4 Surefire Ways To Create Better Study Habits At Home

Ministry of Education announced that lower primary and lower secondary students will continue with home-based learning (HBL) after June holidays. These arrangements were made to “ease into full resumption of school” when Term 3 starts on June 28.

Studying from home can be challenging! All of us have study habits that we would like to break and others that we would like to develop. People often blame these unpleasant habits to laziness or unhealthy personality. However, Behaviorism dictates that we can learn and unlearn these habits.

Effectively reinforcing a positive behavior and not rewarding a negative one can help change various areas in one’s life. With this principle in mind, here are 4 things that you can do create better study habits at home.


It is not enough to say that you want to study more! You must set quantifiable and realistic goals to meet your objectives for the day. Setting your study goals includes two things – identifying your goals and knowing which resources you will need.

For instance, you want to study for 3 hours daily (i.e., quantifiable and realistic). You successfully meet this study goal by utilizing a conducive study space and by having school supplies on-hand.


After clearly setting your goals, you must bravely take your first attempt. If it is too much to drastically start with 3 hours of study time per day, you can start with at least 45 minutes daily. Gradually increase your study time as the weeks pass by.

Having a physical boundary between your study area and your relaxation area could be very helpful. This can also help you to contain your academic stress within the study space. Furthermore, you can stay focused when studying from home by following a routine. Establishing a routine will provide more structure to your life and more cues to your brain.


Monitoring your progress includes tracking your milestones and altering your goals based on your evaluation of the current situation. To illustrate this, you can have a study log to record your study time and daily assignments.

You can also analyze the factors that hinder you from studying, such as distractions from external noises or social media. Then, add another goal that is fit to counteract these distractions such turning your handphone off for 3 hours. Use this time to take down notes during your online classes.


Positive reinforcement such as entertaining or monetary compensation can increase the repetition of the desired behavior. Therefore, different companies use positive reinforcement to attract you into purchasing more of their products.

Image Credits: unsplash.com

You must figure out a well-deserved reward for successfully studying during the allotted amount of time. You can indulge in your favorite dessert, have a relaxing bath, or call your friends via Zoom. For optimum results, keep the reward scheme consistent each time you reach a study goal.

Sources: 1 & 2


6 Ways To Rekindle Your Love For Work

In these uncertain times, waking up and going to work is an achievement on its own. We have gone through a lot and we continue to adapt to our dynamic environment. Much like your personal life, your professional life is a work in progress.

When you start a job, it is all new and exciting. Do not get me started with the honeymoon phase! As time passes by, the job that once seemed so flawless may lose its luster. You may become complacent or disinterested without even noticing it. Before you call it quits, give yourself the opportunity to reconnect with your current job.


If you find it challenging to drag yourself out of the bed for work every morning, the first step is to admit that your motivation to go to work is slowly dwindling. You are not as passionate as you used to be. Similarly, you may want to know the root cause of having unpleasant days at work. That said, this is nothing to be ashamed of! There are many factors that can affect your feelings such as the significant changes brought by the COVID-19 restrictions.

Instead of lamenting over it on your Twitter or Facebook feed, sit down and reflect. What are the possible causes of the issues you have at work? You must first examine the things contributing to what you are feeling in order to change for the better. Once the root of the problem is clear, you can start making small changes in your personal workspace and within yourself.


Whether you are staying on a partially enclosed office workspace (i.e., a cubicle) or sitting in your home office, filling your workspace with special items can help boost your mood. Gather your favorite souvenirs, your favorite family photographs, your favorite indoor plants, or anything that sparks joy into your life. In those moments when you are feeling down and frustrated, being surrounded by things you love can help lift your spirits.

Do your best to make your personal workspace comfortable. If permitted, you may even collaborate with your colleagues to decorate the communal areas of your office. Fill it with items that everyone enjoys.


Learning does not stop in school! You can broaden your knowledge and skills to ignite the curiosity from within. Sometimes, people feel frustrated at work because they lack certain skills that are necessary to succeed. On the other hand, you may be well-versed at your current job and still lack the knowledge to take on a desired new role. Not knowing how to approach an obstacle at work can affect your motivation levels.

