Common Mistakes to Avoid in Estate Planning

It’s crucial to ensure your wishes are respected and your loved ones are cared for after you’re gone. Yet, many individuals make common mistakes that can lead to complications, disputes, or unintended consequences. This post will outline the most frequent pitfalls in estate planning and provide actionable insights on avoiding them.

Understanding the Basics of Estate Planning

Estate planning includes preparing documents like wills, trusts, and powers of attorney. The aim is to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes, all while minimizing taxes and legal complications. You might think estate planning is only for the wealthy, but that’s a common misconception. According to a reputable California Estate Planning Lawyer, everyone has an estate, which includes everything you own—your house, cars, bank accounts, and personal belongings. Therefore, having a solid estate plan is essential for everyone.

Common Myths About Estate Planning

Mistake #1: Failing to Create a Will

Creating a will is one of the simplest ways to ensure your intentions are respected. It lets you specify who receives your belongings and how your debts should be settled. Intestacy laws may not reflect your wishes, which can create discord among family members. For instance, if you intended for a specific family member to receive your property, intestacy laws may allocate it differently, leading to disputes. Creating a will doesn’t have to be daunting. Start by reviewing your assets and deciding how you want them distributed. Be clear about your intentions, and consider including a list of personal belongings with sentimental value. Next, choose an executor—someone you trust to manage your estate and fulfill your wishes. This person will ensure your estate is handled according to your plan. Finally, consult a legal professional to ensure your will meets state requirements and is legally binding.

Mistake #2: Ignoring the Power of Trusts

A trust is a legal arrangement that allows a third party, known as a trustee, to manage your assets on behalf of your beneficiaries. Trusts can help you avoid probate and offer greater control over your assets’ distribution. Revocable trusts can be altered or dissolved during your lifetime, providing flexibility. On the other hand, irrevocable trusts cannot be modified once established, offering potential tax benefits and protection from creditors. Incorporating trusts into your estate planning can provide numerous benefits. For one, your beneficiaries can access their inheritance more quickly. Trusts also offer greater privacy than wills, as they are not public records.

Additionally, trusts allow you to set specific conditions on how and when your assets are distributed, ensuring your wishes are followed. Trusts can help mitigate potential disputes and protect your legacy if you have significant assets or complex family dynamics. Consulting an estate planning attorney can help you determine the best type of trust for your situation and ensure it aligns with your overall estate plan.

Mistake #3: Not Updating Your Estate Plan

An estate plan isn’t a one-time task; it requires regular updates to remain relevant. Several life events should trigger a review of your estate plan. These include getting married, having children, experiencing a significant change in income, or relocating to a different state with varying estate laws. Additionally, changes in relationships, such as a death or divorce, should prompt a reassessment. Even if your financial situation has stayed the same, reviewing your plan every few years is wise to ensure it remains aligned with your goals.

Your estate plan reflects your values and care for your loved ones. Take the time to assess your current situation, seek professional guidance, and ensure your wishes are honored after you leave. Consider taking the next step by revisiting your estate plan today or consulting a qualified estate planning attorney. The peace of mind you’ll gain is invaluable for you and those you cherish most.



Why Renting is the New Home Ownership in Singapore

With skyrocketing property prices and evolving lifestyles, more Singaporeans are finding renting to be a practical and often better choice. Here’s why renting is becoming the new home ownership in the Lion City.


Renting offers the freedom to move easily, whether for job opportunities, lifestyle changes, or personal preferences.

For instance, my friend, a marketing executive, recently secured a job in a different part of the city. As a renter, she could effortlessly relocate closer to her new workplace in Raffles Place, avoiding the hassle and cost of selling a property. This move significantly reduced her commute, giving her more time for herself and the things she cares about.


Owning a home in Singapore requires substantial financial commitments, from hefty down payments to long-term mortgage repayments. According to the PropertyGuru Singapore Consumer Sentiment Study H2 2022, younger Singaporeans (aged 22 to 29) are increasingly turning to renting due to insufficient savings for property purchases. This is not surprising, given that young, unmarried Singaporeans face restrictions in the HDB market. These restrictions include the need to apply as a couple or family unit, or wait until they turn 35.

