Isn’t Investing Just Buying And Selling?

What is investment? Isn’t it just buying and selling an asset? That was what I thought so too when I first began investing. Along the way, I learnt a great deal about what investment is about. It goes beyond just buying and selling. I remember when I first begun investing, the questions that went through my head were questions like “What stocks should I buy?” or “How much does it cost?”. It was simple as that. Perhaps like me, you asked yourself these two questions and found your answers. Subsequently, the ‘Buy’ button was clicked and now you own your very own stock. You were happy, with emphasis on the word ‘were’. Maybe you got lucky, things went your way for awhile, and suddenly it happened. Your stocks went from profit to loss. You’re not alone and it’s not uncommon. When losing, you begin to enter the denial phase and convince yourself that it’ll go back up again. Weeks passed, and you suddenly realise that you’re holding onto a 20% loss. What now? Now, you learn that investing is not just buying and selling.

I’ve been there and done that, but most importantly, I’ve learnt from it and I want to share with you the lessons I’ve learnt so you don’t have to go through it yourself. But just like investing, easy to understand, hard to apply. However, I will still attempt to offer some practical tips that I use in my investment process. “Investment process”? You mean it’s not just buying and selling? Plainly speaking, it is, but there’s more to it. There’s a whole lot of thought process going on before the ‘Buy’ button is clicked.


The Plan

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” – The overused quote indeed. But it’s only because indeed, it works. Here are some of the questions that go through my mind before I click that ‘Buy’ button.

  1. What is this company that I am about to buy involved in? What is its business like and is it profitable? – This is your fundamental analysis phase.
  2. What’s the price now, can it fall further or should I take action now? – This is your technical analysis phase.
  3. What price am I going to buy at, and why? – Based on the above two analyses.
  4. If I buy at $X, when do I take profit and when do I stop my losses? – Contigency plan: Setting profit targets and stop losses.
  5. Why am I buying this stock? – Are you in for the long-run or a quick bite off the market?


If you can answer these questions, you’ve already answered “What”, “When”, “Why” and that should be almost good enough. Feel free to add on more questions to this list. The more you plan, the better prepared you are when emotions try to block out your rational thinking. When you plan well, you’re setting up barricades against emotions that confuse the rational mind after the ‘Buy’ is clicked. It will be useful to know that it has served me very well and I am confident that it will serve you well also.

The Execution

“Plan your trade, trade your plan” – So after you’ve done your planning and have convinced yourselves that this is a good and profitable company, you click the ‘Buy’ button. Congratulations, you’re now an official stockholder! The real challenge of investing starts now – “Trade your plan”. Anyone can plan, but how many can execute without allowing emotions to get in the way? When things go your way, you pat yourself on the back and say to yourself “Good job!”. Perhaps like myself, you were 20% up, and before you know it, it became 20% down and you feel the pinch. Now, what would you do? As good as my plan was, I found out that my emotions blocked out rational thinking and I started creating false beliefs and adopting a whole new plan(that’s based on emotions) to make myself feel better. Check if you’re saying or doing the same things to yourself.

  • From a short-term trade, you turned it into a “long-term investment”. – You’re suddenly trading for a whole new reason which doesn’t make sense.
  • Cut your profits and let your losses grow – Don’t get mixed up! It should be the other way around.
  • “It’s cheaper now, maybe I should buy more?” – It’s not a bad plan, but it only works if you’ve got deep pockets. Do you? And is it deep enough? Remember, you are adding to a losing position, why not add to a winning position?
  • Ignored your stop losses and allowed it to be breached.


If you’re saying or doing these things, sit down and reflect for awhile. Think about what your game plan was and if you are still following your plan. If you’re no longer trading the same plan based on rational thinking, you’re likely to be trading based on emotions. If you allowed yourself to trade on emotions, be prepared to see yourself wiped out of the market. It’s okay to lose a few battles, but win the war. Don’t get wiped out in one bad hand because you allowed your emotions to run wild.


The Review

After all is said and done, it’s always good to look back and ask yourself these two questions:

  1. What went right, and what could I do to make it better?
  2. What went wrong, and what could I have done instead?

Two simple questions, yet packed with so much wisdom and knowledge that will guide you on your next investment.


