Common Challenges Students Face In The First Year Of College

a female candidate in an interview

Living on your own for the first time can be challenging for students. Here is a list of common challenges you might face in the initial days of your college.

Many of you hope to earn a college degree and improve your livelihood at work and home.

Therefore, after students begin their college experience, they often face difficulties that might seem impossible. These barriers can prevent some students from obtaining those dreams and hopes.

Similarly, students have more freedom to focus on academics when they have the support they need.

In this article, we will discuss certain common challenges that you might encounter in the early days of college life.

List Of Common Challenges Students Face In College

Here is a list of common challenges you might face in the initial days of your college.

1. Time Management

In the vortex of college life, students often grapple with time management issues, which is as common as the morning tea routine.

For many of you, college courses require more effort than high school classes. Similarly, most high schools and universities often pack two years of content in one year of coursework.

Many secure 15 credits, while others cram it up with 18 to 21 credits. At the time, it might be impossible for you to score.

Therefore, know your limits. If you cannot handle 20 credits in one semester, you must go slow and obtain it by the end of the college term.

2. Financial Problem

Financial stress significantly impacts the student’s ability to succeed both socially and academically.

Many of you are studying on student loans. Thus, repaying student debt after graduation becomes a burden.

Therefore, the above-mentioned factors can negatively impact the student’s mental health.

Moreover, worrying about finances might cater to mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression.

3. Difficulty Managing Commitments

Balancing time commitments is another compelling issue students face in their early college days.

Many of you juggle part-time jobs, assignment submission, studying for examinations, and managing home chores. Increasing responsibilities, setting priorities and working on a specific schedule is challenging.

On the other hand, many of you might need help managing time effectively, prioritizing tasks, and seeking help when needed.

However, responsibilities can overwhelm students, especially those who have yet to attend college.

Thus, it is advised that colleges and universities help students find time management techniques that work best for them.

4. Inadequate Academic Preparedness

It might be common for you to realize that you must prepare more than in the previous academic years.

If you are not prepared, the underprepared students likely need remedial classes. This will eventually help to attain a base level of academic competency.

Furthermore, managing coursework, social commitments, and a part-time job might be a little overwhelming for you to handle. In addition, you might invest less time in studies or completing your assignments.

Considering the problem, we suggest you enroll for PSLE Maths tutions from Bluetree Education Centre. The professionals will help you learn the best techniques to solve math problems and guide you in securing excellent grades.

5. Examination Anxiety

Exam anxiety is something that is emerging as a silent adversary for many students.

Thus, this palpable stress before any examination, fear of underperforming pain, and sleepless nights fueled by worry paint a vivid picture of this shared struggle.

Therefore, this overwhelming student issue can intensify your anxiety and then later lead to depression.

To overcome the issue, you must adopt a practical solution to creating a comprehensive environment, promote effective learning habits, and boost open communication.

6. Feeling Homesick

Another common challenge that you might face as a college student is the feeling of homesickness.

Therefore, it might be missing Sunday dinners or going on weekend trips with friends that make you feel upset about being back home.

Thus, to overcome the issue, you can join different clubs, build a university family, attend events, take your roommate with you, and make the unfamiliar feel a bit at home.

Wrapping Up

Thus, the challenges students face in college can impact their ability to overcome and complete their studies.

Moreover, every student is unique, and student advisors must understand individuals’ issues and work with them to overcome them.

In addition, you can also use innovative solutions to examine and mitigate the issues you face, even if you have limited resources.



How Your Child’s Money Habits Affect Old Age

As parents, we play a vital role in shaping our children’s behavior and values, including their money habits. While we often focus on the immediate impact of teaching our kids about financial responsibility, it’s crucial to recognize that these habits can have far-reaching consequences that extend well into old age.

We’ll explore the profound influence of childhood money habits on one’s financial well-being during the golden years.

Instilling a strong foundation of financial literacy in children sets them on a path towards a secure future. Teaching them basic concepts like saving, budgeting, and distinguishing between needs and wants establishes healthy money habits from an early age. These early lessons can profoundly impact how they handle their finances in adulthood, leading to better financial decision-making during retirement.

Encouraging children to save money fosters a sense of delayed gratification and financial discipline. By teaching them the importance of setting aside money for the future, we equip them with the tools needed to build a retirement nest egg. Children who develop a habit of saving are more likely to continue this practice throughout their lives, ensuring a more comfortable retirement.

Educating children about the responsible use of credit and the potential dangers of debt is crucial. When children learn to differentiate between good and bad debt, they are more likely to make informed decisions about borrowing in adulthood. By cultivating a sense of caution and encouraging responsible credit usage, we help them avoid financial hardships in their later years.

