A psychologist reveals 4 key ways you can use to embrace critical feedback

two woman having a meting

Critical feedback can be daunting for some. Since we’re talking about criticisms here, it’s easy to get defensive over it. But take a more profound examination, and you will probably agree that constructive feedback is the ‘true friend’ that identifies the gaps between who you are and the improved version of who you want to be.

Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, a psychologist, author, and entrepreneur, points this out as a paradox. He shares that most people are happy to receive positive feedback, but it is the negative ones that enable us to be better.

This is because if you think you are already on the right path, then there would be a lesser desire to brush up on your current skills. To avoid potential conflicts, some companies have even attempted to remove negative feedback from performance reviews.

So the question is, do you want an upgrade? Or are you happy with where you are right now with all the compliments flooding your way? If it’s the former, we’re so glad for your willingness to change.

We’re not going to promise that you will leave this article feeling like you’re ready for a self-improvement journey. Criticisms hurt and we’re not going to lie. But it’s something to embrace if you want to tackle your weaknesses and bridge the gaps.

Want to walk out of your self-protective instincts now? Take it from Dr Tomas on the four key ways you can use to embrace critical feedback.

#1: Search for a right mentor
two persons having a discussion

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Don’t be alarmed by the word ‘mentor’. Dr Tomas points out that the right person should be someone with experience in the area you’re keen to make a change in. He or she could be someone who knows you well, has seen your growth, or aware of the skillsets or talents you want to build.

In our current prosocial society, it’s getting difficult to find someone willing to provide critical feedback. “For all the talk of authenticity, if you go about telling everyone what you really think, you will have no friends and your colleagues will hate you,” said Dr Tomas.

That’s like hitting the bull’s eye, isn’t it? What you need is someone who is fearlessly psyched to tell you what you need to hear. Note the difference between what you want to hear and what you need to hear.

#2: Find proper questions to ask
a man asking a question

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Finding the right mentor to receive feedback is already not a simple task. If you want to make it easier for your mentor to give you an appropriate assessment, ask pertinent questions.

Avoid asking short questions like these:

  • “How did I do?”
  • “Was this okay?”
  • “Did I do a good job?”
  • “Did you like what I did?”

Instead, ask:

  • “What would you have done differently?”
  • “What are the two things that they didn’t like so much?”
  • “If you can change one thing about X going forward, what would that be?”

Also, mean what you say. If you’ve made known that you wouldn’t take it to heart, then don’t take it personally. Value their honest response and see it as a way to help you get better, even if you don’t immediately agree due to a defensive stance.

Dr Tomas states that the right mentors should help improve your ability to identify blind spots and critical areas for improvement. As a mentee, always be thankful.

“Feedback is always a gift, and there is no bigger gift than constructive critical feedback because it is daunting and risky to provide it. There is a higher cost to honest negative feedback than fake positive feedback, but the former makes you much better than the latter,” he adds.

#3: Receive comments and act on it
Take action

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Have you ever advised upon a request only to find out that the other party has turned a deaf ear? If you understand how frustrating it feels, don’t do the same to your mentor. 

Receive critical feedback and reciprocate the time and effort spent by committing to change. Then, share your action plans with your mentor to involve them in the process. Knowing that you’re taking their constructive comments seriously is also a form of motivation for your mentors to provide you with more guidance going forward.

“When someone asks you for help, and you offer your honest views, even though you know it may hurt them, there is nothing more rewarding than seeing them make a positive change based on what they heard. Making others better is a wonderful achievement,” Dr Tomas remarked.

#4: Get more feedback to monitor progress

Image Credits: HealthHub

If you’ve followed through the strategies so far and managed to gain and act on the criticisms given to you, don’t just stop there. Politely ask your mentors for more valuable critiques so you can track your progress.

To put it simply, Dr Tomas says the process should look like this:

  • Get critical feedback
  • Make an effort to change
  • Get more feedback to monitor progress

He also illustrates this strategy using a weighing scale. When you think you’ve put on weight recently thanks to the work-from-home routine, you put yourself up on a weighing scale. Seeing the figures got you motivated on losing weight, so you change up your diet or start exercising more often.

But do you stop there? No. To measure your success, you go up on the scale again to track your weight. The idea here is that you don’t just repeat the process once or twice, but as often as you can to monitor your development.

In conclusion, be aware that even the most talented people are a work in progress. Yes, criticisms are painful; nonetheless, it is also a positive force for change and the fuel to be better. Those who are seeking growth should learn to welcome useful negative feedback with open arms.


