What to Do If You’re Stuck in a Job You Hate

We’ve all been there—stuck in a job that feels like a never-ending grind. A friend of mine has been thinking about quitting for ages but hesitates due to the high cost of living and family commitments. It’s tough to stay in a job you dislike just to stay afloat financially. I’ve been in that position too.

But you do have options. Here are some tips to handle it:


Take a step back and list what aspects of your job you can control versus what you cannot. This might include seeking help from your co-worker or making the most of your downtime. Knowing your limits can help you make better decisions.


Remember, your job is just one part of your life. Engaging in hobbies, spending time with friends, or volunteering can offer fulfillment and lessen the pressure on your job to provide all your emotional needs. Many find that pursuing outside interests brings a renewed sense of purpose. Try pickleball or visit local museums!


Assess both the positive and negative aspects of your job. While the drawbacks might be obvious, do not forget to consider the benefits—such as a steady paycheck, a structured day, workplace friendships, or a sense of contribution. For the negatives, think about possible solutions, either on your own or with your company’s help.


Say that you’ve weighed your options and things in your current company are still grim. Sometimes, a change of environment can refresh your outlook. Be open to exploring new professional fields or industries. Even if you’re not ready to leave your current job, learning about different settings can help you understand what you truly want.


Worrying about a potential pay cut when changing jobs is common. However, a new role might offer better compensation or benefits. Salary can depend on various factors like industry, location, and your skills. If increasing your income is a priority, it’s often achievable with the right strategy.


If your job is negatively impacting your health or happiness, it may be time to plan a transition. Start networking, update your resume, and think about your next career move. Even if you do not land a new job immediately, laying the groundwork can set you up for success. In the meantime, focus on your well-being and stay connected with friends.

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Being stuck in a job you hate does not have to be your only option. By understanding your situation, weighing your choices, and taking proactive steps, you can move towards a more fulfilling career. Remember, you have the power to create a path that aligns with your needs, goals, and well-being.

Sources: 1 & 2


Rising Career Opportunities in Singapore: In-Demand Industries for 2023

According to LinkedIn, Singapore is experiencing a growing demand for jobs that assist companies in digitizing and expanding during economic volatility. The latest data from LinkedIn’s Jobs on the Rise highlights a significant increase in hiring for growth specialists, technical positions, and healthcare professionals in Asia, indicating that these jobs are expected to continue growing throughout 2023.

It’s important to note that employers and clients have diverse needs, which can influence the demand for different types of jobs. Occupations in high demand offer excellent potential for career growth, better income, and job security compared to less popular jobs. Therefore, staying informed about these in-demand jobs can help you effectively plan your career and develop the necessary skill set to succeed in your desired field.


Despite the challenging macroeconomic conditions that led to waves of tech layoffs in Southeast Asia last year, such as those experienced by GoTo Group in Indonesia, Sea Group and Carousell in Singapore, the demand for tech workers remains strong. Experts predict that this year will serve as a transitional period for the tech industry, with a potential return to more normal hiring levels. Anchal Chhabria, a representative from LinkedIn, remains optimistic and states that the overall demand for tech workers remains robust, with individuals transitioning to new positions both within and across the industry.

User Experience (UX) Designer

National average salary: $5,194 per month

Primary duties: UX designers focus on improving the usability of systems, which may involve enhancing aesthetics and website navigation. They work in collaboration with UI designers to develop digital products that fulfill user needs while providing a pleasant and engaging experience.


National average salary: $2,569 per month

Primary duties: Customer service representatives play a crucial role in building and maintaining positive customer relationships. They achieve this by answering inquiries and providing guidance on various aspects of a company’s products or services. Many organizations prioritize hiring customer service representatives as they typically serve as the initial point of contact between the business and the customer. Responsibilities may include generating sales leads, answering phone calls, maintaining records of customer interactions, and adhering to communication guidelines and policies.


National average salary: $3,083 per month

Primary duties: Human resources specialists are experts in managing the human resources functions of a company. They may be responsible for maintaining employee records for performance reviews and can recruit, train, and provide support to employees.

Image Credits: unsplash.com


National average salary: $3,720 per month

Primary duties: Copywriters are skilled writing professionals who create content for various purposes, such as marketing or educational materials. They collaborate with marketing and public relations departments to develop effective marketing materials, and they meet with clients to understand and convey their brand voice and message to the target audience.


National average salary: $7,406 per month

Primary duties: Data scientists possess expertise in statistical programming and analytical skills to collect, analyze, and interpret large datasets. They utilize various data visualization techniques to present information and offer suggestions or develop solutions based on data analysis.

By keeping yourself informed about these in-demand industries and their associated jobs, you can strategically plan your career path and cultivate the necessary skills to excel in your chosen field.

