Exploring the Pros and Cons of The Coveted 4-Day Work Week


The People at Work 2023 Study by the ADP Research Institute highlights the attitudes, aspirations, wants, and needs of workers globally, including those in Singapore. Covering over 32,000 workers across 17 countries, this study stands as one of the largest surveys worldwide.

One crucial finding emerges clearly for Singaporean workers: flexible working arrangements are non-negotiable. A third of Singapore’s workforce anticipates the transition to a four-day work week within the next five years. Remarkably, 21% of respondents in Singapore report that their employers are already implementing this shift to foster positive mental health at work, marking the highest rate across the APAC region.

“The four-day work week is gaining traction due to its potential benefits, such as enhanced work-life balance, heightened productivity, and reduced burnout,” stated Yvonne Teo, Vice President of HR APAC at ADP.

In a four-day work week setup, employees tackle the same workload within a compressed timeframe, aiming to boost productivity. The allure of a prolonged weekend serves as motivation, prompting employees to manage their time more efficiently and curb procrastination. This model is currently under serious consideration by European nations like Iceland, New Zealand, and Spain.


“Flexibility is not merely a perk but an essential expectation,” emphasized Teo. “Our research underscores that Singaporean employees rank flexibility as the third most crucial factor in a job, following salary and job security. Employers must offer flexible work arrangements to attract and retain top talent.”

According to the report, employees anticipate hybrid work models (34%) and full autonomy over their hours (32%) to become prevalent within the next five years. Teo highlighted that effective implementation and communication are pivotal to ensuring that flexible work arrangements benefit all parties involved. She urged proactive employees to engage in open dialogues with managers to tailor solutions that suit everyone’s needs.

For employers, Teo suggested offering customized solutions to accommodate employees’ flexibility requirements through transparent communication. “Striking a balance that aligns with both the company’s objectives and the well-being of its workforce is crucial for fostering a positive and inclusive work environment,” she added.

Now, let’s uncover the advantages and disadvantages of this work setup.

Advantages include:

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1. Enhanced time management efficiency
2. Heightened productivity
3. Increased sales stemming
4. Improved employee retention
5. Decreased operational costs, including electricity bills
6. Mitigated employee burnout
7. Cultivation of a healthier work culture and environment

Disadvantages include:

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1. Potential compromise in output quality due to time constraints
2. Lower customer service satisfaction
3. Challenges in workforce management adaptation to a four-day work week
4. Elevated costs for revisions or rush services
5. Longer working hours to compensate for the shorter workweek
6. Incompatibility with certain industries

Despite these disadvantages, some local companies in Singapore have already embraced the four-day work week, including PropertyGuru, Mambu Singapore, Tenya Singapore, and Candlenut.

The question persists: will adopting a four-day work week enhance your company’s long-term growth and sustainability? While many companies turned to remote work during the pandemic, some chose to maintain this setup due to its long-term benefits. If you envision improved employee retention or heightened productivity aligning with your long-term objectives, transitioning to a four-day work week might prove ideal for your company.

Sources: 1 & 2


New Guidelines Allow All Employees to Request Flexi Work Arrangements from December

In today’s dynamic work landscape, flexibility is becoming more than just a perk—it’s a necessity. With the release of the new Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests, effective from December 1st, 2024, all employees who have completed their probation period will have the opportunity to formally request flexible work arrangements from their employers.

Crafted by the Tripartite Workgroup on Flexible Work Arrangements, under the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), these guidelines mark a significant step towards accommodating the evolving needs of the workforce post-pandemic. While not legally binding, they outline a structured process for requesting and handling flexible work arrangements, fostering a more agile and inclusive work environment.

Here are five key takeaways to better understand the implications of these guidelines:

Variety of Flexible Work Arrangements

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Flexibility comes in various forms, including:
– Flexi-place: Allowing employees to work from locations other than the office.
– Flexi-time: Permitting employees to work at different hours without altering total work hours.
– Flexi-load: Adjusting workloads or hours to accommodate personal needs.