Hope this helps you realise that there’s more to investment than just buying and selling. When you have a comprehensive plan and discipline to carry out your plan, you immediately become a successful investor just based on that two criteria. Keep working on it with undying persistence and improve the accuracy of your trade plan. All the best in your investments!




Secrets That Are Possibly Hidden By Your Life Insurance Agent

Not all life insurance agents are trusted advisors. So, the simplest way to prevent being exploited is to seek for an independent agent that will save you time and money. Here are the other secrets that your Life Insurance Agent may be keeping from you…


The agent’s income is solely compensated from the commission. It is one of the possibilities for the agent to have a personal interest that leads to you buying the highest premium possible equating to their highest commission possible. Thus, it may change his/her perspective of things, as well as the type of products clients are introduced to.


Yes! Cash value will build-up. But it takes about five years to have the cash value equal to the amount you paid for the whole life insurance.


The term insurance is significantly less expensive than the whole insurance. This is why you can buy term then invest the difference on mutual funds. In fact, the combination of term and your investment for mutual funds may be less costly that the whole life insurance.


Renowned experts namely: Dave Ramsay, Suze Orman, and Neal Frankle are on a arguing against buying life insurance for kids.

“The only reason you need life insurance is if anyone is dependent on your income…please, you new parents, do not let anyone talk you into buying a life insurance policy on your child.” said Suze Orman.

Image Credits: State Farm via Flickr

Image Credits: State Farm via Flickr

According to them, if your child is not at the risk of a serious illness and you are financially stable to cover foreseen medical bills then, you are better off without it. Instead, save up for your child’s education until tertiary level.


Portfolio and Risk Management

It’s a boring topic, but when money is involved, is it still boring? I hope not! Investing is more than just buying and selling, it’s the art of handling risk and emotions. Having read through many blogs and seen many portfolios, there’s one similarity among all of them. They all have Portfolio Management. If the rich are doing it, there must be a compelling reason why they are doing it right? Having a good portfolio management can help enhance returns and reduce risk. Not everyone wants to have a portfolio that moves together all in the same direction, and not everyone realise that they may be having it. A good portfolio should comprise of several forms of assets and preferably in different industries because that way your risk will not be concentrated in a single industry. Yes, you may have a chance of making it big when the sector goes into a boom, just like the technology stocks prior to the .com bust. It is one thing to be overweight on an industry, but it is foolish to allow yourself to take on a risk that you may not be able to afford. The last thing you want to do when investing is to be wiped out completely. In this article, I wish to share using a top-down approach and gradually zoom in on how one can have a good Portfolio Management and avoid undertaking too much risk.

Portfolio Management

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As mentioned, a good Portfolio would be one that can withstand years of market movements and still stand strong. The word ‘Diversification’ may come to your mind when Portfolio Management is mentioned. There tend to be a misconception about diversification, especially towards investors. To most investors, diversification simply means diversifying your money into different sectors of the market. This isn’t entirely wrong, and there are indeed benefits to diversifying into different sectors. However, may I present to you a broader view of what diversification means. Diversify into different asset classes. A truly good portfolio should be one that is invested into different asset classes – Stocks, Bonds, Commodities, Forex, Properties, etc.

Having a portfolio that is diversified into different asset classes will save you from having your hard-earned money from being wiped out in a black swan event. You can be sure that even if the stock market crashes, you still have other streams of income from your different asset classes like bonds or rental income from your residential properties (Note that REITs is still classified as stocks). Imagine if all your money were in just the stock market alone, perhaps even diversified into a few sectors. Your portfolio would have experienced a hard pounding and it served as a wake-up call for many who did not diversify across the different asset classes. That’s not to say that being diversified into different asset class will make you immune to any big worldwide crisis like this, but at least it mitigates the damage dealt.

Risk Management


In theory, everything sounds perfect. However, not everyone of us can afford the luxury to be invested in all the 5 asset classes mentioned. It would be nice to try to be as diversified as possible, but even if it’s just stocks, there’s another way to manage your risk. A part of portfolio management is Position Sizing. Always consider how much risk you are willing to take in a trade, preferably in dollar amount rather than in %.

