Just Got Married! Now What?

Marriage is about teamwork and compromise. Whether you have been married for two weeks or two decades, it is essential to be able to work together with your partner. The reality is that working together can be challenging, especially when it comes to your finances. In fact, the majority of divorced adults cited money as the reason for their separation.

You can tackle money as a team with honesty, communication, and dedication to a shared plan!


A budget should tell you how much money you anticipate having and where it will go. Your income and expenses will change once you are married. It is important that you create a new combined household budget and revisit your Indvidual budgets to adjust to the marital shift.


What do you value the most as individuals? What do you value the most as partners? Personal management begins with understanding your priorities and what you want. As you come together, you will need to merge those priorities and ideas to filter what you both believe in. These priorities will help influence your most crucial money decisions.


It is unpleasant to talk about money during inappropriate times or when your spouse is not ready to discuss serious matters. Do not discuss money at random times! Pick a specific date to talk deeply about money. This mutual time for a meeting will enable you to stay on the same page. Feel free to raise your concerns to produce a shared solution.


Everyone has a different relationship with money. It is not a requirement that you understand how your spouse feels the way they do, but it is important to recognize and respect those feelings. Accept that differences are inevitable.


Once you and your partner are living together, you can both work on setting aside funds for any potential emergencies such as unemployment and sudden home repair. A high-yield savings account can be the perfect place to build this joint emergency fund. Set aside cash savings that is equal to about six months’ worth of your joint fixed expenses.


Maximize the rewards you can earn on all your joint purchases by opening a joint credit card or having your spouse become an authorized user on your credit card. If you sign up for a rewards credit card, you can use your newly established joint checking account to pay off that credit card every month. This will increase your bonuses and rewards along the way.

Image Credits: pixabay.com


Another way to avoid fights about money is to track your spending. There are no surprises when you track your spending together. There is many personal finance management software available for free such as the Expensify, Spendee, Money Lover, or Mint app. You can also do the old school method by creating a ledger. Knowing where your money is going is just the first step! Working together is all about transparency.

Sources: 1 & 2




Tips for encouraging your parents to stay active in old age

seniors exercising at the fitness corner

It can be tough to see our parents leading a sedentary lifestyle, especially as they get older and we worry about their health.

Nonetheless, keep in mind that our parents are adults and they should have the final say in what activities they participate in. We can provide suggestions, but ultimately it’s up to them whether or not they want to heed them.

With that said, here are a few tips on encouraging your parents to stay active in old age.

The benefits of staying active in old age

It’s no secret that staying active is essential for our health, no matter what stage of life we’re in. But when it comes to our parents, convincing them to stay active can be a bit of a challenge.

You may be wondering why this is such an important issue. Well, staying active can help prevent conditions like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. It also helps keep the mind sharp and delays the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

A sedentary lifestyle is bad for seniors. It can lead to a host of other health issues. And once these health problems start, they’re difficult to reverse.

How to encourage your parents to stay active
seniors gardening

Image Credits: todayonline.com

We’re not asking you to drag them to the gym—although that might work for some people!—but there are plenty of other activities they can enjoy.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Get them started on gardening
  • Take a walk together every day
  • Sign up for classes at the nearest community center

The key is to find something that they will enjoy, and make it a regular occurrence. When they know they have something to look forward to, they will be more likely to stick with it.

Tips for helping your parents stay active for the long-term

Here are tips to help encourage them to stay active for a long time:

  • Make it a family activity. If your parents can see that staying active has transformed you, they’re more likely to want to do it. Try going for walks or hikes together, or sign them up for group classes.
  • Make it fun. If your parents associate staying active with having fun, they will be more likely to return to it. Try getting them involved in activities they enjoy, like yoga, bowling, or swimming.
  • Make it convenient. If your parents have trouble getting around, try finding activities that are close to home. That way they won’t have an excuse not to participate!

It can be hard to see our parents grow old and become less active, but we can do our part to help them stay healthy and happy. Talk to them about the benefits of staying active and help them find activities they enjoy. Whether it’s taking a walk around the neighborhood, golfing, swimming, or playing table tennis, there are plenty of activities that our parents can enjoy well into their elder years. Be sure to express your support–they will appreciate it more than you realize!


How to help your parents get acquainted with digital literacy

digital literacy for seniors

It’s no secret that digital literacy is important in the workplace.

In fact, it’s become essential in most industries. The good news is that you don’t have to be a tech expert to help your parents get acquainted with it.

All you need is a little patience and some basic knowledge about what digital literacy entails.

Why digital literacy is important

With so many things moving to the digital realm, it’s essential to keep up. And this goes for your parents too, even if they’re semi-retired.

Think about it: how can they stay connected with their friends and family if they’re not comfortable using technology? How can they keep up with the news or access books if they’re not familiar with e-readers? Even simple things like paying bills or checking bank statements can be challenging if they’re not comfortable using a computer.

How you can help your parents get acquainted
daughter teaching father digital literacy skills

Image Credits: coursemology.sg

You can help your parents get acquainted with digital literacy by sitting down with them and showing them how to use basic functions on their devices. This can be anything from sending an email to browsing the internet.

If your parents are hesitant to learn, don’t be discouraged.

Just keep showing them how easy it is, and eventually, they will get the hang of it. You could also set up a family computer in a common area where your parents can access the internet whenever they need to. That way, they will always have a way to stay connected.

What resources are available to help with digital literacy?

You may be wondering what resources are available to help your parents get acquainted with digital literacy.

For starters, some online courses and tutorials can help your parents learn at their own pace. There are also apps and programs that can walk them through the basics step-by-step.