Sources: 1 & 2


Going Online to Find the Right Job

job search

As many people will know from experience, trying to find the right job can be a real challenge these days. While there are plenty of career options that you can consider in Singapore, it is important to choose the right type of job for you based on your interests, qualifications, skills, and preferences. However, you also need to remember that there is a lot of competition for jobs in all industries these days, so you have to go the extra mile to find and get the job that is right for you.

The good news is that you can turn to internet technology these days if you want to find and get the right job. In fact, many people now head online in order to help them to find the right job in the ideal industry, and many even improve their skills and qualifications online in order to boost their chances of success. Whether you are looking for specialist jobs on a full-time basis or part time jobs in Singapore, going online can help. In this article, we will look at some of the reasons to go online to improve your chances of finding the ideal job.

Some of the Benefits of Going Online

There are many benefits of going online to find the ideal job, and this is why a lot of people go down this route. Some of the key ones are:

You Can Train Online

One of the key benefits of going online is that you can train and study to get into the perfect job. If you have researched the type of job you want, but you do not currently have the skills and qualifications required, there are plenty of educational and training facilities that you can access. This then means that you can gain the qualifications and develop the skills needed to get into your chosen field.

There Are Job Sites to Register With

Another of the benefits of going online is that there are now plenty of job agency sites that deal with jobs in all sorts of industries. You can save yourself a huge amount of time and inconvenience by registering your details on these sites along with information about the type of work and hours that you are looking for. The details of relevant jobs can then be emailed to you directly so that you can take a look and complete an application if you are interested.

You Can Complete Online Applications

One of the other key benefits that you can look forward to when you go online is the ability to complete and submit your application with total ease and convenience. You do not have to complete lengthy forms, use snail mail to send the application and supporting documents, and wait forever for a response. Everything can now be done electronically, which makes it faster and easier to apply for your chosen jobs.

These are just some of the many benefits that you can look forward to when you go online to find the right job.

By going online, you will find it easier to locate the right job, as you will not have to trawl advertisements when you register on job agency sites. In addition, you will be able to complete everything from your job search to the application without any issues and from the comfort of your own home.

With the internet becoming a hugely popular platform for employers, you will also be able to benefit from greater choice when you go online to look for work. This then makes it easier for you to find the ideal position for your needs.



5 Tips for Keeping Ahead of the Competition in Today’s Job Market

a job interview session

Contrary to a common misconception, being a hard worker is often not enough to guarantee career success, especially if one is part of a job market as competitive as Singapore’s. While diligence and perseverance are undoubtedly essential, you probably know by now that they will only get you so far. You cannot merely toil day and night, hoping that your superior will notice and give you a promotion. If you want to advance your career and stay ahead of the competition, you can’t wait for good things to just happen. You need to take control and make things happen.

Perhaps you are wondering how you can be more proactive in climbing the career ladder and positioning yourself for success. If so, continue reading this short guide. Whether you are searching for your first job or are looking for ways to get ahead, the following tips can help you find your edge and become more valuable and marketable to current and prospective employers.

Keep Learning and Growing

If you want to remain competitive, you need to continue learning and improving—personally and professionally. You can’t afford to become complacent and relaxed even if you are currently doing well in your current position. Keep in mind that in a fast-paced business landscape, developing your skills and knowledge is a requirement to stay ahead and be ready for the challenges of the future.

As such, you may want to enrol in postgraduate programmes, take continuing education classes, or attend lectures that could help you learn deep skills related to your industry. You may also take advantage of various government initiatives that support lifelong learning and skills mastery.

For instance, you can take certificate courses in Singapore from an accredited institution to gain a fundamental understanding or to upgrade your skills in different emerging areas, including cybersecurity, data analytics, and digital media. You can also take advantage of the SkillsFuture Credit, which provides direct subsidies of SGD 500 to all Singaporeans over 24 years old to pay for a broad range of accredited skills-related courses.

Engage in Volunteer Work

You may not realize it, but doing charity work benefits you in many ways. Besides that feel-good emotion and having a sense of purpose, volunteering can help you get ahead professionally. For starters, you can learn transferable skills in your volunteer gigs that could make you more enticing to employers if you are looking for a job. If you are already working, volunteering can widen your experiences and teach new skills that can help you grow personally and beef up your professional credentials at the same time.

Aside from the valuable lessons, volunteer work allows you to network and expand your connections. You can meet and build meaningful relationships with people in various fields and industries. These relationships could furthermore open doors to rare opportunities that can help advance your career down the road. If you have yet to engage in such work before, you can check out the Singapore government’s one-stop volunteering platform online to find causes aligned with your interests.