Step 1: Consider the maximum loss(in $ amount) you’re willing to accept.

Step 2: Set a stop-loss level

Step 3: Calculate the capital exposure per unit (Entry price – Stop loss price)

Step 4: Maximum position size = Step 1 / Step 3


This formula can be found in Robert C Miner’s High Probability Trading Strategies book. If you’re interested, do head down to NLB to borrow because that’s where I got the book from! Although not everyone has the luxury to take up the maximum position size for every trade, it will still serve as a good gauge as to how much the maximum should be. This prevents you from over trading beyond your risk tolerance level. There are many strategies available and this is one of the strategies that I have found to have served me useful because I know exactly how many shares should I limit myself to. Hopefully you would re-look at your investment strategies and identify if you are carrying too much unnecessary risk.


7 Golden Insurance Tips Every Newlywed Should Know

The vow of “for better or worse…for richer or for poorer” entails an important promise to live in a financially able home. Managing your money on your own can be challenging enough so adding your spouse’s finances may be overwhelming at times. With that in mind, here are 7 Insurance Tips for Newlyweds


Discuss your finances with your new spouse as soon and as open as possible. You will need to communicate about your bank accounts and about your debts. Set up goals together in order to see which insurance suits your intentions.


Housing insurance often pays for destruction, damage, and theft of your possessions. In the event of fire, your insurance will help pay to repair and replace your expensive belongings. Homes close to fire hydrants and fire stations cost less to insure. This is why location of your house is important.


If you are wondering how much life insurance coverage you need, then seek the experts help. Some experts suggest multiplying your annual income by seven so that your spouse is covered for at least 5 to 10 years.


It is a myth that car insurance companies charge more for red cars. Higher charges come from the age of the client, client’s claims history, and age and model of the car.


Housing insurance cover damage caused by pipe overflows but, natural disaster flood are covered by flood insurance. Findings suggest that almost 25% of flood insurance claims are made from low-risk areas, so consider this policy.


Your home is your biggest investment because unlike cars that depreciate its value the minute you drive them, your house increases its value over time. Houses that are less than 10 years old or those that are renovated within the last 10 years cost less to insure. What’s more? If the house is made of fire-resistant materials such as brick, you can save even more money.


Live a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a balanced diet. Hop on the scale to see if your body weight is the ideal BMI for your age. This is because life insurance companies charge more for people who are overweight since they develop more health problems as time passes. So, stepping on the gym will not only give you a sexy body but it will also help you save more insurance money.

Image Credits: Alan Cleaver  via Flickr

Image Credits: Alan Cleaver via Flickr


Smart Investment And Retirement Strategies From 20s And Beyond



Read and understand materials about self-empowerment, investment, and money management. Here are four books to get you started with:

“The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield
“Why Stocks Go Up and Down” by William Pike
“The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham
“Turning Pro” by Steven Pressfield


Networking is very important especially if you will be dabbling in the field of business. Meeting people with shared interests will not only bring a life of fun but also a life of opportunities. Your network may refer you to your first job or even challenge you to be a business partner. On the other hand, you must disconnect with the distractions such as excessive amounts of alcohol or other vices that are harmful to your body.



The sooner you start, the more money you part with. In order to retire on 80% of an income, a 30-year-old must save 10% of his or her salary.


Even if the economy suffers badly, your account will have time to recover. For instance, The Fidelity Select Software and Computer fund has yielded more than 11% a year since 1996. Keep it basic with a low-cost index fund.



You may want to put your retirement savings into hold because of your child’s college fund. But, keep in mind that you cannot load for retirement yet you can loan for college fees or even get a scholarship.


To reach the maximum level of your retirement savings, sit down with a financial planner. Create a financial goal together and learn how to save more, spend wisely, and invest to reach it.



You may increase your percentage of savings by investing in bonds but do not totally quit on stocks. To battle inflation, you must lean on the stocks’ higher growth potential.

Image Credits: American Advisors Group via Flickr

Image Credits: American Advisors Group via Flickr