Property costs can be overwhelming, but renting allows for better cash flow management. Without the need for a large initial payout, individuals can invest in their businesses, save more, or enjoy experiences that enhance their lives.


Owning property involves more than just the purchase price. Maintenance, repairs, and renovations can accumulate costs over time. Moreover, property values may depreciate.

On the other hand, renters are free from these additional expenses since landlords usually handle property upkeep. This leads to significant savings and less financial stress.


Renting can provide access to prime locations that might be unaffordable or unavailable to buy. Living close to the city center, with its vibrant lifestyle and convenient amenities, often comes with a high price tag for buyers. Renters, however, can enjoy these benefits without the long-term financial burden of a mortgage.


For many young professionals and expatriates, renting suits their lifestyle better. The flexibility to move closer to work, live in trendy neighborhoods, or enjoy various amenities often outweighs the traditional desire for home ownership. Renting supports a lifestyle that values convenience over long-term financial commitments.

For instance, my cousins, who are avid travelers, leave home once or twice a month. They can easily spend a month exploring Europe since they aren’t tied down by home ownership and its maintenance.


The property market in Singapore can be unpredictable, influenced by economic conditions, government policies, and global events. Renting provides a cushion against market volatility, as renters are not directly affected by property value fluctuations. This stability is particularly appealing in uncertain economic times.


While home ownership has long been seen as a cornerstone of financial security, the trend in Singapore is shifting. Renting is increasingly recognized as a practical, flexible, and financially sound alternative.

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As the saying goes, home is where the heart is – and for many, that heart is happier and freer in a rented space.

Sources: 1,2, & 3


Why Is It So Difficult To Save Money?

As I looked at my balance, I was overwhelmed by how fast my salary had disappeared. I’m not the only one! Many of us handle daily expenses and unexpected costs one day at a time, especially those living paycheck to paycheck. With the high cost of living, unnecessary purchases, and unforeseen expenses, why is it so challenging to save money? Here are some key reasons:


Debt can be a major obstacle to saving money. The desire to pay off debt rather than save is strong, especially with revolving debt like credit cards. Interest rates on these accounts can fluctuate, often increasing the amount owed.

For example, the average interest rate on credit cards in Singapore is around 25% per annum. Consolidating debt with a low- or no-interest card or taking out a lower-interest personal loan can help ease this burden.


Social pressures can lead to overspending. Maybe friends invite you to an expensive restaurant, and you go along, only to split a hefty bill. Or perhaps you use a bonus to buy a status watch to fit in with big-spender pals. I recall a colleague who stole money from the company just to maintain face in their religious community.

If you find yourself overspending with friends, consider more affordable activities like museum-hopping, hiking, or local events. These are simple ways to save money while still enjoying time with friends.


Your earnings need to cover your expenses, but sometimes unexpected costs outpace your paycheck. Keeping a budget helps track spending and identify areas for adjustment. For example, if your rent increases by 12%, you’ll need to find the extra money. In such cases, a side hustle might be beneficial.


Shopping excessively doesn’t necessarily mean always filling your online cart. It could mean not being strategic about your spending. I’m guilty of this, especially since I prefer designer makeup and skincare for my sensitive skin. For instance, daily trips to a grocery store are more expensive than bi-weekly bulk shopping trips.

Making lists, tracking prices, and using coupons and cashback offers can help save money and even make the process enjoyable.


Saving money is challenging if you don’t have a compelling reason. You might be overly focused on the present or unsure about future goals. Creating a savings plan starts with asking yourself where you want to be financially in the next 5 to 10 years and what you need to do to have “enough” money.


Many people debate whether the rising cost of living is as bad as it seems, but most Singaporeans have felt the pinch in recent years. Inflation affects housing, utilities, and groceries, and wages haven’t kept up.


Saving for the future isn’t a natural human instinct. Our brains struggle to think about the future in concrete terms. However, we can either trick our minds into better future planning or make saving money automatic. Behavioral economist and Nobel Prize winner Richard Thaler suggests, “If you want to help people accomplish some goal, make it easy.”

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By understanding the reasons why you need to save and making mindful adjustments, saving money can become more achievable.

