What play-based learning can do for your child

play-based learning

Play-based learning is a wonderful way to help your child learn and grow.

When your child engages in play-based learning, they’re exploring the world around them and learning through their natural curiosity.

If you’re new to the idea of play-based learning, don’t worry. We will walk you through the basics you need to know in this post.

What is play-based learning?

Simply put, it’s a form of child-led play that’s combined with specific learning intentions.

So your child is free to explore and learn through play, but the parent or teacher can help guide them in the right direction.

Perhaps the best thing about play-based learning is that it’s fun. Your child will be excited to learn, and they will get to explore new things in a safe and nurturing environment.

The benefits of play-based learning

Play-based learning is beneficial because it allows children to explore and experiment on their own. It also assists children in developing skills like problem-solving, creativity, and critical thinking.

In addition to these benefits, play is also a necessary component of brain development for children. Play helps children learn about the world around them and helps them relate to other children.

How play-based learning can help your child academically
kids cooking in school

Image Credits: realkids.edu.my

Play-based learning is semi-unstructured, child-directed, and merely facilitated or guided by adults.

What this means is that kids are in control of their learning, and they get to explore and figure out things on their own. So if you’re looking for a way to enable your child to excel, play-based learning may be the answer for you.

If you require data to convince you, consider studies revealing that children’s vocabulary and storytelling skills were found to be higher in play-based classrooms than in regular classrooms. According to another research, children who participate in play-based programs employ language and learning techniques that are more complex, which is linked to literacy abilities.

How play-based learning can help your child socially and emotionally

Children get the chance to connect with others while learning about societal norms and expectations. They also form bonds with their peers through play-based learning.

Kids discover how to share toys, take turns, and work together via play. Additionally, kids get conflict-resolution skills, which are crucial for social growth as they progress through the education system.

Children have the chance to examine their thoughts while they develop and discover in a setting that stresses play-based learning. They can come to terms with various emotions, discover what makes them happy or unhappy, and learn how to control conflicting feelings as they come up.

Parenting is hard, but it’s important to give your child the best possible start in life. Play-based learning is one of the best things you can do for your child because it helps them learn and grow intrinsically. They will also develop essential skills, like problem-solving and creativity. It also helps them learn about their world and themselves. If you’re looking for a way to help your child learn and grow better, consider play-based learning. It’s fun for children, and it’s a wonderful way to learn without stress.


Nutritious foods to boost your breastmilk supply

diced papaya

As a new mum, you’re probably wondering what you should and shouldn’t eat while breastfeeding.

There are a lot of old wives’ tales out there, but we’re here to tell you the truth about the foods that will help boost your breastmilk supply.

However, we urge you to check with your doctor first if you have past medical conditions and want to be sure it suits your post-pregnancy diet.

The benefits of eating certain foods while breastfeeding

When you’re breastfeeding, it’s important to eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of protein, fruits, and vegetables. These foods will provide the nutrients your body needs to produce breastmilk.

Foods that increase breastmilk production

We’ve picked a few key foods that you should be eating to help boost your breastmilk production:

  • Papaya

Papaya is a good source of beta-carotene and vitamin A, both of which are necessary for nursing mothers. Eating papaya can help improve those levels, which in turn boost your breast milk production and supply.

  • Salmon
grilled salmon with lemon

Image Credits: thespruceeats.com

Salmon is one of the healthiest types of fish you can eat while breastfeeding. It’s a superb source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for both you and your baby.

Eating seafood like salmon can also help boost the levels of DHA in your milk. DHA is a type of omega-3 fatty acid that’s crucial for your baby’s brain development and visual acuity.

Salmon is a lovely choice because it’s low in mercury and offers plenty of nutritional benefits. But if you’re taking other fish variants, aim to have no more than two servings a week while breastfeeding, as some types of fish can be high in mercury.

  • Almonds and sesame seeds

Almonds are a great source of calcium and contain essential fatty acids, which are beneficial for both you and your little one.