Experts in the field answer 4 questions men have regarding sperm health

sperm health

Sperm health is not a common topic widely discussed among people, especially so for more conservative communities. But still, it’s an essential topic for men who take this seriously.

Do you know that the average sperm count for men has been on a worldwide downward trend based on the statistics from the World Health Organization?

According to Dr Ronny Tan, a consultant urologist and andrologist with Advanced Urology Associates, the criteria for normalcy is a sperm count of 15 million/millilitre. But the figures have dropped globally from a previous normal count of 20 million/millilitre in 1999.

Dr Janice Tung, a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist with Thomson Fertility Centre, adds that this means that the chances of conceiving for men are about 20 per cent lower. Mayo Clinic shares that the issue is often shown through low sex drive or difficulty maintaining an erection.

Need help? Experts in the field answer four questions you might have regarding sperm health. Let’s take it from professionals from here.

#1: Boxers vs Briefs. Which is better?
men's underwear

Image Credits: AskMen

We bet you’ve heard advice regarding keeping it loose down there. Turns out to be, that family friend of yours might be right. Dr Tan points out that the testes are hanging in the scrotum for a good reason.

As such, boxers are believed to be sperm-friendlier than briefs. This is because the tighter your undergarment, the more it pushes the testes up towards the body. This increases the testicular temperature which you should avoid.

Ideally, the testes should be about 2 degrees Celsius lower than your average core body temperature of 36.9 degrees Celsius. Be mindful if you want to improve sperm production and maintain the health of the sperm.

“Elevated temperatures have been shown to lead to the arrest of sperm production, oxidative stress and DNA damage to sperm,” Dr Tung shares.

“I wouldn’t go as far as to advise men to go commando or go pant-less at home for this purpose. But they are welcomed to do so for other reasons of their own,” she wittily remarked.

With all that said, those who are diligently trying for a baby should look into their wardrobe and maybe make necessary style changes for this period. Yes, this also means having to give up that slim and sleek looking pants for a while.

#2: Is smoking, drinking, and mobile phone radiation exposure bad?
smoking and drinking

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Based on an analysis published on BMC Public Health in 2019, smokers were found to have lower sperm counts. The study also saw an increase in defective sperm heads, necks, and tails. If you’re actively looking to conceive, reconsider smoking.

Heavy drinkers who have 15 or more drinks a week should also be aware of the damages it has on sperm production. Healthline reveals that increased alcohol intake:

  • Causes early or decreased ejaculation
  • Shrinks the testes, which causes impotence
  • Changes the shape, size, and movement of healthy sperms
  • Alters gonadotropin release, which impacts sperm production

Mobile phones alongside obesity, and the use of testosterone or steroids for bodybuilding, were also cited by Dr Tung as factors associated with infertility. A 2014 study on the influence of direct mobile phone radiation on sperm quality also found an interconnection between radiation exposure, DNA–fragmentation level, and decreased sperm motility.

#3: Does cycling affect sperm health?
a group of men cycling

Image Credits: TODAYonline

Sitting on a bike seat for prolonged periods can lead to a temporary numb feeling down there. But it’s more than just a mere sensation. According to Dr Tan, the compression on the nerve in the Alcock’s canal can occasionally affect penile erections.

“Men who do long-distance cycling may experience numbness of the penis. Some men may also experience erectile dysfunction due to injury to the nerve and the blood vessels within the canal,” he adds.

This does not apply just to males who underwent intense cycling training but also to non-professional low-intensity cyclists. Dr Tung noted that to prevent sperm parameters from being suppressed, it’s probably wise to limit the duration and frequency of your cycling sessions. This is especially so if you’re trying to conceive.

But do not give up on exercising. This is because a BBC report shared that men who exercised 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes had better sperm health. If you frequently engage in contact sports such as football, hockey, rugby, or martial arts, please wear a scrotal guard.

#4: Should I keep to a particular diet?
Chicken & Pine Nut Salad

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Dr Tung said that full-fat dairy products, coffee, and sugar-sweetened beverages are linked to poor semen quality and lower fertility rates. So keep those in check while grocery shopping or dining out.

As it’s most likely common sense for many, a healthy diet leads to a healthy body. Thus, take in more vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry, cereals, and low-fat dairy products instead. For supplements, Dr Tan recommends consuming selenium, zinc, L-carnitine, L-arginine, coenzyme Q10, and Vitamins A, C and E.

To end this off, Dr Chong Kian Tai, a consultant urologist at PanAsia Surgery, urges those who are worried about their scrotal health to make an appointment for in-depth tests. An ultrasound testes scan, hormone test, and/or semen analysis can provide answers to any physical discomfort, sperm health, or burning questions you have about your fertility.


