Tips for encouraging your parents to stay active in old age

seniors exercising at the fitness corner

It can be tough to see our parents leading a sedentary lifestyle, especially as they get older and we worry about their health.

Nonetheless, keep in mind that our parents are adults and they should have the final say in what activities they participate in. We can provide suggestions, but ultimately it’s up to them whether or not they want to heed them.

With that said, here are a few tips on encouraging your parents to stay active in old age.

The benefits of staying active in old age

It’s no secret that staying active is essential for our health, no matter what stage of life we’re in. But when it comes to our parents, convincing them to stay active can be a bit of a challenge.

You may be wondering why this is such an important issue. Well, staying active can help prevent conditions like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. It also helps keep the mind sharp and delays the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

A sedentary lifestyle is bad for seniors. It can lead to a host of other health issues. And once these health problems start, they’re difficult to reverse.

How to encourage your parents to stay active
seniors gardening

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We’re not asking you to drag them to the gym—although that might work for some people!—but there are plenty of other activities they can enjoy.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Get them started on gardening
  • Take a walk together every day
  • Sign up for classes at the nearest community center

The key is to find something that they will enjoy, and make it a regular occurrence. When they know they have something to look forward to, they will be more likely to stick with it.

Tips for helping your parents stay active for the long-term

Here are tips to help encourage them to stay active for a long time:

  • Make it a family activity. If your parents can see that staying active has transformed you, they’re more likely to want to do it. Try going for walks or hikes together, or sign them up for group classes.
  • Make it fun. If your parents associate staying active with having fun, they will be more likely to return to it. Try getting them involved in activities they enjoy, like yoga, bowling, or swimming.
  • Make it convenient. If your parents have trouble getting around, try finding activities that are close to home. That way they won’t have an excuse not to participate!

It can be hard to see our parents grow old and become less active, but we can do our part to help them stay healthy and happy. Talk to them about the benefits of staying active and help them find activities they enjoy. Whether it’s taking a walk around the neighborhood, golfing, swimming, or playing table tennis, there are plenty of activities that our parents can enjoy well into their elder years. Be sure to express your support–they will appreciate it more than you realize!


Drop water weight fast: Effective methods to try

woman measuring her waist

Are you feeling bloated?

Are you worried you won’t fit into your outfit for your upcoming event?

Most people want to drop a few pounds in water weight quickly before an event. It’s a common practice, but can be dangerous if done incorrectly. In this article, we will discuss how to safely lose water weight before an event, as well as some of the most effective methods to try.

Causes of water retention

You’re trying to fit into that dress or suit for your upcoming reunion, but the last few pounds won’t budge.

Water retention is common, and it can cause you to look bloated and puffy. But don’t worry, there are ways to drop water weight fast.

One of the most common causes of water retention is loading on too much salt. When your body retains water, it can also make you feel sluggish.

Another common cause of water retention is dehydration. When you don’t drink enough fluids, your body holds on to whatever water it has to survive. If you’re looking to drop water weight fast, drink plenty of fluids and cut back on the salt.

How to drop water weight before an event
women in dresses gathering before an event

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There are a few things you can do to help speed up the process.

  • Natural diuretics

When you want to drop water weight fast, there are a few natural diuretics you can try.

One is caffeine—just make sure you’re drinking plenty of water, too, to avoid dehydration.

Another is asparagus. Asparagus is a natural diuretic and it’s also high in antioxidants and vitamins.

You can also try cucumbers. Cucumbers are 95% water and they’re a good source of vitamins. Plus, they have a refreshing flavor.

  • Foods and drinks to avoid

When it comes to dropping water weight quickly, there are certain foods and drinks you need to avoid.

For starters, steer clear of high-sodium foods. That means no processed meats or canned foods.

Also, drink plenty of water and avoid sugary drinks, like soda and processed juice. And finally, cut back on carbs. When you’re trying to lose water weight fast, carbs are your enemy.

You want to look your best for that upcoming event, and you don’t want to feel bloated and uncomfortable. Luckily, there are some effective methods to help you lose water weight quickly. Try out one of the abovementioned methods and see how it works for you. You will likely see a noticeable difference in the amount of water weight you lose, which will help you feel more confident and comfortable in your skin.


The dangers of applying to multiple positions at the same company

man looking at a job application form

You’ve spotted a few job openings at your dream company.

You’re thinking of applying to all of them and maybe even started filling out the applications.

But before you hit the “submit” button, there are a few things you should know. Applying to multiple positions at the same company can backfire and prevent you from getting the job you want.

Applying to multiple positions at the same company vs. applying to multiple companies

When you’re applying for jobs, it can be tempting to apply to multiple positions at the same company. After all, if you’re qualified for the job, why not?

But there’s a big difference between applying to multiple positions at the same company and applying to multiple companies. Applying to multiple positions at the same company can make you look desperate, and it can also make the company think that you’re just playing around.

When you apply to multiple positions at different companies, on the other hand, it shows that you’re searching for a specific position and that you’re taking your time to find the right fit.

How to avoid coming across as desperate or unqualified
lady working on her laptop

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When you’re applying to multiple positions at the same company, make sure that you don’t come across as desperate or unqualified.

