How to build trust with your suppliers: A step-by-step guide

cold calling with a script

When you’re starting a business, one of the most important relationships you will build is with your suppliers. 

After all, they’re the ones who will help you get your products to market. But how do you go about building trust with them?

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started.

Establishing a relationship

Suppliers are more likely to trust you if they feel like you’re a company they can do business with long-term. If you can establish a good relationship with them, it will be easier to get the supplies you need in the long run.

Learning your supplier’s T&Cs

Before you even start negotiations, take the time to learn your supplier’s T&Cs.

This document will outline everything from delivery timelines to payment terms, and returns. You must be both on the same page before things get too far along.

By understanding your supplier’s business model, you will be able to better manage your expectations and negotiate. For example, if a supplier is used to dealing with larger businesses, they may not be willing to offer the same terms and conditions to a smaller business. Or, if a supplier is used to longer delivery timelines, you will need to be patient.

Communicating clearly with your supplier(s)
man on a phone call

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Communication is key. After all, you can’t establish a trusting relationship if you’re not clear about what you need and expect from them.

Here are a few tips for communicating effectively with your suppliers:

  • Set expectations early on, and make sure both parties are clear about what’s required. This will help to reduce any guesswork on either side.
  • Establish a communication plan, and make sure to speak regularly. This will help keep the lines of communication open and will help ensure that both parties are always up-to-date on the latest developments.
  • Articulate openly and honestly, and be prepared to listen to your supplier’s feedback. This will help foster a trusting relationship in which both parties feel comfortable sharing information and working together for the benefit of everyone.
Effective use of data to optimize your supply chain

If you want to optimize your supply chain, you need to make sure that your data is in good shape. This means having a system in place to track your supplier relationships, so you can see what’s working and what’s not.

There are a few different ways you can use data to optimize your supply chain:

  • Find new suppliers who might be a better fit for your needs.
  • Negotiate better terms with your suppliers, based on their performance.
  • Track the performance of your current suppliers, so you can see which ones are meeting your expectations and which ones are falling short.

When it comes to building trust with your suppliers, there are a few key things to keep in mind. By following the abovementioned simple steps, you can develop a strong relationship with your suppliers and ensure that you’re getting the best possible products and services to keep your business up and running.


A smooth trip ahead: How to keep the peace when traveling with a new friend

Peace sign by Golden Gate Bridge

Traveling with a new friend can be a great experience, but it can also be daunting.

How do you avoid conflicts from arising? How do you make sure that you both have a good time?

Below are some tips to help make your next trip with a new friend a success.

Practicing compromise

You’re both there to enjoy yourselves, what’s the point if you’re constantly butting heads?

Resolving conflicts is all about remaining calm on the issue at hand. Take a step back, and try to figure out why the conflict is happening in the first place. Is one person trying to take over? Are you not agreeing on what to do or where to go?

Once you’ve identified the source of the conflict, it’s time to compromise. Maybe it means one person gets to decide on dinner and the other picks the movie. Or maybe you take turns choosing activities each day. The possibilities are endless, but the goal is always the same: to consider the needs of both.

Respecting personal space

Everyone travels differently and has different comfort levels.

While you may be excited to explore every inch of the city, your new friend might prefer to take things a little slower.

Respect their comfort levels and don’t try to push them outside of their comfort zone. If they’re not interested in going out to a club, don’t get mad—just find something else to do.

Pay attention to their expressions and body language. If they’re not keen on talking, give them some space. If they’re looking uncomfortable, back off. Be considerate of each other’s feelings. If someone is tired or doesn’t feel well, be understanding and allow them to rest.

Keeping the conversation going
two ladies looking at their laptop

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Before your trip, agree on boundaries. What are your expectations? How much downtime do you want? What are your triggers?

This way, there are no surprises once you’re on the road. And, if a conflict does arise, you would have already talked about it and be able to think before you speak.

Remember: long-haul travel is already tiresome enough—you don’t need added tension from a fight with your travel buddy.

Dividing planning tasks for the trip

Divvy up the tasks so that everyone has a chance to contribute and feel like they’re a part of the planning process.

If you’re the one who’s been tasked with finding accommodation, for example, you can look for hotels or Airbnbs that are centrally located and close to public transportation.

If your travel buddy is in charge of finding activities, they can look for things that would be of interest to both of you and make sure there’s the right mix of activities planned for each day.

