Expert-Approved Ways To Increase Your Financial Intelligence

Throughout the course of our lives, many of us have experienced unpleasant economic periods. These are characterized by times when money the budget seems to cut short or when money seems to run low. Experiencing these periods every once in a while is acceptable. However, you have to take action if you are constantly living from pay check to paycheck. Boosting your financial intelligence is one way to improve your current circumstance.

Online resources define financial intelligence as the collection of knowledge and skills reaped from understanding personal finance and accounting principles. Why is this important? For starters, applying your financial intelligence to money management will help you reach your monetary goals.

On that note, here are 4 Expert-Approved Ways To Increase Your Financial Intelligence:


Managing your finances starts with building a realistic budget. To strengthen said budget, you can either decrease your monthly spending or grow your streams of income. Both of these methods can solve the budget crunch. However, the latter provides longer lasting effects according to bestselling author Robert Kiyosaki. Kiyosaki’s arsenal of financial books includes the “Increase Your Financial IQ” book. The title says it all!

When it comes to budgeting, he stresses that time and money are very crucial assets. He believes that people who are going through rough times should spend less money on unnecessary purchases and more money on productive matters (e.g., self-promotion or continued education). Maximize your budget by prioritizing the important categories.


Sometimes, the only person who keeps you from becoming financially successful is you! Your thoughts and beliefs dictate your money decisions. Imagine what will happen to your finances if all your thoughts are clouded by irrational beliefs and negative thoughts. Conquer the darkness by shifting your mindset.

Focus your thoughts on stretching your means and you may eventually find ways to earn more money. As financial coach Cindy Brochu once said: “Getting smarter means thinking smarter!” Let your money-savvy mindset guide you to the decisions that you need to take.


People who are low in financial intelligence experience difficulty in distinguishing between their necessities and momentary “cravings”. For instance, you may see many impulse buyers during the Great Singapore Sale. These shoppers will simply purchase items for the sake of it or for the sake of flashy discounts. Trouble boils when these shoppers use credit cards as their only means of purchase. Piles of debts may rain on their finances for years. If only they had the ability to identify the essentials from the non-essentials!

So, ask yourself whether you could do without it in the future. Do you really need to buy a Prada bag and a humidifier?


Knowledge fuels your financial power. Robert Kiyosaki believes that the wealth of the person does not purely rely on real estate and other tangible assets. He says that it depends on the information and knowledge you have about money. Simply, financial intelligence makes one rich. Let us put his ideals into perspective. Purchasing a new set of golf clubs will not improve your game, but paying for golf lessons will.

Other ways to expand your knowledge on money include attending local finance seminars, reading informative books (e.g., Intelligent Investor), and downloading financial add-ons (e.g., app). These methods are all recommended by Mark Riddix. Mark Riddix is the author of “Your Financial Playbook” and the president of an investment consulting firm.

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I have to be honest! Following the above strategies for a few days will not make you financially intelligent. It does not happen overnight. You need to work on these for the next few years in order to build healthy habits. Doing so will add more order and discipline to your financial life.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


When Is It Acceptable To Splurge Your Money?

This may sound odd to you, but there are some instances where shelling out more will actually help your finances in the long run. You read that right! Just because you saw a glistening opportunity for you to save a few bucks, does not mean that you have to take it. You need to consider your priorities and financial goals as well.


Congratulations on bagging a coveted job interview in the company of your dreams! The next step is to prepare for the “big day”. If you are aiming to convey your best image to your potential employer, it is alright to splurge on transport. You may be setting yourself into trouble just because you want to squeeze every cent you have on transport.

Let us face it! Bus delays and MRT breakdowns can happen when you least expect it. Furthermore, you are putting yourself at risk of being late as you are unfamiliar with the location. You do not want to arrive looking sweaty and stressed out due to your commuting woes. So, book yourself a comfortable ride through an Uber or a Grab app.


I cannot recall how many times I experienced the country’s dichotomous weather cycles. I found myself shielding from the sun’s rays and experiencing moderate rainfall in one day. Singapore’s weather is generally characterized by high humidity and abundant rainfall. In fact, thunderstorms graced the forecast for the next couple of weeks.

Brave the country’s weather by purchasing a sturdy umbrella from an established store. Cheap umbrellas from the street vendors or the bargain stalls tend to break easily. You see, your frequent S$14 purchases will add up eventually!


