How to Thrive When a Spender Marries a Saver


You’ve found the love of your life and decided to get married. However, as you plan for your shared future, you realize that one of you is a spender while the other is a saver.

Fortunately, there are strategies to manage joint finances that can satisfy both partners. Here are some tips for maintaining a balanced relationship between a spender and a saver that have been beneficial for me and my spouse.


Money often elicits strong emotions: it can cause anxiety or excitement, and managing it can either calm or stress you out. Before getting married, take time to explore each other’s feelings about money and the reasons behind them. Did you grow up in a household where money was scarce or abundant? Your upbringing significantly influences your money attitudes, and your future spouse might see things differently.

When my husband and I were engaged, we had a deep conversation about our financial upbringings. He grew up in a frugal household where every dollar was accounted for, while I was raised in a family that enjoyed spending on experiences and luxuries. Understanding these backgrounds helped us empathize with each other’s financial perspectives.


One partner might value designer items, while the other enjoys an expensive hobby. Perhaps you both love to travel, aspire to own a home, or want to retire early. By discussing your desires, you can find common ground. Planning and saving for shared goals can ensure that both partners are satisfied with the purchases you make together.

We both love to travel, but I tend to splurge on spontaneous trips while my husband prefer saving for bigger vacations. By discussing our priorities, we agreed to save a portion of our income specifically for travel, allowing us to enjoy both planned and impromptu trips. If both partners agree, you can establish a clear plan for discretionary spending and saving for long-term goals.


The pain of spending can be mitigated by using credit cards or small denominations of cash. One-click purchases and buy-it-now payments are also less painful. These payment methods can make spending less distressing for savers. Conversely, using cash, especially in large denominations, can make spending more painful for savers, though spenders are generally less influenced by the payment method.

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I noticed that my husband found it easier to stick to our budget when using cash. We decided to allocate a monthly cash allowance for discretionary spending, which helped us control our expenses better.


Many people, particularly spenders, often overlook opportunity costs at the time of purchase. When reminded of these costs, spenders tend to make more frugal choices.

For example, in a study where spenders had to choose between a S$950 and a S$1,360 stereo, they were more likely to choose the S$950 stereo when reminded that the cheaper option left them with S$410 in cash. This extra cash can be used for a weekend getaway. Highlighting opportunity costs can help spenders make more mindful decisions.


Savers are more willing to spend on virtuous items, such as healthy food, compared to vices. If a saver is hesitant about a vacation, emphasize the virtuous aspects of the trip, such as quality time with family or the health benefits of relaxation.


If you struggle to agree on a budget, consider consulting a financial planner. They can help create a budget that works for both of you.

Financial planners offer impartial advice and can determine whether certain expenses are affordable or should be postponed.


Spenders and savers often have different life goals, which can lead to tension. Avoid comparing yourself to your partner as a way to justify your spending habits. This approach only deepens the divide and rarely resolves issues.

If you’re a saver, it’s easy to feel superior because you save more, but such feelings can harm your relationship. Remember, spending habits do not define a person’s worth or value in a relationship.

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By following these tips, you can foster a financially harmonious relationship. Embrace your differences, communicate openly, and work together towards common goals to ensure a happy and prosperous future.

Sources: 1 & 2



How Much Should You Spend on an Engagement Ring in Singapore?

Deciding on the ideal amount to spend on an engagement ring has been a timeless debate, often surrounded by varying opinions.

As I vividly recall our search for the perfect engagement ring, my partner presented me with various options and price ranges, all of which he planned to order from the United States. Ultimately, we chose a dreamy topaz set on rose gold for just under S$500. While this may be considered a modest price tag by some, I preferred to invest in our future lives together after the wedding. The joy I felt when he finally proposed with the ring was immeasurable.

While the classic rule suggests investing three months’ salary, emphasizing the significance of a lifelong commitment, a more thoughtful approach to ring budgeting becomes essential in the face of challenges like rising prices, inflation, and economic volatility induced by the pandemic.


Selecting the perfect engagement ring requires insight into the average costs. While the two-month salary guideline, originating from the Great Depression era, was once prevalent, it’s crucial to recognize its outdated nature.

In Singapore, engagement ring prices generally range from S$700 to S$100,000, with the most common choice being a 0.5-1.0 carat diamond priced between S$1,230.90 to S$2,066.30. A key takeaway is that the price escalates with the carat weight.


Delving into the intricacies of engagement ring prices, factors like carat, cut, clarity, and color significantly influence the overall cost. A higher clarity grade commands a higher price, as flawless gems, detectable only under powerful microscopes, come with a premium.

The cut of the diamond, with the round brilliant being the most expensive, and the type of chosen band are vital considerations contributing to the overall expense. For example, there is a S$15 difference between an oval cut and a round cut 0.3-carat ring of SI2 clarity. Additionally, emerald-cut diamonds can be anywhere from 12% to 42% cheaper than round diamonds of the same carat.


Similar to planning a wedding budget, setting a reasonable engagement ring budget is paramount. Evaluate your financial standing, considering salary and savings, and establish a budget that aligns with your preferences and capabilities.

