Jedi shares his knowledge and skills to others with no charge. Apply the hippie-like concept of sharing to your life. Share resources to your fellow classmates and you will not have to buy expensive reference books ever again. Also, you can carpool with your friends to save on gas.


Much like Jedi Knights who mostly wear “brown sack-cloths with hoods” or Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg who mostly wears grey shirts, you can save more money by keeping your wardrobe simple. You do not have to wear the same shirt or same outfit everyday! Just avoid hefty designer clothing by purchasing clothes from thrift shops or year-round sales.


When Luke was making excuses about his inability to levitate objects with his mind, Yoda told him these famous words: “Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.”

When you continue to make excuses to saving money or altering your spending habits, you can end up retiring broke. So, start accepting the responsibility and create a monthly budget that is suited for you. In due time, you will see that eliminating your excuses produces meaningful results.

Sources: 1, 2 , & 3


Don’t Be Fooled By The Con: 5 Ways To Avoid Rip-Offs

With the technological advances in this day and age, scammers are becoming more sophisticated and effective. But, no matter how charismatic and persuasive a con artist can be, you can avoid losing money by following these 5 ways:


Most of the phones today have caller ID that shows you the number of the person or the company on the other end of the line. If you do not recognize the number or the caller and he or she asked you for your valued bank details, say you will call back. Wait for a few minutes then, try to call the number again to access the validity of the caller.

It is better to not give any sensitive details over the phone, unless if you initiated the call. Simply, if you do not recognize the caller’s number and the area code is not +65 (Singapore’s area code) then, it is most likely a scam.


To avoid downloading virus or other malware, only open attachments and links that were given by your friends, family, partners, and clients.

Apply this rule for emails and social media messaging. For instance, there was a scam that used a fake Facebook game based on the popular “Twilight” series to gather the personal information of the Twilight fans.


There are three “Don’ts” that you must follow to avoid becoming the target of an online scam:

a. Do not provide your personal email address freely.
b. Do not respond to emails that are asking for your personal information.
c. Do not answer emails whose senders are unknown.

Image Credits: Wikiphoto (Creative Commons License)

Image Credits: Wikiphoto (Creative Commons License)



If someone else assumes your identity or steals your wealth, a good way to find evidence of the crime is by checking your credit card statements. I am sure that most of the banks have online banking now so, you will have the convenience to track your spendings anytime and anywhere. Report any suspicious activity to your bank right away.

Aside from credit card fraud, you can lose more money if you are a victim of debit card fraud. Since your debit card is connected directly to your savings, losses can be more extensive. And, money will be harder to recover. This is why you must check your account frequently and be vigilant of the people who stand close to you while you are using your debit card.


Con artists seek those individuals who are perceived as solitary, trusting, and gullible. If an opportunity (e.g., a new business venture or a new insurance scheme) arrives at your doorstep, do not hesitate to ask for more time to think things through.

Before making a huge decision, it is important to consider the situation and the consequences carefully. Tell the agent or the potential con artist this: “I will discuss this with my lawyer and my partner. After which, I will get back to you.”


Sources: 1 & 2


Best Economics Documentaries For Finance Professionals And Enthusiasts

The best cinematic art illustrates human conditions and life in general. One type of cinematic art called “documentary”, imitates life and factual records as close as possible.

Enjoy at least two of these wonderfully made films especially if you are taking up finance and economics as a subject at school or as a career. These documentaries will not only help you understand the history of money but also the humanistic system that revolves around it.


Four Horsemen is one of my favorite documentaries of all time. It is controversial and eye-opening. An award-winning film by Ross Ashcroft, Four Horsemen criticizes the system of debt-based economy, fractional reserve banking, and political lobbying by banks. Join Joseph Stiglitz, Noam Chomsky, and 21 leading thinkers as they discuss how the world works and how to solve the failed systems at present time.