Sesame seeds are packed with calcium, as well as other nutrients like zinc and magnesium, which can help with milk production.

So next time you’re at the grocery store, be sure to pick up some almonds and sesame seeds and add them to your diet!

Tips for eating well while breastfeeding

When you’re breastfeeding, eat a variety of healthy foods to boost your milk supply. Protein-rich foods are a good place to start—try eating meat, eggs, and lentils.

And don’t forget the whole grains, fruits, and vegetables! They provide vital vitamins and minerals that your body needs while you’re breastfeeding. In short, a balanced diet is key.

Breastfeeding is a rewarding experience for both you and your baby, but make sure you’re eating the right foods to help your milk production. There are plenty of nutritious foods that can help boost your milk supply, so try to incorporate as many of them into your diet as possible. Salmon, spinach, and yogurt are all excellent sources of protein and calcium, which are essential for breastfeeding mothers. Stock up on the right foods to help you and your baby get the most out of breastfeeding.


Choosing a wedding dress: What to keep in mind

wedding dresses

You’re engaged! Congratulations!

Now it’s time to start shopping for your wedding dress.

It’s an exciting (and sometimes daunting) process, but with a little planning, you can find the perfect dress for you and your big day. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you get started.

Your budget

You’re probably excited about the prospect of finding your dream wedding dress. But before you start shopping, set a budget and be realistic about what you can afford.

There are many dresses out there, and it can be easy to get carried away. But remember, you will need money for other things like the reception, flowers, wedding bands, and photography. So be mindful of how much you’re spending on your dress.

There are plenty of beautiful dresses out there that won’t break the bank, so don’t feel like you have to go over budget just to have the perfect wedding dress. Start by setting a budget and then start shopping with that in mind. You will be glad you did.

The formality of your wedding

When you’re choosing a wedding dress, think about the formality of your wedding.

What does that mean? Well, it means thinking about things like the venue, the guests, and the overall tone of the day.

If you’re getting married in a grand ballroom, for example, you will probably want to choose a more formal dress than if you’re getting married on the beach. And if you’re having a color-coded affair, your dress should reflect that.

Your body type and what flatters you
Bridesmaids and flowers

Image Credits: unsplash.com

A dress that looks great on your best friend might not look so great on you.

Be honest with yourself and think about what styles and cuts look good on your body. Are you curvier or an hourglass? A straight-up-and-down kind of lady? The key is to find styles that flatter your body type and make you feel confident and beautiful.

So before you start trying on dresses, take some time to think about what looks good on you. Once you know that, the process will be a lot easier.

The neckline, sleeves, and waistline of the dress

You might be wondering what the neckline, sleeves, and waistline of your dress should be. Well, we’re here to help!

Boatneck and off-shoulder necklines are both great options, as they elongate the neck and make you look taller and slimmer. If you want something a little more dramatic to show off your assets, go for a sweetheart neckline or a V-neck.

Sleeves can also make a big statement. They can add elegance or drama, and they can also be a great way to cover up your arms if you’re self-conscious about them. You have a few different options when it comes to sleeves: strapless, capped, short, 3/4 length, and long.

And finally, the waistline. This is another essential feature to consider because it can help create the overall silhouette of your dress. A natural waistline is always a good choice, as it creates an hourglass figure. If you’re looking to hide your tummy, then a high-waisted dress makes sense.

You’ve probably started to think about wedding dresses by now. It’s an exciting process, but it can also be a little overwhelming. There are so many different styles and fabrics to choose from, not to mention prices! How do you know which dress is right for you? As mentioned, think about the style of your wedding, your body type, and your budget. Keep these things in mind as you start shopping for your wedding dress, and you’re sure to find the ideal one for your big day! Good luck.


How to convince your aging parents to see the doctor

an elderly with a family member

It can be tough to get your aging parents to see a doctor when they’re not feeling well.

They may be convinced that they can just take some over-the-counter medication and feel better in no time.