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Utilize spreadsheets to create a tangible plan, factoring in additional costs like jewelry insurance. Strive for a special ring without harming your financial stability. And, explore payment plans or financing options responsibly. Ask yourself: Do you really need to take out a personal loan for this?


In the pursuit of the perfect ring, don’t hesitate to explore various options. Resist the impulse to settle for the first option, and instead, compare prices across different designs and jewelers.

Educate yourself on high-quality jewelry and confidently navigate through price points, acknowledging that the national average may not necessarily apply to your unique financial situation.


Vintage or antique engagement rings present an alluring alternative. Apart from their historical charm, these rings often come at a more affordable price compared to contemporary options.

Delve into the nuances of eras, ensuring awareness of any alterations the ring may have undergone over time. Your dream ring might be a yellow-gold band from the Art Nouveau era, carrying a distinct character. You can buy vintage pieces from Revival Vintage Jewels at Wheelock Place.


With the surge in popularity of non-diamond engagement rings, considering alternatives like precious stones becomes viable. These options not only offer a potentially more affordable choice but also provide a chance to symbolically personalize the ring.

Embrace the uniqueness of birthstones such as sapphire, emerald, or ruby rings. Sapphire rings is the most expensive among non-traditional options, averaging S$1,075.29 for a 0.5-carat ring.

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In the pursuit of the perfect engagement ring, combining emotions with practical considerations leads to a more meaningful choice. Best of luck!

Sources: 1 & 2


How to Save Money with Your Partner

After an amazing 12 years together, my husband and I finally tied the knot last year. Before embarking on this new chapter in our lives, we made sure we were financially prepared. Are you financially prepared?

When couples get married or move in together, they naturally take on shared responsibility for each other and their finances. Nonetheless, money-related misunderstandings can arise, which is why it’s essential to address them.

To help iron out these common money problems, let’s explore some practical financial tips for couples. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all rule, so these tips are here to guide you and your partner in achieving your financial goals together.


Right from the start of your relationship, it’s essential to be open and honest about where you both stand financially. If one of you is dealing with debt or has specific financial goals, discuss it openly. Take time to understand each other’s money habits, like spending tendencies and risk tolerance. You don’t have to have identical attitudes towards money, but finding a middle ground through compromise can be beneficial. Addressing these issues early on will prevent misunderstandings and arguments down the road.


Not all expenses need to be shared. While bills, groceries, and travel costs are typically shared, individual expenses like personal shopping or sending money to family back home remain separate. By clearly identifying your expenses, you can streamline money management and reduce complexity.


Discuss what financial goals are achievable for both of you in the long term and identify problems that can be resolved immediately. For example, if different earning capacities are a concern, consider starting a small business together or exploring additional income streams. Whenever possible, prioritize reducing debt, as this will save you money on interest in the long run.


A budget plan can be a lifesaver when it comes to managing your expenses. Decide on a reasonable amount to spend on everyday items, take-outs, entertainment, and personal expenses. Also, include bills, debt payments, irregular expenses, and contributions to your emergency fund in the budget plan. This step is especially valuable for young couples looking to stay on top of their expenses.


After discussing, analyzing, and crunching the numbers, it’s time to create an action plan. Determine who will handle the primary bookkeeping responsibilities to ensure that all bills are paid on time and accounts stay in good standing. However, it’s essential to keep the non-bookkeeping partner informed about your financial progress.

Once you have identified and addressed your pain points and financial objectives, develop a comprehensive action plan with a clear timeline. This plan may involve the following steps:

1. Establishing a joint savings account.
2. Exploring opportunities for additional sources of income.
3. Gradually settling smaller debts.
4. Conducting thorough research on investment options.
5. Making a structured plan for significant purchases.

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Lastly, don’t forget to reward yourselves along the way! Even after being married, my husband and I still make time for regular dates and save up for enjoyable activities like travel and relaxing spa treatments.

Remember, open communication, understanding, and teamwork are the keys to successfully managing your finances as a couple. By following these financial tips, you and your partner can build a strong financial foundation together and enjoy a prosperous future.

Sources: 1 & 2


7 Common Money Mistakes New Parents Make

Managing family finances is an essential skill for young couples to master, especially those who are pregnant and parents for the first time. In fact, financial management not only affects the spousal relationship, but also directly affects the future of the children.

1. Splurging on Children’s Activities

Parents are often thrilled when their children find an activity that they both love and excel in. However, don’t make the mistake of letting your child’s newfound interest turn into your personal identity. While you may relish the role of hockey dad or dance mom, don’t put yourself on financially unstable ground to support your child’s endeavors. It’s one thing to spend thousands of dollars on your kids’ activities, but when you make a late credit card payment because of it or you carry a balance, you can be hit with additional thousands of dollars in interest.

2. Not Creating a New-Baby Budget

One of the most dangerous financial traps parents-to-be can fall into is underestimating the costs of having a baby. That includes the costs incurred before the birth, such as doctor visits and new-baby gear, the costs of the birth and delivery itself, and the expenses that come after, like diapers and baby essentials.