Request Process and Timeline

Employees can initiate a formal request through their company’s designated platform or a template provided in the guidelines. Once submitted, employers must respond within two months, either approving or rejecting the request in writing. Rejected requests should include clear reasons, and employers are encouraged to explore alternative arrangements.

Reasonable Business Grounds for Rejection

Rejection of requests must be based on “reasonable business grounds,” which may include factors such as:
– Cost implications.
– Impact on productivity or output.
– Feasibility or practicality considering the nature of the job role.

Purpose and Impact

These guidelines aim to address the evolving needs of Singapore’s workforce, particularly in light of demographic shifts and caregiving responsibilities. By promoting flexible work arrangements, employers can enhance talent attraction and retention, support caregivers, and sustain labor force participation.

Examples of Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexibility extends beyond remote work and alternate hours. Employees may also request reduced workloads or part-time schedules, fostering a healthier work-life balance and increasing overall job satisfaction.

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In essence, these guidelines reflect a proactive approach towards embracing change in the workplace. By empowering employees to seek flexible arrangements tailored to their needs, Singapore’s workforce can adapt and thrive in the post-pandemic era.

Sources: 1 & 2



How to Master Workplace Boundaries Like a Pro

Setting boundaries at work is more than just drawing lines in the sand. It’s about crafting a blueprint for professional success and personal well-being. On that note, here’s your guide to surviving the workplace jungle by setting boundaries.

What are boundaries and why do they matter?

Definition of a boundary according to American Psychological Association: “a psychological demarcation that protects the integrity of an individual.”

Boundaries are the invisible force fields that safeguard your sanity and integrity in the workplace. Think of them as your personal bodyguards, keeping the chaos at bay while you focus on what truly matters.

The endless perks of boundary-setting include:
– Increased productivity
– Zen-like serenity amidst the office chaos
– Manageable workload
– Setting the gold standard for your colleagues
– Bulletproofing yourself against burnout

Ready to begin? Here’s how to become a boundary-setting master:


Get crystal clear on what matters most to you. Identify your non-negotiables both in your personal and professional life. Once you’ve got your priorities straight, setting boundaries becomes a piece of cake.


You’re not a one-person army! Learn to wield the power of delegation. Whether it’s passing the baton to a capable colleague or politely declining tasks that don’t align with your priorities, delegating is your ticket to a stress-free work life.


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Your physical boundaries are sacred. Whether it’s saying no to unwanted hugs or switching off your webcam during Zoom calls for a breather, protect your personal space like a fortress.


Emotional boundaries are your shield against workplace drama. Don’t let other people’s emotions hijack your mental peace. From handling colleague outbursts with grace to setting the tone for feedback with your boss, emotional boundaries are your armor in the corporate battlefield. You don’t have to make everyone your friend.


Boundaries aren’t about building walls as they’re about reclaiming your power. See them as your pathway to freedom rather than restrictions. Learn to say “no” without guilt and watch as your work-life balance transforms from a distant dream to a glorious reality.

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Remember, setting boundaries isn’t just about surviving the daily grind—it’s about thriving in it. So, grab your sword (metaphorical, of course), and let’s conquer the world, one boundary at a time!

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


Efficient Strategies for Tackling Workplace Passive-Aggression

Is your workplace riddled with people who enjoy a good dose of sarcasm or teasing, sometimes even at the expense of others? Do they throw in a “just kidding” to lighten the mood after delivering a particularly cutting remark? Well, you might be dealing with passive-aggressive behavior.

In this post, we’ll break down what passive aggression is and share some strategies to handle it more effectively.

Understanding Passive-Aggressive Behavior

Mayo Clinic, a medical practice and research group, defines passive-aggressive behavior as a way for individuals to express their negative feelings harmfully but indirectly. Instead of addressing issues directly, they cloak their hostility and discontent through subtle actions.

Notice the behavior of your behavior and that of your workmates. If you grew up in an environment where expressing feelings openly wasn’t encouraged, you might resort to passive-aggressive behavior as a way to avoid direct confrontation. This can manifest as sulking, emotional withdrawal, or finding indirect ways to communicate feelings.

