Ways to help your quieter kids feel more comfortable speaking up

kid reading a book

Are you worried that your quieter kids aren’t speaking up as much?

You’re not alone. A lot of parents feel this way, and it can be a cause for concern.

The good news is that there are ways to help your kids feel more comfortable speaking up. Stay on this page as we share more deets.

It’s natural for some kids to be quieter

Some kids are naturally quieter than others. It doesn’t mean they’re any less intelligent or that they won’t be successful in life.

In fact, many great leaders and thinkers were introverted kids. They just needed a bit more time to process their thoughts before sharing them with others.

As a parent, the best thing you can do is give your quieter child the space and time they need to feel comfortable speaking up. Let them know that their voice matters, and that you’re always interested in hearing what they have to say.

There are ways to help your quieter kid feel more comfortable speaking up

It can be tough when your quieter kid is hesitant to speak up in class or social situations.

You want them to feel confident and be able to share their thoughts and ideas, but they seem to be struggling with that.

Well, we’ve got some tips for you:

  • Start by creating a safe environment at home

Make sure your child knows that it’s okay to make mistakes and that you’re always there to listen.

Try not to put too much pressure on them to speak up during family gatherings. Instead, let them take their time and don’t force them to answer if they’re not ready. Praise them for any effort they make, no matter how small it may seem.

Most importantly, be a role model for your child—show them that you’re comfortable speaking up, even when you’re feeling shy or scared. Let them see that it’s okay to take risks and be themselves.

  • Encourage your child to participate in activities they enjoy
young kids in a Brazilian jiu-jitsu class

Image Credits: evolve-mma.com

One way to encourage your kid is to have them participate in activities they enjoy. If they’re into sports, music, or any kind of activity, get them involved.

The more they participate, the more confident they will feel. And the more confident they feel, the more likely they are to speak up when the opportunity presents itself. Just make sure you’re there for them every step of the way, and offer plenty of encouragement.

  • Help them find their voice in other ways, such as by writing or painting

If your child takes an interest in writing, encourage him/her to keep a journal and write down their thoughts and ideas.

When ideas overflow, they may one day share them with their classmates, which could lead to some really interesting conversations. Or little ones can begin painting, as a way to express themselves and share their inner thoughts with the outside world.

Getting your kids to find their voice in other ways can help get them to feel more comfortable speaking up in public one day.

As we close, we know you might be tempted to force your quieter child to speak up in social situations, but this can backfire. Remember, just because they’re quieter doesn’t mean they’re not enjoying themselves. Give them time and space to warm up to people. Encourage them to take their time when responding to questions and don’t push them to talk if they’re not feeling comfortable. Eventually, they will start to feel more at ease and will be more likely to speak up when the time is right.


Financial Tips For Quiet And Reserved People

Whether you are known to be the quiet or reserved one, you most likely belong to a special group of people who are known as the INTROVERTS.

A common misconception of introverts is that the dislike socializing. Contrary to the popular belief, introverts are drained by social interaction. Many introverts can socialize easily…they just prefer not to.

In fact, you can be more interpersonally connected and emphatic than others. Use these and your other magnificent qualities to your advantage as you enhance your financial life.

To get started, here are some things you can do:


Introverts, in general, tend to be great at listening. This skill can make you a good investor. Before investing your wealth, you must actively listen to what others have done or will do. Analyze the results of their strategies and actions. Then, make your own strategy based on the successful predecessors.


In order to increase your profits in sales, you must know what you are selling in a deeper level. Study your products and services thoroughly so that you can efficiently aid in the client’s needs. And if someone new approaches you, determine if he or she is a potentially good client. As an introvert you understand that it takes more than a wallet to make the sales flowing.


Aside from being great at listening, introverts are usually among the calmest people in the world. This quality can be applied in different financial events, especially the unforeseen ones.

So when an unexpected bill arrives, use your natural calm then, come up with a way to pay it. When the market tumbles down, do not sell it right away because of fear; use your innate calmness to contemplate on the situation. As others panic to the unfortunate monetary events, you make levelheaded decisions.


For an introvert, social media is a brilliant manner to communicate with other people in the safety of their own home. Embracing social media can help you to save cash in many ways such as selling your unused or underused items through Facebook, Instagram, or Carousell. You can also browse free tutorials to learn new skills so you would not have to ask a bunch of people in real life.

Image Credits: pixabay.com (License: CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: pixabay.com (License: CC0 Public Domain)

The downside to social media is that it can overwhelm you. This is why it is important to spend a minimum amount of time (e.g., 10 minutes/day) so it does not take over your wonderfully humble life!

Sources: 1,2,3,4,5,& 6


4 Highest Paying Jobs That Introverts Can Excel On

A common misconception of introverts is that the dislike socializing. Contrary to the popular belief, introverts are drained by social interaction. Many introverts can socialize easily…they just prefer not to. So, as long as the job does not require tons of socializing face-to-face then, it is suitable for an introvert.

In fact, certain jobs that require extensive research and great listening skills are better off with introverts. That said, here are a few of the highest paying jobs that introverts can excel on:


Average of S$47,399 per year

It is common sense that one of the most in demand jobs today is computer programming. Diving into computer programming requires knowledge on Computer Science or Information and Technology. It involves lifelong learning of the constant evolving technology and coding. As a computer programmer you will spend countless of hours in front of the computer while having minimum real-life interaction.


Average of S$47,642 per year

With the overflowing dependence on digital technology, businesses all over the world had been hiring social media managers to enhance their marketing strategies. All you have to do is to spend most of your time online with minimum real-life interaction. Visual interaction is done through answering the feedbacks of Twitter followers or Facebook fans. Having your own nest at home while earning money makes this job perfect for introverts!


Average of S$53,238 per year

Statisticians are focused on the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of quantitative information. Rather on contemplating about the conversation topics, they rely on numbers for small talk. This job is rewarding for introverts, not just because they are paid well but also because they are mostly immersed in spreadsheets and equations alone.


Average of S$120,000 per year

Interestingly, the highest paying job on the list allows more interaction with the environment than with people. Geoscientists can specialize as geophysicist, geochemist, hydrogeologist, geologist, and sedimentologist. Learn more about this introvert-friendly occupation, here:

Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4