A PR firm’s CEO shares 5 ways you can build trust as a leader at work


Striving at the workplace is not an easy task. Suppose you’re a leader, that makes the job two or three times harder. Maybe you’ve just been recently promoted, or you’ve been in a leadership position for a few years now and giving some serious thought about the art of leadership.

Whatever the case might be, Amy Stanton, the founder and CEO of Stanton & Company, shares that leadership isn’t a destination. It’s a never-ending learning process in which soft skills come into play.

“It’s really not about being seen as the person in charge, or dressing a certain way, or reminding the people around you that you’re the final decision-maker,” Stanton says.

Want to build trust as a leader at work? Take it from Stanton on five small ways you can start communicating with your colleagues from now on.

#1: Mean what you say
giving feedback to a colleague

Image Credits: TLNT.com

No one would hate a compliment. But when “good job” becomes words you use anytime in every situation, then it loses its meaning.

While singing people’s praises is a good leadership trait, it’s not about doing it all day long. Communicate “negative” feedback appropriately if you want to be a helpful leader.

In other words, constructive feedback is the key to facilitate growth. Do it so your co-workers can grow through the experience. Also, as you find ways to provide feedback, take it as a chance to learn how to use this soft skill to build trust.

Need to find a balance when it comes to “negative” and positive reinforcement? Use the sandwich method to stack it in this way: positive – constructive – positive. Keep in mind to have honest talks that include actionable steps too.

“Remember: It’s one thing to critique. It’s another to give constructive feedback with a path to improvement,” Stanton states.

#2: Be true to yourself
asians at work in an office

Image Credits: HRM Asia

While you can look up to other leadership examples outside the workplace, be true to who you are. Don’t get us wrong because there is nothing wrong with observing different management styles in an attempt to incorporate new approaches or techniques.

But Stanton believes that you only become the best version of yourself as a leader when you are authentic to who you are. Trying to be someone or something you’re not will only show that you’re putting on an act.

Speak from the heart even if it means showing your fellow workers a vulnerable side of yourself. You’re not a superhero, and there’s no need to try to be one.

#3: Take accountability when things go wrong
man with a disapproving look at the office

Image Credits: BBC.com

Falling into a victim mindset when things take a wrong turn is a dangerous situation to allow yourself to be in. If you continually let yourself sink into the mentality that the hurdles you face happened because they were not within your control, it will only make matters worse in the long run.

We know taking responsibility even when it may not be your fault is not a simple step to take. But as a leader, you want to take accountability and also question the role you played in the issue. Could it be a lack of supervision? Or maybe you were too hung up on other projects to provide support to your team?

Be a leader people can trust and lead by example before you start pointing fingers at others.

#4: Rethink micromanagement

Image Credits: Business Insider

Ask any employee, and they will reveal how much they detest micromanaging superiors. Stanton also mentions how micromanaging people are rarely influential.

In your entire career, you would probably have come across a few micromanaging managers or maybe even struggling with one right now. There’s a thin fine line between aiming to be in control and obsessively controlling others.

If you want your subordinates to learn, allow them space to make mistakes. “Obviously, you want to put guardrails in place and make sure those mistakes happen in a controlled setting, but your goal is to get them to a place where they feel comfortable and confident operating on their own,” Stanton points out.

Don’t forget we’re talking about building trust here and it goes both ways. Give your colleagues the belief they need if you want a reciprocal work relationship.

And yes, you will require lots of patience to get to the endpoint (if there is even one). A tremendous amount of time and effort is necessary to guide your team members towards the right path. Not to mention that you have to be prep yourself to deal with their potential mistakes along the way.

But look far ahead instead of merely fixing your eyes on the short-term sacrifices.

#5: Reflect and seek feedback
asians having a discussion

Image Credits: iStock

Examine your relationship with your co-workers right now. Do you find them sharing direct feedback with you regularly, openly, and comfortably?

According to Stanton, the last thing you want is to revolve around only a vacuum of your thoughts. No matter how busy your schedule is, take time to hear other people’s perspectives because there’s more to gain than lose.

As a leader, you want to foster a nurturing environment where your employees or co-workers can honestly share how they feel knowing that they won’t be judged. Also, receive their suggestions and act on it rather than merely accepting it.

No one is born as a perfect leader. It takes ups and downs to get you where you want to be. Treat this leadership journey as a learning opportunity for you to mature as a person as well. Keep at it!


How To Settle In A New Job With Ease

Getting ready for your first day at work can mimic your experience on your first day in a new school. As butterflies roam your stomach, your first day in a new school is both terrifying and exciting. You walk in the grounds of an unfamiliar hallway with a schedule in hand. You try your best not to trip or to embarrass yourself in front of other kids. Years later, those similar emotions can be felt as you show up to a new workplace.

