Benefits of using influencer marketing for your brand

an influencer at work

Influencer marketing, when done right, can advance a company’s branding and lead them onto the road to success.

However, therein lies the question of the type of influencers out there to choose from. With more people joining the influencer network, here’s a good way to segregate them into categories:

  • Mega-influencers: More than 1 million followers
  • Macro-influencers: From 300,000 to 1 million followers
  • Micro-influencers: Between 10,000 and 100,000 followers
  • Nano-influencers: 100s to 10,000 followers

Keeping the overview in mind, we will focus on the benefits of using influencer marketing for your brand in this article.

#1: Track conversions instantly

If you’re in the business of app-making or selling e-commerce products, then engaging influencers to market your product can allow you to track conversions almost instantly.

In fact, fast-moving consumer goods like beverages or even affordably priced cosmetics stand a higher chance for quick sales revenue since the decision-making process for consumers is relatively short.

#2: Elevates brand awareness

For items or services that are harder to sell instantly, that’s okay. Your marketing dollar invested in engaging the right influencers will not be gone to waste just because there are no conversions.

When your influencers market your product via personal recommendations, their loyal followers get to see it. While they may not buy at once, there’s a high chance of them spreading the information to their friends and family members. This could elevate your brand awareness!

#3: Retain more sticky customers
a woman keying her credit card details

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Research has shown that customers generated via influencer marketing are likely to be more sticky than those attracted via other media sources.

But it’s also wise for the marketing team to plan out a long-term strategy to work with various influencers and keep the ones that help bring in sales or traffic. A one-time off partnership with an influencer may not generate much credibility, so plan for the long run and ensure your marketing budget is taken into account.

#4: Venture into new markets

With COVID-19 still raging strong after more than 1.5 years, businesses may be left in a lurch for their expansion plans.

This is where influencer marketing can help you venture into new markets because no one can speak a lingo better than the locals themselves. It will make perfect sense to engage local influencers if you plan to promote your products to a specific target audience. Try it, and you will see for yourself how effortless it is to reach global communities.

#5: A domino effect on other media spendings

As we come to a close, know that not all influencer marketing campaigns can bring in the revenue you desire (at least not immediately).

However, take heart in knowing that there is a domino effect on other media spendings. With elevated brand awareness, you will probably see more organic traffic to your website. This thus means that the cost of Google Ads may also decrease.

Final thoughts

We recommend that businesses allocate at least 10% of their marketing budget to influencer marketing.

You can choose to start small and experiment with small scale campaigns before you go big to finance your long-term influencer marketing plans. Sometimes, all it takes is a little trial and error before you get the hang of it.

Don’t miss out on the benefits of using influencer marketing for your brand!


House Moves 101: Quick Tips For A Budget-Friendly Move

If you’re conducting a house move soon, then congratulations! A house move is one of the best things that can happen in your life, especially since it opens a new chapter that can introduce a ton of good changes to your direction. A house move can get you closer to work, help you get access to better schools, or even get you in a better neighborhood in general. Moreover, a house move is a great way to start over with your family and just become more streamlined with your household processes.

However, when you start looking at the necessary requirements you need to accomplish for your home, things can get quite a bit complicated. For starters, you might soon realize that house moves don’t just involve the regular packing and unpacking of things. And even then, surprise and unexpected payments might come up in your direction. However, just because there are some unexpected payments along the way doesn’t mean you need to give up on your move or spend more than you’ve expected. Here are some budgeting tips that can help you maximize your move:

  • Submit your requirements and documentation online. Instead of spending money on gasoline and allotting a specific schedule to get off from work just to submit house moving requirements in another state or area, you might want to consider online submissions for your homeownership documents. You can confirm if this is possible by speaking to officers in charge in the offices you need to submit your documentation to, and ask how you can submit your requirements online. Chances are, you might simply need to submit your requirements to a specific email or via a specific app or service in order to avoid the need to spend money on the commute.
  • Organize your inventory as soon as possible to maximize space. Another great step to make a budget-friendly move is to actually organize your inventory beforehand. Granted, this might take a ton of time from you that you could’ve used elsewhere. However, an inventory does allow you to sort and organize items you currently own. With this list, you can identify if there are items you want to keep, sell, or even throw away. In fact, selling pre-loved items can give you a bit of cash before you move. Moreover, making an inventory with data such as space and weight can help you maximize your available space and even lessen potential costs if you’re hiring movers.
  • Try recycling packaging materials. Instead of outright buying new packaging materials such as new boxes, try to repurpose other packaging materials in order to maximize their usefulness. These include reusing large boxes you have lying around, or even using suitcases and larger bags to store your clothes. That way, you’d only need new boxes and storage options once you’ve run out. You might also want to go to groceries and other stores and ask if they have extra cardboard boxes they’re not using, as some stores may give them out for free to save space in their inventory. 
  • Streamline your moving schedule to maximize your time. Another way to ensure your move won’t cost as much is if you’re able to earn your losses through your work. However, this is likely tricky given that your move might be demanding a lot from your schedule, right? Thankfully, this shouldn’t be the case. With a handy calendar app, you may be able to streamline your moving process to ensure that you only allot the necessary hours for your moving tasks – especially those that involve packing and over heavy tasks. That way, you won’t risk compromising your work schedule and other obligations. 
  • Hire professional help for your moving needs. One of the best decisions you can make regarding your move is to hire professionals such as a moving company to handle your moving needs. Teams such as can actually provide you with the assistance you need for a budgeted move as that falls right under their training and expertise. Granted, it might seem like spending on professional help might be a lot. However, this does mean spending on a team that can give you trained personnel, a moving truck, and even a skillset tailored specifically towards moving. This is especially helpful if you have fragile items and other things you want to be brought to your new home that need special care.