And if you’re both struggling to agree on what to do, there are always compromise options like using a travel app that allows you to plan out your days together step-by-step.

By doing this, you can each add in the activities that are most important to you and make sure everyone is happy with the final itinerary.

Communicating priorities and expectations

Lastly, reduce the chances of conflict by communicating your expectations and priorities before you even start packing your bags.

If you like to be on the go from sunrise to sunset, but your travel buddy prefers a more relaxed pace, it’s better to know that upfront.

The same goes for other essential details like how much you’re comfortable spending on activities or where you like to stay (budget hotel or five-star resort?).

It’s also important to respect each other’s communication styles. Some people are perfectly happy planning every minute of the trip, while others prefer to go with the flow.

If you’re a planner and your friend is more laid-back, try to find a middle ground that works for both of you. Maybe you can plot the big-picture stuff and leave room for spontaneity when it comes to the day-to-day details.

When traveling with a new friend, the best way to avoid any potential conflict is to communicate openly and honestly. Let your new friend know what your travel plans and expectations are, and be willing to compromise when necessary. By establishing some ground rules and communicating effectively, you can avoid any potential problems and have a smooth and enjoyable trip to come.


Get hired now: Writing an outstanding cover letter to grab a hiring manager’s attention

sample cover letter

You’ve polished your resume and you’re ready to apply for your dream job. But there’s one more critical piece of the puzzle: the cover letter.

An outstanding cover letter can make all the difference in helping you stand out from the competition and land an interview. It’s your opportunity to show off your skills, share your passion for the job, and explain why you’re the perfect person for the position.

So how do you write a cover letter that will get hiring managers’ attention? Check out our tips below.

Research the company and tailor your message

Your cover letter should start with a strong opening statement that explains why you want the job and what you bring to the table.

Be sure to mention the job title and where you found the position. And most importantly, personalize the letter. This shows that you’ve taken the time to learn about the company and that you’re truly interested in the opportunity.

Include some of your personality

When it comes to writing your cover letter, think about including some of your personality.

After all, this is your opportunity to introduce yourself and show the hiring manager that you will be a great addition to the team. How do you do that? Do it through a story or two from your career that demonstrates your skills.

For example, if you’re applying for a customer service position, talk about a time when you went above and beyond to help a customer. Or, if you’re hoping to work in marketing, share the lessons you’ve learned from a successful campaign you spearheaded.

By allowing your personality to shine through stories like these, you will help the hiring manager see that you don’t just have the skills and experience they’re looking for, you’re more than that. And that’s always a good way to start a conversation.

Understand who you’re writing to
man using his laptop

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Bear in mind who you’re writing to. After all, you want to make sure that your letter is tailored to the person who will be reading it.

Ideally, you should address your cover letter to the hiring manager by name. If you can’t find the name of the hiring manager, search through LinkedIn. If all else fails, use “Dear Hiring Manager” as a last resort.

Keep it concise and relevant

Focus on the qualifications and experiences that relate to the job you’re applying for.

The hiring manager will appreciate it if you can communicate concisely, in four paragraphs or fewer, why your skills make you a great candidate for the role.

You don’t need to go into all of your experience, just a few relevant points, and remember: focus on the job description requirements. Any non-relevant information should be left out as it will only add clutter and confusion to your letter.

How to end your cover letter

Now that you have the main body of your cover letter sorted out, it’s time to start thinking about how to artfully conclude it.

To make a lasting impression, you should always express a bit of your passion and confidence. Everyone wants a motivated employee, so why not let them know that’s exactly who they’re getting?

When wrapping up your cover letter, show appreciation for the reader’s consideration (and time) while also taking a gentle interest in the next steps. For instance, you can close by saying something like:

“Thank you for your valuable time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you regarding the next steps in this process.”

By crafting a confident yet courteous conclusion to your cover letter, you can make an even bigger impact on hiring managers and increase your chances of landing a job interview.

In summary, a well-written cover letter can make a big difference in whether or not you get hired. Follow these tips to write an outstanding cover letter that will grab a hiring manager’s attention and help you land the job you want.


How to politely reject a travel invitation from a friend

two ladies having a conversation

You’ve been invited by a friend to come along on their next vacation.

You’re excited about the prospect of spending some time off work, but you’re not sure if that’s the friend or group you would like to hang out with.

