How To Make A Financial Vision Board

Consumed by the demands of your daily life, it is easy to lose track of the bigger picture. What are your financial goals? What are your dreams made of? A simple representation of all your hopes, dreams, and goals is a Vision Board.

A Vision Board helps you to clarify your financial goals to enable you to achieve them. Its mechanism is powered by the idea that if we put our desires out there, the universe will be able to bring it to us. It is powerful because it forces the person to be clear and decisive about the kind of life they want to lead. Visual images serve as daily reminders of what we really aspire to become.

A study showed that people were more likely to achieve their goals if they write them down. Vision boards take this notion one step further. It enables the person to be specific when it comes to his or her dreams. It makes your financial goals more concrete and detailed. Better results can be achieved by putting your vision board in a place where you constantly see it. Choose five to ten goals to focus on (e.g., getting a new job or paying all your debt). Put these financial goals on your vision board.

Here is an example of a financial vision board:

To create a vision board, you need:
* Poster board/Cork board
* Pins
* Colored markers
* Glue
* Tape
* Scissors
* Old magazines

Aside from these materials, it is important to follow these steps.


Social media and advertisements have conditioned us to want things we see around us. Material things can bring your short-term delight, but what can really bring you happiness? It is time for you to think about that. Daydream the improved life that you want for yourself and your family. A financial board needs to reflect your ideal reality.


Begin flipping through your stack of old magazines and newspapers to cut anything that speaks to you. Use images or words that embody your goals. You can sort all these later once you get a sizable amount of cutouts.

Edit your cutouts into five to ten goals. Then, paste them on your board as you fit the puzzles together. You can even organize the images per theme or per time-frame.


Mentally commit to your financial goals by gluing or pinning them down on your board. This vision is cemented for the year. It may feel weird at first, but this is the first step toward making your dreams a reality.

Hang your vision board in a place where you can revisit your financial goals. Or, you may consider setting it as your wallpaper on your phone or your laptop.


Lastly, you must reflect on your financial vision board and think of ways to achieve each one. Choose to focus on one goal at a time or on the smaller goals first.

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Good luck!

Sources: 1 & 2


Welcome The New Decade With This Financial Mindset

The Financial Mindset is a predetermined set of beliefs about money. Although you cannot verbalize what your mindset is, it still exists. We all have this set of beliefs within us! It is important to note that your financial mindset affects the energy you give off and the energy you receive.

With a new decade, it is high time to refresh your finances with your financial resolutions or goals. Laying out your new financial resolutions or goals can help shift your mindset and give you new ways to perceive your life in general.


Start the year right by creating a vision board with your 2020 financial goals. Much has been said about creating a life you want to indulge in through visualization. You attract what you set your mind into. So, put several images of the things or milestones you want to achieve this year.

There are no wrong answers! Whether you want to have your own car or keys to your new flat, you can put all these on the board. Find inspiration on how to make one in Pinterest or in this Money Digest article.


In a world where people are so used to taking, aim to be the one who gives. Ask yourself some wealth-creating questions such as “What unique product can you offer?” or “Which service can your peers benefit from?” This trait is seen in many millionaires and entrepreneurs. Search yourself to know how to add value in other people’s lives. This will enable you to make money in the process.

You may not be able to answer these questions right now, but the important thing is to put your mind in a resourceful and open state.


How many of you have created a budget based on your average earnings per year? This may seem as a premium plan to have, but you are not creating a realistic budget. Realistic budgeting goes beyond creating an Excel sheet and figuring out how much to allocate for every category. It enables you to look at how much money you have right now.

Based on your current funds, you will be able to create a realistic budget for the month. When you blow a category up due to overspending, you must not quit. You need to have an emergency fund for that. Only budget and consume the money you have right now.


It is common to have a financial resolution whereby you want to save more money. In order to do that, most people start by tracking their spending. See where you can cut back and where you can make room for more savings. It is a tedious task at first! However, you can re-frame your mind by attaching your Psychological wellbeing in the mix.

To help you with your frugal mindset, you must experiences purchasing differently. Track your spending and write down how you felt after the purchase. Do you feel happy or guilty? Where you shopping while you are bored or angry? Emotions play a huge part in managing and spending your money.

It is crucial for you to be aware of your spending patterns and triggers. Mindfulness of situations that trap you to spend can enable you to change your financial life. Bring value and joy to your finances through healthier spending patterns.


Your mind is a powerful tool, which creates your reality. It dictates what you believe is possible and leads you to it. This is why it is important that you feed your mind with optimism grounded in your current circumstance. Consume books such as Think and Grow Rich from Napoleon Hill or podcasts from trusted financial advisers.

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Feed your mind with a grow mindset to indulge on a better financial year ahead!

Sources: 1 & 2


Want to Take Control of Your Personal Finances? Use This Promo Code to Get 50% off Tickets (U.P. $88) to Seedly Personal Finance Festival 2020

It’s 2020.

How were your personal finances in 2019?

Did you manage to start saving money for your retirement?

Did you finally start investing for your future?

Have you bought insurance to protect yourself and your family?

If this is you:

then you might want to pay attention.

Be Part of Singapore’s Largest Personal Finance Festival

This 2020, Seedly wants to help YOU take control of your personal finances with Seedly Personal Finance Festival 2020 — the LARGEST personal finance festival in Singapore — that is happening on Saturday, 7 March 2020.

For 24 hours only, starting on Thursday, 2 January 2020, 12pm, enjoy 50% OFF all Seedly Personal Finance Festival 2020 tickets with a special early bird promo code.