3.Lack of Agreement on Spending Habits and Plans

If a couple does not agree on spending habits and plans, one will always feel “upset” and “frustrated” with the other’s spending. You also can’t save money if your husband is always spending beyond his means. Therefore, the first thing to do is that you two need to agree on your expenses and the family’s savings funds. For example, if you plan to have children, you need to plan an emergency fund specifically set up for them, such as a life insurance package that will accompany your children from the womb to adulthood.

4.Buying Everything New
For some of you, it’s hard to imagine putting your pure, precious newborn into a hand-me-down stroller. But by the time that infant is a few months or years old, you may be kicking yourself for buying new gear.

“I definitely started out buying everything brand-new that I needed,” says Suzanne Brown, author of Mompowerment and a mom of two from Austin, Texas. “Over time I realized I could have borrowed some of the items, like a bouncer or a bathtub to bathe baby, or bought them second-hand. I wish I had started that approach earlier because many items you buy for age 2 and under are used very little.”

5.Thinking You Need Every Baby-related Gadget
Just because a baby item exists doesn’t mean you need it. When you see other parents’ gear, it can be tempting to get your baby the same developmental toy or play mat.

However, your kid really won’t know what they’re missing. While baby blogs and parenting sites may sing the proverbial praises of having a jumper, a play gym, and so on, most little ones are happy chilling on a blanket outdoors or on your living room rug. Save your funds for the toddler years.

6. Failure to Educate Your Children About the Value of Money

Children need to know about the value of money and how to save money from an early age. Depending on your child’s age, you can turn this into a fun game, so that he/she can understand and form the following ideas: Why do I have to save money? How can I save money?

7. Forgoing Available Tax Breaks
Having a child can offer some advantages at tax time for parents who are eligible to claim certain tax credits or deductions. Some of the tax benefits available to new parents include:

If you are a parent, you may be eligible to claim the Parenthood Tax Rebate of $5,000 for your first child, $10,000 for your second child, and $20,000 for your third and subsequent child. The child must be a Singapore Citizen at the time of birth or within 12 months thereafter.

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Parents with Singapore Citizen children enrolled in licensed childcare centres can receive a Basic Subsidy of up to $600 per month for full-day infant care, and up to $300 per month for full-day childcare.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4


Marriage Registration Goes Digital in Singapore: New Era of Love Convenience

Starting from September 25, a transformative change is on the horizon for couples in Singapore. This groundbreaking shift grants couples the remarkable opportunity to register their marriages online through the newly enhanced “Our Marriage Journey” portal. This collaborative initiative, jointly unveiled by the Ministry of Social and Family Development and the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, is poised to revolutionize the marriage registration process, prioritizing seamless procedures and enhanced convenience for couples.

At the heart of this revolution lies the enhanced portal, a creation of the Registry of Marriages (ROM) and the Registry of Muslim Marriages (ROMM). This digital platform will guide couples through every stage of marriage registration, streamlining the entire journey from the initial application submission to the moment they receive their digital marriage certificates.

One of the most remarkable aspects of this novel system is its ability to facilitate online declarations by couples. Singpass, the national digital identity system, will automatically populate personal details, removing the need for physical document verification and in-person declaration signing at the ROM’s physical premises on 7 Canning Rise.

This modernized approach specifically caters to Singaporean citizens and permanent residents aged 21 and above embarking on their first marriage journey. However, for individuals in different circumstances, such as those entering non-first-time marriages or foreigners, the traditional in-person document verification process will remain necessary.

For Muslim unions, a distinctive prerequisite is in place: the bride’s biological father must be her lawful guardian (wali) for the couple to qualify for online declaration. Moreover, Muslim couples must arrange a meeting with their wedding solemnizer (naib kadi) before the actual solemnization ceremony. This task is made simple through the enhanced portal, which facilitates easy scheduling.

From September 25 onward, ROM will initiate the issuance of digital marriage certificates for couples submitting their applications on or after this date. The ROMM will embrace this digital shift in 2024.

Beyond the administrative facets, couples will have the delightful option of commemorating their special day with a personalized ceremonial certificate. This thoughtful touch allows couples to customize their certificate and either print it themselves or request it from ROM.

The array of benefits presented by this digital transformation is substantial. Beyond the evident convenience, couples will be freed from the complexities of managing and safeguarding physical certificates. The Ministry of Social and Family Development and the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth underscore the simplification of administrative processes through this transition to digital certificates.

Mr. Timothy Pak, the esteemed ROM registrar, enthusiastically welcomes this change, underlining its potential to alleviate the need for couples to take time off work for in-person interviews at the ROM. This modernization marks a significant stride in simplifying and updating the marriage registration process.

In a continued commitment to adapt to evolving circumstances, video-link solemnisations, introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic, will endure as a viable option for couples. Additionally, couples will no longer be obligated to sign a physical marriage certificate during the solemnization ceremony. Instead, they will receive a digital certificate via email post-ceremony, serving as an official testament to their marital union.

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While Singapore embarks on this innovative journey towards digitizing marriage registration, it’s natural for the public to ponder the potential of online divorce proceedings in the future. However, for the present, the focus remains on enhancing the convenience and efficiency of marriage registration for couples in Singapore, ensuring that each step of the process is as smooth as possible.

Sources:1 & 2