Responsible pet ownership: How to keep your pet and your community happy

black pug puppy

Being a responsible pet owner is not only about taking care of your pet.

It’s also about making sure your pet doesn’t bother your neighbors and the community. You need to be familiar with the laws and regulations that concern pets because ignorance is not an excuse.

Taking care of your pet’s needs

When you take on the responsibility of owning a pet, you’re agreeing to take care of all of their needs.

This includes making sure they’re fed, groomed, and have a clean place to relieve themselves. It’s also important to give them plenty of exercise and playtime.

In addition, be a responsible owner by cleaning up after them. There’s nothing more frustrating for the public than having to dodge piles of poop daily. So always carry a baggie with you when you take your dog for a walk, and be sure to dispose of their waste properly.

The importance of proper training

One of the most essential things you can do as a pet owner is to properly train your pet.

This means taking the time to understand your pet’s language and teaching them the basic commands that will make both your lives easier.

But training isn’t just about teaching your pet to obey you. It’s also about building a relationship of trust and understanding. When your pet knows that they can trust you to lead them in the right direction, they will be more confident and secure in their surroundings. This is especially important for puppies, who are still learning about the world around them.

It’s also necessary to provide your pet with plenty of exercises, both physical and mental. A bored dog is a destructive dog, and a frustrated cat can become a real pain. Giving your pet plenty of exercise will help them burn off energy in a healthy way, and it will give you both something to bond over. Plus, it’s just plain fun!

Being an informed and considerate pet owner
a dog jumping through the hook

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Before you even adopt a pet, be sure to evaluate your lifestyle and see if you can commit to taking care of one.

Pets need exercise, plenty of attention, and regular vet check-ups—something not everyone can provide. If you can’t deliver these essentials, it’s best to wait until you can before bringing a furry friend into your home.

Creating a safe home environment for your pet

Have you taken steps to pet-proof your home?

Start by creating a safe space for your new family member in your home. This might be a designated room or area with all of their things, like their bed, toys, food, and water bowls. Once they have a safe space, you can start to introduce them slowly to other areas of the house.

When you’re pet-proofing your home, think about what might be dangerous for your pet and take steps to remove or secure those items. For instance, if you have toxic household plants, keep them out of reach or get rid of them altogether. You should also store away any cleaning supplies, medications, and small objects that your pet could choke on.

In short, being a responsible pet owner means taking care of your pet’s needs, and the needs of your community. This means feeding your pet the right food, keeping them healthy and groomed, and using proper training methods so they don’t become a nuisance. Owning a pet is not a walk in the park so think twice before you welcome a furry friend home.


The Hidden Costs Of Owning A Pet

There is a reason why cat and dog videos flood the trending pages of YouTube and Instagram! They are so irresistibly adorable and hilarious. Moreover, these fur buddies serve as the best companions for people of all ages.

Taking care of your beloved companion is nowhere near as expensive as raising a child in Singapore. However, costs go beyond food and shelter. Prepare your funds as we introduce the “hidden costs of owning a pet”


Bathing your pet and cutting its nails can only go so far! Whether you like it or not, you cannot simply get away with an at-home grooming kit. Only professionals can properly trim your beloved pet’s fur. This is especially true for dogs.

My aunt owns two dogs – a Cocker Spaniel and a Pomeranian. I can vividly recall when she got a rather disappointing grooming experience from a personnel who trimmed the Cocker Spaniel’s fur too short. She regrets that she did not gave specific instructions beforehand. While most dogs are groomed once every 2 months, these breeds need more maintenance. It is best to discuss your preferences to the groomers. Otherwise, you would waste S$40 to S$70 for small dogs and S$90 to S$200 for bigger dogs.


As you explore the aisles of the nearby supermarket, you will notice how affordable their selection of pet food is. These brands may be cheap, but are they healthy for your beloved buddy?

Most pet owners switch to premium brands to provide food rich in nutrients. Moreover, some pets may have developed medical conditions that require a change in diet. Switching diets come with a cost!


As your pet ages, your veterinary bills will undoubtedly shoot up! Your beloved cats and dogs may suffer from the same conditions that aging humans experience. From tumors to epilepsy, your furkid is vulnerable to unexpected veterinary attention. What should you do?

For starters, you can expect to pay around S$20 to S$60 for a basic veterinary consultation. This is why, it would help if you had an insurance policy to back up the costs. Take a gander at these pet insurance policies: My Paw Pal by CIMB Bank, Paw Safe by AIA, and Happy Tails by AON. Choose which policy suits your needs the best!

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The added responsibility of taking care of another being comes with a cost. Estimate the expenses of having a pet by breaking down how much you will need to save per month. For instance, you want to save around S$700 per year to cover unexpected medical bills. Consider saving S$60 per month.


A surefire way to separate your personal money to your pet funds is to open up a new bank account dedicated solely to it. Money inside this account is off-limits unless you are going to use it for the benefit of your furkid. Shop around to get the best savings account available in the market!


Lastly, you must weigh whether an expense is necessary or not. Do you really need to buy a digital pet tag for your cat? Or, another bed to replace the one you just bought last week? What is important is that you take care of your pet’s health and wellness.

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