It is best to seek professional guidance when you are planning to allocate your retirement savings on an investment portfolio. Yes! It may be cheaper to do things on your own or to do pitch in with a fund manager. However, you need to consider spending money on an Independent Asset Manager.

Most fund managers charge a commission of about 2% for supervising your wealth for you. If your entire portfolio is managed in this manner, you are paying commission for the total lifetime value of your assets. Imagine how much money that adds up to!

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Taking the Independent Asset Manager route entails that you will only be paying for his or her hourly fees. You may be shocked to know that said consultation meeting can occur as little as twice a year.

Sources: 1 & 2


Six Financial Beliefs To Have Or To Scrap


An article by Dr. Matthew James, the President of The Empowerment Partnership, enlightened its readers on the essence of prosperity. He interviewed several people who embodied a healthy relationship with money. This research led him to eight financial beliefs, which the “prosperous participants” agreed upon. Here are just three beliefs to consider:

“Money demands attention.”

Failure to keep up with your monetary affairs can result to trouble. Your mountain of bills and outstanding loans will not disappear on its own! Avoiding your responsibilities may make you blissful for now, but it will haunt you in the long run. Invest your valuable time on getting your finances straight. Pay attention to details and foster realistic commitments.

“The universe wants me to prosper.”

Dr. James stresses on the influence of the “Law of Attraction” towards money. Made popular by self-help books, Law of Attraction is the belief that we receive the energy that we emit to the world. Cultivating positive thoughts brings positive experiences. While, focusing on negative thoughts brings negative experiences. The effect of our thoughts is apparent when it comes to money or the lack of it. Re-frame your thoughts to resemble your financial behavior.

“Money will respond to the instructions I give it.”

Compared to other areas in our lives, our believes surrounding money is probably more limiting. Realizing that you are in control of your finances will enable you to be accountable for your actions. Although the beautiful Prada bag is tempting, your money follows your instructions. It does not have its own intelligence!

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The first step that you must take is to set your financial goals. These goals will help guide and motivate you when things get though.


After knowing about Dr. James’ prosperous beliefs, let us turn the spotlight to the irrational financial beliefs. Following irrational or wrongful beliefs on money might jeopardize your financial health. Awareness is the first step! Expand your knowledge about these three:

“There is an optimum way to becoming successful.”

Say your expat co-worker spent his entire savings on gold investments (i.e., Gold Exchange-Traded Fund). He used his gains to build his own enterprise. He was onto something and so must you. If you believe that one size fits all, you are mistaken. Generalizing is a cognitive bias that you must overcome.

Stick to employing a strategy that will suit your spending habits, financial goals, and current situation!

“Money can buy me people’s attention and love.”

You cannot please everybody, even if you are the shiniest coin in the purse. Having money does not guarantee that you will gain genuine affection and attention from others. It is better to focus on the things that you can directly influence (e.g., loving yourself, seeing your friends, or donating to charity).

“Earning money is a competition.”

Most of us will agree that Singapore unintentionally cultivates a competitive atmosphere from school to working years. For people who treat money as a scorecard, losing money can be immensely difficult. Imagine what will happen to those individuals when unforeseen circumstances (such as layoff and recession) occur! Their self-worth may shrink once their wealth depletes.

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Instead of placing money as your top priority, put greater value to your family and friends.

Sources:  1 & 2


Supporting Parents Who Do Not Have A Retirement Plan

It is not unheard of for Singaporean children to take care of their aging parents. This is partly due to our unwavering Asian culture of familial unity. We even have a legislation for it! Protected by the Maintenance of Parents Act, senior citizens who are unable to sustain their lifestyle can apply to the court in order for their children to provide a monthly allowance.

More than just a social obligation, there are four steps to begin a retirement plan for your parents.


You must understand the overall financial circumstance that your parents are in. Are your parents’ CPF balances enough to sustain them for the years to come? Know whether they have a maturing savings account or an efficient estate plan. Compare these assets to their outstanding debts and other liabilities.

What led to the poor management of their golden nest? This means that you have to figure out their financial mistakes and help them to avoid these in the future. I have to admit that some setbacks are due to factors that are beyond their control (e.g., layoffs due to recession).
An open discussion is necessary.