Here are a few tips for avoiding this:

  • Tailor your applications to the specific position you’re applying for. This shows that you’ve done your research and that you’re serious about the role(s).
  • Take the time to personalize each application. Mentioning something from the job listing or using the hiring manager’s name will make it stand out from the crowd.
  • Be patient and don’t apply to every job that pops up on your radar. It’s better to take your time and find a role that’s a perfect fit for you than to rush into something that’s not right.
  • Make sure your applications are high quality. If you’re sending a mass email with a half-finished resume and no cover letter, it’s going to look like you’re not taking the process seriously.
How to research a company before applying

Find out what the company is all about and make sure that you can be a good culture fit. If you can show the company that you’re truly keen on them, they will be more likely to want to interview you.

Browse the website of the business and social media to find out how outsiders view it.

To find any recent news about the company, such as growth, stock values, or product releases, Google them. Searching in advance will reveal more about the business, and could also raise concerns if you learn that it recently fired employees or had a product problem.

Sending too many applications for various positions to the same company may backfire. Before you apply to multiple positions at the same company, think about why you are interested in the job. Are you applying because you want the job, or are you applying because you need a job?


Thinking about getting eyeliner embroidery? Read this first

eyeliner embroidery procedure

So, you’ve been thinking about getting eyeliner embroidery?

There’s much to consider before you book your appointment. For one, it’s important to make sure that you’re choosing a reputable and qualified technician. Second, you need to be realistic about the results.

Finally, take the time to read through reviews and testimonials from previous clients. That will give you a good sense of what to expect and whether or not eyeliner embroidery is the right choice for you.

What is eyeliner embroidery?

Eyeliner embroidery is a type of tattooing that applies pigment to the skin. The result is a very thin line that looks like eyeliner. It’s popular because it lasts and doesn’t smudge.

The pros and cons of eyeliner embroidery


  • Saves you time.
  • It gives you a more defined look.
  • It’s perfect for people who have difficulty applying liner evenly.


  • Color retention varies.
  • The good ones are not cheap.
  • There’s a risk of infection if the procedure is not done properly.
How long does eyeliner embroidery last?
eyeliner embroidery

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The answer depends on a few factors, including how well you take care of your new eyeliner and how often you get it touched up. In general, you can expect your new eyeliner to last anywhere from six to twelve months.

But keep in mind that it’s not a permanent solution. Like all types of beauty embroideries, eyeliner embroidery will fade over time. So if you’re not happy with the way it looks, you will have to get it touched up.

How to care for your lash line after getting eyeliner embroidery

First, you will want to avoid getting your lash line wet for the first 24 hours. This means no swimming, no washing your face, and no sweating. Pretty much anything that will get your eyes wet should be avoided.

Second, avoid using any oil-based products near your lash line. This means no mascara, no eyeliner, and no eye shadow. And if you’re using a cream-based foundation, make sure to apply it at least two inches away from your lash line.

Finally, be gentle with your lashes. No rubbing or pulling! Use light touches when cleansing and make sure to be especially careful when removing eye makeup.

Eyeliner embroidery is a semi-permanent way to enhance your eyes and make them look more defined. Before you go ahead and book an appointment, it is important to find a reputable and qualified technician to do the procedure. Good eyeliner embroidery is not a cheap procedure. It will cost you a few hundred to a thousand dollars, so be prepared to part with your money if you decide to go ahead with it.


Disagreeing during a job interview: Why you shouldn’t be afraid

a job interview

You’re in the midst of your job interview, and things are going well.

The interviewer has asked you a few questions, and you’ve given some great answers.

But then the interviewer throws you a curveball. They ask you to share your thoughts on something you don’t agree with. What do you do?

Why it’s okay to disagree

For one thing, it shows that you’re not afraid to stand up for your beliefs.

It also shows that you’re not afraid to ask questions and challenge the status quo. And most importantly, it shows that you’re confident in your conviction.

But there’s a right way and a wrong way to disagree. The wrong way is to be confrontational. So if you feel like you disagree with something your interviewer has said, go ahead and speak up—just make sure you express your views calmly and respectfully.

How to disagree tactfully
talking during an interview

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There’s a big difference between being assertive and being aggressive, and you want to stay on the polite side of things.

Here are a few tips for how to do that:

  • Stay calm. Don’t get flustered if you don’t agree with your interviewer. Stay cool and collected, and state your case plainly.
  • Acknowledge the other person’s opinion. Start your disagreement by saying something like, “I see where you’re coming from, but here’s why I think…”
  • Make your argument clear. Be prepared to back up your disagreement with facts and reasoning. The more solid your argument, the more likely you are to convince your interviewer.
How to make sure you’re still likable

Let’s face it: we all want to be likable.

We want to be the person that people enjoy being around, the person that they think is fun and interesting. And when we go into a job interview, we want to be that person.

But what if you don’t agree with the interviewer? What if you have a different perspective? Do you have to keep your mouth shut, or can you disagree in a way that’s still likable?

Well, express your thoughts without attacking the interviewer or putting them on the defensive. You want to make sure that the interviewer sees you as someone they would want to work with. And you can do that by disagreeing with the subject matter, not against anyone.

You should never be afraid to disagree during a job interview. Chances are, your interviewer is looking for someone who has opinions and isn’t afraid to voice them. If you can back up your arguments with evidence and reasoning, you will only stand to benefit from the exchange. Disagreeing with your interviewer is an approach to show that you’re not fearful to stand up for what you believe in and to take on a challenge. Remember: it’s better, to be honest, and upfront than to hold back and regret it later.