House Moves 101: Maximize Your Moving Budget

With the above tips in mind, it’s important to remember that it’s perfectly possible for you to be able to maximize your moving budget – provided you use the right kind of planning, approach, and execution. In fact, with the right kind of plan, you can minimize your expenses by streamlining your moving schedule in line with your budget and overall resources in order to ensure you’re not compromising your savings or overspending for the sake of your move. Moreover, the above tips could hopefully help you ensure that you’re only spending the best amount of money for your particular goals. 



Basic tips for writing the best sales emails that are enticing enough to click

email marketing graphic

There are several methods for marketing a product or service, and emails are one option.

But stick around for long enough, and you will realise that the statistics aren’t that pretty all the time. Some marketers make the mistake of focusing on what the company wants to convey rather than what customers are interested in reading. As such, there’s a low clicking-through and reading rate.

If that is you, it is not too late. Read on for some basic tips on writing the best sales emails that are enticing enough to click.

#1: Spend some time crafting the subject line

No, we’re not talking about clickbait email subjects as that might backfire. You don’t want to be losing email subscribers because your subject lines do not match the content shown.

But what you want to do is to spend some time crafting an email title that is catchy enough to allow a reader to click in. It doesn’t have to be flashy or gimmicky. It just has to be straightforward and corresponds with the disseminated information.

For example, if you want your customers to ask questions and let them know the company is ready to listen, a subject line that writes “Any questions?” can be good enough.

#2: Get to the point and cut the fluff

Folks nowadays are exposed to tremendous amounts of online content, and everything on the internet is fast-paced.

To capture your readers’ attention, get to the point and cut the fluff. Now that your subject line has led a reader to click through, deliver what was marketed via the title. Structure your content neatly, so it’s easy to scan and pick out the relevant information. Remember also to include links to the respective web pages to avoid your email ending up too lengthy.

#3: Treat your customers like friends

While a creatively written email can demonstrate your artistic skills as an employee, it should not be too profound and offputting for your clients.

An excellent way to avoid sales jargon or snazzy catchphrases is to treat your customers as fellow friends or colleagues. Reread your email and ask if it’s phrased the way you would speak to someone you know. If it sounds odd, you know it’s time to tweak.

Two-way communication is key
email marketing

Image Credits:

Ultimately, you can follow the above tips but still fail to achieve the conversion rate your company seeks. Then, maybe a final step would be to ensure that there is two-way communication in place.

While your primary goal may be to release new products or service information, make sure that your customers have an outlet where they can provide feedback or ask questions. At the end of every sales email sent, include an easy way for recipients to call, text, or write back.

Boring sales pitches can only go so far. If you want to get the word out, offer value.


4 Steps to Becoming your Own Boss


You may be dreaming of sleep-ins or working from anywhere in the world. Does this mean you’re ready to become your own boss? Probably! But it’s not all delegating and sourcing new services and products. Here’s what to consider when you want to work for yourself and how to get there sooner.

Manage Your Expectations
If you want to become your own boss, chances are you are channelling a particular financial or lifestyle goal. Often both! Who doesn’t want ample funds and the ability to work your own hours? In reality, working for yourself is more likely to require a lot of planning and often far more hours to get the freedom you’re dreaming of. But it is doable. Begin by costing out the business or enterprise that you’re aiming to run, the overheads and likely sales projections. Even as a sole trader, having a ‘business case’ that defines your goals and resources you’ll use to meet them is essential.

Find a niche
Now that you know what industry you’ll be working in, it’s time to research and find your niche. What will make your offering to market unique or why will people want to do business with you? How are you different to the rest? If you have an innovative product or approach to service, it can be easier to define your brand. But often, location or ease of doing business will command customer loyalty. Develop what your business will offer the market and how to best capitalise on this. It will inform all kinds of decisions from staffing, management and financing, but it’s also the start of your marketing plan and how you’ll find and attract customers once you launch.