Digital literacy is an important skill to have now, and with the right resources, your parents can easily get up to speed. If they’re intimidated by technology, try breaking things down into smaller steps. Show them how to use one app or program at a time instead of overwhelming them with too much information at once. And don’t be afraid to use trial and error. Sometimes the best way to learn is by making mistakes and figuring things out on their own. Be patient and keep assisting along until they feel comfortable using technology on their own.


Ways to help your quieter kids feel more comfortable speaking up

kid reading a book

Are you worried that your quieter kids aren’t speaking up as much?

You’re not alone. A lot of parents feel this way, and it can be a cause for concern.

The good news is that there are ways to help your kids feel more comfortable speaking up. Stay on this page as we share more deets.

It’s natural for some kids to be quieter

Some kids are naturally quieter than others. It doesn’t mean they’re any less intelligent or that they won’t be successful in life.

In fact, many great leaders and thinkers were introverted kids. They just needed a bit more time to process their thoughts before sharing them with others.

As a parent, the best thing you can do is give your quieter child the space and time they need to feel comfortable speaking up. Let them know that their voice matters, and that you’re always interested in hearing what they have to say.

There are ways to help your quieter kid feel more comfortable speaking up

It can be tough when your quieter kid is hesitant to speak up in class or social situations.

You want them to feel confident and be able to share their thoughts and ideas, but they seem to be struggling with that.

Well, we’ve got some tips for you:

  • Start by creating a safe environment at home

Make sure your child knows that it’s okay to make mistakes and that you’re always there to listen.

Try not to put too much pressure on them to speak up during family gatherings. Instead, let them take their time and don’t force them to answer if they’re not ready. Praise them for any effort they make, no matter how small it may seem.

Most importantly, be a role model for your child—show them that you’re comfortable speaking up, even when you’re feeling shy or scared. Let them see that it’s okay to take risks and be themselves.

  • Encourage your child to participate in activities they enjoy
young kids in a Brazilian jiu-jitsu class

Image Credits: evolve-mma.com

One way to encourage your kid is to have them participate in activities they enjoy. If they’re into sports, music, or any kind of activity, get them involved.

The more they participate, the more confident they will feel. And the more confident they feel, the more likely they are to speak up when the opportunity presents itself. Just make sure you’re there for them every step of the way, and offer plenty of encouragement.

  • Help them find their voice in other ways, such as by writing or painting

If your child takes an interest in writing, encourage him/her to keep a journal and write down their thoughts and ideas.

When ideas overflow, they may one day share them with their classmates, which could lead to some really interesting conversations. Or little ones can begin painting, as a way to express themselves and share their inner thoughts with the outside world.

Getting your kids to find their voice in other ways can help get them to feel more comfortable speaking up in public one day.

As we close, we know you might be tempted to force your quieter child to speak up in social situations, but this can backfire. Remember, just because they’re quieter doesn’t mean they’re not enjoying themselves. Give them time and space to warm up to people. Encourage them to take their time when responding to questions and don’t push them to talk if they’re not feeling comfortable. Eventually, they will start to feel more at ease and will be more likely to speak up when the time is right.


When hoarding becomes a problem: How to convince your elderly parents to stop


You’ve been noticing it for a while now.

Your elderly parents have been hoarding more and more stuff in their home, to the point where there’s barely any room to move.

You’ve tried to talk to them about it, but they just don’t seem to understand how serious the problem has become. They’re convinced that they need all of that stuff, and they’re not willing to let go of any of it.

What can you do? Let’s explore how to convince your elderly parents to stop hoarding. With patience and perseverance, you can hopefully expect a change.

What is hoarding?

Hoarding happens when a person accumulates a lot of stuff and can’t get rid of it.

For your parents, it might be newspapers, magazines, clothes, or knick-knacks. Basically, anything and everything.

The problem with hoarding is that it can severely impact a person’s quality of life. It’s unhealthy to live in a cluttered environment, and it’s harder to keep things clean and organized. Plus, it’s a serious fire hazard.

Why do the elderly hoard?

You may be wondering why your elderly parents are hoarding. What could possess them to hold onto so many things?

Well, there are a few reasons.

Often, elderly people have a hard time letting go of things because they’re afraid of forgetting the past. They may also feel like they’re the only ones who see the value in all those items. Other old folks may hoard as a way to relieve boredom or loneliness.

How does hoarding affect the elderly?
a granny hoarder

Image Credits: styledegree.sg

Hoarding can have a serious impact on the elderly, both physically and emotionally.

Physically, it can lead to health problems like joint pains and respiratory issues. And emotionally, it can lead to feelings of isolation, loneliness, and even depression.

Ultimately, hoarders need help sorting through their belongings and deciding what to keep and what to throw away. It’s not a straightforward process, but it can be life-saving for your elderly parents.

How to approach your elderly parent about their hoarding

It can be tough to broach the subject of hoarding with your elderly parents.

After all, this is a behavior that they’ve probably been practicing for years, and it’s likely something that’s been ingrained in their lives for a long time.

But the longer you wait to address the issue, the worse it’s going to get. So how do you go about it? The first step is to set up a time when you can have a calm and private conversation with your parents. Try to avoid accusations or judgments.

Express your concerns openly and honestly, and be prepared to listen to your parents’ side of the story. Remember, this is a difficult topic for them to deal with, so be patient and respectful. If they’re receptive, you can work together to come up with a plan that will help them overcome their hoarding behavior.

It can be hard to deal with a loved one who hoards, but there are ways to help them. Approach the situation delicately, and if serious, get them to see a therapist or counselor who can help them address the underlying issues behind the hoarding. There may also be support groups available for people who deal with loved ones who hoard. Join one of those groups, or start your own, so you can share your experiences and build a community around people in a similar situation. All hope is not lost!