7 Shocking Types of Toxic Employees You Must Fire Immediately

Letting go of employees is never easy; however, parting ways with toxic employees is an entirely different story. Believe me when I say, I had to navigate the process of terminating several employees in the past eight months.

Within every organization, there are individuals who exude negativity in the workplace. In fact, a noteworthy study conducted by Michael Housman and Dylan Minor in 2015 at the prestigious Harvard Business School defined toxic workers as those who “engage in behavior that is detrimental to an organization, including causing harm to either its property or people.” These toxic employees not only harm the morale of the entire team but also impede productivity and create a hostile work environment.

It is crucial for employers and managers to swiftly identify these toxic behaviors and take immediate action to remove them from the organization. In this post, we will uncover seven startling types of toxic employees that you simply cannot afford to retain on your team. Let us dive in!


The drama queen or king thrives on creating drama and conflicts in the workplace. They are always the center of gossip and stir up trouble among co-workers. Moreover, they have a knack for twisting stories in their favor. For instance, a drama queen or king may claim, “I worked really hard, but other team members did not put in enough effort. That’s why we lost the client.” Their negative energy can swiftly permeate the entire team, resulting in a toxic work environment where productivity and cooperation suffer.


No matter how well things are going, the chronic complainer always manages to find something to complain about. Whether it’s the lack of free food in the pantry or the length of a meeting, their complaints encompass both major and minor issues. They drain the enthusiasm and motivation of those around them by constantly fixating on the negative aspects of work. Moreover, their complaining attitude has the potential to be contagious, significantly affecting the team’s ability to maintain a positive mindset and effectively overcome challenges. Can you think of someone who exudes the characteristics of the chronic complainer?


Recently, our organization had to part ways with a manipulator. This individual possessed a remarkable ability to manipulate others through persuasive language, ultimately captivating the heart of our boss and shamelessly exploiting it for personal gain. Engaging in mind games and skillfully manipulating circumstances, he managed to embezzle money from the organization and evade any consequences. Manipulators like him have truly mastered the art of manipulation, utilizing it to obtain their desires.

The presence of such manipulative individuals erodes trust and instills a pervasive sense of unease within the team, thereby hindering the fostering of collaboration and open communication.


Oh, the advent of mobile phones and portable gadgets has certainly expanded the arsenal of the slacker! Have you ever experienced the frustration of having co-workers who would rather indulge in video games while you diligently complete an important report?

Image Credits: unsplash.com

The slacker is perpetually lagging behind on their tasks, expertly procrastinating and making up excuses to justify their lack of productivity. As a result, the burden of their unfinished work falls unfairly on the shoulders of diligent team members, who are left to pick up the slack. This toxic employee not only impedes overall productivity but also fuels a sense of resentment among hardworking colleagues. It’s a recipe for dissatisfaction and frustration in the workplace.


Much like the manipulator, the bully also prioritizes their personal interests above all else. Bullies resort to intimidation, belittlement, and humiliation to exert power over their colleagues, thereby cultivating a hostile work environment. The consequences of their actions can be deeply damaging, inflicting severe psychological and emotional distress on their victims, which in turn leads to decreased job satisfaction and a higher turnover rate. It becomes crucial to take immediate action to safeguard the well-being of the entire team.

However, what if the bully happens to occupy a position in upper management? This poses an even greater challenge and calls for careful consideration of the best course of action.


The chronic complainer can overlap some of his or her qualities to the constant negativist. This toxic employee consistently finds ways to criticize and dampen the mood, always seeking out flaws and faults.

Unfortunately, their negative mindset has the potential to spread like wildfire, adversely affecting team morale and stifling creativity. Surrounding oneself with a constant stream of negativity can impede progress and hinder the team from realizing its full potential.


My previous workplace was plagued with gossipers! A drama queen/king’s accomplice, the gossiper, is particularly harmful when they engage in malicious behavior. They propagate falsehoods about their co-workers, causing harm to healthy working relationships and disrupting team dynamics. In addition to spreading tales about fellow employees, they often initiate rumors about the company itself, such as new policies, impending layoffs, or structural changes.