The best way to tackle this roadblock is to invest in continuing education and to update your skills. Talk to your boss about the available trainings or certifications that will benefit you and the organization. Does the company offer in-house training? If not, you can search for online training programs that interest you. Look for online courses, in-person workshops, international conferences, and other training programs.


One of the profound ways to reframe your relationship with your work is to identify all the good things about it. Practicing gratitude may seem hard at first, because you must see through the unpleasant circumstance and recognize the positivity. However, you have to realize that what you focus on – grows.

The good things are there, you just have to keep digging deep. For example, you appreciate your respectful supervisor, or you simply value the paycheck that keeps a roof over your head. What made you fall in love with the position in the first place? Go back to that moment. Writing down all the positive aspects of your job can remind you that these things exist. Use its positive energy to keep you going.


“Habits can save us time, but they can also make us feel stagnant,” said Helen Godfrey of The Authentic Path.

Thinking outside the box or doing things beyond your usual routine can help you approach the day in a different light. If you always eat lunch in the same place, consider ordering food from a different store. If you rarely leave your desk, try taking a 5-minute exercise break. Approach tasks through new lenses to help you shake things up. Perhaps, a little variety or a change in perspective is what you need to refresh your relationship with work.


As we search for the elusive “perfect job”, we often lose sight of the good things in our current position. It is easy to get stuck in a loop of negativity and internalize frustrations during difficult times. Acknowledging that frustration exists can prevent it from being bottled up. Talking to someone who understands where you are coming from can help.

Image Credits: unsplash.com

You can approach a mentor, a peer, a friend, a family member, or significant other. Your trusted confidant can offer a different perspective or a shoulder to lean on. It helps to pause and reflect.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


How To Overcome The Temptations Of Retail Therapy

With a population of nearly 5.7 million people, the humble Lion City is one of the major e-commerce markets in Southeast Asia. In fact, the largest segment in its e-commerce market is the Electronics & Media. This segment’s growth is understandable given that most of us relied on technology to sustain our needs during the pandemic.

Aside from this, research firm IGD Asia found that Singapore’s grocery market saw an increasing demand in its consumers. It was forecasted to become a S$9.9 billion industry by 2023. The leading players in the local online groceries were NTUC FairPrice and RedMart.

These figures highlight the increasing numbers of people who patronize online shopping. Online shopping can bring multiple benefits to its consumers, but it can also encourage retail therapy. Oh! What exactly is retail therapy?


Retail therapy is the act of shopping for goods with the primary purpose of improving one’s mood or disposition. In other words, it is shopping (or window shopping) for something to make you feel better.

Recommended: Telltale Signs That You Are Seriously Devoted To Online Shopping


  1. Retail therapy produces “happy hormones”.

When you are shopping, the body releases dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a role on how we experience pleasure and reward. It helps reinforce enjoyable sensations and behaviors. This affects how people feel during the anticipation and acquisition of a new possession. Interestingly, the height of the blissful release is usually during the anticipation of getting a new item. Before you know it, the bliss is gone!

  1. Retail therapy can boost the buyer’s self-esteem.

Many advertisements take advantage of how retail therapy can boost one’s self-esteem. You may be tempted by both targeted ads and SMS notifications when you are most vulnerable. Be mindful!

On the other hand, treating yourself can be strategically motivated. A 2011 study showed that consumers can exercise restraint if this act leads to improved mood.

  1. Retail therapy has its advantage too.

The authors of a 2013 study suggests that retail therapy gives people a sense of control that counteracts the feelings of powerlessness. People tend to feel empowered when they decide what they must purchase. When done in moderation, retail therapy can bring positive effects.

However, it becomes a harmful habit if you consistently shop to cope with distress. The temporary boost associated with shopping can prevent you from seeking necessary help.

  1. Retail therapy can affect your financial situation.

Retail therapy may affect your finances if you do not keep track of your spending. Having a budget and sticking to it can help you cushion the costs of shopping.

Spending more than what you have may lead to significant levels of debt over time. Drowning in debt can result to more distress. Therefore, it is important to have a realistic allocation for your leisure shopping activities.