They travel through the centuries and examine the systems that shaped empires. These systems manipulated and even corrupted the minds of the many to serve the interests of the few. Learn more about these said systems by watching the full-length documentary, here.


Sometimes, we learn the most by observing and avoiding the mistakes of others. What better way to learn than by watching “The Fall of Lehman Brothers” – a firm that filed the largest bankruptcy in the United States history.

On September 15, 2008, financial services firm called the Lehman Brothers filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection with Lehman holding over US$600 (S$834) billion in assets. The following day, Barclays bank announced its agreement to purchase Lehman’s North American investment-banking and trading divisions along with its New York headquarters building. Watch as these events unfold in the full-length documentary, here.


Like most of the people, Nick Leeson wanted to be affluent and successful and he had extraordinary abilities of manipulation and deceit to back it up. This documentary tackles how he deceived the people around him and how these people were deceived. Lured by the possibilities of getting vast sums of money, these people lost 830 million pounds all together. This true story was so powerful that filmmakers were inspired to make an adaptation called “Rogue Trader”, which starred Ewan McGregor.

Watch how Nick Leeson uses friendship to rip-off people at this full-length documentary.


On this list, “The Ascent of Money” is the one that deeply touches the base of the world’s financial history. It will give finance professionals a greater understanding and perspective of how the financial world works. Watch as Professor Niall Furguson takes you to the beginning of the financial world from the ancient city of Babylon to the new-age financial crisis in 2008.

Be forewarned that this film lasts for 300 minutes so, you must dedicate time or chunks of it if you really want to absorb its essence.

Image Credits: (License: CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: (License: CC0 Public Domain)

Sources: 1 & 2


Income versus Expenses: How Are We Faring?

Income Expenses

Singapore is not cheap, which makes you wonder, how do we thrive? To help us understand better, let’s talk about our cost of living.


In general, the property prices in Singapore are going down, thanks to the efforts of the government, including reducing the loan-to-value ratio and capping home loans up to 35 years. Moreover, you have several property options, although more than 75% of us live in HDB flats, of which the cheapest can be a 2-room home with a possible net selling price (after grants) of $52,000.

But this would need a median income of $1,500 and a monthly instalment to income ratio of 11%. So far, as of 2014, the median income calculated during the mid-year was $3,770. If you can’t afford to buy the property yet or you have no intention of doing so at least within a few years, you can take this time to start saving, managing your debt for a better total debt servicing ratio (TDSR), and comparing mortgage loans.


Singapore promotes a universal healthcare program. Under this are Medisave, Medishield, and Elder Shield, to name a few. A part of our CPF contributions is intended for healthcare by the time we’re old (and, yes, our population is getting way older than before). Other countries have commended our healthcare system for having some of the best hospitals and well-trained staff with training and expertise comparable to that of European and North American countries.

But our healthcare isn’t immune to inflation, and premiums for coverage such as Medishield are expected to go up. Moreover, the government provides only subsidies, which means you still have to pay for the remaining healthcare costs. If there’s some good news, it’s that many companies do provide healthcare and even life insurance at no extra cost on your end.


Singapore stresses the huge importance of education, so much so that it allocates at least 20% of its annual budget to it. It is also compulsory for children between 6 and 15 years old, but it’s not unusual to see children as young as 4 to go to school, which means education expenses can also start early, and a nursery class may cost $900 per year. University is expected to go up by as much as $30,600, but subsidies can greatly help by decreasing tuition fees by as much as 26%.


A huge chunk of a family’s budget goes to food, and the expenditure keeps on increasing every year. In 2013, the average food expenditure was $1,188, an increase of $239 from 2008. There are two possible explanations for this: inflation and our penchant to eat out.  We are the highest spenders in the Asia-Pacific region in terms of dining out with a monthly expense of around $324.

Can We Afford It?

The high cost of living, however, is just a partial way of evaluating our capacity to thrive in the country. The much bigger question is if we can afford our necessities. Thankfully, the answer still remains yes.