The decision of whether or not to travel with a friend can be a tricky one. If you’re on the fence, here are a few ways to politely reject a travel invitation from a friend.

Suggesting alternatives

Here’s a template that works like magic:

“I don’t think I’ll be able to make it this time. How about we meet for a meal before you fly?”

Honesty is the best policy

You don’t want to lead them on or make them think you’re considering their offer. The easiest way to reject a travel invitation is to be direct and say “no” in a polite way.

Keep your response short and sweet, and avoid getting into any unnecessary detail. This will help sidestep any hurtful feelings. If your friend persists, be honest and let them know that you’re not interested or you have other plans.

Ways to politely reject an invitation
chatting in the cold

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First, start by expressing gratitude for the invitation.

Let them know that you appreciate them thinking of you. And if the person is a close friend, feel free to tell them a few reasons why and how much their invitation means to you. Then move into saying why you won’t be able to join them on their trip.

When it comes to the actual refusal, don’t beat around the bush by using phrases like “maybe” or “it depends.” It’s always good to be polite but firm in your response. You can even add a little bit of humor just to lighten the mood a little.

Managing your friend’s disappointment

Let them know that even though you have no intention of going with them, you value the friendship and are thankful they thought of you.

In addition, try to avoid feeling guilty or bad about declining the invite. Remember that your friend asked because they thought it sounded like fun and wanted some company—it wasn’t a life-or-death request. So if the idea of traveling together doesn’t appeal to you, there’s no need to feel guilty about saying no!

The next time you’re invited on a trip by a friend you love but hate traveling together, remember that it’s okay to say no. You don’t have to explain yourself in detail if you don’t want to, and you don’t have to feel bad. But if you can, be honest, and be grateful for the offer.


Ease the pain: Tips for wearing high heels all-day

woman in high heels elevating her feet

Are you one of those ladies who love wearing high heels but experience fatigue over the long term?

If so, you’re like most women. Lucky for you, we’ve got some tips to ease the pain but keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to this problem.

Below are a few of our favorites.

Opt for heels with padding

When looking for heels, always opt for a pair with some padding.

This will help to ease the fatigue you feel in your feet by providing extra comfort. A good pair of padded heels can make all the difference in the world when it comes to being able to wear them all day long.

Choose the right heel height

If you’re someone who experiences fatigue when wearing heels for an extended period, it’s important to choose a heel height that’s more forgiving.

A lower heel height—around one to two inches—will distribute the pressure more evenly across your foot, instead of concentrating it on the ball of your foot. Platforms or kitten heels instead of stilettos are better options.

Another thing to keep in mind is the width of the toe box. A wider toe box will give your toes more wiggle room, which can be helpful if you’re experiencing pain.

Give your feet regular massages
foot bath

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You might also want to give your feet regular massages. This will help increase blood circulation and keep them relaxed.

Ask your masseur to concentrate on the pressure points in your arches—this is where most of the tension tends to accumulate. If you prefer to DIY, you can also just use your fingers to press or a tool to rub the areas in question. Use a massage oil or lotion to reduce friction.

Consider using insoles or gel pads

When it comes to dealing with discomfort caused by wearing high heels all day, there’s nothing like extra cushioning. Adding a layer of cushioning can provide your ankles and feet with added support and reduce any pain you may be feeling.

One option is shoe pads, which are especially great if you’re wearing pumps or stilettos. Another alternative that works just as well is foam insoles. Foam will not only provide cushioning but also pressure relief and support long walks in those stylishly high heels. You can even use them in combination with other types of inserts to customize your comfort level.

Have a pair of flats or trainers on hand

It’s a great idea to have a pair of flats or trainers on hand for when you need a break from your heels. You can always leave them at the office or in your car.

After a couple of hours in your heels, take a break and slip into something more comfortable. You can increase the length of time you’re able to stand or walk in heels if you rotate between two pairs.

Listen to your body when wearing high heels. If you start to experience pain, give your feet a rest. And, be sure to get a check-up if you have any pressing concerns. Here are a few takeaways you can do to ease the pain and make wearing high heels more comfortable: first, choose the right shoes. Look for shoes with a lower heel and a wide toe box. Second, take breaks often and elevate your feet when you can. Third, stretch your feet and legs before and after wearing high heels. And finally, don’t forget to give your feet some TLC. Massage them, soak them in a warm bath, and moisturize them often.