Life coach Leah Veazey emphasizes that while passive-aggressiveness allows someone to express disagreement without being confrontational, it’s not the most effective communication technique and can be detrimental to relationships.

Strategies to Manage Passive-Aggressive Behavior


If you notice a coworker engaging in passive-aggressive behavior, avoiding them might be your first instinct. However, addressing the issue directly is crucial.

Plan a conversation with your coworker to ensure they don’t feel targeted, and consider involving the HR department for a private, constructive meeting.


Understand that passive-aggressive behavior can stem from various reasons, including internal emotions or external factors like workplace competition.

Identifying the root cause helps in deciding the best approach. In some cases, addressing team stress openly might be necessary.


Make it clear that expressing concerns openly is encouraged and safe. Foster an environment where people feel comfortable discussing problems directly rather than resorting to covert methods.

Lead by example, praising and supporting those who bring issues to your attention.


Provide accurate feedback using precise language. Instead of making general accusations, point out specific instances and give the person a chance to explain.

Avoid direct “you” statements (e.g., “you are late” or “you are incompetent”) to prevent the other person from feeling attacked and becoming defensive.


Consider offering one-on-one coaching to help team members communicate assertively. Role-play scenarios to practice addressing issues confidently without resorting to passive-aggressive behavior. Additional communication skills training may be beneficial.


Despite the temptation to respond in a similar passive-aggressive manner, focus on maintaining positive habits. Upholding a cooperative and positive atmosphere can influence your team positively. Resist the urge to engage in behaviors that only prolong unpleasant dynamics.

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By following these strategies, you can foster a more open and constructive work environment, reducing the impact of passive-aggressive behavior on your team.

Sources: 1 & 2


How to Break Free from Work Obsession

Living in a country with a high cost of living, the increasing pressure to stay on top of our bills makes us cling to our work life. While working long hours is one thing, obsessing over office predicaments and looming projects during our free time is detrimental to our mental health and relationships.

On that note, this article explores effective strategies to help you stop fixating on work and find a healthier work-life balance.


Your work obsession has underlying causes, which are often psychological or emotional. Some common reasons why people develop workaholism include a drive for perfectionism, a need to maintain control, a strong desire to be valued as “high-achieving,” avoidance of other problems, and beliefs that you are only worth as much as you produce.

Pinpoint the underlying causes by trying to journal or seeking support. A qualified therapist can help you unpack and make sense of these sensitive issues.


Many of us find it challenging to let go of work-related thoughts, even after hours. To break this cycle, start by tracking how much time you spend ruminating about work.

According to psychologist Guy Winch, some individuals dedicate 10 to 20 hours a week to these work thoughts. To interrupt this pattern, engage your mind with activities more stimulating than watching Netflix. A few minutes of mental taxation can serve as a reset.

Channel your concerns into problem-solving – identify the core issue and explore actionable solutions. If workload worries you, consider delegating tasks or declining unnecessary meetings. When faced with situations beyond your control, focus on finding the silver lining to maintain a positive outlook. Improving your spiritual health can help.


Obsessing about work can disrupt your sleep, mood, and overall mental health, impacting your performance at work. Establish a clear boundary between work and personal time by creating a simple ritual that signifies the end of your workday – whether it’s making your coffee or changing clothes.

Engage in hobbies that provide a genuine escape from work-related thoughts. Try tennis or pottery! Set achievable goals, such as dedicating an hour to gardening, especially on stressful workdays. By immersing yourself in activities you love, you can regain a sense of control and balance in your life.


Breaking free from an obsession with work can be challenging, particularly when you perceive that your worth is linked with your productivity.

Interrogate these beliefs and reflect on whether they authentically originate from within you or if they were absorbed from cultural or familial influences. Often, the detrimental beliefs we hold onto in adulthood are not inherently ours but are deeply embedded in us during our formative years.


Obsessing over work not only affects your mental well-being but also hampers your relationships and overall quality of life. By implementing these strategies, you can break free from the cycle of work obsession, reprioritize your life, and rediscover the joy in your personal pursuits.

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Remember, finding a balance between your professional and personal life is essential for your productivity, happiness, and overall fulfillment.

Source: 1 & 2