But the truth is that over-the-counter drugs can only do so much, and in some cases, they might even make the problem worse. If your parents are adamant about not seeing a doctor, read on.

Why aging parents might be resistant to seeing the doctor

You may find that your parents are resistant to seeing the doctor when they are ill. There can be several reasons for this.

Some old folks might feel like they’re a burden to their loved ones, so they will try to take care of themselves as much as possible. Others might not want to spend the money on a doctor’s visit, especially if they think the illness is just a common cold.

And finally, some elderly people might just not want to deal with the hassle of going to the doctor. They might find it inconvenient or overwhelming to make an appointment and go through all the tests and procedures that come with a doctor’s visit.

How to have a conversation about their health

elderly mum and daughter

Image Credits: pride.kindness.sg

You know your parents best, so you will have to use your judgment about what approach will work best with them.

But try to be calm and understanding. Your parents are probably more resistant to going to the doctor because they’re afraid of what they might find out. They might also feel like they’re not that sick or that they don’t need help.

You might need to do some research ahead of time so you can have a good understanding of their condition and what might be causing their symptoms. Then, you can talk to them about it in a way that’s respectful and non-judgmental.

Ways to convince them to see the doctor

Thankfully, there are ways to persuade them to see the doctor. Here are a few tips:

  • Offer to go with them to the doctor’s clinic. This can make them feel more comfortable and likely to go.
  • Make a case for why they need to see the doctor. Explain that not seeing the doctor could make their condition worse.
  • Talk to your family doctor about their condition. The doctor may be able to provide some convincing arguments that will help your parents see the importance of seeking medical assistance.

It can be frustrating when your parents don’t want to see the doctor, but you know that they need to. Here are a few takeaway tips for convincing them to get the medical help they need: talk to them about their symptoms and why you think they need to see a doctor. Remind them of all the times that they’ve gone to the doctor in the past and been helped. You can also offer to go with them! Keep trying—sometimes it takes more than one conversation to convince a loved one.


Just Got Married! Now What?

Marriage is about teamwork and compromise. Whether you have been married for two weeks or two decades, it is essential to be able to work together with your partner. The reality is that working together can be challenging, especially when it comes to your finances. In fact, the majority of divorced adults cited money as the reason for their separation.

You can tackle money as a team with honesty, communication, and dedication to a shared plan!


A budget should tell you how much money you anticipate having and where it will go. Your income and expenses will change once you are married. It is important that you create a new combined household budget and revisit your Indvidual budgets to adjust to the marital shift.


What do you value the most as individuals? What do you value the most as partners? Personal management begins with understanding your priorities and what you want. As you come together, you will need to merge those priorities and ideas to filter what you both believe in. These priorities will help influence your most crucial money decisions.


It is unpleasant to talk about money during inappropriate times or when your spouse is not ready to discuss serious matters. Do not discuss money at random times! Pick a specific date to talk deeply about money. This mutual time for a meeting will enable you to stay on the same page. Feel free to raise your concerns to produce a shared solution.


Everyone has a different relationship with money. It is not a requirement that you understand how your spouse feels the way they do, but it is important to recognize and respect those feelings. Accept that differences are inevitable.


Once you and your partner are living together, you can both work on setting aside funds for any potential emergencies such as unemployment and sudden home repair. A high-yield savings account can be the perfect place to build this joint emergency fund. Set aside cash savings that is equal to about six months’ worth of your joint fixed expenses.


Maximize the rewards you can earn on all your joint purchases by opening a joint credit card or having your spouse become an authorized user on your credit card. If you sign up for a rewards credit card, you can use your newly established joint checking account to pay off that credit card every month. This will increase your bonuses and rewards along the way.

Image Credits: pixabay.com


Another way to avoid fights about money is to track your spending. There are no surprises when you track your spending together. There is many personal finance management software available for free such as the Expensify, Spendee, Money Lover, or Mint app. You can also do the old school method by creating a ledger. Knowing where your money is going is just the first step! Working together is all about transparency.

Sources: 1 & 2