Image Credits: pixabay.com



Overspending and debt are the primary negative consequences of retail therapy. Avoid these by strategically planning your spending. Create a budget and maintain your limits. Set aside a specific amount for your retail therapy each month.

If you want to shop for an item that is beyond your limit, you can plan to save up for it. Saving for a desired item can be rewarding!


Much like physical or online shopping, window shopping or scrolling through an online store can positively impact your mood. The anticipation of eventual possibility of a treat releases dopamine. It gives your brain the bliss it craves for, but it does not cost a thing!


Shopping apps are tempting for all types of consumers. The convenience of shopping at one’s fingertips as well as swift online payments have helped increase the online shopping tendencies of many. Because everything is convenient, there is only a small room for contemplation and clearer decision-making. Hence, you can delete the shopping apps from all your devices to reduce its temptation.


Everyone has bad days. If you are overwhelmed with emotions during your shopping day, give yourself a brief waiting period. Ponder about the content of your shopping cart for one to two days. Then, go back to it.

If you still feel like you want or need the item when you are in a better mood, you can get it if your budget permits it.

Image Credits: pixabay.com


Retail therapy is the act of shopping for goods with the primary purpose of improving one’s mood or disposition. In most cases, rewarding yourself with new items can make you feel better. You just need to stay within the budget.

It turns harmful when you use it as a coping mechanism to regulate your emotions (i.e., emotional spending). To relieve distress on a long-term basis, you must identify and manage its triggers. Seek professional help when necessary. Remember that retail therapy is not actually therapy!

Sources: 1, 2, & 3



How To Cope With Job Loss

Speak from the heart and try to answer this question: “What do you do?”

Many of us may respond to this query by elaborating on our professions. I would do the same thing too. You see, our jobs are deeply integrated into our identities. Work helps us to satisfy our needs to earn money, to achieve goals, and to connect with others. It gives a sense of purpose and greatly affects our means of living. Therefore, job loss can be overwhelming.

It is common to feel like a part of you was lost. This loss can take a toll on your mental and physical health. As you through the process of adjustment, the next phase needs to be intentional. Let this article help you with that. Here are some of the steps that you may take after losing your job.


The latest figures released by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) showed an increase in the country’s annual unemployment rate. The overall Annual Average Unemployment Rate in 2020 was 3%, compared to 2.3% in 2019. Many people have experienced unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Adjusting to unemployment and grieving over job loss takes time. If you recently lost your job, it is important to accept that the process cannot be rushed. Rushing your feelings may lead to projecting unpleasant emotions during a job interview. Let everything simmer down first.

Losing your job may feel the same way as losing an integral part of yourself. You will undergo the grieving process and may feel the following stages: denial, anger, depression, bargaining, and acceptance. Do not be too hard on yourself. Accepting that these changes take time can help ease the healing process.


There are two ways to perceive your current situation. In most cases, losing your job or your source of income is difficult. Whether it has something to do with your performance or with the current economic situation, it is normal to feel worried about the future after job loss.

You can either look at it as a career barrier or a temporary setback. If you look at things in a bird’s eye view, you will realize that success in life is measured by how we respond to its challenges and setbacks. It is up to you to alter your mindset.


At first, taking care of yourself is easier said than done. It is tempting to grab a bag of chips and wallow in self-pity as you sit in front of the television. The feelings you may experience in the first couple of weeks or months may be overwhelming. However, you must not neglect your own well-being.

The healing of your mental health requires physical resilience. It takes a lot of effort to take care of yourself and to build healthy habits that will keep your immune system strong. Start by being intentional with what you eat. You may even grow your own greens at home. Furthermore, you can plan out an exercise routine that will work best for you. Use your energy to fulfill productive tasks such as gardening and job hunting.


As you are dealing with a range of emotions, refrain from isolating yourself. Having social support is crucial in times of struggle. It will help you overcome the loneliness you feel during the grieving process. Moreover, talking to someone about your current situation will help you acknowledge your feelings.