You do not know what expect! The first couple of months can be confusing, exciting, and terrifying. These months can make or break your time at a particular company. Start adjusting to a new job by preparing for your first day.


Use the weeks leading up to your first day wisely by preparing yourself mentally and physically. Accomplish as many errands as possible such as medical checkups, car maintenance, and visits to relatives. Get adequate amount of sleep and renew your fitness regimen. If time permits, you may freshen up your mind by taking a short staycation.

Prepare for the position by researching about the company and its business press. You can search through its social media accounts to get a grasp of their branding. You can also request for a list of readings from your future boss. He or she will be impressed that you want to start work well-informed and educated.


Your first impression counts. Show up on your first day well-dressed and with enthusiasm to work. Come early and put your mobile phone away to stay focused on the tasks at hand. Take notes on the tasks and the people around. What are their names? It is important to write them down. You can learn a lot from these people.


It is easier to assume that we know what to do. Sometimes, we are just too afraid to admit that we cannot do something. However, asking for assistance is the best way to resolve an issue. You are in a new environment. Admitting your lack of knowledge in certain realms may show your eagerness to learn. Take notes.


No matter how skilled you were in your previous company, it is unpleasant to brag about it in your current working environment. Instead, let your actions speak for itself. Take this opportunity to learn new things, to contribute new ideas, and to share your experience with your co-workers. Find the right platform to air your concerns.


To help you get a grasp of the company’s culture, listen and observe at all times. Building rapport with your new co-workers is important because it lets you assimilate to their culture faster. Be wary. Do not let your desire to fit in encourage you to engage in gossip. You do not want to employ socially destructive behaviors. Listen to cultural clues, but avoid gossips.

Image Credits: unsplash.com

You are the new employee. Smile and make the effort to reach out to them by offering coffee or lunch. This way, you will be able to break the ice.

Sources: 1 & 2



6 Essential Reasons Why You Should Learn To Invest

Investing is the act of allocating your money in the hopes that you will achieve a profit in the future. The money generated from your investments can provide income and fulfillment of long-term financial security.

Now is the ideal time to start investing! Allow me to convince you with these “6 Essential Reasons Why You Should Learn To Invest”.


Many people do not think about investments until they are well into their 20s or 30s. Although opportunities to invest may come before that, investing is not something that is automatically embraced by all. Do not panic! You can become an investor at any age.

The sooner you open an investment account, the better it will be for your financial future. Take advantage of the greatest asset of all – time. Investing while you are young gives you the chance to work smarter. Would you rather save a considerable amount of money every year or save a huge amount of money later in life? Think about that.


Investing your money allows you to grow your wealth. Most investment vehicles such as stocks and bonds offer returns on your money over the long run. The return allows your money to build over time.

The money you build can be used to create a business or expand your existing one. Many investors support entrepreneurs and contribute to the creation of new products and new jobs. The more successful entities you have backed up, the stronger your returns will be.


Let us face it! You need to be prepared for your retirement. You should save money for retirement as you are working. You can put your retirement savings into a portfolio of diversified assets such as real estate, precious metals, stocks, mutual funds, and bonds. As soon as you retire, you will be able to live off from the funds that you have earned.

Base your personal tolerance of risk on your age and lifestyle. You may employ greater risks to increase your chances of earning greater wealth in your younger years. Becoming more conservative with your investments as you grow older can be wise.


Learning about investments will enable you to know the power of compound interest. Compound interest allows your money to make more money for you. It pays to invest early and often. The longer your money can benefit from the power of compound interest, the higher your gains will be as time goes by.

Say you invest S$1,000 this year and you earn a 10% return on that. This means that you will end up having S$1,100. If you do not contribute anything next year, you will still make money through the compound interest. Instead of earning another S$100, you will earn S$110 because you are getting 10% from a balance of S$1,100. You will have S$1,210 by the end of next year.


You need to diversity your assets as your investments make one part of your financial picture – not all of it. You should not keep all your money in cash, in your house, or in your car. Instead, invest in a variety of categories to cushion unforeseen losses. It makes more financial sense to keep your emergency fund, your house (real estate), your hard assets (e.g., car), and your portfolio of investments.


Image credits: pixabay.com

Learning how to strategically invest your money allows you to reach your financial goals. If your money is earning a higher rate of return than your savings account, you will be able to earn more money within a faster period. This return on your investments can help you reach your financial goals such as buying a car, starting your own business, or putting your children through university.

Sources: 1 & 2