Sources: 1,2, & 3


What’s Your Financial Personality?

Understanding your financial personality can help you make better money decisions. Here are four common types and some tips for each:


You’re excited about managing your finances and likely a long-term thinker and planner. You prefer traditional strategies like having a retirement savings plan and planning future investments. However, you might struggle with seeking a second opinion, moving too quickly, or overanalyzing options.

Questions to ask yourself:
1. Do I regularly review and update my financial plans?
2. How comfortable am I making investment decisions on my own?
3. Do I have a detailed retirement savings plan?
4. How often do I seek advice on financial decisions?


You’re a careful planner who does thorough research, often taking your time to make well-informed decisions. Flexible and adaptable, you focus on short-term goals rather than long-term ones like retirement. As a strategist, you might miss opportunities by over-evaluating options. Creating timelines or automating finances can help.

Questions to ask yourself:
1. How often do I adjust my budget based on changing situations?
2. Am I more focused on immediate needs than long-term goals?
3. Am I comfortable researching before making financial decisions?
4. How frequently do I automate my savings?


You’re future-oriented, charitable, and make financial decisions based on your values. You prioritize donating to charities but may neglect your own daily finances. Consider working with a financial advisor to stay on top of your finances.

Questions to ask yourself:
1. How often do I prioritize charitable donations in my financial planning?
2. Do my financial goals align with my values?
3. Am I proactive about supporting causes that matter to me?
4. How regularly do I review my daily finances?


You have a relaxed approach to money, prioritizing living your life and intuition over strict budgeting. You keep an eye on your money but may not be up-to-date. Financial planners and advisors can help. It’s important to stay informed and set future goals. Budgeting apps for beginners can make this easier.

Questions to ask yourself:
1. How comfortable am I without a strict budget?
2. Do I rely more on intuition than planning?
3. How often do I review my overall financial status?
4. Am I open to using budgeting apps to track my finances?

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If you find these categories complex, consider these simplified types by Dean Deutz, a private wealth consultant at RBC Wealth Management:

A. Savers: Prioritize saving now to enjoy financial security later, often paying off debts like mortgages early. They should balance caution with potential high-return investments, seeking diversified portfolios that align with their long-term goals.

B. Spenders: Enjoy their money presently, often borrowing and saving less. Spenders benefit from reducing discretionary spending to increase savings and build emergency funds for future financial stability.

C. Sharers: Enjoy sharing money with family, friends, charities, or their community. They should manage their generosity wisely, setting clear boundaries and budgets to sustain their giving while ensuring their own financial health.

Understanding your financial personality can clarify your decisions, reveal patterns in your financial habits, and highlight areas for improvement to achieve greater financial well-being over time.

Sources: 1 & 2


Earn 4.2% p.a. on your first S$20k with this new fintech app

Introducing Chocolate Finance, the innovative solution for your spare cash that offers impressive returns without the hassle.

With an enticing 4.2% p.a. return on your first S$20,000 and a target 3.5% p.a. on any amount thereafter, it’s the perfect place to grow your savings.

Here’s why Chocolate Finance stands out:

  1. No Complicated Requirements: Forget about jumping through hoops. Chocolate Finance has no minimum or maximum balance requirements and no lock-in periods. It’s designed to be as simple and user-friendly as possible.
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How to Get Started

Opening an account with Chocolate Finance is completely free. Simply download the Chocolate Finance app, sign up with Singpass MyInfo, and start growing your savings today.

Important Information

Chocolate Finance is a brand of Chocfin Pte Ltd (UEN 202347190R). Chocfin Pte Ltd is licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore to perform fund management activities. Please note that all investments involve risk, and the 4.2% return is currently supported by a promotional ‘Top-Up Programme’, valid during the Qualifying Period and subject to terms and conditions. This does not guarantee future returns or capital.


This advertisement was prepared without considering your specific investment objectives, financial situation, or tax needs and does not constitute financial advice. Before applying, carefully consider whether this product or service is suitable for you. This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. We may receive an affiliate/referral fee when you sign up for services/products on this site.

For more information, visit Chocolate Finance. Privacy policy, terms, and conditions are available within the app.

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