Talk to the people whom you trust. Your confidant does not have to offer upfront solutions, he or she just needs to be a good listener. Good listeners listen actively without passing judgment or being distracted. Alternatively, you may join support groups online.


Maintaining a daily routine goes together with taking care of yourself. While it is possible for you to stay in bed the whole day, setting a regular schedule can help regulate your mood. Studies have shown that following a routine can help ward off depression. A routine will give you a sense of purpose and accomplishment as you complete your daily household tasks. Furthermore, not setting boundaries for yourself may lead to eating poorly or other unhealthy habits.

Write down the tasks that you aim to fulfill within the day. Maintain a body clock by setting up a timer. The timer will give you an external cue to wake up and to sleep on scheduled hours. This will help you create a sense of normalcy and prevent you from staying up all night. Additionally, you may incorporate your meal preparations, family visits, skin care regimens, and exercise plans within your daily routine. Remember that practicing self-care and maintaining good hygiene can help boost your mood.


Try not to add unnecessary pressure on yourself! You are already going through a lot. Despite how anxious you are to get a new job, spending all your time on job search can be stressful and frustrating. Know that you are doing your best.

Try setting aside a certain number of hours within a day for your job applications. The remaining parts of your day may be dedicated to self-care, taking care of your family, and to other productive tasks. The unexpected time off can be challenging, but you may use it as an opportunity to do something that you have always been busy for.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

What are some of the things that you have put aside because you were too busy with your job? Whether you want to learn a new language or to clean out your closet, find hobbies and projects that will occupy your time. Now is your chance to focus on the things you are passionate about!

Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4


Why Rewarding Yourself Is Important

John Maxwell once said: “Everybody wants money, yet seldom will anyone budget or control their spending.”

Setting financial goals is an easy task! Reaching these goals is another story. You may intend to purchase your first designer bag or to go back to school this year, but you are still building your funds for it. Moreover, you may have set some financial goals that are harder than you anticipated. Putting these goals into action is the first hurdle that you have to pass.

The second hurdle is reaching the finish line without losing your motivation. The solution to your problem is placing an efficient reward system. Rewards and actions have close association. Think about it! You perform an action expecting an outcome or a reward in the end. Though rewards do now always show up as a trophy, you can expect some form of return. Every time you receive a reward, your body releases a neurotransmitter called the dopamine. It plays important roles in executive functions, motor control, motivation, arousal, reinforcement, and reward. It also plays a role in lower-level functions including lactation, sexual gratification, and nausea. Simply put, it affects how we feel pleasure.

Dopamine spikes in your brain when something important is about to happen. It gives you a surge of pleasure as you finish a task. In turn, it increases your motivation and productivity. Use this knowledge to your advantage. Give yourself small rewards along the way to achieve a bigger goal. You may indulge at the end of the month by rewarding yourself with 5% of your hard-earned savings. Use this money to get a well-deserved treat after the whole month’s work. It will surely keep you going!

As long as you set aside a responsible amount of money, take your mind off the expenses that come with your small reward. Relax! Take these suggestions:

1. Take yourself out to breakfast or brunch.
2. Read a book for 15–30 minutes.
3. Watch an episode of your favorite Netflix series.
4. Listen to your favorite playlist for 15 minutes.
5. Buy a delicious dessert.
6. Enjoy an at-home spa day.
7. Paint, sew, or knit something.
8. Turn off your devices for an hour.
9. Indulge in a long shower.
10. Diffuse your favorite essential oils.
11. Write in your journal.
12. Watch the sunset.
13. Jog for 15-30 minutes.
14. Get a new water bottle.
15. Get a manicure or a pedicure.

Every action is tied to some outcome. The problem is, the result is not always immediate. You will not lose weight overnight. You will lose body fat over time. While waiting, you may lose the motivation to keep going. Hence, putting a simple reward system may help.

Rewards can act as psychological enforcers when you use it as a means of motivation to reach a particular goal. When done right, the natural process in the brain can be used to help you stay on track with your financial goals. The magnitude of the reward is not directly proportional to motivation. Even the smallest treats can get you pumped up for the rest of the month. Use the abovementioned list as a guide to help you put your reward system in place.

Sources: 1 & 2