5 Mind Tricks to Help You Stick to Your Budget

When it comes to spending less and saving more, it is tempting to bury our heads in Sentosa’s sand. The way we manage our finances today is entirely different from the way money was managed in the past. It is getting increasingly easier to spend money, and more challenging to save money.

When done right, budgeting can direct a series of clever financial choices to move you closer to the things you want out of life. Take the time to get this right at the start, to give yourself a massive advantage and benefit from the results for years to come.

Start by using simple brain tricks to help you stick to your budget.


Consider your savings account as another monthly bill. Start by allotting money towards your fixed expenses, followed by assigning a certain amount towards your future. You can use this fund either for your retirement or your future goals, but do not go out and blow it on things you do not need.

Saving for your future is just as important as paying your other bills. When you treat it that way, you will develop a wealth-building mindset.


The convenience of online banking and banking apps cannot be denied. Your banking app can show you the movements of your funds in real time. Moreover, you have the ability to input your debit or credit cards directly onto your phone to experience fast payment processes. When there is no barrier between you and your money, it becomes easier for you to spend more.

Place a barrier between you and your emotional shopping tendencies. Whether you are keen on putting a long passcode on your banking app or using two-factor authentication for your online banking, you will be less tempted to spend when barriers exist.


Your small, frequent purchases add up. Every time you buy a coffee or eat out, your ability to save decreases. It might not seem too much at the moment, but it adds up to a significant amount. Track your expenses by writing down every small purchase per month. This will increase your awareness and help motivate you to cut down on your spending.

You might be shocked to see the number at first. However, you will be able to recognize why you are struggling to save.


As you are walking down the aisle of the nearest grocery store, you find it difficult to resist the promotions from left to right. Control your spending by giving yourself 15 minutes to ponder about your potential purchase. Giving yourself 15 minutes will allow you to resist your impulsive purchases.

If you can, it is even better to wait for a full day or a week before making purchases. Remember that having a waiting period is the best way to train your brain.


We are creatures of habit. This is why people resist changing their insurance provider, telecommunications provider, and so on. There is a desire to keep everything the same and anything different can be perceived as a loss.

Image Credits: unsplash.com

However, staying in our comfort zone means that we are paying more for services than we need to. Pushing yourself out of it will allow you to shop for the best deals. Start with reassessing your mobile plan, before moving to your utilities, insurance, and other providers. Revisiting these plans on a yearly basis will ensure that you are maximizing your hard-earned money.

Sources: 1 & 2



5 Mind Tricks That Restaurants Employ To Make You Spend

There are important things to consider while designing a new restaurant’s interior and its minor details such as the menu. One thing is for sure – you are building a business to boost your income. You may consider employing these Psychological tricks to help your sales.


What I told you that you can entice your customers to spend more with minor alterations? Yes, it is possible! Simply drop the dollar signs found on your menu. Customers become more aware of their spending when they are bombarded with currency indicators (i.e., $ or S$).

Research suggests that customers who were given a menu without “$” significantly spent more than those who received a menu with currency indicators in them. You may write out the price in words too (e.g., ten dollars). These techniques reduce the negative feelings associated with paying.


The Asian culture puts a great value on the closeness of family. Most of us work to aid our family members’ expenses. Restaurant owners and managers can use this unified value to their advantage by tailoring their brand.

You may either put the “names” of the relatives on the menu or on the establishment. Having “grandma’s soup” or “uncle’s supreme burger” on the menu can add a hint of nostalgia. While, you can name your establishment something similar to Papa John’s Pizza or Auntie Anne’s.


Whenever you are out to eat, you see wonderful colors that vary from the lightest to the darkest shades. It is no secret that colors can impact one’s spending. The sight of it automatically stimulates you and increases your memories, color-motivated behaviors, and social influences. For instance, green is associated with nature and other elicit relaxing feelings. It is used by cafes that want people to sit down for a long time. Just take a cue from Starbucks!

Image Credits: pixabay.com

From the logos to the interior, two colors seem to stay at almost every fast food chains. These two colors are red and yellow. Red and yellow stimulate appetite, which probably explains why your stomach starts to make noises as soon as you see the yellow arches or the red logo. You cannot resist spending more inside!


Previous research showed that customers scan through a menu and focus their attentions on the main course. With this in mind, you may influence the fixation of their eyes. Put the expensive dishes on the first page. People are likely to order the first few items that they are drawn to. You may add colorful pictures to tempt your customers with the dishes’ delectable flavors.

This technique works because of the Primacy Effect. Primacy Effect, in Psychology, is the tendency for the first items (presented in a series) to be remembered better than the rest. Another reason why this is effective is the utter comparison between the expensive dishes and the rest of the menu. The succeeding dishes seem to be reasonably priced compared to the aforementioned. People will pay more for good deals!


The beauty premium is the idea that attractive individuals receive higher salaries compared to the other side of the spectrum deemed as the “ugliness penalty”. Physical appearance is crucial to boosting a restaurant’s sales too. Having attractive fonts can add an irresistible tone to your menu and branding.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

You can highlight dishes using different colors or fancier fonts. The addition of pizzazz to the visual presentation increases its perceived specialty. However, high-end restaurants tend to avoid this technique. They tend to stick to minimalism as they do not want to appear “tasteless”.

Sources:  1,2 &3