Take all these into careful consideration while deciding how much support they will need from you to retire comfortably.


Determine when your parents intend to retire. Retiring at 50 sounds pleasant, but can your parents sustain their desired lifestyle for the next 30 years or so? You have to be realistic!

Some Singaporeans prefer to work on a full-time or a part-time basis as they go beyond the retirement age (i.e., aged 62 is the minimum according to the Retirement and Re-employment Act). Knowing exactly when the income stream will cease will provide you a rough idea of how much time you have to grow your wealth.


Preparing your finances goes hand in hand with the second bullet. It is a cooperative effort between you and your parents. You must highlight that they have to play an active part in the entire journey.

As long as you can afford to do so, you can set up their endowment plan. This is a prudent decision that will allow you to reap a beneficial compound interest in a span of a decade. This amount may supplement their CPF balances.

Moreover, preparation shall not be limited to the financial wealth. You can also focus on your parents’ wellbeing. Improving their physical health can reduce the risk of serious diseases. Enroll your parents to dietary programs, studio memberships, or wellness facility.

For instance, NTUC Health’s SilverCOVE at Marsiling Heights allows its members to enjoy an integrated senior wellness facility. SilverCOVE fuses social activities with lifelong learning initiatives with their gym facilities, TCM services, and more. The price for two people is about S$480 per year.


Raising a child is hard work, but taking care of your aging parents is no walk in the park either. Divide this responsibility between your siblings. Doing so will not only maintain fairness, but it will also reduce the financial risks of your parents. Say you are the sole provider of your family…picture what will happen to your parents if you suddenly lose your job. It is a gloomy sight!

For your younger brother who recently transitioned to the working scene, he can take on the weekly utility bills. For your sister who has a higher position in the company, she can help out with a portion of the mortgage repayments. Come into a mutual agreement during your discussion.

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The best time to help your parents is now. Consider speaking to a financial adviser to ensure that your parents can retire comfortably and peacefully.

Sources:1 & 2


How To Start Investing In Singapore

As Kemmy Nola once said: “The beginning is always the hardest”. So, do not immediately quit on your dreams of becoming an investor. Consider these tips:


Maintaining a robust savings pod is the initial step that you have to take before plunging into the world of investments. Your savings account will act as a cushion to help you handle unforeseen market shifts (e.g., fall of the Lehman Brothers). You do not want to lose all your retirement fund just because of a wrong investment move! Moreover, you cannot afford to risk your primary source of income due to your poor decisions as a newbie investor.

Commit to setting aside at least three to six months’ worth of your salary.


The best way to fish in an unfamiliar territory is to widen your knowledge about it. Know the basics in investing by visiting your the nearby public library to borrow appropriate books. A few examples of the books you may find are “The Resilient Investor”, “Trading Options for Dummies”, and “7 Simple Strategies of Highly Effective Traders”.

You will realize that there are different types of investments to suit one’s preferences (i.e., preferences include risk tolerance). Read more about these and the firms that offer them. Do your homework beforehand to know where your money will go.

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Attending informative seminars will help you to absorb the theories and experiences of the experts who are way ahead of you in this field. Not many Singaporeans are aware that the Singapore Exchange (SGX) hosts several investment seminars. While some seminars cost over a thousand dollars, there are a number of free lessons available to the public. A good example is the upcoming talk entitled “Make Trading Your Source of Income”. For inquiries and reservation, please go to

Another no-cost seminar that you can attend is Terence Tan’s “Get Rich Slowly, The Income Investing Way”. Terence Tan is the creator of the first Income Investing Programme in Asia-Pacific. This 2-hour workshop gives you a glimpse into the mind of some investors such as the renowned Warren Edward Buffett, to uncover the principles of income investing, and to determine the right stocks in 15 minutes or less. Furthermore, he will introduce you to his own methodology called Income Mastery Programme (IMP). Reserve a slot for the March 21st talk by visiting


A brokerage is a financial institution, which is authorized to trade securities for sellers and buyers. A budding investor has an array of options when choosing a firm to work with. Here are some of the local firms:

a. DBS Vickers Securities
b. Citibank Brokerage
c. OCBC Securities

These firms will help you to set up your first trading account. A trading account allows you to purchase shares from the companies in the stock market. Worry not about the account maintenance fees as they are generally non-existent.

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