Enhance Your Professional Presence

It is not enough that you are capable, highly skilled, and knowledgeable to succeed professionally. You also need to ensure that others know that you possess these remarkable qualities. If the people you interact with have a negative impression of you, it will be much harder for you to get ahead. After all, perception is powerful.

So, how do you boost your professional presence to make you stand out from the rest? Here are some pointers you may want to consider:

  • Make sure that your appearance and behaviour convey confidence, competence, and integrity.
  • Be mindful of your reactions and how they affect other people.
  • Hang out with respectable people.
  • Keep your social media interactions and online posts decent and professional.
  • Learn to listen and develop a positive communication style.

Join Industry-Related Professional Organisations

Joining professional organisations is another useful avenue to expand your network and meet industry experts that can serve as mentors or role models to keep fuelling your passion for success. Aside from building relevant connections, joining professional groups will give you access to exclusive events, courses, and online resources. All these initiatives can help you stay updated on new technologies and trends in your field. Moreover, professional organisations are also great venues to learn about lucrative career opportunities that you may not have known about otherwise.

Learn from Your Heroes and Competitors

If you want to be successful, study the stories of those who achieved great success. They could be the people you look up to or your competitors. Assess their actions, observe how they talk, and take note of their behaviour, beliefs, and principles. Then, identify crucial points you can emulate to boost your own career. Do this exercise with humility and an open mind. Don’t be afraid to admit that you don’t know everything. Remember that you can only grow if you accept your shortcomings and commit to improving them.

Staying relevant in today’s workforce requires hard work, but it is not the sole key to achieving this. As advised above, you need to carry out a range of strategies that will give you an edge and create opportunities for employers to notice your worth. So, resist the urge to sit on your laurels. Continue developing and making yourself better wherever you are in your career journey.


6 Benefits of Ergonomic Chair in the Workplace

What is the solution to reducing the rising sitting and postural-related issues? Ergonomics!

“The number of employees suffering from back, neck and shoulder complaints caused by sitting and postural-related issues has continued to rise.”

– Mark Barrell and Levent Caglar of Boss Design

Ergonomics is the study of the relationship between workers and their working environments. It involves designing or adjusting workplaces, products, systems to fit the people who use them. It helps organizations through providing productive workspaces and introducing ergonomic tools such as the ergonomic chair.

Like budgeting, one size does not fit all when it comes to chairs.

Ergonomic chairs are ordered to suit an individual’s preferences and allow an elevated level of adjustability to help support the tasks at hand. These chairs often include features that are designed to encourage more movement such as adjustable arms, seat height adjustment, or lumbar support. To know more about the benefits of an ergonomic chair, continue reading.


One of the postural-related issues that employees experience after long hours at work is back pain. Traditional chairs do not have the back support that ergonomic chairs can provide. You see, ergonomic chairs are built to prevent discomfort and promote better posture. These chairs provide spine support, pain relief, and flexibility to prevent unhealthy positions and unusual strain.

Using an ergonomic chair can help you achieve comfortable postures at your workstation without having to worry about experiencing lower back pain. Moreover, many ergonomic chairs come with adjustable armrests, which allows you to rest your body comfortably.


Choosing office furniture that is ergonomically designed can have a significant impact on employee happiness and productivity, according to previous studies.

As the Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration reveals, ergonomic furniture showed a direct link to heightened efficiency by reducing the risk of musculoskeletal conditions. As such, utilizing the power of ergonomic chairs can help increase the potential for profit.


Investing your money in ergonomic chairs can save you money in the long run. This may be hard to believe, but it is true. A one-time investment in ergonomically designed workplace furniture ensures durability and assurance of quality. You will be given a warranty period to test the furniture and to determine whether the chair is suitable for the user.


Employees come in all shapes and sizes. Thus, investing in furniture that can be adjusted to their specifications can help keep everyone in the workplace comfortable and productive.

For instance, workers who are petite can benefit from an armless ergonomic chair with a small seat and high back. This will help support their natural posture.


In a 2010 study, researchers found that prolonged sitting can increase the risk of heart disease, poor blood circulation, and back pain. It is recommended to track how long you have been seated and to try to vary your position every 30 minutes.

The American Heart Association further reports that any movement that raises our metabolic rate above the normal stationary resting rate (i.e., during sitting) can have profound long-term health benefits and reduce the chance of illnesses.


When it comes to ergonomic chairs, you will be delighted to know that there are a range of options available commercially. The adjustable features of these chairs help alter its physical characteristics to suit your working preference and body type.

For instance, you need to look for chairs that allow adjustments such as seat height, back recline, adjustable armrests, adjustable tilt tension, and seat depth.

There are a lot of ergonomic chair brands out there. Thus, you need to have a list of features that you are looking for. Watch the short video below to be guided when it comes to setting up an ergonomic workstation.

Sources: 1 &