More households are earning $20,000 and above a month (including CPF contributions), and even if our total household expenditures have gone up through the years, they’re still lower than our average monthly wages.

This doesn’t mean, though, you won’t go bankrupt or continue to live from paycheque to paycheque. Your own spending habits and financial decisions can have a significant impact on your expenses and income. As an example, while you have many choices for credit cards, going for the ones that help you earn rewards with your credit card is more sensible as you can take every dollar you spent further.  

To conclude, whether you’re living in Singapore or anywhere else in the world, being financially smart can shield you from all the money woes.

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What should you invest in? Equities or Bonds?

What should you invest in? Equities or Bonds?

The answer depends on two major factors: how young/ old you currently are, and the riskiness of your job. To elaborate, it is good to understand some basic concepts:

There are basically two types of investment products, bonds and equities.

  • Company issue bonds, which is borrowings with a fixed rate of return (interest rate). Bond holders do not own the company, so do not get to vote in company decisions.
  • Company sell shares, which is equity to shareholders. Shareholders own parts of the company, so they get to vote in company decisions, as such, shareholders also undertake the risk the company takes.


Basically, it shows the simplified balance sheet of companies.

The revenue that company earns goes back to pay business expenses (eg. employee salaries, tax, etc), before paying for the interest owed to bondholders, leaving what is left as the profit.

The company can then choose to distribute part of the profit as dividends.

So in the 3 scenarios, they look like:

  • Normal economy – Revenue minus business expenses minus interests for bonds equals profit.
  • Boom – Revenue increases by quite a bit, minus business expenses which is more or less fixed, might increase a little bit, minus interests payable to bondholders which is the same, and leaves quite a lot of profit. Shareholders then get to share in the profit.
  • Recession – Revenue dropped by a lot, minus business expenses which is roughly the same, maybe drop a bit only because you can retrench some staff, but can’t retrench everyone, minus interests payable to bondholders which is the same, leaves very little as profit.

In the event the company goes bankrupt, it will have to pay the bondholders first, because in bonds, they owe money to bondholders. After that, any money left then goes on to paying the shareholders.

In the case of stocks and shares, share cycles typically lasts 8 to 10 years.

Total earning potential is the sum of your earnings from today until the day you retire. Given the above, which total earning potential scenario is higher?

  • When you first started work fresh out of university or
  • After working for some years and possibly earning at your peak?

The answer is obviously the former, where you first started your first job in your twenties. Why is this so?

Imagine that you retire tomorrow, your total earning potential will then be your salary today + your salary tomorrow.

This means when you first started work, you have a long earning timeframe until you potentially retire. While counterintuitively, when you are possibly earning at your peak after several years of working experience, you may not have a high total earning potential.


Diversification is then spreading your investments over a number of assets to reduce risk.

What this means is:

Age wise

  • When you are young – you behave like a bond (because if you get fired when you are young, it is easier to find a new job because your salary is still low, and got more time to accumulate wealth)
    • So when you are young (bonds) – you should buy equities
  • When you are old – you behave like a share (because more risky, less time to accumulate wealth and see through the stock market cycle)
    • So when you are old (equities) – you should buy bonds

Occupation wise

  • When you are in a low risk job (eg. government sector, teacher although I know thatnowadays the “iron rice bowl” is not as low risk as it usedto be) – you behave like a bond (less chance to get fired)
    • So when you are in a low risk job (bonds) – you should buy equities
  • When you are in a high risk job (eg. private sector, banking) – you behave like an equity (more chance to get fired, but got potential to earn a lot in good times)
    • So when you are in a high risk job (equity) – you should buy bonds
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Image Credits: (License: CC0 Public Domain)

So there you have it. Depending on where you are in your career life cycle, and whether your career behaves like equity or bond, invest accordingly to achieve the desired diversification effect.

“Work hard, save up to invest, retire young.”