4 Things to Consider Before Living Near Your Child’s School

Singaporean parents want to provide their children the leverage in life through providing quality education. Some parents are willing to spend their savings to move to a property within proximity of their chosen primary school.

The question remains, is it really worth it to move near your child’s school to increase his or her chances of getting in?


Living near your chosen primary school is convenient for commuting. However, being near the school zone comes with other inconveniences such as noise and traffic in the morning.

Elite primary schools tend to be situated in prime districts. Properties in the prime districts are expensive. For instance, ACS Junior in Newton is surrounded by private properties amounting to S$3-7 million. Apart from shelling out millions, it is not uncommon for supermarkets or MRT stations to be further away from residential areas. In contrast, neighborhood schools are often surrounded by HDB Developments.


Staying near your chosen school does not immediately guarantee that you will be given the slot, which is why many parents are hoping to improve their chances by participating in volunteer work. If you cannot get into your preferred school and have no alternative options nearby, that means that you could be facing a lock-in period of at least three to five years as part of the home loan agreement.

On the other hand, if you can successfully secure a place for your child due to proximity, you will need to stay at the address for at least thirty months from the start of the registration exercise as required by the Ministry of Education.


Apart from prioritizing quality education, childcare should also be a factor in planting your roots. Do you opt to live near the homes of your parents and in-laws? If so, you will be able to ask for their support after school hours. For instance, your child can go over to his or her grandparents’ home after school.


If you found a home within a kilometer away from your chosen primary school, you will reap its rentability and value benefits. Many parents would want to rent a flat near their children’s school.

A study done by NUS found that 1.4% and 6.9% price declines of private and HDB homes, respectively, within 1km of a school that relocates. Apart from your proximity to the school, it is essential to assess a property’s size, age, and nearby amenities to ensure a tidy profit once you decide to rent it out or to sell it in the future.

For owners of private properties, you can seek the help of licensed appraisers who are members of the Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers to determine your property’s valuation. While HDB homeowners should not worry about researching the valuation cost as they can get a valuation report on their unit from the HDB office.

Image Credits: unsplash.com


Choosing where to live is a personal decision. Consider all the factors that will affect your move. Some people are content with being near any primary school, while others feel that getting a good start in life is tied to an elite primary school. The choice is up to you.

Sources: 1 & 2



4 Surefire Ways To Create Better Study Habits At Home

Ministry of Education announced that lower primary and lower secondary students will continue with home-based learning (HBL) after June holidays. These arrangements were made to “ease into full resumption of school” when Term 3 starts on June 28.

Studying from home can be challenging! All of us have study habits that we would like to break and others that we would like to develop. People often blame these unpleasant habits to laziness or unhealthy personality. However, Behaviorism dictates that we can learn and unlearn these habits.

Effectively reinforcing a positive behavior and not rewarding a negative one can help change various areas in one’s life. With this principle in mind, here are 4 things that you can do create better study habits at home.


It is not enough to say that you want to study more! You must set quantifiable and realistic goals to meet your objectives for the day. Setting your study goals includes two things – identifying your goals and knowing which resources you will need.

For instance, you want to study for 3 hours daily (i.e., quantifiable and realistic). You successfully meet this study goal by utilizing a conducive study space and by having school supplies on-hand.


After clearly setting your goals, you must bravely take your first attempt. If it is too much to drastically start with 3 hours of study time per day, you can start with at least 45 minutes daily. Gradually increase your study time as the weeks pass by.

Having a physical boundary between your study area and your relaxation area could be very helpful. This can also help you to contain your academic stress within the study space. Furthermore, you can stay focused when studying from home by following a routine. Establishing a routine will provide more structure to your life and more cues to your brain.


Monitoring your progress includes tracking your milestones and altering your goals based on your evaluation of the current situation. To illustrate this, you can have a study log to record your study time and daily assignments.

You can also analyze the factors that hinder you from studying, such as distractions from external noises or social media. Then, add another goal that is fit to counteract these distractions such turning your handphone off for 3 hours. Use this time to take down notes during your online classes.


Positive reinforcement such as entertaining or monetary compensation can increase the repetition of the desired behavior. Therefore, different companies use positive reinforcement to attract you into purchasing more of their products.

Image Credits: unsplash.com

You must figure out a well-deserved reward for successfully studying during the allotted amount of time. You can indulge in your favorite dessert, have a relaxing bath, or call your friends via Zoom. For optimum results, keep the reward scheme consistent each time you reach a study goal.

Sources: 1 & 2