From love to little things: How to make each of your kids feel special

mother and son giggling

As a parent, sometimes you may feel like you’re not doing enough to make your kids feel special.

You love them with all of your heart, but sometimes it’s hard to articulate that in words or actions that they will understand.

Small gestures can mean a lot to kids, and showing them that you love and appreciate them is one of the greatest things you can do as a parent. Here are some simple ways to make each of your kids feel special, no matter what age they are.

Kids need attention

All kids need attention. It might seem like they’re vying for it all the time, but that’s because they’re constantly seeking affirmation from their parents.

They want to know that they’re loved, and they want to feel special. So how can you give them that attention? It doesn’t have to be anything big or flashy. Just a few small things here and there can make a world of difference.

Some ideas: Have breakfast together every morning. Hug them and tell them how much you love them before you leave for work. Dedicate time to just hanging out with them—no phones, no screens, just you and your kid.

Special talents should be celebrated

Each of your kids is special in its way, and you should celebrate their talents and achievements.

Maybe one of your kids is a whiz at math, or they can sing like an angel. Whatever it is, make sure you take the time to tell them how proud you are. Let them know that you think they’re amazing and that you’re grateful for their presence in the family.

When kids feel loved and appreciated, they shine even brighter. So start celebrating your kids’ special talents today—you won’t regret it!

Encourage independence
kids baking

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Kids love feeling like they can do things on their own, and they love knowing that they’re capable of handling things on their own. So start giving them some chores to do, and let them make some decisions for themselves.

It might be as simple as letting them choose what they want to wear for the weekend or letting them take over the kitchen for a day. Giving them a little bit of control will make them feel good about themselves and remind them that their opinions matter.

Verbal affirmations

One of the simplest (and most effective) ways to make your kids feel special is to give them positive affirmation. Tell them that you love them, tell them that you’re proud of them, and tell them that you believe in them.

Don’t underestimate the power of words. When we hear our parents say things like “I’m so proud of you” or “I know you can do it,” it makes us feel like we can accomplish anything. So go ahead and shower your kids with some verbal love.

Physical touch

Nothing beats a good old-fashioned hug.

You may not think that physical touch is enough, but it is. From the time they’re born, kids need to feel loved and safe. And what better way to show them that you love them than by wrapping your arms around them and giving them a little squeeze?

Not only does it make them feel good emotionally, but it has some pretty amazing physical benefits too. Hugging helps to release oxytocin, which is sometimes called the “cuddle hormone.” Oxytocin has all sorts of awesome benefits, like reducing stress, improving moods, and even helping to fight off infection.

All kids crave attention and love, and sometimes it’s hard to show each one of them that we care in the same way. But, thankfully, there are small things we can do each day to make our kids feel special and remind them that they’re loved. So take some time today to think of a small way you can make your kid feel loved and appreciated. It might be as simple as telling them you love them, making them breakfast in bed, or taking them on a one-on-one outing. No matter what you do, just make sure it comes from the heart. Because that’s what kids need—love and attention.


Parent-child communication: Why it matters and how to do it right

father and children communicating over breakfast

When it comes to family communication, there’s no relationship more substantial than the one between parents and their children.

Good communication helps kids feel loved and supported, while poor communication can damage the relationship and have long-term consequences.

But how do you talk to your child so they will listen? Let’s explore some essential aspects of parent-child communication and provide tips to make it work.

The importance of effective communication with your child

When it comes to parenting, communication is key. You need to be able to talk to your child in a way that they will understand, and you also need to be able to listen to them.

It’s not always easy to do this, especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. But it’s wise to make the effort because a strong communication bond is a foundation for a healthy relationship with your child.

Avoid lectures

Lectures make kids feel like they’re being scolded, which will not help you connect with them. What you want to do is engage them in a conversation. Ask them questions about what they’re thinking and feeling. Let them know that you’re interested in their thoughts and feelings and that you want to understand the specific actions behind their behaviors.

Listen to your child
a mum lecturing her child

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Don’t just wait for your turn to talk, or try to jump in with solutions to their problems. Let them share their thoughts and feelings, and give them your undivided attention.

When kids feel like they’re being listened to, they’re more likely to listen to you in return. So take the time to talk to your child, and don’t just preach the moment your eyes meet. It will make a world of difference in your relationship.

This is a skill that takes time and practice to master, but it’s worth the effort. When you show your child that you’re interested in what they have to say, they will be more likely to open up to you and trust you with their innermost thoughts and feelings.

Find common ground

So how do you find that common ground? It can be something as simple as sharing a hobby or interest you have in common. Or it can be something you talk about regularly, like school or sports.

No matter what, it’s necessary to find something you can agree on and discuss. That way, you can build a strong foundation for your relationship and trust will start to develop. Plus, it just makes conversations a lot more enjoyable when you have something to discuss that you’re both immersed in.

Use questions to encourage talking

Ask open-ended questions that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no. For example, “What do you think about that?” or “How do you feel about that?” By getting your child to talk, you’re showing them that you’re keen on their opinions. And that’s the first step in creating a two-way connection.

Talking to your child is one of the most fundamental things you can help them learn to express themselves and build relationships. We have discussed why communication is so crucial, and have given you some tips on how to talk to your child so they will listen. Make sure to have regular chatters with your child, and don’t be afraid to ask them questions about their day. Listen attentively when they talk to you and give them your undivided attention. Showing that you care about what they have to say is one of the most pleasing things you can do as a parent.