Efficient Ways To Deal With Your Money Insecurities

We all experience money insecurities at some point in our lives. The question is, how do you handle them?


Contemplate on the things that you are lacking. Where do these negative thoughts come from? Do these come from your painful financial situations in the past? Think about it!

Once you locate the source of your insecurity, it will be easier do think of ways to efficiently deal with it. Facing your fear entails the end of avoidance. For instance, Danny is worried that he is making less than his wife. This thought comes from his highly dominating mother. It is up Danny to think about proactive way to handle this situation.

Thoughts lead to feelings, which directs behavior. Recognizing where the insecurity started will make it seem more manageable.


Some money insecurities originate from the wrongful beliefs and myths that the person strongly holds. See the other side of the situation to re-frame your negative perspectives. If you are unemployed and you feel extremely useless, view the circumstance as a new chapter in your life. In this chapter…you are FREE! You have countless days to figure out what you really want to do in life. Invest on things that will lead you to your financial goals.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com


They say that money is the root of all evil. However, I believe that envy is too.

It is not difficult to become insecure when you constantly compare your wealth, job, and lifestyle to others who are seemingly perfect. Aspiring someone’s success may serve as a great motivation. However, unrealistically desiring what others have can contribute to your insecurity and depression. It is very unhealthy to measure your own worth to the things that you do not possess.

Rather than mimicking the lifestyle of your “flawless” neighbor, focus on your own capabilities and strengths instead.


You read it once and you will read it again! You must focus on your capabilities and strengths. Most people put more weight on failures (e.g., investment loses) than on successful experiences (e.g., salary increase). A lot of insecurities can come from narrowing your mindset on the things that you have trouble with.

As much as everybody carries their weak points, they do have some strong points as well! Learn to balance these two elements together and build a successful life. Say your budgeting skills are above average, consider flourishing this area further by seeking the help of professionals.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com


In conclusion, we all experience money insecurities at some points in our lives. The key to conquering these insecurities is to determine, invalidate, and move past them. Concentrate on your strengths and accomplishments to realize that your insecurities are merely irrational fears.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


Why You Must Stop Comparing Your Earnings To Someone Else’s

As Buddha once said: “Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.”

Even though we are not aware of it, we as human beings have the tendency to compare ourselves to others in order to know what state in life we really are. The sad truth is, most people feel happier when they perceive that they are wealthier than others than the fact of being able to earn for a living. Simply, several studies showed that one’s earnings in comparison with others play an important role in one’s happiness.

But people’s economic positions are not as perfect as your mind makes it out to be! Here are the other reasons why you must avoid comparing yourself to others in terms of money…


Often, when you compare yourself to others, you may not get the 360 view of the person’s life. You only get the glimpse of what they want to show in public especially in social media. In Facebook, most publicize their lavish possessions and greatest achievements while masking their struggles such as domestic disputes or living from paycheck to paycheck. On the other hand, you may be envious of how your friend is always getting the big commissions but you are not aware that he has to lose those loads of money right away just to pay off his student loan. So, it is important to not make any assumptions and move the spotlight towards your life.


This endless cycle of comparison will only take you to a downward spiral as your goals get higher and higher where there are many categories for you to choose from. You may compare your HDB flat to your colleague’s high-rise condominium, or her designer shoes compared to your shoes that were on sale. There will always be others who may appear that they have better material possessions that you. This is why measuring your worth by comparing your earnings and material possessions to others are an unhealthy habit that may lead to depression.


Whenever you desire to purchase something, whether it be a new purse or a new car, pause and ask yourself if you really want to buy it because it is what you want or because you want to fit in with everyone else. By knowing how detrimental this habit can be, learning to accept our differences is essential. While they are willing to spend more time in the office to earn better wages, you are spending more quality time at home with your family.

Image Credits: Windell Oskay via Flickr

Image Credits: Windell Oskay via Flickr

We may be created uniquely but, we are all special.