The work ethic and attitudes towards earning money that children develop during their formative years can significantly impact their financial stability in old age. Teaching children the value of hard work, ambition, and perseverance can instill a sense of responsibility and a drive to succeed. These qualities are often correlated with higher earnings and a greater ability to build wealth for retirement.

Empowering children to become financially independent and self-sufficient individuals has lasting implications for their financial well-being in old age. Encouraging them to find part-time jobs, start small businesses, or pursue entrepreneurial ventures teaches them the importance of generating income and managing it responsibly. This independence reduces the risk of financial dependence on others during retirement.


Children learn by observing the behavior of their parents and other influential figures in their lives. Modeling positive financial habits and demonstrating responsible money management lays the groundwork for their own financial future. Parents who exemplify prudent spending, saving, and investing practices are more likely to raise children who adopt these behaviors in their later years.


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Our children’s money habits have a profound impact on their financial well-being in old age. By providing them with a solid foundation in financial literacy, teaching the value of saving, cultivating responsible credit usage, and fostering a strong work ethic, we empower them to make wise financial decisions throughout their lives. As parents, we have a unique opportunity to shape their future financial security and set them on the path to a comfortable and fulfilling retirement. Let’s make the most of it and ensure our children are well-prepared for their golden years.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


4 Things to Consider Before Living Near Your Child’s School

Singaporean parents want to provide their children the leverage in life through providing quality education. Some parents are willing to spend their savings to move to a property within proximity of their chosen primary school.

The question remains, is it really worth it to move near your child’s school to increase his or her chances of getting in?


Living near your chosen primary school is convenient for commuting. However, being near the school zone comes with other inconveniences such as noise and traffic in the morning.

Elite primary schools tend to be situated in prime districts. Properties in the prime districts are expensive. For instance, ACS Junior in Newton is surrounded by private properties amounting to S$3-7 million. Apart from shelling out millions, it is not uncommon for supermarkets or MRT stations to be further away from residential areas. In contrast, neighborhood schools are often surrounded by HDB Developments.


Staying near your chosen school does not immediately guarantee that you will be given the slot, which is why many parents are hoping to improve their chances by participating in volunteer work. If you cannot get into your preferred school and have no alternative options nearby, that means that you could be facing a lock-in period of at least three to five years as part of the home loan agreement.

On the other hand, if you can successfully secure a place for your child due to proximity, you will need to stay at the address for at least thirty months from the start of the registration exercise as required by the Ministry of Education.


Apart from prioritizing quality education, childcare should also be a factor in planting your roots. Do you opt to live near the homes of your parents and in-laws? If so, you will be able to ask for their support after school hours. For instance, your child can go over to his or her grandparents’ home after school.


If you found a home within a kilometer away from your chosen primary school, you will reap its rentability and value benefits. Many parents would want to rent a flat near their children’s school.

A study done by NUS found that 1.4% and 6.9% price declines of private and HDB homes, respectively, within 1km of a school that relocates. Apart from your proximity to the school, it is essential to assess a property’s size, age, and nearby amenities to ensure a tidy profit once you decide to rent it out or to sell it in the future.

For owners of private properties, you can seek the help of licensed appraisers who are members of the Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers to determine your property’s valuation. While HDB homeowners should not worry about researching the valuation cost as they can get a valuation report on their unit from the HDB office.

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Choosing where to live is a personal decision. Consider all the factors that will affect your move. Some people are content with being near any primary school, while others feel that getting a good start in life is tied to an elite primary school. The choice is up to you.

Sources: 1 & 2



Practical Tips To Manage Home-Based Learning

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, home-based learning was rolled out nationwide after schools have closed in April 2020. The safety guidelines encouraged schools and tuition centers to transition to HBL or online learning to educate their students. Simply put, HBL is having lessons and classroom interactions at home.

Eventually, students went allowed back to school.

Time passed and the rise in community cases led to the Ministry of Education’s decision to have a full home-based learning for students in primary schools, secondary schools, and junior colleges (i.e., until May 28, 2021). Furthermore, center-based tuition and enrichment classes will continue with its online learning until June 13.

Students in Singapore had to adapt to these changes and to manage a home-based learning lifestyle. On that note, here are some practical tips to help your child to study at home.


Whether you have a corner or a room for studying, your child will benefit from having a designated space for learning. Working or studying from home can be a challenge due to the myriad of distractions around us. Thus, it is important to create a space where your child is motivated to learn.

Much like a classroom, having a special learning space can help create the mental and physical divide between personal time and study time. The common elements of a conducive learning environment include good lighting, well-ventilation, accessible learning materials, and distraction-free space.