Get into action.
Don’t fall into the planning trap where absolutely all the details of your business need to be finalised before you launch. Not only may someone beat you to it, but the reality of your business may be quite different once it’s operational. So complete the due diligence and some decent market research, but then get going and be ready to be adjust your plans as you begin to trade. Build your website, get some staff, organise your logistics, set up your payment systems and confirm relevant insurances and standards you may need to meet. Although you should have strong vision for your business, work towards it with flexibility and a growth mindset – it may not work exactly as planned and that’s ok!

Online Presence
Once your concept, whether a product or service, is fully realised, it’s time to tell the world. Many business owners start small and aim to scale their marketing as they grow. While this can suit a conservative business person, it generally equates to slow growth. Sometimes this is ideal, but more often than not, you’ll have the capacity and desire to grow sooner. Enter your online marketing. Ensure your site is user friendly and optimised to funnel the most traffic towards sales. If you are new to the world of search engine marketing, it’s best to outsource this task. If you’re targeting a global English speaking market, an experienced SEM agency in Melbourne will be well placed to assist you.

Being your own boss can take a lot of persistence and determination. But if you’ve developed a strong brand that consistently meets the needs of your customers, you’ll be on track to manage a growing and successful enterprise that you can call your very own!


How to find the best Gold IRA Companies

For many years now, starting from ancient times, the most preferred investment was gold. Is this strange? Well, not at all if you think about the stability of gold and how its value behaved throughout the years.

There are different ways to protect your money, and different people choose different paths. The popular subject today is cryptocurrencies, but it is not sure how safe they are. Their value isn’t stable, and it changes from day to day. If you are looking for something secure, stable, and easy, you are looking for gold.

Investors seem to prefer investing in gold in order to protect their money. Why have they chosen this type of protection over the other ones? Is it a good thing to invest your saving here? This question and more will be answered in the article below, but if you wish to continue your reading and to expand your knowledge, even more, you should check the following link:


The biggest thing that stops people from investing in the real estate market is the lack of flexibility. Let’s say you have a steady job and you have saved what you can every month. Your regular income could allow you to put some money aside.

But investing in real estate is not something you can do with four, five months of savings. You would need years of constant savings to invest in this market. If not, the only other option is to borrow money. This is an even more complex and risky thing to do.

If you need something that doesn’t require a boatload of money, the best is to invest in gold. Securing your future couldn’t be easier. If you have small amounts of cash that you need to secure, you can do it by investing in this market.

The flexibility of this market has been one of the main benefits for years. You don’t have to be a millionaire to have some of these privileges. Contact a few local people to see how the prices are going at the moment. The thing you should keep in mind that globally, the price of gold is more or less the same. Further reading on this link.

Good and safe inheritance

If you want to leave something onto your next generation in the family, this is an excellent way to do it. If you leave them a house, they would still need to invest and maintain it all the time. This might be tricky if they are not financially stable. You could put a big burden on their shoulders.

Another thing that could be a problem is that they will be forced to stay in the same location as their inherited house. To avoid such things, think about investing in gold and don’t worry if your family will be safe in the future. Gold can be transferred easily from one place to the other. Your family wouldn’t need to maintain it or think if they have enough time to keep it in good shape.

Passing this asset to the next generation is securing them and you for market fallings and inflation. Even if they don’t need the money in the near future, gold will keep its shape and value for decades, if not more. This means that they can use it whenever they need it without any kind of risk. How to find a good company?

Read and educate

Although it seems like you might know everything about gold, there are still things to learn. The economic sides of investments can be quite complex if not understood thoroughly. Luckily, you can find everything you need online if you are willing to give it a try.

After all, you are putting your savings somewhere, and you need to be sure that they are secured. Try researching the value of gold throughout the years. See how it behaves and how it reacts to the value of the US dollar. These things can be connected to each other.

Another thing that can affect this market is the political situation between countries. Many governments keep gold as a safe asset. If there is political tension or a conflict, the value can change. Informing yourself would give you a heads up and will protect you from instability.

Visit and contact companies

The next thing you should do is to get in contact with professionals. Asking about this topic will give you even further insight into the story. Ask everything you don’t understand, and don’t rush into a decision. Contacting a couple of professionals will show you the best gold IRA companies you can rely on.

Furthermore, you can also get a sense of how the process works. Understandably, you might be scared and insecure, but nothing to worry about. Someone who knows their stuff will be more than glad to tell you everything you need to know.

See about the price fluctuations and spend time looking and figures that show the value of gold throughout the years. The most significant benefit of gold that is statistically noticed is that even when there were global financial, political, and economic crises, the value remained stable.

You should also rely on your closest ones. After all, you will be doing this to protect your family and yourself. You should ask for advice from someone you know that has experience in this matter. Nevertheless, the best way to protect your savings is gold.