Simply enter EARLYSEED50 before checkout to enjoy the following:

  • Early Bird Ticket at $29 (usual price $58)
  • Buddy Ticket at $40 for a pair of tickets (usual price $80)
  • Regular Ticket at $44 (usual price $88)

The first 1,000 ticket sign-ups will also get a limited edition goodie bag worth $55!

Act fast because the tickets for last year’s Seedly Personal Finance Festival were sold out within 30 hours!

What Is Seedly Personal Finance Festival 2020 About?

Seedly Personal Finance Festival 2020 is Singapore’s largest personal finance festival where you can learn to take control of your personal finances in one day.

There will be discussion panels, fireside chats, talks, and workshops on various topics like:

  • Investment (Stocks, REITs, Alternative Instruments)
  • Property
  • Insurance
  • Career
  • CPF

All of these will be presented in an actionable and simple manner by experts, industry titans, and leaders from Singapore’s personal finance space.

You will also stand a chance to win $3,000 worth of lucky draw prizes, just by attending the festival!

When and Where Is Seedly Personal Finance Festival 2020?

Seedly Personal Finance Festival 2020 is happening on Saturday, 7 March 2020, 9am to 6pm, at Suntec Convention Centre Hall 405 and 406.

Where to Buy Tickets for Seedly Personal Finance Festival 2020?

Simply go to the Seedly Personal Finance Festival 2020 website and enter the promo code before checkout to enjoy the offer.

The early bird promo code EARLYSEED50 is only valid till Friday, 3 January 2020, 12pm (or while stocks last).


Unhealthy Spending Habits To Kick To The Curb

How you spend your dollar is just as important to your financial health as your decision to save or to pay for debt. Savvy spending habits keep you from overspending on an item or a service. Nobody needs a stack of infomercial items paid for by impulse buying.

Spending smartly by kicking your bad habits to the curb allows your dollar to go further. Lead a resolute year by leaving these spending habits in 2019! A better 2020 is up ahead.


I am guilty of paying for out-of-network ATM fees at the expense of my convenience. I withdraw money from other banking institutions from time to time as it is more favorable proximity-wise. The service fee may be minimal, but it adds up. A good solution is to open up an account at a bank that is more favorable to where you live in or where you work at.


Many Singaporeans are guilty of spending money that they do not have. How is this so? They spend money through taking loans, cash advances, or credit cards. Spending money you have yet to earn creates a pile of debt for year 2020. It will continue to grow, if you do not fully repay your debt each month.

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Solve this bad habit by cutting down your expenses and relying on your debit card or income to pay for your essentials and wants. Prioritize your needs first.


Speaking of expenses that pile up, you must look into your bottled water expenses. Water is a necessity, which we cannot escape from. Your daily water consumption can cost you more than S$1,000 per year. Reduce this number by drinking from the just-as-healthy tap water from the tap. In the long run, a little savings goes a long way.


Using debt to pay off your debt is not healthy. You are lying to yourself when you think that you are solving your problems by paying your initial debts with other cards. You are simply shuffling your debt around and incurring more interest in the process.

Using debt to “pay off” debt can only be beneficial if you can transfer a balance from a high-interest rate credit card to a lower limit one. Be careful when you do this. Transferring balance to take advantage of a good rate is different from continually dodging your credit card payments.


Last year, I refrained from using a money tracking app. I lived without a financial tracker to see how my finances will be affected. Interestingly, I spent more within the year than I ever did in the past couple of years. Keeping up with your expenses is a healthy way to ensure your financial health.

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You can either whip out a ledger or download a money tracking app. Start using a budget tool such as Mint or Spendee to stay on top of your spending habits and to eliminate unnecessary expenses.

Sources: 1 & 2


Budget-Friendly Ways To Spice Up Your Love Life

Does money and partnership mix well in the game of love? I have to admit, intimacy can be expressed in different ways. Some people showcase their affection through the money and the gems it can buy. Nonetheless, your financial well-being affects your intimate relationship.

Put a spotlight on your finances to increase your bond this 2020.


Much has been said about loving oneself first, before loving another. I cannot stress how your capacity to love affects the way you behave in the relationship. Think of it as sourcing water from either a full or an empty pail. The same sentiment applies to paying yourself first.

Aim to grow a robust savings first, before extending your funds to your partner or spouse. I know how tempting it is to invest all your money in your business or your family. So, start small and gradually increase the amount that you will keep for yourself.


When you and your partner continue to deprive yourselves on a regular basis, you will find yourselves overspending at some point. Avoid being caught in this situation by determining your couple goals and saving for these.

Aside from setting aside a portion for yourself, you must allocate money for the both of you. Use your “pleasure account” to fund entertaining activities that both of you will enjoy. You each must put an amount that is fair to you and your partner.


Dates should not always be lavish and expensive. You can spice up the romance by indulging on frugal dates such as a movie-night at home or having a rooftop dinner.

You can also take your partner out for some outdoor activities. Spend some time in nature to refresh your mind and body. You can go to the nearby parks, nature trails, or the Sentosa beach. Keep things simple by unplugging completely whenever possible. Cycling or jogging around can give you a whole new bonding experience. Take this time to immerse yourselves in the present and in the company of each other.


Open communication without judgment is the best way to work through challenges without fostering resentment. Do not let your partner’s unpleasant feelings build up by communicating crucial parts about your finances.

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Discuss your current debt and professional state at least once a month. Go over your finances to determine your financial problems and figure out how to solve these problems. Moreover, you must plan out how you will achieve your financial goals. This will strengthen your relationship in the long run.

Sources: 1 & 2