Image Credits: unsplash.com

In any carefully selected basket, there will always be a few bad apples. However, toxic employees have no place in a healthy and productive work environment. Their negative conduct undermines teamwork, dampens productivity, and diminishes employee morale. By identifying and addressing these seven types of toxic employees, organizations can establish a positive and supportive workplace culture that allows employees to flourish.

Sources: 1 & 2



How to Keep Hiring Costs Low and Still Find the Right Candidate

Finding the right person for the job is what can make or break a company, especially if you’re a small startup. Singapore is one of the best places right now for fledgling IT companies given the increased interest in supporting infrastructure within the country and investing billions in new IT contracts in 2016. However, there are ways to find the best candidates without expecting people to travel, relocate, or even work in your office. If you’re willing to entertain the notion of a true modern day workforce, here are a few ideas about how to keep your hiring costs down and your productivity up.

  1. Everyone Is Part of the Network

One of the biggest concerns that most managers have is that you’ll miss out on candidates if you restrict your search solely to online resources or interviews on camera. However, of all countries in the world, Singapore is the one where you should be just that. In fact, the Singapore Business Review reports that 74 percent of Singaporeans are connected to the mobile internet, a number higher than even that of North America, which is why the country is poised to win the Smart City race. Therefore, by keeping your search online, you’ll not only be tapping into a huge network of candidates, but it’s also a great way to see all the younger talent that is out there.

Today, you can also conduct interviews much more easily on mobile devices with the right providers. Don’t worry too much about whether or not your candidates will be able to deal with an on-screen interaction. The fact is that if they can’t manage to figure out how to join a video interview in 2016, then they’re probably not qualified to be working for you.

  1. How to Use the Tools Available

Since the idea is to keep hiring costs down, you also don’t want to blow all your money on an overpriced conferencing system in order to conduct interviews or hold meetings. Therefore, a service such as Blue Jeans interactive web conferencing for IT is a common solution due to how affordable it can be for companies of all sizes. If you’re in the IT industry and you’re screening new hires, not only is it beneficial to use video to narrow down your search and make the hiring process go faster, but seeing how candidates deal with the situation is probably an indicator of how comfortable they are with new technology. If you’re dealing with someone who possesses confidence on screen during an interview, whether they’re in IT or not, it demonstrates an ability to adapt. If it’s an IT professional, they also should ideally know at least something about video conferencing today.

  1. Traditional Hires Versus Remote Workers

What costs can you avoid when conducting your search for a new hire online? According to Monster Singapore, there are plenty of reasonable demands that a new employee can make if they’re being asked to relocate, including moving costs, temporary lodging costs, assistance in selling a current home, and more. However, there’s an easy way to avoid all of that and still procure the employee you want. This is a great example of how you not only can attract job seekers from further away than your local area, but also how you can potentially employ remote workers using solely the Internet. Video conferencing has made it possible to hire new staff from afar, an essential option to have in a competitive industry. Given that IT is one of the most popular fields to enter right now, making smart hires in the shortest time is absolutely paramount to the success of individual businesses. This is also a great example of how an investment in video conferencing technology can not only benefit your company when interviewing and finding qualified candidates, but also can be used in longevity, adding to the talent pool of your staff and making your projects even more successful. There’s no replacement for a good employee, and if you find someone who’s employable, regardless of how far away they are, you’d be wise to act on it. Unlike video interactions from years ago that required special equipment, today’s conferencing systems have embraced mobility in particular.

In order to be successful in any business, you need to be a free thinker who’s not afraid of new ideas and systems. This is especially true right now in IT, since it’s the industry’s time to shine in Singapore. Whether you’re a manager in a large company or a CEO in a small startup, branching out to include staff that’s comprised of remote workers or doing all of your interviewing via video is essential. Time is money, and you don’t want to waste yours doing things the old fashioned way. Hop on your mobile device today and start finding the best person for the job in half the time than it would have taken two decades ago.