Planning ahead enables you to develop a daily structure for your child to adhere to. This daily structure will allow your child to see what they need to achieve during the day.

Most primary schools in Singapore have their own home-based schedules. Incorporate the school’s schedule to your child’s study schedule. Then, find a time to get to know your child better. Take this opportunity to spend quality time with your beloved one. Ask your child about his interests, dislikes, dreams, and goals.


With less physical activity indoors, it is important to eat healthy food and to exercise regularly. Although it can be tempting to offer your child sweets and junk food to boost his or her attention, these types of food can give your child energy crashes. Your child is likely to feel a drop in his or her energy level after a sugar high. You do not want to see your child sleeping in front of the computer screen!

Instead, offer periodic breaks and nutritious meals. Letting off steam by exercising can help improve your child’s focus and minimize the stress levels.


Home-based learning entails continuous adjustments from both the parents and the students. This includes the way students interact with their peers. Just because your child is isolated from his or her classmates does not mean that you need to neglect one’s social development.

Create opportunities for interaction by allowing your child to have Zoom/Skype hangouts with his friends. They can stream a movie or play games online. Having “social breaks” after your child accomplishes his school tasks can motivate him more.


The key to HBL’s success is to follow the teachers’ instructions. Engagement with the teachers will allow you to maximize the productivity of your child. They will be able to give you helpful suggestions if you are transparent with your child’s current progress. Moreover, talking to people who can understand you can help minimize the stress, especially for teaching younger children.

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You are not alone! These changes are not easy for anyone. Parents can take time off work to supervise their children’s learning habits. Children may find it harder to study at home due to multiple distractions. Teachers must prepare more materials given that they have less control over their classes. Hence, it is important for everyone to work together.

At the end of the day, your common goal is to make learning more effective.


Are International Schools Expensive: What You Need To Know

Most parents think all the international schools are expensive and the reason is because of the facilities it has to offer. Well, you can say that due to the facilities like swimming pool, music rooms, playgrounds are expensive to maintain, but this is not the only reason.

So, why do international schools are expensive? The answer is simple.

More than 80% of the student’s fees are given to the teachers in salary. Face it, you cannot recruit a good teacher with low salaries. And as we know, international schools are all about having trained and qualified teachers.

In addition to these salaries, students are covered with medical insurance benefits, housing allowances, books’ costs, and study materials.

Why Is the International Education System Expensive?

This is a question that almost every parent would like to know the answer to. However, before you ask this same question, you must understand why these international schools are so expensive.

When we talk about international schools, there is an old saying, “You get what you pay for”. This saying perfectly complements the doubts over the international school being too expensive. Despite that you want to look for a budgeted school, this might be one of the affordable international school in Singapore.

There are many aspects of an international school that is reflected in the high term fees. The following might be able to make your understanding better.

1. Best Teacher

International schools are all about having the best teachers to guide the students. No matter which international you take, you will find that most teachers have experience teaching from all around the world. This makes them carry a lot of teaching experience that can help the students.

If teachers like those are being invited to teach in school, it is obvious that they will look for a salary that satisfies their needs. This is one of the main reasons why international schools are expensive.

2. Top Class Amenities

An international school means your child will have top-class amenities at their disposal. Whether we are talking about a swimming pool, playgrounds, canteen, medical facilities, science lab, and library, there is no way you will not have to pay for all of these.

The international school ensures that students have adequate space to perform several activities to help them learn and grow. In addition to that, these are considerable investments that need contact maintenance.

3. Supporting Staff

What do you think, an international school is where your children will cook and clean on their own? No! For that, every international school has supportive staff members responsible for taking care of the children and school.

With roles like:

  • Campus security.
  • Office staff.
  • Medical staff.
  • Maintenance staff.

The school will more likely employ local people to take off the schools and its areas. This certainly needs investment to some extent.

4. School Dinner

Of course, the international school needs to have a fully functional kitchen to ensure every student is well fed. When you are not around your child, you would expect that your child would get the right food at the right time. International schools invest a lot in food to ensure all the students eat healthily and remain healthy.

5. Teacher-Student Ratio

With the local public schools, you might find one teacher teaching more than 100 students. But that is not the case of international schools. With the international school, the student-teacher ratio is maintained to ensure good communication between student and teacher.

Hence, keeping classes small means the cost of one class must be shared with fewer parents. This also adds to the value of international school fees.

Benefits Of An International School

The best thing about the international school is that it offers high-quality educational facilities that prepare the students to face the world from the get-go. In addition to that, if your child passes an international school with 3 A level passes, he/she will literally get the chance of choosing the university to continue with their higher studies.

International schools are not the investment you make; it’s an investment that you make on your children for their bright future.